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Re: CH. 7: Voyage of the Bullring

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:46 pm
by HorizonsDream
"Oh, gee, thanks," Jocelyn says dryly. "On the bright side, we should be going home soon."

Re: CH. 7: Voyage of the Bullring

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:48 pm
by JadedDM
"Yes, it should be another few days, unless more dragons attack," Noah says. "Well, I should probably get to the galley...unless there was something you wanted to talk about?" he asks.

Re: CH. 7: Voyage of the Bullring

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:56 pm
by HorizonsDream
Jocelyn shakes her head. "No. I was just making sure you were okay."

Re: CH. 7: Voyage of the Bullring

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:38 pm
by JadedDM
XP is as follows:

Jocelyn Blaine (Cleric)
Participation: 100 XP
Chat with Noah about virtue: 25 XP
Dinner with the Bullring sisters: 50 XP
Defeated young black dragons (x3): 1,750 XP
Casting Bless on the crew of the Bullring: 100 XP
Casting Cure Light Wounds on Val: 100 XP
Casting Cure Light Wounds on Hofur: 100 XP
Casting Protection from Evil on Areilon: 100 XP
Casting Cure Moderate Wounds on Areilon: 200 XP
Saving the Bullring: 500 XP
Bonus 10%
TOTAL: 3,327 XP

Jocelyn reaches level 4!
*She receives 1d8-1 HP
*She gets a new 1st level spell slot
*She gets a new 2nd level spell slot
*She gets a new WP slot
*She can now Turn Undead as a 4th level cleric
*She gets a +2 to THAC0
*She gets a +1 to all saving throws

Ouragana (Mage)
Participation: 100 XP
Chat with Thaddeus about spells: 25 XP
Dinner with the Bullring sisters: 50 XP
Defeated young black dragons (x3): 1,750 XP
Casting Sleep on the crew of the Nightmare: 50 XP
Saving the Bullring: 500 XP
Bonus 10%
TOTAL: 2,723 XP

Ouragana reaches level 3!
*She receives 1d4 HP
*She receives a 2nd level spell slot
*She receives a NWP slot
*She receives one extra cantrip per day

Areilon (Swashbuckler)
Participation: 100 XP
Chat with Javos about sailing: 25 XP
Dinner with the Bullring sisters: 50 XP
Defeated young black dragons (x3): 1,750 XP
Acquistion of 500 gp: 1,000 XP
Saving the Bullring: 500 XP
TOTAL: 3,425 XP

Val (Amazon)
Participation: 100 XP
Dinner with the Bullring sisters: 50 XP
Defeated young black dragons (x3): 1,750 XP
Defeated 30 HD worth of enemies: 300 XP
Saving the Bullring: 500 XP
TOTAL: 2,700 XP