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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:02 pm
by TristenC
[Ooc: mining competition, I take it; not a front for another assasin's guild? Did I miss that The Tops are in mining somehow? Sorry, having poison in quotes and applying it to inanimate objects threw me a bit... Killing killers he might not mind ;) ]
Sounds straightforward enough. By 'ore supplies' i presume you mean minors... unless you want to contaminate the product to ruin business; which I must say makes more sense... But can dropping a few dozen of those walking corpses really hurt them enough for what's being paid? Whatever, the gold is shiny no matter the source. Do they have a particular foreman picked out? And what is our schedule like on this one? I might even be able to lead the poor sap to act on his own if I had a week or so...

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:51 pm
by Namenlos
Okay first off, sorry, I just realized your not me and don't have an intimate knowledge of the area, Doh!

secondly, here's the pertinent information I've been holding from you.

1. you've probably guessed you're in the city Keldane, a heavily industrialized city, dependent on mining and factory work.

2. Keldanes main competition is Clansedge. Clansedge is named thus because the city is on the furthest edge of the Dwarven clan territory. It is also dependent on mining and factory work, but thanks to their Dwarven ties has been much more successful.

3. The assassins guild master in Keldane is part of a "Ruling Council" for the city. So he's unlikely to strike at people within the city or damage their mining activities, just to clarify.

That should help fill in some gaps that your character would know by living in the city, I will be filling in the general information thread as soon as I get the chance. There's just so much darn stuff to add it's kind of daunting lol. I didn't answer some of your character questions in this, I'll be doing that in game :wink:

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:34 am
by Namenlos
Arnos listens as Dirthxanous speaks, forming replies to his questions as he voices them.
"You'll be given ten vials of the stuff, one for placing on the dead foremans body and nine more to use strategically about the mining complex on fresh ore about to be processed. The idea here is to weaken the ore so that it becomes brittle and unusable, thus they gain a reputation for inferior products and Keldane comes out on top."

"As to who you choose to frame for the job, that's not too important in regards to the specifics. There will be several for you to choose from, and we rely on your judgement to make the best call. If you can manage the task within the week that would be best, for every three days past a week the reward drops a thousand gold. Best if you hurry about it, and if you can somehow trick one of their own into doing it... I will be personally impressed."

Once more Arnos begins shuffling through the paperwork upon his desk, finally bringing forth a small square piece metal. As he places the metal on the table before Dirthxanous, he can make out indentations set into it, almost like writing of some unknown origin.
"That will be your ticket aboard the airship to Clansedge, they don't come here often so you better not miss that one." He says with a grin. "The ship leaves at 8 A.M. so you'd best take care of anything important and then get a move on."

Dirthxanous takes a moment to think about the situation, he doesn't know a lot about the people of Clansedge but if they're anything like the ones of Keldane killing one foreman might even be considered a good thing. Plus the gold is REALLY good for such a simple task.

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:26 pm
by TristenC
Taking up the metal ticket, Dirthxanous examines it.
I suppose I’ll just gather my affects, then… Just let me know where to get 'the stuff'. Say, did the Triplets say anything to you recently about this job? I got the feeling Zer was itching for it, but it doesn’t sound particularly suited for him… He chuckles a little to himself, I did offer to split the gig with Yutari. He says with a wink. I doubt she’d accept, though…

One last thing… can I get a little nightshade? Just enough to put someone down for a few hours… it might be useful to make the foreman more… cooperative before he actually takes the permanent dirt-nap. Healers can be tricky with that mess. If it looks like he attempts suicide and the dosage is low enough, then he staggers down a mineshaft… Dirthxanous shrugs. I’m thinking of painting him as a desperate case who is forced by circumstance… Too bad I don’t have longer, I might have been able to manipulate him into doing it himself… Finesse counts for something, but not the loss of 1,000 gold in my book.

[ooc: Dirthxanous will gather his disguise kit and spare smoke stick from Dulcinea, but leave the rest of the gear she carries with her at the guild… unless he can take her along?]

