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CH. 8: Proving Worth

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick attacks again.
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by Haahque »

The snake-person seems to be rather good at not dying, but Haahqae's better at his enemies not-not-dying. So he continues shooting.

(Action: attack snake-person with bow)
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Why would I know why they didn't kill us?" Kendra asks in confusion. "They only thing I can surmise is that their goal was to save the elf that we were interrogating. Perp and I were looking for clues of more elves, so we were a little separated from the main group. Knocking us out was a quick and easy way to get rid of us without alerting the main group," she explained. "As to why they didn't finish us off afterwards, I don't have a clue. Maybe it was an act of mercy. Maybe they were pressed for time." Kendra shrugs a little, which causes her to wince a tiny bit from her wounds. "But, I agree, it does look suspicious. It is possible that they knew that would happen when we returned."
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by djhyland »

Arulia continues to attack the snake-woman.
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Arulia, Gobax, Felran and Ne-Chanz (Deserted Building)
The battle continues, with the snakewoman easily deflecting every attack like before. But Ne-Chanz manages to get lucky enough to cut through the scales with his long sword. The snakewoman cries out in pain before falling, blood pooling beneath her. Although the battle is over, the darkness remains.

"Those things are tougher than I thought they'd be," Gregeddin admits, lowering his bow.


Haahqae (1d0+7): 1+7 = 8
Arulia (1d10+7): 3+7 = 10
Gobax (1d10+7): 3+7 = 10
Felran (N/A)
Ne-Chanz (1d10+5): 10+5 = 15
Gregeddin (1d10+8): 6+7 = 13
Ismene (N/A)
Pen (1d10+5): 6+5 = 11
Yvette (1d10): 6
Xyleena (1d10): 9
Snakefolk 03 (1d10+5): 4+5 = 9

Round 6!

Haahqae fires a sheaf arrow from his short bow with excellent aim (+2 hit) at Snakefolk 03 who is behind cover (-2 hit) [TN 19] (1d20): 8, miss.
Snakefolk 03 slashes her long sword at Ne-Chanz [TN 12] (1d20): 5, miss.
Arulia swings her mace at Snakefolk 03 [TN 19] (1d20): 2, miss.
Gobax swings his mace at Snakefolk 03 while on higher ground (+1 hit) [TN 18] (1d20+1): 13+1 = 14, miss.
Pen slashes his long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) at Snakefolk 03 [TN 18] (1d20+1): 8+1 = 9, miss.
Gregeddin fires a sheaf arrow from his composite bow at Snakefolk 03 who is behind cover (-2 hit) [TN 19] (1d20-2): 15-2 = 13, miss.
Ne-Chanz slashes his primary long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) at Snakefolk 03 [TN 18] (1d20+1): 17+1 = 18, hit for (1d8+3): 2+3 = 5 damage. He then slashes his secondary long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) while off-balance (-2 hit) at Snakefolk 03 [TN 18] (1d20-1): 8-1 = 7, miss. Snakefolk 03 falls.
Haahqae has no target.
Pen has no target.
Gregeddin has no target.
Ne-Chanz has no target.

Deserted Building 39.jpg
Deserted Building 39.jpg (108.48 KiB) Viewed 5600 times
(OOC: End combat.)[/color]

Kendra Greylock (Old Fort)
"I've never known elves to show mercy, not to us, anyway," Mouna replies. "Sorry, Greylock. But procedure here is clear. First Tez, and now this? I'm required to investigate." She stands and opens the door. "Send her in," she commands.

A woman in black robes enters the room, an icon of a five headed dragon hanging around her neck. She keeps her hood up, obscuring her features. Mouna closes the door behind her.

The priestess begins praying, and the eyes on the icon light up. She then nods to Mouna.

Satisfied, Mouna sits back down. "Alright, Greylock. I want you to tell me everything that happened, starting with when you and the others left the city's gates. Don't leave out any details, no matter how trivial they might seem. It might make the difference between you walking out of here in chains or not."

Tulbas Erogund (Cultist Lair, Barracks)
Tulbas studies his spellbook. He finishes and the spell is added to his memory.


Tulbas finishes memorizing Sleep.

Shima Longfoot (Steel Tankard Inn)
"If you are not here to rob me...then what is it you want?" the pregnant woman asks, fearfully. Her words drown out anything he might overhear nearby. "Since I arrived in this city, I've been robbed, beaten, and once I was thrown out of my room by a gnome and forced to sleep on the floor for a week."

(OOC: Detect Noise requires silence to work. As long as he's holding a conversation, Shima can't overhear anyone else.)
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by Chris1234 »

Shima Longfoot (Steel Tankard Inn):
Shima shrugs, "Tough city. Gnomes seem rare though. Describe this one to me."
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra watched the priest in confusion. ~What just happened?~ she asks herself as Mouna walks back in. "Uh, right," she says. "Well, when we left the gates, we decided on where to start our search. He asked me, but Perp had the suggestion of searching near water," she explained. "So we started near the river, but we didn't find anything."

"We were attacked by a pack of hungry wolves while we were searching, so we took them down, and continued our search. While searching, the others seemed very curious about me, and we had a conversation about how there are no female draconians," she explained.

