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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:33 pm
by Haahque
Wow this girl is really thick headed. Now she’s twice misinterpreted a question that was very clearly stated about OTHER GODS to be meaning true clerics. She’s almost as blockheaded as the baaz which can’t comprehend anything. Haahqae wonders if there’s a connection for a second. No, couldn’t be. Stupidity is far too widespread for it to have just one origin point.

“I don’t know. Renegade mage or not Darewind’s healing looked pretty real to me. He had very real wounds, and then he didn’t. Even if he was draining the life force from others it is still healing, it’s just not as refined.”

Anyways it’s quite clear that this conversation is going nowhere useful fast, so Haahqae works to end it quickly. Maybe, just maybe, later when he has time for it, he’ll secretly follow her later and see what arcane learning techniques she isn’t divulging, but he doesn’t have time for that right now, and he doesn’t have time for that today.

“Well it’s been a pleasure speaking to you Elara.” It’really hasn’t been, but Haahqae’s been in showbiz long enough to know that’s what you say to people no matter what you think. “If I find any true clerics I’ll make sure to point you out to them, and if you find any clerics of Sirrion or Belzor make sure you point them out to me.”

Finishing off his meal Haahqae gets up and glances around for a minute trying to figure out what he wants to do next.

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:35 am
by BishGada
"Ogre? Well... It wasn't such a unique name in my village..." Tulbas says surprised. To the wardrobe he answers, "We are indeed trying to find a way to survive. This might involve fight but we will try to avoid it. This is better than waiting for them to finish us off. If you are not brave enough... well I hope they won't find you and slaughter you, but if you join us together we have a better chance."

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:08 am
by djhyland
Arulia thinks for a moment, wondering if she might have some leverage after all. "This dwarf that they're looking for...would you know what he looks like? Have you heard them describe him? Or maybe the woman that looks after you?" she asks. "Because I've heard of other people looking for a dwarf that I've met before. Short beard, dark clothing, shady reputation...does he sound like the one that they're looking for?"

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:04 pm
by JadedDM
Haahqae (Steel Tankard Inn)
While the two are speaking, Gobax steps into the tavern. He notices Haahqae, but ignores him and proceeds straight to the bar to speak with Cassandra.

Elara seems just as eager to end the conversation, and just as frustrated with the result. "I'm sure," she says coolly, before paying for her meal and then walking out.

Tulbas Erogund (Tower of Wayreth)
"Slaughter us?" the man asks, poking his head out partially from the cabinet. "Why would they do that, we aren't even tested yet. We're just innocent bystanders. Maybe we can make some kind of deal with them, or they'll just let us leave if we ask. This isn't our fight anyway, right?"

Arulia Seroth (Market Square)
"I'm not sure," Aaron replies. "Dwarfs all kind of look alike to me. They did mention that it was important they find him, though. would 'solve all of their problems' if they did. Or something like that."

Grubnick (Steel Tankard Inn)
"There were a pair of women like that, back before I became innkeeper," Cassandra says. "But that was over two weeks ago and I haven't seen them here since."

Ne-Chanz and Shima (North Haven Sewers)
Shima goes first this time, swinging at his rat and narrowly missing its tail. The rat squeaks and launches itself at the dwarf, but he throws up his masterwork buckler to deflect the furry ball of rage. Ne-Chanz avoids getting bitten, then impales the newcomer rat with his blade. However, another rat (Giant Rat 04) hurries forward to take the place of its fallen brother.

Ne-Chanz (1d10+5): 6+5 = 11
Shima (1d10+5): 1+5 = 6
Giant Rats (1d10+3): 7+3 = 10

Round 3!

Shima swings his long sword at Giant Rat 01 [TN 11] (1d20): 3, miss.
Giant Rat 01 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying his masterwork buckler (-2 hit) [TN 15] (1d20): 5, miss.
Giant Rat 03 bites at Ne-Chanz [TN 14] (1d20): 2, miss.
Ne-Chanz swings his long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) and strength (+1 dmg) at Giant Rat 03 [TN 10] (1d20+1): 11+1 = 12, hit for (1d8+3): 5+3 = 8 damage. Giant Rat 03 dies.

(OOC: Actions for Round 4?)