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:56 pm
by Namenlos
Arnos Laughs loud and hard with true mirth at Dirthxanous' comments regarding the Tieflings.
"Zericar would walk into the Capitol and fight everyone there if I told him he could! He's a bloody fool, but atleast he's good with that blade if you point him in the right direction." Replies Arrnos as his laughter subsides.
As he reflects on the final comment he assumes a more somber demeanor "I'd watch yourself around Yutari, you'd be hard pressed to find a prettier lass if you could find a way to get some of the black cloth off her and you don't mind the fiendish coloring... but, well, I don't even think her brothers know what's truly goin on in her head. Your as like to wake up with one of her daggers in your belly, if you wake up at all or can make it that far. Besides, it's hard enough for me to get her take a mission without her brothers." Arnos finally lightens up a bit after his speech.
"But if none of that has scared ye away, your more than welcome to try! Most cities of the kingdom are less than friendly when it comes to her kind and it might be worth it to see their faces when you walk in with her at your side!" He says with a chuckle.
"Sleepy Nix can fix you up with some nightshade if you want it, he's probably up on the third floor "experimenting" right now" He replies to Dirthxanous' final question.

Arnos reaches once more, this time opening a drawer of his desk and revealing a large dented metal flask.
"If you haven't anymore questions lets toast to your future success my boy! Strike hard, and strike fast, Shed the color red while the night lasts." He says before taking a long pull from the flask and handing toward Dirthxanous.

[OOC: Dirthxanous knows that the airships are used for transport of goods over long distances, specifically the ocean, so there will more than likely be some space available. There will most likely be an added cost to bring Dulcinea since the master never mentioned anything about it when handing him the ticket.

I gave you some more info here but if your just interested in moving along I can narrate you for a bit.

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:22 pm
by TristenC
Even her brothers don't know what she's thinking... he muses to himself... then there's hope for her yet... oh, to get inside that girl's head...

Fiendish coloring? My good master-killer, he says with an air of pompously mock-nobility meant to amuse rather than convince, do I strike you as the type to focus on the exterior trappings of the flesh? His broad grin, genuine for once, accented his next remark. She is rather fetching, though... in that 'lady of death' kind of way... A true challenge to coax forth her innermost feelings, I should think... You know I love a challenge... He takes a shot from the flask, using every faculty he has to keep from descending into a coughing fit at the (presumably) harsh and powerful drink [bluff?].

If you'd care to make my offer to her official, we'll see what she has to say... if indeed she finds it an occasion worthy of speech... I can work some of my more mundane disguise talents on her to smooth things out... besides, I doubt anyone in the city would even see her if she didn't want them to... But if they do and their poor little mortal eyes pop out of rheir sockets I promise to save them for your collection... is it alcohol or oil you preserve eyes in? I can never remember....

Waving it away dismissively, No matter, I suppose I'll pay a visit to Nix before I get sleepy myself. He yawns, waving the ticket in his open hand before making it disappear.[sleight]

[Ooc: hoping to get another interaction with Yutari, and I'm intrigued by this 'sleepy Nix' of which you speak and his 'weird science']
[Almost forgot. Bluff d20+8, Sleight of hand d20+5: 1d20+8=27, 1d20+5=9.
Sweet cheeses! I guess bluffing is really his thing... figures, though...]

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:28 pm
by Namenlos
(OOC: For me, and I didn't think to ask for it, it would be a constitution check for overcoming potent liquor. I figure you know that the bluff just covers up the fact that you are having a coughing fit.)

Dirthxanous covers his reaction to the potent liquor as only a master of the art of bluff may, Arnos gives him a look that shows he's slightly impressed.

Arnos watches Dirthxanous' hands with almost a lazy regard, following the tickets movements easily as it slides into one of Dirthxanous' pockets.

Alluring thoughts of Yutari and what might be under all of that dark cloth dance through Dirthxanous' head as he makes his way back to the ladder that will take him back to the third floor. If he were to have a "chance" encounter with her again there would be little chance that her brothers wouldn't be around, so the tricky part would be speaking to her alone. As for finding the Tieflings, well they only had so many haunts as far as Dirthxanous knows. They have rooms on the second floor, not too far from his own, or the guild run tavern nearby, they were on the roof after him so perhaps someone on the third floor had seen them after he passed, other than that... who knows what sort of trouble they get into on their own!

