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Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:28 pm
by Jenara
"I will rest, I am feeling weak." Laurana slumps down against a wall, "Tas, go help Elistan, I will be fine here with Magpie."

"Me stay, me sad when you hurt." The Gully dwarf frowns, sitting by the Elf, "You ok?"

"Yes, I just.. I was hurt badly, the Dragon hurt me."

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:29 pm
by JadedDM
The hobgoblins look at each other, not sure what he is talking about. "Hey, why are you dressed like a Solamnic knight?" one asks, slowly reaching for his sword.

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:15 pm
by HorizonsDream
"Disguises," Tika said simply. "We have our orders, and you are standing in our way."

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:54 pm
by JadedDM
The lead hobgoblin furrows his brow. "Hmph. Alright, then. But you shouldn't be roaming the halls." He stops when he spots the door to the children's room wide open and hears the dragon's sobbing. "What's going on here?"


Tika makes a CHA check (1d20): 14, pass.

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:28 am
by Breila
"Oh, the old one is upset about something. Maybe you should go and look what's wrong with her?" Goldmoon says with her most convincing smile.

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:53 am
by Jenara
Sturm says nothing else, letting the others do the talking.

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:51 am
by JadedDM
"Wha--you mean go in there with the crazy old dragon?" the hobgoblin asks, blanching.

Eben steps forward, putting his arm around the hobgoblin. "Yeah, I wouldn't go in there, if I were you. That time of the month, if you catch my drift."

"That happens to dragons?" the hobgoblin responds, baffled.

"Yeah, really--who knew? You learn something new everyday. Hey, listen, friends--you know those kegs in the reception room that those dragonmen have been keeping to themselves?"

"Yeah, those guys just sit around drinking all day while we do all of the hard work."

Eben nods sympathetically. "Friend, I know. I've seen it myself. Hobgoblins are left with lousy guard duty, but I know you guys are smart and strong and deserve better. The reason I bring it up, is those lazy dragonmen have wandered off, leaving the kegs unsupervised. You guys work hard, you deserve a break. You should go have some, before they come back."

Of course, the kapaks Eben speaks of are now dead, their acidic bodies haven already evaporated by now. Although the hobgoblins wouldn't know that.

"Well, I am pretty thirsty," the hobgoblin admits. "Hey, you're alright for a human."

"Thanks," Eben says. "I get that a lot."

"Come on men," the hobgoblin says to the others. "Let's get a drink. We deserve a break." The other hobgoblins all agree heartily, and the whole group of them steps into the reception room. Eben quickly closes the door behind them.

Gilthanas, who had been hiding behind Caramon, steps forward. "I...honestly can't believe that worked."

Eben shrugs. "I do. Never underestimate the apathy of a disgruntled worker."

"We've wasted enough time, though, and those hobgoblins will be back. And if not them, another, perhaps smarter patrol. So we best hurry." Gilthanas looks to Sturm. "You sure you'll be alright with your injuries?" he asks.

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:26 pm
by Jerrard
"Deceit is not my strong suit." Sturm shrugs. "I will survive, I am able to walk, to fight, those Acid creatures are. Painful."

"Come lets go." He smiles.

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:43 pm
by Breila
"Wait a moment, Knight Sturm" Goldmoon says. "I can relieve you. A little at least."

She touches both her symbol and Sturm, praying for Mishakal's help. Alas, it does only very little to relieve the knight.
Goldmoon frowns at that, asking herself what she might have done to anger the Goddess.


Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:47 pm
by Jerrard
"Thank you, thank your Goddess for me too." He Bows.

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:51 pm
by Breila
"And you will need some of Mishakal's help, too, my beloved" Goldmoon says with a smile, embracing the ranger as she casts the spell.


Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:11 pm
by JadedDM
"Good luck, everyone," Gilthanas says again, and the two groups split up.

Red Team
"This way," Raistlin says to Tika, Caramon, Goldmoon and Riverwind, heading north. When they reach the corner, though, he stops and holds up a hand. "Verminaard's throne room is between us and the prison where they are holding Tanis and the dwarf. There are two hobgoblins guarding that room and they will see us if we try to pass," he warns.

"What should we do?" asks Caramon. "Just clobber 'em and hope nobody hears?"

Blue Team
After a few minutes, Maritta returns with a report for Elistan. "One hundred and thirty nine women, and one hundred eighty children."

"Goodness," Elistan breathes. "Leading such a large group will be no easy task. We best start organizing them now, for when we move out." He looks to Tas and Magpie. "When we depart, can you two watch the middle and back of the group for trouble? Laurana and I can watch over the front."

Green Team
Gilthanas, Sturm and Eben head down the massive hallway the party came across earlier.

"What are we going to do if we run into more trouble?" Eben asks. "It's going to be hard to persuade people your spies when one of you is wearing the armor of a Solamnic and the other is an elf."

"If possible, we should try to avoid engaging them," Gilthanas says. "Although I dare say neither of you are going to be particularly stealthy in that armor. I have a few spells that might help, but overall--we best just hope that luck is on our side."


Time Remaining: 25 minutes

I'm going to keep track of each group minute by minute, so despite being split up, we're all moving in sync with each other, temporally speaking.

Goldmoon casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Sturm, restoring 2 HP.
Goldmoon casts Cure Light Wounds on Riverwind, restoring 8 HP.

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:15 pm
by Breila
"Could there be another way to that prison?" Goldmoon asks. "I am afraid I cannot guarantee us silence or make us invisible"

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:17 pm
by JadedDM
Red Team
Raistlin shakes his head. "This is the only way."

Re: CH 10: The Tharkadan Towers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:37 pm
by Jerrard
"Lets move to the door." Sturm pulls his cloak around him, trying to hide his armor somewhat. "The measure allows me to avoid confrontation, if I am saving innocents." Sturm moves towards the doors at the end of the room.