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Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:26 pm
by Jenara
Katten woke with a shout, the walls were crushing her, where was the sky? Where was the sun? Panic began to set in as she looks around quickly and nervously, she had to get out, had to find peace.

The Window offered her some salvation, the wind blew against her whiskers, the sun hung welcoming in the sky..

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:24 pm
by TristenC
Finding each other in the common area, the group reassembles. An array of meats, cheeses, breads, eggs, tea and other dark brewed liquids await on one of the larger tables with a note. As each enters (from the stable or upstairs) the waitstaff direct them to the food set aside.

A note awaits in a flowing Elven hand.
Friends. I know some of you will empathize with my habit of not staying long within the walls. I trust you will support each other's unique diversities conscionably. The details from last night should lead you to the area where the orcs were last seen active, though you must always beware that there are older and fouler things than orcs in the dark places of the world. We will see each other again, before long.

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:15 pm
by Styrius
Findalsip smells the enticing aroma of fresh brewed liquid and rather unsure what it might be. He tries a cautious sip and exclaims "This brewed potion is indeed good. Also, Sign must have happened upon a drow elf midden mound. Definitely foul. Present company excluded." He grins at drow in jesting fashion.

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:42 pm
by Chris1234
Linar pretends not to hear.
He throws a small lump of rather hard cheese at Findalsip's head when the fellow is looking the other way. He glances at Bull as if the latter were the culprit.

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:24 am
by Jenara
Katten looks crestfallen as she hugs into Dran (and glaring at anyone who dares question the Wolfs presence)

"I got find ... you call them Orcs? I go find, kill." She answers simply eating little.

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:41 am
by Chris1234
That catches Linar's attention! "I would like to I help kill orcs."

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:21 pm
by TristenC
Jordek nods. Yes, Signa left directions so we can find the area they have been active in. It will take us a little over a day to get there. He also mentioned the orcs may be led by a hobgoblin or perhaps even a bugbear. They are much more clever than their goblin cousins, so we should be careful.

After everyone is fed for the day, they prepare to head out.

(Any last-minute tasks in town before striking out towards the objective?)

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:40 am
by Chris1234
Linar refreshes his Regenerate Light Wounds spell.

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:25 am
by Chris1234
With that done Linar looks at Katten, "Ready to go?"

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:06 pm
by Jenara
Katten is more that ready, she enjoys the idea of being free of the building? Is that what they called it? But she held trepidation over the streets.

"I go find arrows? And long pointy things? Poles with points?" She asks Linar, (she is looking to get 48 arrows and some Javelins, plus perhaps some spears)

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:39 pm
by Chris1234
"Yes, arrows. The other things are either spears or javelins," Linar replies ernestly and through discussion of length confirms that Katten primarily wants javelins. "Let's go get some."

After a short excursion for the ranged weaponry the dark elf looks to see who else is still wanting to accompany them. After the briefest of delays, he leaves a letter for those that may wish to follow on thereafter, Bull, Nocturno, Findalsip, Jordek..

"Time to go. Ready?"

OOC: Shopping generally has little drama so I've assumed we can get mundane weaponry (arrows etc) at book prices.

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:21 am
by TristenC
[yeah, no problem. I'll update those soon]

Katten and Linar set off to pick up spme supplies.

Afterwards they meet up with Nocturno and Jordek near the gate, where he leads his saddled mule. Ready to hunt some orcs? Jordek grins.

we can move it along and let the others catch up if that completes everything they wanted in town for now

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:08 pm
by Chris1234
OOC: Moving along sounds fine here.
In passing, are Jordek & Nocturno blessed with any significant degree of stealthiness?

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:12 pm
by Jenara
"I ready." Katten answers, hefting one of the spears to test it for weight, curious how it is used.

Re: Act 2, Scene 2: "To Crush the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:30 pm
by Chris1234
Linar moves onwards..