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Chapter 3: Scene of the Crime

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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by BishGada »

"I'll have only ale please. Do you work here everyday?" Vrunar asks.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by mltillis »

Holding her tray one handed the serving girl pauses as if caught off guard by Vrunar's question. She quickly flashes a smile while brushing her hair back with the free hand.
Why yes I do. I'm here everyday till nightfall, when the evening girl gets up and takes over.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Jenara »

Producing the silver piece once more she flicks it up in the air and catches it in her open palm. "Keep the change." She adds handing over the coin.

"So I guess you would know who in here might be up for a party, say late at night? It was suggested that Jason Sanguis came here from time to time, and see I have a job, and my contacts told me he would be perfect."

Looking around the bar she makes no eye contact with the others, but a voice appears in Vrunars head. 'Why do I always find you around the girls? You are starting to make this a habit.' she grins despite the situation.

Arnora's eyes dart nervously around the bar, the girl is obviously trying her hardest not to look scared, and the look of concentration on her face shows it's taking all of her willpower. Turning back to face Navi she takes a sip of the ale and tries her best not to shudder. (is there anyone here that she recognises?, spot 1d20+5=22)

Spot check for Navi 1d20+8=20
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Namenlos »

Having stabled his mount and securing lodging to maintain some of his more cumbersome gear Olban takes time to stroll about the city to orientate himself to his new surroundings. Wearing his hooded cloak to conceal his disfigurement in an attempt to draw less attention, he has found himself outside of a ramshackle building with the outward appearance of a tavern and enters through the main entrance.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by BishGada »

Vrunar is confused by the sudden voices in his head then recovers and gives Navi an angry look. "I didn't mean to invade your privacy." He adds to the serving lady and smiles to conclude the conversation.

(OOC: Does the abduction happened after nightfall or before?)
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Jenara »

(Ooc at some point we need to go back to the safe haven inn)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by mltillis »

Jenara wrote:Arnora's eyes dart nervously around the bar, (is there anyone here that she recognises?, spot 1d20+5=22)

Spot check for Navi 1d20+8=20
Neither girl recognizes anyone within the bar at the moment.
Jenara wrote:"So I guess you would know who in here might be up for a party, say late at night? It was suggested that Jason Sanguis came here from time to time, and see I have a job, and my contacts told me he would be perfect."
Never heard of him. But there is always someone up for bit of a party, especially if someone else is a paying.
BishGada wrote:Vrunar is confused by the sudden voices in his head then recovers and gives Navi an angry look. "I didn't mean to invade your privacy." He adds to the serving lady and smiles to conclude the conversation.
Why not at all darlin. You two just sit back and let me fetch your food and drinks.
The serving girl scurries back to the kitchen.

(OOC: Were you wishing to question the waitress further? The Danicen family were abducted during the daytime around mid-morning.)
Namenlos wrote:Wearing his hooded cloak...... enters through the main entrance.
Inside Olban finds a quiet tavern with a small collection of tables, benches, and mismatched stools and chairs for its patrons. All the furniture is crowded together and bolted down. Most of the tables have elaborate carvings in their surfaces from the daggers of the patrons; there might even be some messages left within the general scrawls and carvings and useless graffiti. Its only light filters in through filthy windows, a tallow candle chandelier hangs unlit. The back wall is decorated with some tapestries threadbare and stained by smoke and spilled ale. The larger one has a blue field with ared griffon rampant, and the smaller tapestry shows the silhouette of a sailing ship. “Crowded, dark, and smells of stale beer, this place is full of quiet men drinking themselves into slumber with a handful of coppers. In the front left hand side of the room, a small group is playing darts. A monstrously fat, toad like man with forearms as big as the larger hams you’ saw for sale down the street, stands behind the bar having a discussion with an elf girl who looks out of place. She wears a tight black leather top/corset, her shoulders are bare covered only by her blonde hair, a reasonable level of cleavage is on display. Her legs are partially covered with a long black leather skirt that is split down the middle for ease of movement, the splits only serve to reveal a considerable amount of fair skinned shapely leg.. A single stiletto and a pouch hangs from her left side. Beside her sits an adolescent Half Elf with long red hair and haunted silver eyes, wearing a heavy jacket pulled tightly, her hand resting quite firmly on the Rapier that rests by her left side. At a corner table an elven monk and a human warrior, who also look out of place in this dive, are talking to a serving girl.