Dirthxanous climbs to the third floor and nimbly swings himself onto the wooden floor and begins to head to the south where he knows Nix keeps his quarters. As he walks the hallway the light play of weapons can be heard to the northern training room, accompanied by the grunts of physical exertion and the curses of a painful blow. Sleepy Nix's room is obvious at Dirthxanous' approach, a colorful smoke of green, purple and red wafts lightly from below the door, it smells slightly of mint, oranges and rotten eggs. He pushes the door open unleashing a cloud of smoke that attempts to fill his lungs and choke him, within the cloud there appears to be a figure laying spread eagle on the floor.

(OOC: Constitution check against the hazardous fumes please)

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:44 am
by TristenC
[Ooc: con check or Fort save? Higher is always better in 3.5, right?
1d20=10. Con is 11, Fort save is +2]
Those two rabid dogs are probably in there training right now... he thinks, hearing the sounds of sparring. No... Kai will want to go kill something after our little exchange... I wonder if Yutari stayed behind... Muttering quietly to himself, though loud enough for anyone eavesdropping to hear,

Yutari. Flawless.
Silent beauty, whispered death.
Thy aim ever true.

He strolls the final distance to Nix' nook. Flinging open the door, he fights the urge to gag and hurl hoping somehow the potent liqor would combat the stench... small chance that...

Seeing the sprawling figure he whips something special up off-the-cuff:

"like a fallen marionette the lifeless body lay,
no more to work or dance,
no more to fight or play.
Ne'er again will life's rosy kiss caress those sallow cheeks.
Fetch a spade! Hold yer nose!
S'been rotting there for weeks!"

At the conclusion of his impromptu poem, he strolls to the fallen thing and nudges it gently under the floating ribs with the toe of one boot.

Wakey wakey sleeping beauty. Your prince has come to shower you with presents... or is it peasants? I suppose slaves would be a generous gift... Get up you old handbag, you're not quite dead yet... Master madmaaaan! Business caaalls!

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:26 am
by Namenlos
(OOC: Bravo! /clap clap. Some things ere specifically constitution, most things are fort. I got a little caught up or distracted or something and wrote the last bit wrong. gasp! The alcohol should be con. in my experience atleast, I think that's because most alcohols never really get a high DC so it keeps some randomness in play for them. The smoke should def. be fort., you sir, are correct.)

Dirthxanous steps into the room his delivery of song only broken slightly by the fit of coughing brought on by the fumes.

A nudge against the figure produces a light groan, a cough and then a louder groan. Then with a flash of movement he is confronted by a standing figure, Sleepy Nix has gained his feet almost faster than Dirthxanous could follow. Standing before Dirthxanous is now a sallow faced, pasty skinned man, with brown yellowing eyes shot with red and dark greasy hair hanging about his face. As he opens his mouth to speak Dirthxanous is given a glimpse of rotten black and yellow teeth.

"'Ey! Dimitiri, doncha know better than to wake a man when he's on the verge of an experimental breakthrough! I was this close(fingers held before him almost pinching together) from creating a solution to completely disintegrate a body while leaving behind the scent of fresh pine leaves! Cries the man wildly! He takes a deep breath of the heady fumes pouring off of the beakers and apparatus laying on the table to the south, calming swiftly. "I 'spose you wouldn't be here if'n you didnt want something. HAHA! They only come when they want something you know? Ash says it stinks in 'ere, you believe that?

Dirthxanous has known Sleepy Nix since first joining the guild, the man has always seemed unstable, maybe slightly crazed but he has yet to meet a man more skilled at the craft of poisons and alchemy.

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:43 pm
by TristenC
[OOC: I figure Dimitir’s got a little ‘ham’ in him… and before you go on about Dire-Fiendish-WereBoars and ‘adult situations’ let me just say… NO! Bad DM! Down boy! *whew* :D ok, now that that’s over…
By the by, can I get a list of who knows Dirth is a doppleganger and who doesn’t? I’ll need that for my future interaction with Yutari… Let me know if I go too far… I have trouble controlling my characters when they get all wound-up sometimes ;) ]

Apologies, my good man. I thought you were in dire need! he said as genuinely as he could before muttering imperceptibly: It looked more an experiment to see how much colored smoke one could replace the air in one’s lungs with…

Coughing a bit himself, he continues. My dear friend, he begins, laying an arm about the grubby little man’s shoulders. Surely you don’t think I am one of these… he waves one hand in small circles looking for the word… moochers, do you? And what does Ash know of… aromas. Come now, we go back as far as the ages themselves! How have you been? How’s the mystical, rare and terrifying collection of concoctions you create with the coordination of a conductor of an eclectic coven of the sisters of cacophony? He teases, good-naturedly.

