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Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

The 2E AD&D Homebrew Sandbox world of Genwald is large, ancient, and magical. There are many undiscovered/untamed places. The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

The scars of ancient battles of titanic proportions mark the land. Wild magic zones, fantastical terrain, grand adventure, political strife, and even artifacts of wonder await. Choose your part and come make your mark on the world. A wide array of unconventional races and classes are available.

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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Elden and Nocturno will pick sides that have the least amount of on them when they choose to move.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

Jenara wrote:"Back." Katten calls back to Linar, "You come with me, send others away from ramp, against wall." Pushing everyone back and to the sides, (some to the left and some to the right) before she switches sides. Flattening herself against the wall and notches an arrow and begins to climb motioning to Linar to do the same.
[is linar going?]
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Chris1234 »

Linar turns and points to those on the right that they should withdraw back and further right and then to those on the left that they should withdraw back and further left.

After having a listen [DN 35%] Linar complies, moving silently as he can. [MS 70%]
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Squirrellord »

Jordek starts climbing the side wall he is nearest as quietly as he can so as to be out of the boulders path if it comes.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

Katten begins to climb quietly, if she is annoyed that Jordek had ignored her instructions she doesn't let on. Inwardly she hopes that he can be quiet enough, knowing full well this was not his skill. Others why did she have to rely on others? Her first experience here had shown her that.. looking down to the marks on her arms in the darkness she shudders, they showed her as well

(If the dm could roll her MS roll, although she was trying to use her natural stealth, which is only effective with others of her kind or elves)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

[So the natural surprise when moving with Elves or other Felis when not in armor doesn’t help if, say, you throw a rock over the hill first… because then they’re already alert. Also, Jordek has the roguey chops to move silently, which wouldn’t interfere with the natural stealth if he moves silently. As for stopping to listen, that takes a full round if you’re using your rogue skill per the phb.]

The bulk of the group moves back a little, while the nimble Forest Gnome quickly scampers up the cave wall, taking himself out of the line of fire of any tumbling stones.

Linar pauses to listen and clearly hears the telltale scraping much like he did the day before. He also picks up the sound of several creatures moving, and perhaps another large stone being shifted farther back. Katten begins slinking forward up the incline, light steps making no discernable sound. She makes it about half way up as a large stone crests the hill and begins tumbling down! It clatters just ahead of her, skipping to the other side mere inches from her hand, and towards Linar! He has just enough time to shift lithely out of the way, evading the bounding bombardment!

The stone continues to clatter downward towards the rest of the group, but loses momentum just below the roguey Gnome’s boots!

[The rock was already coming, hence the noise. Actions and Initiative?]
Jordek tries to climb the cave wall [CW 45%]
Jordek climbs [1d100] = 36, Pass!
Jordek climbs a few feet up off of the ground

Linar Listens and hears the sound of large stones scraping!

Katten begins to climb, trying to move silently

G2 pushes a large rock over the ridge!
The large rock bounds down the ramp towards the front rank! [1=katten, 2= Linar] [1d2] = 2, towards Linar!
Rock vs AC 2 [1d20] = 5, miss!
Rock trap [1d2] = 2, [1d20] = 5, [2d4] = 5

I put a green circle around Jordek to indicate he is not on ground level. I also widened the 'slope' on the map to make it more realistic
Climbing the incline while being attacked will require a check (you can just roll d100) but if the top is secured by an ally, then no check is necessary
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Seeing there is no surprise to be had Nocturno and Elden spring into action.

Mumbling a quiet verse to himself, Nocturno will visibly become worked up as he moves towards the slope.
Looking to use his Berserker Rage on himself, and move as far as he can up the slope to engage the stupid Goblins. Close to the side opposite of Katten.

Elden will follow on the tin can's heels, ready to punch some goblins faces in.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

Cursing the stupid creatures Katten picks up the pace a little, pausing if she hears another noise from above preparing to dodge if she has to. Her bow ready as she reaches the to of the slope, preparing to shoot.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Chris1234 »

Linar moves out quietly, hoping to pot a goblin and give Katten cover.

If Climbing is counted as movement (as in 5e) then the drow will do: Move/fire/climb.
If Climbing counts as an action then he will do: move/fire/move back (diagonally), ready to dodge.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

[just waiting on SQL i think]
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Squirrellord »

Jordek will stay put until his companions engage with the (presumably) goblins at the crest of the tunnel. Once tgey are engaged he will come up and take any opportune attacks he can.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

[can i get some attack and initative rolls?]
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 4: "Eroding the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Elden: Initiative: [1d10] = 8
Nocturno: Initiative: [1d10] = 2

Nocturno steaming he will rush into the goblins. (That is still this round right?)

Elden running up will attack with his fists. (Dark again?)

Martial Arts(18): [1d20+1] = 15+1 = 16 [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13
(Head Bash 2dmg, 5%, and a Body Punch 1dmg 2%, if they hit.)