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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:29 am
by spyguy1503
"Drav has it" Gallath says, turning toward the board and examining it for traps, before looking at the pattern.

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:06 am
by chese780
"I have the key, but if Gallath wants to look at the place, I'd be happy to go and try it," Drav says looking toward Jocelyn, then back to Gallath.

(OOC: I hope I can just pick the lock if keys don't work :P)

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:51 pm
by JadedDM
Gallath heads back to the big chess board on the wall and looks it over. He finds no traps on it.

The chess board has pictures of the pieces on it, set up as if the chess game was just starting. The black pieces are on the top and the white pieces are on the bottom. However, there are four pieces missing. In their place are simple holes, about as wide as fingers. The right bishop and knight on the black side, and the king and the left rook on the white side are the ones missing.

At the same time, Granite takes a look at the floor in the west hall, in case there are more pressure plates that will activate the statues down there. However, he comes up empty.


Gallath searches for traps on the chess board [50%] (1d100): 45, pass. He finds no traps.
Granite searches the west hall for traps [45%] (1d100): 88, fail. He finds no traps.

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:05 pm
by Breila
Ouragana stands next to Thaddeus and asks: "Have you ever learned to play chess? I know how the pieces are supposed to move, but I've lost every game I've tried."

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:58 pm
by HorizonsDream
Jocelyn nods to Drav to give him the go ahead.

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:07 am
by chese780
*attempt to unlock doors with key, If that doesn't work, I'll pick the lock*

"Alright, here goes."

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:08 am
by BishGada
Baeros waits. He is wear down by the battle. "You need help with the door?" he asks quietly, and grunts a little bit as every move hurts and the wounds bleed.

(OOC: I missed the part where the battle ended and was shocked as why Drav would try to unlock doors in the middle of the fight. :) )

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:26 pm
by JadedDM
Thaddeus nods to Ouragana. "Oh, yes. I haven't played in awhile, admittedly. There's really none among the crew that can compete, and there are no chess boards on the ship. But I was quite the player back at the academy. I even won a couple of tournaments."

Drav strolls over to the end of the hallway. The door on the south is actually slightly ajar. The door to the north has a heart shaped keyhole over the handle. However, he never gets the chance to try the key, as he steps on a panel hidden in the floor and the two armors to the south suddenly spring to life, ready to attack. One is carrying a mace and shield, the other has an axe and shield.

(OOC: Are you guys seriously going to trigger every single one of these? Initiative and actions for Round 1?)

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:45 pm
by HorizonsDream
Jocelyn lets out a very audible groan as she pulls out her warhammer. It was pretty clear that she was losing whatever patience she had been tapping into, but she starts moving towards the armor. "I need the stronger ones to intercept the armors," she says through gritted teeth.

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:20 am
by chese780
(OOC:I thought she was talking about the doors on the OTHER side)

*Draw Longswords and attempt to block the closest armor (6 I believe)*

"I thought you said there weren't any traps!"

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:07 am
by Breila
"Too bad you spells don#t work on these!" Ouragana says over the shoulder to Thaddeus as she rushes over to the scene of battle. Her shield spell still in effect, she had an idea. Just withing cantrip range of armor #6, she stops and manipulates the foot part of the armor, hoping to hold a foot just long enough for it to trip or stumble.

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:45 pm
by Nuke
Val sighs heavily before unleashing another arrow...

init, hit and damage (1d10=8, 1d20=8, 1d6=2)

then fires again...

1d20,1d6=[14], [6]

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:51 am
by spyguy1503
Gallath rolls his eyes "We both need to work on checking traps" He moves toward the closer armor and fires.

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:24 am
by BishGada
"Not again!" Baeros rumbles, unsheathes his swords and charges at the closest armor his war cry sounds above all other noise, "STUPID ELF!!! YOU ARE NEEEEEEEXT!!!" and then his swords clash against the armor metal.

(OOC: Baeros attacks armor 6. Init/Hit Long/Hit short (10,16(AC0),10(AC6)miss) Dmg Long (9) )

Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:44 am
by chese780
"I know I stepped on the plate, but I was under the impression that there were NO traps," Drav says to Baeros, "And as a matter of fact, I open doors, I have barely any skill with traps..."

"As for these armors, I can deal with one just fine, so why don't you not try and kill me."

*Swings at the armor he is blocking*
{Both swords, one at a time still I think}