Turning to hold him at arm’s length, gazing at him as if he were indeed a boon companion. And who does your hair?! But enough of these kind frivolities… I have some questions, if you’ve a mind to help, and some ‘shiny’ if you’ve not. Could a man of unspeakable talent such as yourself scrounge up a bit of nightshade for a humble supplicant such as I? something strong enough to drop a dwarf, but not necessarily kill him outright… you know, the draught of star-crossed lovers and people trying to get the most out of their insurance policies in the finer cities…

He listens attentively to anything Nix says, agreeing for the most part save where it runs against his purposes. A second inquiry, and one I’d like to keep between ourselves… Does that Great Lady of Midnight… of such otherworldly grace and charm procure from you such substances as render the mortal blood jelly and the vigor of the limbs to flaccid seaweed? And would a man of your caliber be willing to provide, for a fee of course, some restorative percolations to prevent such a pitiable passing? (If Nix is thoroughly confused, Dimitri will say: Can I buy an antidote to the poisons you sell Yutari.

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:12 pm
by Namenlos
(OOC: I NEED AN ADULT, I NEED AN ADULT! You've brought up an interesting game memory, have you ever played arcanum of steamworks and magicka for PC?
Long post here to include the known guild members and if they know your "secret". Oh, and as for character control, don't even worry about it! You've been great so far, the only thing I don't like is something that basically detracts from the game, though if its in character who am I to argue lol. My goal is for you to have fun here! Doing pretty much whatever you want, something may just strike me as so unbelievable that I can't go with it...but I'll try to keep an open mind :D that's all I have to say about that I think... well, since I'm writing a wall of text information for you I might as well mention that I'm regretting not creating a game thread, this would have been the perfect place to include information for you, like organizations, etc. without breaking up game flow >.<

The Tops, Assassins Guild Member info[name, rank, if they know you're a doppelganger]:
Arnos Veltur-Guild Master; knows.

Yutari, Kaixes and Zerichar- Shadow, blood and Fang(More nicknames than actual ranks, but they serve as both within the guild, actual rank is approx. 4th in command to give them a placement); All three know.

Sleepy Nix- No Title, and no actual command rank; He possibly could know or have found out your secret, but most likely would have forgotten or pretend to have.

Ashlei(Ash)- Seductress( Arnos' Left Hand); Knows

Ban the Broken- honorary right hand to Arnos, most of his bones were broken and healed poorly after a fall during a botched job(not his fault) and he had to make himself useful in new ways. Using his intelligence/Wisdom established a valuable spy network and runs more of the guild than Arnos himself; Knows.

Gary one- Weapon Master/oversees new guild members on high profile missions, tentative third in command. Knows Dirthxanous is different, but no specifics.

Mirt- A shadow(veteran rank); does not know.

Trev- A Shadow; does not know.

Staedman- A silencer(below shadow); Does not know.

Lisbet- A Silencer; Does not know.

Davis- A silencer; Does not know

Konag- A pupil of Gary one and a door "bruiser"; doesn't know

Alan- Pupil of Gary one; Doesn't know.

Gary Two- Pupil of Gary one; Doesn't know.

Melaina- Pupil of Ash; doesn't know.

thought this might be useful, hope it's not an overload. Dirthxanous is roughly equal to the triplets(so fourth) but without actual command rank.Anything else you may want to know, but don't know if you know? (lol)

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:19 pm
by TristenC
[Ooc: Never played it, but I love steamworks. And I've used 'I need an adult' plentifully ;) I like the cut of your jib, sir.
No worries about the massive post as I am prone to do so as well. I appreciate the extra information I will definitely be able to work it into my future submissions (again, no pun intended).
Yeah, making a info thread helps to cut down on stuff like that; but no worries.

