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CH. 14: Darkest Hour

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas sighs heavily. His world has changed. It is good to see the familiar house. Some anchor to his recent past. He lingers for a while at the spot where Magnus murdered Raetmal, rage come back to his mind. But it is much less than he felt before The Test. He remembers the moment he killed Magnus in the Test in cold blood. He feels only a little regret. His father wouldn't approve and that made him feel shame, but on the other hand he felt victorious in a way. He killed the person who did the most wrong to him. The person who shattered his world and robbed his family wealth. Even if it wasn't real, the emotions were real for him.
Then he sighs heavily again. Life goes on, he made his choices and he need to be true to them. To himself. It's weird to become a blacked robed mage. He always disrespected them. Raetmal didn't like them. And his mind didn't change so much, but now he understand some of their motives. He still likes his friends and he is not much different from the elf that helped the dwarf Darga offering him little jobs to have some money, and loaned few stills to the dwarf that everyone among his friends suspected. And he still suspects the Blacks. Does changing the Robes really will change his heart? 'Oh well... ' he thinks to himself, 'We will live to see how things will roll...'
The thought about his friends triggered his curiosity, and he was about to leave the house and look for them. But wait... Is he going to wear the black robes plainly outside? Would it be courageous or foolish? Magnus goes like that, but on the other hand Magnus can easily take care for himself. He is going to get sarcastic remarks from him, no matter what he does. If he goes with his regular robes, Magnus will call him coward. If he goes with the Black, he will call him stupid. Eventually, Tulbas wears his normal robes on top of his black. It is cold outside after all.
He locks the store and makes his few steps back in town. It's good to be back in a familiar place.
He first goes to the tavern were Haaque stays and asks the waitress about him.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by TristenC »

[Well, i had declared rat 2 before and i suppose i just took for granted he'd be attacking the same one unless specified otherwise; but i'll be more clear in the future :) ]

Crap. That was my last stone... Can we back through to the t-shaped intersection so i can get to them too?

[Grubnick still has his shield, yes? Since ot isn't a weapon? I'm thinking shield bash. Unless he sees y suitable stones nearby?]
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

{OOC: Not sure if Shima has any stones in a hip pouch... I know he started with some..
Maybe they were confiscated like his masterwork weapon etc}
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra rubs at her face for a moment before she heads upstairs to see what is going on.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Climbing the stairs, Kendra heads into the bedroom to find Sadron. He appears to be packing up his clothes into his backpack, along with his other personal possessions.

Tulbas Erogund (Steel Tankard Inn)
Tulbas heads to the Steel Tankard, his new black robes covered up by his old ones. As a result, nobody really notices him as he walks the cold streets of Haven. Once he arrives and steps inside the Tankard, he finds it much like he remembered it. Dank, dirty and kind of smelly. Speaking to Cassandra at the bar, he inquires about the gnome. "Oh, yes, he's still staying here, but he's not here now. I'm not sure why, but for the last week he's barely come out of his room. I think he's depressed or something. But he came out today, had breakfast, and headed out without a word. Not sure where he went, but he hasn't returned yet."

Gobax and Shima (West Haven Sewers)
Shima manages to give his rat a glancing blow with his club, while Gobax squeezes in next to him to strike the other one with his shield with another glancing blow. The two rats are not deterred, however, and continue their assault but are unable to pierce their defenses.


Gobax (1d10+3): 3+3 = 6
Shima (1d10+4): 1+4 = 5
Giant Rat 02 (1d10+3): 9+3 = 12
Giant Rat 03 (1d10+3): 4+3 = 7

Round 5!

Shima swings his club with no proficiency (-2 hit) at Giant Rat 03 [TH 10] (1d20-2): 16-2 = 14, hit for (1d6): 1 damage Giant Rat 03 is now moderately wounded.
Gobax shield punches Giant Rat 02 with his small shield [TH 11] (1d20): 15, hit for (1d3): 1 damage. Giant Rat 02 is now moderately wounded.
Giant Rat 03 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying a masterwork shield (-2 hit) [TH 15] (1d20-2): 5-2 = 3, miss.
Giant Rat 02 bites at Gobax in hide armor (+2 hit) [TH 17] (1d20+2): 10+2 = 12, miss.