"And that is when we ran into the elf camp. Everything was quiet at first, until we separated into pairs in hopes of ambushing any elves that were hiding. We didn't find any elves hiding, and we all rejoined the main group only to have elves attack us. I took on one male, while the others took down the two others. Instead of killing the elf, I knocked him out because I felt there was more than just three of them."

"I tried to interrogate him, but I failed, so Tern took over and tortured him while I went in search of more clues that could lead to the others. I called Perp over while I was searching through some brush as I thought I found some footprints. I wanted to confirm what I had found, and that was when we were attacked. Perp and I didn't really have time to react, but before everything went black I swear I heard Perp call for help. I woke up first, and everything was quiet. I looked around to find that the elf prisoner gone, and everyone was dead. When Perp woke up, I told him about what I saw, and what I thought happened. We then returned here."
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by TristenC »

Yeah... that one was a lot tougher than the other here... Grubnick says quietly. Where is the rest of the group? I don't think we should let ourselves get separated... Haahque, can you check out that chest for traps? Maybe it has something we can use. Grubnick begins searching the bodies of the two snake people. Quietly speaking to Gregeddin What of the hirelings and the bags of 'resources' we've found... are they still with us? In a more normal voice he calls into the darkness, Ismene, are you ok? I can patch you up a bit if you like.
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by djhyland »

Arulia pulls herself away from the bloody ruin of the snake-woman and shakily lowers her weapon. She looks about to her companions, appraising which ones are badly injured and which might have a better chance at surviving further combat. With a shake of her head, she says, "I don't think that we'll survive many more fights like that if we keep sending in our injured. From here on, why don't we let me and the others who aren't hurt badly take the lead and the risk?" She gestures towards Grubnick and Yvette.

(OOC: As far as I can tell, Felran, Greggedin, and Yvette are the only ones besides Arulia who aren't seriously wounded or worse. If I missed some damage on them and they are indeed hurt more than I think, Arulia won't indicate them.)
Last edited by djhyland on Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Arulia, Gobax, Felran and Ne-Chanz (Deserted Building)
Arulia gestures to Felran and Gregeddin, but when she make to gesture to Yvette, she realizes she isn't in the room. It occurs to her that Yvette, Xyleena and Ismene never emerged from the magical darkness.

Pen seems to realize this, too, and hurries over to the edge of the darkness. "Ismene? Can anyone hear me?" When there is no answer, he looks back to the others. "What if they got hurt?" Turning back to the darkness, he takes a deep breath and then plunges in, disappearing from sight.

Gobax searches the two snakefolk. Aside from their brown robes, they both carry long swords, light crossbows and about 10 bolts each. They have nothing else upon them.

Gregeddin puts his bow back into its quiver. "I am still quite wounded from yesterday," he tells Arulia. "And I have no armor to protect me. On the front line, I wouldn't last long. Besides, I'm more of the type to stand in the back and give commands and inspire the troops."

From within the darkness, there's a loud thump. "Ow!" Pen cries. "Okay, that's a wall there..."

(OOC: Both Gregeddin and Felran are seriously wounded. Unless instead of Gregeddin you meant Gobax? He's only moderately wounded.)

Kendra Greylock (Old Fort)
As Kendra speaks, Mouna keeps looking to the priestess for a reaction. However, the priestess says nothing and remains still, simply watching Kendra from under the black cowl of her hood.

Frowning, Mouna turns back to Kendra. "Why would the elves leave you and Perp alive? Why not finish you off before leaving? It would be easy enough, if you were knocked out."

Shima Longfoot (Steel Tankard Inn)
A bit reluctantly, the pregnant woman describes the gnome. "He was short, of course. Maybe a little over three feet high. He had a short, white beard, a strange looking hat and shoes with upturned toes." This is nearly word for word the physical description Raena gave him for Haahqae.
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by Chris1234 »

Shima Longfoot (Steel Tankard Inn)
Shima leans down to uneccessaily tighten a boot strap, and mutters a few words to the woman in Cant, to see if she understands.
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by TristenC »

Careful Pen, remember there's still a trap in there.
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by Haahque »

"Ismene, please tell me that you're ok."

Is it possible for Haahqae to make a spell-craft check on the darkness to determine how long it will last and/or how to dispel it?

Haahqae turns back to the darkness and examines it for a second before plunging back into it to try and find Ismene... carefully so that he doesn't trip over her.
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I said that I agree with you," Kendra says. "It would be really easy to finish us off while we were knocked out." Kendra wasn't exactly fond of repeating that part to Mouna. "But I don't know why they didn't finish us off."
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Re: CH. 8: Proving Worth

Post by BishGada »

With all his spells fresh in his mind Tulbas feels much safer. He makes another search in the room to make sure he didn't miss anything. Searches carefully for hidden doors, and then searches the beds and the robes in the closet for forgotten weapons or any other useful items he might find. Then he goes and listen by the door.

(OOC: Does Tulbas need to study Cantrips as well? If so, he will study them. Otherwise he will try to listen by the door again and if hear nothing will try to knock to see if someone will react.
Sory, but I lost track of the spells he began with, so he has magic missle, sleep, Ray of Enfeeblement and shield. Does he have Grease or not? Thanks.)