A word about Dirthxanous; he has no real ambition, so no one in the guild higher up or below should have any legitimate reason to go after him... from his perspective, anyway]

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:33 am
by Namenlos
Nix listens as Dirthxanous speaks nodding along at times and gazing in confused wonder at others. As Dirth begins to describe his need for "something for a dwarf" Nix claps his hand and cries "Of course!" before pulling a medium sized bag carrying 4 fairly large glass flasks(The solution to weaken their ore) out from under his table. he gladly tosses two potions, filled with a rainbow colored mixture, into the bag stating them to be his own special knockout brew and should put even a dwarf down for several hours.

Nix gets the idea of what you're attempting to procure and slaps his hand down onto a small pouch located on the table. He opens the pouch to reveal 8 tiny vials, each vial is the "cure" for one specific type of poison commonly carried by members of the guild.
"These are fairly popular throughout the guild, because, well, you never know." he says, finishing with a wink. "Those little beauties are 10g per vial, and its an 8 vial package. Ye think you'll be needing one? HAHA!"

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:21 am
by TristenC
[OOC: I’m getting an odd mix of Dr Strangelove meets Young Frankenstein from sleepy Nix here… I think I like it :D ]

When Nix tosses in the ‘dwarf downers’ he mutters with wonder, Superb… Truly a master craftsman at work… And would a double-dose kill, or simply prolong the effects?

After the man moves on to other subjects, he inspects the 8 vials closely. Hmm… I don’t have enough cash on me at the moment for a full set… I don’t suppose you could extend an ‘old friend’ discount just this once?

[OOC: would a bluff or diplomacy check help here? Bare die-roll: 1d20=11. Hmm… not his best work, but respectable… Bluff at +8, Diplomacy at +5. Done in the most respectful way, of course. I’d hate to be on sleepy’s bad side ;) If the man is amenable, he will try to get two different ones for 10 (or up to 14gp if pressed). If not, then he will take a single vial for the asking price.]

Which elixir(s) do you recommend? I am of two minds about it. I would prefer protection against whichever my dear dark lady is prone to use most, that or the deadliest. What is your professional opinion? He listens attentively.
Raising a finger as if something had just occurred to him, And do you have something a little… sturdier to keep it in? A small metal vial perhaps or a padded case? I certainly don’t want to lose such a vital asset to an untimely fall…

At the end of the exchange he makes pleasant excuses for going and stops just in the doorway. You’re a genius, Nix. Don’t change a thing!

Stepping lively into the hallway he pauses for a moment a few feet down the hall, trying to think where Yutari might be. Heading back down to the second floor he nears his own rooms, idly working words as he walks:

Angel of death, silent as the grave;
Methinks my heart you’ve taken
As of numerous warriors, brave.

Black shadows doth your body embrace.
Shining blade or mortal drug;
T’would be worth it… just to see your face.

At the last moment, he turns from his own door and approaches Yutari’s. Knocking gently, he waits for a response of some kind. If there is none for a few minutes, he will yawn and mutter something about needing an early start before heading to bed.

[OOC: I hope she doesn’t take that last line too literally if she is shadowing him…]

Re: TristenC[private thread]

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:36 pm
by Namenlos
Sleepy Nix responds well to Dirthxanous' bluff, distractedly feeling a twinge of memory suggesting that he's known Dimitir for sometime. "I know you're good fer it my friend! Two of the best for 14 gold to get you started and you can pick up the rest once you've returned with money to spend. This little red with the yellow flecks inside is good for the deadliest of the guild poisons, just be careful it's only the one use and its effects do not last for long. Then there is this blue with the purple swirls, a proof against the guilds most common sleeping potion." Says Nix Amiably, he snaps open a small dresser with several small drawers before continuing. "I'll hold onto these six and you take the pouch" as he drops the six vials that he did not mention to him into seperate drawers.

Nix attempts to hold Dirthxanous back as he begins leaving, suggesting that he hang around for the next round of experiments. Dirthxanous makes his excuses however and makes his escape through the doorway.

Dirthxanous knocks at the room of the Tieflings to no avail, who knows where they could be at this hour. With no luck at the door Dirthxanous makes his way to his own room to crash for a short while.

He awakens early, the sounds of an industry heavy city coming to life rousing him from a light sleep. It is roughly 6 .A.M. in the morning, Dirthxaous still has two hours before he needs to board his ship.