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Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:02 am
by Rivi
"Sithicus didnt i say" cross shot back with a wink and a big grin on his face with that he will once again offer the silver and thank them then set off for town

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:22 am
by TristenC
Ambles smiles again at Cross' final comment. If you run into any trouble in town, you're welcome to make your way back here if you like. The elf heads off northward along the road. The day is still young, and he passes several farms and flocks along the way. Around noon he sees three or four deer burst from the trees to the East. They stop, perhaps 50 yards or so away from him, and turn to run southward... The road continues north, but he can see something move for a brief moment in the shade of the woods... it is impossible to tell what... Another small rise, in the landscape stands nearby along the road, and he begins to wonder how much farther he has to go.

[Cross wis check on road to Harmonia [1d20] = 8: pass. Cross notices something...]

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:57 am
by Rivi
[OOC: I didn't know when to pick my spells, so for a laugh, you pick what I learned for the day and I will work with that!]

Cross, thinking back to the wolf comment, will summor Gar and ready some spell components while keeping a weary eye and picking up his pace.

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:30 am
by TristenC
[Ooc: I would have still let you pick them but if you insist :D Detect magic, phantasmal force, invisibility are my suggestions bases on how Cross started his day. You can still change it now if you want.]

Cross prepares himself as best he can, watching the treeline some 60 yards away very closely. When he stops ,so too does the motion in the trees. He cannot quite find the shape again with it motionless. After several tense minutes, the feeling of anxiety slowly ebbs away... perhaps it has moved on.

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:58 pm
by Rivi
Looking near where he last saw movement, he casts Phantasmal Force and creates the image of a young deer not unlike the ones he saw recently running from the brush a way's down. He gets it to run out and trip, injuring its leg, laying on its side. It tries to get back up, thrashing - stands up, takes a few steps, and falters - and repeating the process, only making it a few feet each time it rises. If something runs out to attack the deer, before the attacker will reach it the deer will explode in a firy vortex of light and confusion.

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 3:47 pm
by TristenC
Cross casts his illusion, which is quite convincing visually. Nothing comes out of the woods to attack it, however...

[OOC: nice. to do damage with an illusion you must be capable of duplicating the effect or having seen it in the case of a creature's attack. I like your thinking, however :) ]

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:02 pm
by Rivi
thinking the thing must have left he decides to move on "man gar must be getting jumpy"

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:29 pm
by TristenC
[OOC: jumpy? pun intended? ;)]

Cross decides the danger has passed and lets the illusion go, continuing northward. As he tops the next rise, the walls of the town come into view. A 20’ wide moat and 15’ high stone wall with towers here and there guard Harmonia to the south. Steep red cliffs buttress right up against it to the East, forming a formidable defense. A swift and powerful river borders it to the north, rushing down out of the mountains to flow westward. It was about as well-protected as a city could be in this type of landscape. Gates stand in the western and southern sections of the wall. Huge drawbridges, obviously used for crossings stand closed. The humble farmer's road leads straight towards the southern one.

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:51 pm
by Rivi
cross will follow the road to the south entrance looking for a guard once he finds someone to ask he will in elven say "greeting im looking for Wayfarer's rest an inn iv been directed to can you point me in the right way"

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:30 pm
by TristenC
As Cross approaches the wall, he sees the glint of metal atop the ramparts. Once he is closer, he determines that it is a mail-clad guard. Calling to him in Elven, Cross mentions the inn he was told of.. The guard, a middle aged man with blonde-white hair, calls back in imperfect Qualinesti, One moment please you.

A sharp metallic rumble begins and the bridge is lowered. Two large iron-bound wooden gates bar passage, but there is a smaller door built into the left one. A board slides back at face level and he sees through metal bars in the tiny window the same guard. You want Wayfarer's rest? Ok. Where you coming from and business here?

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:38 pm
by Rivi
"Sithicus and i'm a scalar here to study" he says with as much business like demeanor he can muster

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:44 pm
by TristenC
Study? For music or...?

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:50 pm
by Rivi
"Wolves, actually. I heard you have some very large ones in the area. Aggressive, as well." He peers back at the forest.

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:23 pm
by TristenC
Wolves. he says, flatly. Maybe make secret that... Not good idea to... talk much this.... The wooden block slides back and, after a long moment, the smaller door opens.

A broad road leads north into town, though there is hardly anyone about now. The homes and shops are all single story plaster and beam construction. Thick blue or green shutters cover arched windows. Down the road on the left, the only visible two-story building nearby. Moving a block or so northward, he sees the cross street is a cobblestone affair. The road runs both east and west, and a huge hill rises northward crowned by a 6-sided wall and a tower that barely peeks above the construction.

The tall building to his left, which seems to be an inn with its second story corner set up like an elaborate suite, is busier than most places around. The sound of nearby singing fills the street, though he cannot see the source. The sign on the inn depicts a worn looking man seated on a bench with a staff propped at his shoulder. Next to it is a black shield with a golden lute delicately gilded upon it.

Re: Cross (Rivi) Private Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:29 pm
by Rivi
cross will head into the inn find an open spot sit down and in elven asks "can i get some food lots of food and water with some lemon or other fruit in it" cross doesn't drink spirits doesn't like the idea of his mind being clouded