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:56 pm
by HorizonsDream
Kendra reports in to Tethys about while the opinion of herself is quite high, the opinion of the army itself is rather low. She isn't going into details as to avoid getting people into trouble. She also reports that she mapped out the parade route, and that an attack could happen pretty much anywhere along that route. Afterwards, she heads home for the day.

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:06 pm
by BishGada
"If you want to try your chance negotiating with Black Robes that just waged war against the Master of the last Tower of Magic, and reason with them, and believe they would keep witnesses alive, then be my guest. We are leaving." Tulbas says emphasizing the 'Black Robes' and the 'witnesses' words, and then gives a moment for the young mage to decide if he joins before turning to leave.

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:42 am
by Chris1234
"Great stuff, keep it up!" encourages Shima, fed up with his own apparent ineptitude.
He tries to finish off the rat that he damaged earlier.

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:02 am
by TristenC
Thanks. If you do spot them again, let me know. I'll check back from time to time. Grubnick slips her a silver and heads back to the High hand, giving Haahque a civil wave along the way out.

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:04 am
by djhyland
"Well, how about this?" Arulia asks. "The next time the women come to visit you, you can let them know that you've met somebody who might be able to help them find the dwarf that they're looking for. You can give them the description that I gave to you, even. If they're interested, then we can arrange a meeting." She looks at him for a moment. "You probably don't want me to know where you live, right? Maybe I can find you again in the market here after you've asked them?"

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:55 am
by spyguy1503
Ne-Chanz continues attacking.

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:38 pm
by JadedDM
Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Kendra gives her report and then heads home for the night. As usual, she finds Sadron resting upstairs.

Tulbas Erogund (Tower of Wayreth)
"Wait!" the man calls out. "What...exactly is your plan? Because if it's a good one, I'll come with you. But if it's not, I think I'd be safer here."

Arulia Seroth (Market Square)
"Ummm...okay," the boy says, getting to his feet. "I'll tell them that Arulia is looking for them and knows how to find who they are looking for."

Grubnick (High Hand Inn)
Grubnick gives a silver piece to Cassandra, then makes his way back to the High Hand, with a handful of minutes to spare before curfew begins.

Ne-Chanz and Shima (North Haven Sewers)
Much like last time, Shima finds difficulty in ending the life of his already wounded opponent. But he is also successful in keeping it from biting him. Ne-Chanz avoids another bite, then swings and misses, but with his second hit manages to slay the giant rat. The final rat (Giant Rat 05) moves forward to take its place.

Ne-Chanz (1d10+5): 9+5 = 14
Shima (1d10+5): 1+5 = 6
Giant Rats (1d10+3): 8+3 = 11

Round 4!

Shima swings his long sword at Giant Rat 01 [TN 11] (1d20): 2, miss.
Giant Rat 01 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying his masterwork buckler (-2 hit) [TN 15] (1d20): 7, miss.
Giant Rat 04 bites at Ne-Chanz [TN 14] (1d20): 4, miss.
Ne-Chanz swings his long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) and strength (+1 dmg) at Giant Rat 04 [TN 10] (1d20+1): 7+1 = 8, miss.
Ne-Chanz swings his long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) and strength (+1 dmg) at Giant Rat 04 [TN 10] (1d20+1): 19+1 = 20, hit for (1d8+3): 8+3 = 11 damage. Giant Rat 04 dies.

(OOC: Actions for Round 5?)

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:22 pm
by Chris1234
"Keep going, big fella!" encourage Shima again as he tries to hit his 'own rat.'

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:44 pm
by HorizonsDream
Kendra takes the time to remove her weapons and armor, and then checks on Sadron. "How are you feeling?" she asks. She leans over him a bit to check on his bandages.

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:11 pm
by BishGada
"My plan is to sneak carefully until we find the safest place, might it be out or else." For else he considers being behind the Grand Masters fighting the Black Robes but he omits that part having mercy of the cowards heart. "We will gather any survivors on the way so together we can have better chance to get there."

Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:07 am
by TristenC
Grubnick (re)approaches Green Tears and orders some dinner. I don't suppose anyone asked about a dwarf or two women.. he asks quietly, giving her the description of Xyleena and Yvette, and mentioning they might be dressed as trappers.