(OOC: Chris, in the Character Stats thread, it lists all of your character's inventory, including what is on you, what is left in your room and in your case, what has been confiscated. You can check it at any time, I always keep it updated. You can see there that, yes, your masterwork bullets were also confiscated.

Actions for Round 6?)
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by TristenC »

Gobax bashes the same rat with his shield. Persistent little buggers... at lesst we'll have somethi g to eat after this.

[Rat 2]
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

"I've a strong stomach, but I'm not eating rat," replies the dwarf, "at least, not unless it's on a really good quality stick."
He grimaces, "But wait, they've probably all been confiscated."

Shima will continue to hit the same rat (#3) until it or he drops.
Last edited by Chris1234 on Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Where are you going?" Kendra asks as she leans against the door frame. Kendra wasn't going to stop him from leaving as she felt that it was probably best for him to leave in the end. After all, he didn't need to be around someone like her anyway. Just like Norris didn't need to be around someone like her.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
"I went out today...I saw everything," Sadron says, looking over his shoulder. "You really killed two people, like it was nothing. At what point did you stop pretending to work for the prefect, and start doing his dirty work genuinely?"

Gobax and Shima (West Haven Sewers)
Shima clubs his rat again, this time taking it out for good. Gobax manages another shield punch against his opponent, but it still isn't enough to kill the rat. It bites at the goblin, but his armor protects him.


Gobax (1d10+3): 7+3 = 10
Shima (1d10+4): 5+4 = 9
Giant Rat 02 (1d10+3): 10+3 = 13
Giant Rat 03 (1d10+3): 10+3 = 13

Round 6!

Shima swings his club with no proficiency (-2 hit) at Giant Rat 03 [TH 10] (1d20-2): 14-2 = 12, hit for (1d6): 4 damage. Giant Rat 03 dies.
Gobax shield punches Giant Rat 02 with his small shield [TH 11] (1d20): 19, hit for (1d3): 1 damage. Giant Rat 02 is now critically wounded.
Giant Rat 03 is dead.
Giant Rat 02 bites at Gobax in hide armor (+2 hit) [TH 17] (1d20+2): 6+2 = 8, miss.

(OOC: Actions for Round 7?)
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by TristenC »

Gobax bashes the only remaining opponent again.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

As does Shima.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

"You're going to think what you want, so I don't see the point in answering," Kendra says with a sigh. The shock of what she had done hadn't passed, and that left her feeling emotionless as she tried to mentally deal with her situation. Explaining herself to Sadron was pointless as she knew what she did was wrong. "Just leave," she finally says as she walks over to her bed, and sits on the edge facing the window so she doesn't have to look at him. "It doesn't matter where you go. Just go."
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Finishing with his packing, he hoists his pack over his shoulder and stops to look at her one last time. "I don't know who you are anymore, but you aren't the woman I fell in love with." Then he heads downstairs.

Gobax and Shima (West Haven Sewers)
The two continue attacking the rat to no avail. However, the rat does not succeed in its own attack, either.


Gobax (1d10+3): 10+3 = 13
Shima (1d10+4): 8+4 = 12
Giant Rat 02 (1d10+3): 6+3 = 9

Round 7!

Giant Rat 02 bites at Gobax in hide armor (+2 hit) with a shield (-1 hit) [TH 17] (1d20+1): 15+1 = 16, miss.
Shima swings his club with no proficiency (-2 hit) at Giant Rat 02 [TH 10] (1d20-2): 11-2 = 9, bare miss.
Gobax shield punches Giant Rat 02 with his small shield [TH 11] (1d20): 8, miss.

(OOC: Actions for Round 8?)
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

Shima will continue to hit the same rat (#2) until it or he drops.

As nobody is going to do anything different here, why dont you just run this to completion?
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas asks Cassandra, "May I leave a message for him? If you see him again today or tomorrow, please tell him I was looking for him and that he can find me at the mageware store at the evening close to curfew time or the early morning." He smiles and heads back to Gobax residence to look for him.

OOC: Chris, you might want to discuss rat stew with Gobax :)

BTW, Tulbas plans to be early enough at home to prepare dinner. Is it possible for him to visit the temple and arrive early enough to do so or he will have to go straight home after looking for Gobax? Assuming he uses Cantrips to hasten the cooking, cleaning and table preparation? BTW Can Tulbas command the unseen servant of Magnus too?