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Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:25 pm
by Haahque
Huh, looks like I didn't think that through thoroughly, It doesn't appear I can attach files to pm's and I don't really have any other way to send it atm. Perhaps I'll just PM the information as text and you can copy/paste into a file. The formatting will be a bit off, but I'll try to make it not that horrible.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:29 pm
by JadedDM
I was just going to post a status update on that, actually.

The game won't start until Saturday (although I suppose if everyone turns in their character before then, we could start early). If you haven't turned in your character by the time the game starts, you'll be added whenever you do.

So please don't think of this as me trying to rush you or anything. I'm just letting everyone know what I still need from them before their character is 100% complete.

Breila - Naturally, I still need his thief skills, proficiencies, and all that good stuff.

Haahque - All I need from you is a birthday (Krynn's calendar is a lot like ours; 12 months, but each month has 30 days), and if you could send me a brief blurb on his personality, that'd be great. As for the .docx, you can email it to me. I have an email with Yahoo under the name JadedDM.

HorizonsDream - You haven't officially submitted anything yet!

Just_Ice - All I need from you is his alignment, his birthday, and maybe a brief blurb on his personality.

TheMightyQuinn - You haven't officially turned in anything other than your initial ability score roll so far.

So that's, what....five players. But, I've received word from two more who'd like to join--Jenara and NoTrammeling, which would bring us up to 7 players.

Again, no rush, just letting everyone know what they have left to do.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:30 pm
by NoTrammeling

So close to Rangerhood, but alas, 'twas not to be. Based on the current party composition and my own personal preference I think I'll be playing a True Neutral Red Robe.

Also, hello new players ^^ Look forward to RPing with you.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:36 pm
by JadedDM
Technically, you won't be a Red Robe unless you make it to level 4 and take your Test. But nothing wrong with planning ahead!

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:44 pm
by Haahque
Oh right, totally forgot that I'm going to need a spell book in my inventory... this may cause problems with weight/encumbrance depending on how you rule spell books are -> PHB says "The exact size and shape of your spell book is a detail the DM will provide". It'll also be slightly harder to hide... bur presumably I would never be reading it when not in private, and keep it in a secret compartment of my backpack or some such. Unless you rule that all spell books are collections of heavy stone tablets, that could be a pain.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:50 pm
by NoTrammeling
AHAH! Then sleeping under hedges it is until it's test time. Also I'm leaning towards elf this time.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:51 pm
by Just_Ice
Alright, I updated the physical description with the other stuff you wanted. I might Mythweaver this all up at some point but there's a lot more stats than I remember and they're all a pain to find the chart for.

EDIT: Hedges should give potent sleep to uninitiated wizards

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:55 pm
by JadedDM
Haahque wrote:Unless you rule that all spell books are collections of heavy stone tablets, that could be a pain.
In this setting, all spellbooks are actually very dense disks of platinum, didn't you know?

Nah, just messing with you. I usually rule that a beginner's spellbook is about 3 pounds in weight.
NoTrammeling wrote:Also I'm leaning towards elf this time.
Qualinesti or Silvanesti? Either way, you're probably a dark elf (an exile) if you are neutral in alignment. But that could explain what you are doing in the Seeker lands, too.
Just_Ice wrote:Alright, I updated the physical description with the other stuff you wanted.
Awesome. I then declare that your character is 100% done and ready to go.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:12 pm
by Haahque
Ok, I added the new info on my character and sent it as a .docx

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:18 pm
by NoTrammeling
Hmmmm, well I'm thinking Qualinesti. Those were the slightly-less-but-still-quite-snooty elves, right?

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:59 pm
by JadedDM
Haahque is now 100% ready to go.
NoTrammeling wrote:Hmmmm, well I'm thinking Qualinesti. Those were the slightly-less-but-still-quite-snooty elves, right?
Correct. The Qualinesti are a bit more open-minded, but not by much in this time period.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:51 pm
by Haahque
I was looking over your posting my stats, and corrected a number of miscalculations on my character sheet, but I couldn't find where I was getting the +2 bonus to my save vs poison, could you clarify where I got that from?

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:27 pm
by JadedDM
Yeah, that was my mistake. He's supposed to get a +2 save vs. RSW instead. I'll fix that.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:14 pm
by mgbevan
Hello, I'm new to D&D completely and am looking to learn how to play / find some people to play with.
Any chance there is still room in your party and can anyone show me the ropes of actually playing?
I've read .pdfs of the players handbook and DM guide, but have no real experience or knowledge of the game - or the specifics of 2e.

Edit - It would also seem that your roster access thingy is still having issues

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:23 pm
by JadedDM
Hmm, Jenara was supposed to fix that. Well, better new recruits coming in than spambots, at any rate! Welcome, mgbevan.

Mind if I ask a few questions? This is just to help me get oriented on how much assistance you'll need to get started.

First, and this is more out of my own curiosity than anything else, how did you learn about this game? Are you friends with another player, or did you find my ad in Giant in the Playground, or out of blind luck did you just happen upon the site?

Second, you said you aren't very well versed in AD&D. Are you familiar with the basic races and classes and such? Do you have any idea what you'd like to play?

Third, do you know much, if anything, about the Dragonlance setting?

Once you answer these, we can get started on getting you a character rolled up. :)