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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:55 pm
by Chris1234
Linar says, "Katten, there's one 'statue' over here that's intact. Will come and look to see if you know who it is?"

He has a look inside one of the pouches, keeping a tally of what's found.

@Tristen - Linar isn't trying to filch anything, so it's fine to lay it all out when you want.

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:07 pm
by Nocturno
Not finding anything interesting. He will go over to Jordek to lend a hand.
Lifting bits, or helping cut through some tougher spots.

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:12 pm
by Jenara
Realising at last that Diill was going nowhere right now she gives a subtle nod and moves to the statue that appeared to be intact, Inspecting it closely.

"There is another magic?" She asks curiously

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:16 pm
by Nocturno
Nocturno will look up.

"Yes, We can attempt to save one more."

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:34 pm
by Chris1234
Linar glances up trusting Katten's judgement.

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:53 pm
by Styrius
FIndalsip reflects on Dillosel's words. Petrified and yet can still feel the passage of time. A curse beyond words. He intones a silent prayer to the Lord of the Rock for these souls. After he finishes his prayer he makes his way over to where Jordek is working on the dead basilisk. He inquires in gnome common: "Cousin, how is it you have come to be so far from your home and amongst the company of eleven who are surely not kin of this land with perhaps the exception of the curious drow that seems to worship not Lloth but Corellon Larethian? How is that a half rothe has come to be? I have seen many things here in the Underdark but this must mean some great trouble stirs above does it not?"

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:01 pm
by Squirrellord
Jordek pauses momentarily in his task to address the new gnome in the language he was addressed in "A bit of a tale that would be but suffice to say there is some turmoil happening above. As far as I can tell it involves goblins massing and perhaps the resurrection of some god that I think most rational beings would prefer to avoid. Most of us came together through a mutual acquaintance, one greatly respected, to get to the bottom of this turmoil." Turning back to the task at hand he asks "You mind giving the elf here a hand turning that leg over? I need to get at the underside of this here beastie."

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:41 am
by TristenC
Katten examines the statue, but the human man is unfamiliar to her. He is garbed like a woodsman.

The contents of the pouches, packs and objects are tallied up:

3,000 gp
13 gems
[tiger's eye, blood stone, translucent green, dark green, pearl, red clear stone, rose pearl, olive green 2x, violet stone, yellow topaz, aquamatine, yellow-green stone]

-cloak (green)
-cloak (grey)
-Divine spell scroll

2 backpacks of adventuring gear (clothes, rope, grapple, water, spoiled rations, bedrolls, fint/tinder, etc)
Travel journal

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:55 am
by Dargon Lonewolf

Returns to the caves in search of a Long Bow. Remembering that his ranged attacks are limited and there is a rather large amount of adventuring gear here laying around. Quiver and arrows if there are any as well.

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:19 pm
by Chris1234
Linar has a skim through the travel journal and then, with appropriate help moving things around, casts Detect Magic and over the next ten minutes uses the spell on these:
  • 1) gems (tiger's eye, blood stone, translucent green, dark green)
    2) gems (pearl, red clear stone, rose pearl, olive green 2x)
    3) gems (violet stone, yellow topaz, aquamatine, yellow-green stone)
    4) ring
    5) cloak (green)
    6) cloak (grey)
    7) shield
    8 ) quiver
    and then according to what's been found
He asks, "Hey, Findalsip, can you estimate the value of each of these gems, please?"

*Did any of the stuff above come from the recently de-petrified elf?

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:24 pm
by Styrius
Findalsip replies to Jordek:”This is important news to be sure. An abomination that should not again tread this world you say?” He moves to help the elf while Jordek attempts to harvest the stone lizard parts. He also looks to determine if the ‘stone lizard’ has big ‘stones’ or not because a female could mean more trouble in the near future. Addressing Jordek and the elf “Might this mötley crëw allow me to travel with you? I bring my abilities as a RockTender of Callarduran Smoothhands to aid as he allows.”

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:58 pm
by TristenC
[none of the stuff came from Dillosel]

Bullock searches the gear but the only bows he finds are petrified, one slung across the broken warrior's back, and the other in the hand of the human ranger. The warrior's quiver is likewise stone, but the other surviving quiver is apparently empty

Skimming the journal, it seems to have been penned by a man named Rewalt Mythey. There are many notes on compiled research for a magical item, though there are no details as to it's use. In the back is a compiled list of known components and how they are to be assembled, with extra notations on empowering the device. It seems intended to assemble a rod of some kind. [Will post a handout on the journal in the General Knowledge thread later tonight if able]. Additionally there are notes with vague reference to a party travel in search of a cavern system where most of the components are rumored to have been 'lost'. The last entry is over 2 months old.

Indendien moves to the Basilisk, the wild elven woman aiding in skinning the creature. She casts a curious glance at Findalsip. You are one of the deep Gnomes, yes? I have heard of your folk, but none of our people knew any of you dwelled in this region. There have been shades and omens of an evil coming, and it seems to be connected to the goblin and other turmoil beginning from deep in the earth. Have you heard any of these rumblings? Do you know of an... Ossunin?

Linar focuses on his training and focuses on drawing the innate forces of the underdark into his eyes. Violet flickers of light course across his face like tiny strikes of lightning, eerily flashing over now-white eyes. He struggles to hold them in place to enhance his vision but the energy refuses to bend to his will and disperses without effect.

Linar has Det Magic in his spellbook but it is not prepared for today
It is also an innate Drow ability once he has reached level 4, but he has not yet reached 4th level in any class (although he is close in one)

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:04 pm
by Jenara
"I do not know this one, he looks like he belongs in the woods. I think we should save him if we can." Eyeing the gear she glances at Dillosel and back to the items. "Shiny things." Her eyes light up, "More things to cover your bodies.." She scowls, pulling at her own scant clothing.

(Katten would be most likely to take the quiver)

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 5:46 am
by Styrius
Findalsip replies: “I am Svirfneblin. I explore and report things to my people and have come to realize certain groups have become more aggressive as of late. Those that generally have a domineering bent to them especially. Those more peaceful amongst the Underdark have taken to a more defensive posture. Perhaps this “Ossunin” you speak of is behind this or is the creature of a benevolent sort?” He notices the detect magic being performed as he talks and casts his grey cloak in the area of the spell amongst the baubles. He eyes the gems laying about. He notices the clear red stone first. He mentally appraises the quality of the rocks as he has a mining background (big surprise there, he isn’t a gemologist but has seen enough to know good work as surmises there are nice ones in the pile). He also doesn’t miss what Linar is doing, a puzzled expression screws his face up. “You have been away for a bit of time, yes? I can guide here but some places will not be accessible by the big one.”

Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:31 pm
by TristenC
Indendien takes over for Fin helping with the Basilisk so he can inspect the gems more closely. He finds that most of them are of

3,000 gp
13 gems:

Ornamental Quality (10 gp): tiger's eye
Semiprecious (50 gp/ea): blood stone, translucent green Chrysoprase
Fancy (100 gp/ea): dark green Alexandrite, standard pearl
Precious (500 gp/ea): Red spinel, Rose pearl, olive green Peridot 2x, Violet garnet, yellow topaz,

Alternate quality individual items:
-yellow-green Crysoberyl (lower grade Semiprecious, worth about 60 gp)
-Aquamarine (exceptional quality Precious stone worth about 1,000 gp)

-quiver [Katten's preference]
-cloak (green)
-cloak (grey)
-Divine spell scroll

2 backpacks of adventuring gear (clothes, rope, grapple, water, spoiled rations, bedrolls, flint/tinder, etc)
Travel journal