"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Namenlos »

Winding his way through the tables and patrons alike, Olban makes his way to a space at the bar nearest to the door. Keeping his hood up to cast shadows upon his deeply scarred face, but not making an overt attempt to keep it in place. As he moves he casts his gaze upon to take in the crowd, searching for any thieves, cutthroats or other malcontents.

" 'ey Toad, some ale when you've a mo', and none of that swill you feed these gutter rats" He says upon reaching the bar, producing a gold piece from a pouch at his belt where he had placed a small amount of spending money and sliding it onto the counter top.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Jenara »

"I'm sure there are lots of people you have never heard of." Navi responds with a wink, "I bet some of them are in the 'party room' right now." Swinging around on the stool, blonde hair spinning wildly she dismounts and faces the newcomer as she does so, all he a can see is black leather and pale cleavage. Regarding him for a moment, her blue eyes watching him curiosity before turning back to the barman two gold in her palm.

"We'll be going to the back room now, me and my friend." She offers Arnora a hand. "If you could be so kind as to show me the way."

"Coming?" She asks the girl.

"Of.. Course." Arnora stutters, the young half elf sliding off the stool with some measure of grace, her red hair fluttering slightly as she lands, pausing she pulls the coat tightly around her.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by BishGada »

While the serving girl goes to fetch their drinks Vrunar tells Mortimer, "We need to be careful about questioning her. If she knows anything about the abduction she would probably be very scared to talk about it."

(OOC: Now that I know she worked here during the abduction I do mean to question her more, just trying not to scare her off.)
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by mltillis »

Navi and Arnora

Top of the stairs second door on the right! The bartender reaches out to take the coins in his meaty palm. He leans over the bar far enough that Navi feels the warmth of his pungent breath on her skin and whispers in her ear.

From his perch on the bar Olban is offered a decent view of the girl's assets as she and her timid companion head for the party room.
( Make a listen check on invisiblecastle to try to overhear the whispered conversation. )

After their departure, the bartender takes your gold coin and slides a tankard of cheap ale in your hand. Everyone in here gets the same swill. The good drink is served upstairs in the party room. Just follow those two wenches going upstairs.
Mortimer and Vrunar

While the waitress was fetching your food and drink, you watch Navi and Arnora cross the room and head upstairs. As they make the turn onto the upstairs balcony, your server returns smiling at the paladin. Here you go darlin. I threw a little extra meat and cheese on the plate in case you get hungry watching your friend eat there. Care for anything else? her unkempt hair appears to have hastily been straightened.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Namenlos »


Snatching the tankard from the counter, Olban gives it a taste, turning away from the counter to follow into the "party" room. His battleaxe slaps against his left leg and his light mace his right leg as he swiftly turns. His shield, which is strapped to his back, makes a light "thunk" as it taps into the bar top.

"Thanks for the info, Toad, try to keep the flies down whilst i'm away would ya?" he says as he leaves, making his way toward the stairs.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Nuke »

Mortimer takes all of the detail and jumps to a reasonable conclusion. "Hold on a second missy." he says to stop the girl. "Come answer me some questions girl." Mortimer adds. "Come have a seat for a second, and I will explain." Mortimer says as he plays with a gold pece between the fingers on his left hand.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by mltillis »


It is difficult for Olban to hear the whispered conversation... ( ... things let out on him and press ... knot hole on the louser pants He'll .. upper in the comer ...yern wall. You'll be ap to roll .... the roof of more in that story. ) When he makes it to the party room, Olban finds the door shut.
Mortimer and Vrunar

Okay Darlin but you'll have to be quick about it. Ole Fists will clock me skull or worse, if he thinks I'm a slackin off. She quickly slips onto Mortimer's lap and leans on the table. Just grab a hold my waist and put on an act when Bulaedo glances this way. He'll tends to let a customer have his fun as long as the drinks don't need a refilling.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Namenlos »

"Alas! Yon portal is shut, what perfidy is this! Mine quest hath reached it's natural conclusion, the forces of evil have triumphed once more." Olban says sarcastically as he takes a drink from his tankard with one hand while reaching to open the door with his other.

In his mind Olban parses through the tidbits of information he was able to hear by listening in on the conversation earlier...
"Press...knothole...on louser pants...upper in the comer.... yern wall... roll...roof. The musings of a mad man perhaps? Though some parts seem almost sensible..hhmmmm..."