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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:19 pm
by JadedDM
Gregeddin moves to inspect the other stone demon, but doesn't find anything on it either other than the long sword, belt and loincloth. However, the demon suddenly crumbles to dust while he's inspecting it. A minute later, the other demon does likewise.

Kynaston checks the dead sligs, but doesn't find anything other than the spears they were carrying.

Haahqae flips through the spellbook. Luckily, it wasn't trapped. When he opens up the scroll case to put in the papers from the desk, he finds that there are already three scrolls inside the case. All are covered with magic writing.

Coroccoco holds her medallion in one hand, and places the other hand on Darga. She begins to pray. The medallion starts to give off a soft light, winking in and out. The jeweled-encrusted pendant that Haahqae took from Sekla begins to echo the glow, the two items acting in unison. Slowly, the worst of Darga's injuries begin to heal. He starts to wake up--severely fatigued, but conscious. Tears of joy stream down Coroccoco's face.

Bear watches with stunned surprise. "Oh my gods," the barbarian mumbles.

"Exactly," Coroccoco says, wiping her eyes. "I finally understand now."

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:16 pm
by mgbevan
To Coco, Gregeddin asks, "What's on your mind then? Surely it can't just be the prospect of transporting Darga here back to Haven, he is but a dwarf and we should be able to carry him." Gregeddin trails off into silence as he watches Coco pray and the talisman glowing.

"Incredible" Gregeddin whispers, he places a hand on Coroccoco's shoulder, "Thank you", and kneels down to look and tend to the waking Darga.

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:35 pm
by HorizonsDream
Kendra's mouth drops open a little bit as her eyes widen. She wasn't quite sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her or not. "Did you just...heal him?" she asks in disbelief.

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:56 pm
by Haahque
Noticing his shiny new medallion starting to glow with Coroccoco's Haahqae's jaw drops and he stands speechless for once. When he finally snaps out of hit he just mutters "Oh my." and quickly pockets the medallion, hoping that no one else saw it.

Soon after he strides over to the rest of the group. "Say Coroccoco, do you perhaps read goblin? There are some scrolls here that we all might be interested in learning what they say."

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:14 am
by djhyland
Darga coughs and spits up blood and curls into a fetal position. Even if he can speak, he does not appear to want to--instead, his body shakes with coughing sobs. But after a moment, he appears to collect himself, and pulls himself shakily to his feet. Clutching his side where the demon's weapon pierced him, he looks about in a daze. Finally, he says, "I wanna go back home. I don't think I can take any more a' this place right now."

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:15 am
by JadedDM
Coroccoco looks to Kendra. "It might be more accurate to say that Zivilyn healed him. I was just his vessel." Then to Haahqae, she says, "I never learned to read, I'm afraid. Perhaps I should finally learn how."

Bear kneels down near Darga to check him. "Unbelievable," he mutters. "We can rest up at the houses on the surface, then return to town tomorrow."

"Not so fast," Kynaston says. "Let's go ahead and divvy up the loot first." He heads over to the chests in the back.

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:10 pm
by Haahque
Replying to Darga, Haahqae offers Sekla's staff as a new walking stick. "It looks kinda magical, I'm sure it'd serve you well."

"That's unfortunate, maybe we can find someone in Haven who can read goblin." He replies to Coroccoco, then jogs over to follow Kynaston. "Oh good idea. What's up for grabs?"

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:52 pm
by HorizonsDream
"Zivilyn? You mean that old man wasn't crazy?" Kendra asks. She was still in disbelief that she just saw what she saw.

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:00 pm
by mgbevan
Gregeddin nervously says to Darga, "so, sorry I sent us charging to your death, or half death, I'm not sure really what to call it. But anyway I wanted to apologise. I think I should take a break from military tactics, since I got Coro half killed earlier too." he fumbles and trails off in embarrassment.

Trench's words spur him into motion. He goes to collect the now freed longswords from the crumbled remains, and brings them over, plonking them both on the desk. "so. What have we collected down here. Do swords fetch a good price these days?"

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:38 am
by Haahque
Noticing the trend Haahqae comes over and starts sorting though his various pockets muttering to himself things along the lines of "I've had that one for months" or "Picked that up at a very nice vendor in Haven. I don't even know if he knew how much it was worth." or "Nope that's mine" or "That's been a heirloom in my family for at least 1 generation." and he finally produces a kobold flute, a pouch of white powder, a tarnished silver ring and a scroll case that he plunks down on the table. "I found these down here."

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:13 am
by JadedDM
Kynaston opens up the chest to reveal a small trove of treasures. Inside are a large number of copper coins (at least 1,000), a silver, bejeweled tiara, a crystal wine glass, a jewel-encrusted snuff box, a small statuette of a kingfisher, a beautiful jade carving of a dragon, a platinum ring, a golden broach, and a small painting of a regal king. "What a motherlode," Kynaston mutters, awestruck.

Coroccco nods to Kendra. "More than not crazy...I think now that the old man was Zivilyn. Or some aspect of him. He knew this would happen, that's why he appeared to us."

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:32 am
by HorizonsDream
"I..I don't know what that means," Kendra admits to Coroccco. She didn't know anything about the old Gods, so all of this was still kind of fishy to her. Though, she was distracted from that line of questioning by the loot that they managed to acquire. Her mouth drops open a little upon seeing it all. "Um, if none of you mind, I'll take the tiara and the kingfisher." She was all ready planning on selling them. The money she could make off of those two items alone would keep her alive and healthy for awhile, not to mention it would help her family.

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:22 am
by djhyland
Darga shakes his head at Sekla's staff when Haahqae offers it to him. "I got my own walkin' stick already. It's been good enough fer me fer a long time, an' I think I'll keep it."

Still clutching his side, Darga wanders over to where Kynaston is inspecting the cache of riches, but only gives them a half-hearted glance before moving on. Approaching Corococco, he says, "I guess I should be thankin' ya. I never heard o' anything like what ya did, except in th' old tales. Kin ya tell me more about this Zivilyn?"

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:48 am
by JadedDM
"I'm afraid I don't know much more," Coroccoco admits. "Wait, the device. The old man said there was a jeweled pendant that Sekla carried. It is imperative that we retrieve it. It may be the secret to learning more."

Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:06 am
by Haahque
Haahqae cautiously approaches Coroccoco. "Umm, How imperitive is it that we find the pendant? What exactly does it do? I was there searching Sekla, and just say if I didn't find it on her are we all doomed? What if it burned up in the fire?" He sticks his hands in his pockets nervously, toying with the contents, which in one case happens to be checking to see if the pendant was still there.