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CH. 14: Darkest Hour

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Prefect's Mansion)
Searching the chest carefully without touching it, Haahqae does find it is trapped. It appears to be rigged to magically create a very loud noise if triggered. However, he cannot see any way to disarm it without tripping it.


Haahqae searches the chest for traps [F/RT 40%] (1d100): 6, pass. He finds an Alarm trap.
Haahqae attempts to disarm the trap [F/RT 40%] (1d100): 43, fail.

Kendra Synclair (Grand Market)
Pen blinks. "Was that a pun?" he asks. "Okay, I'll take a look around and see if I see or hear anything."

Gobax and Shima (Northwestern Haven Sewers)
Shima finds no locks or traps and so pushes on to the next section of the sewers--one he has not explored at all so far. The two enter a small corridor that branches off to the west. It is eerily quiet in this area, unlike the previous ones. There is no sound of rushing water or dripping pipes. Just complete silence.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by BishGada »

"Aye master." Tulbas agrees obediently.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Thanks, Pen," Kendra says with a small smile. She walks over to the now finished gallows. It was almost time, and she had a sinking feeling in her stomach.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

Shima sneaks up to the corner and looks around it.
If nothing untoward he pushes on at a normal pace until there is a feature of choice or potential threat.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (Grand Market)
One of the baaz approaches Kendra and salutes respectfully. "Ser, we've finished construction. With your permission, we'll send word to the mansion so they can begin escorting the accused here."

Tulbas Erogund (Tower of Wayreth, Unknown Floor on AT 15)
(OOC: Can you give me a rough idea of how Tulbas will spend the next two weeks at the Tower? Then we can work on getting him back into Haven.)

Gobax and Shima (Northwestern Haven Sewers)
The corridor snakes a bit, before heading northward. The two come across an intersection. There's a door to the west with a large padlock on it. The tunnel also continues north before turning westward. In addition, there is an east tunnel that also branches southward after a bit.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Go ahead," Kendra says. "Make sure that the prisoner is well protected on his way here. We can't have anything go wrong today."
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

The dwarf looks round the corner to the east.
If nothing untoward is revealed he then moves slightly east to look southward.
If still nothing untoward, Shima returns westward to go slightly north and look around the corner to the west.
If still nothing untoward he tries to pick the padlock.
Failing that, he leads on north and west to see if it cuts to the south..
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by TristenC »

Gobax waits at the intersection leading east once Shima has looked that way, sling ready in case the dwarf finds trouble. So where does all this lead? he asks quietly once the halls have been at least looked at.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (Grand Market)
The baaz snaps another salute and hurries off to do as commanded. Now all that Kendra had to do was wait for the prisoners to arrive.

And hope nothing goes wrong before then. By now, a larger crowd of curious onlookers have arrived and started to surround the gallows.

Gobax and Shima (Northwestern Haven Sewers)
While Shima considers how best to answer Gobax's question, he tries to pick the padlock. However, it is no use. It's just too complicated for him. Perhaps he can try again later on, once he's learned more about lockpicking.


Shima attempts to pick the padlock [OL 50%] (1d100): 72, fail.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra looks at the gathering crowd for a moment before she takes what she assumes would be her spot for this execution. Despite being nervous about this situation, and unsure if it was really the right thing to do, she seems to remain calm on the outside.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

"I haven't been further than this so we're figuring it out as we go along now," answers Shima.
(And continues as previously stated).
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Haahque »

While Haahqae would love to get his hands on what is in that chest or find out the magic activation word for the flying carpet; the fact remains that he can’t do either without some solid planning and preparation; at least not right now. Maybe later.

With the alarm and the secret door; it’s not like this treasure is going to be running away any time soon. As long as Haaqhae is able to get back in here later; he can figure out some way to harvest this cache. Until then; he has much more pressing matter which this situation isn’t improving right now.
Taking care to cover his tracks (closing the secret door, making sure nothing in either room looks like it’s been touched) Haahqae leaves the room and continues his investigation of the upper floor.

(let’s check out what’s in the room to the west of the stairs)
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Prefect's Mansion)
Haahqae discovers that both of the doors to the west are locked. As he inspects them, he hears voices to the east, coming from down the hall.

Kendra Synclair (Grand Market)
After waiting awhile, another baaz soldier approaches her. Kendra recognizes him; it's Perp, the lone survivor of her old squad in the Fire Snakes. "Ser, I was sent ahead of the others to inform you that the prisoners are on their way. Also, the church is sending reinforcements, just in case."

Gobax and Shima (Northwestern Haven Sewers)
Heading northward, then turning west, the two come across another intersection. One path continues west and then turns south. Another one heads north, then turns west.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by TristenC »

Gobax senses they're getting farther from the area that might be of use to his more immediate need. Hey, Shima. How about this one? He asks, gesturingg to the west-turning-south passage.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

"That, frankly, was the intent. But not having been here I didn't know where it went. I had judged it more likely that this way would head in the desired direction than the eastern branch but there was no certainty there and nor could there be," answers Shima. "Now, I have no problem with the question, but I am trying to get us, well, you, actually, to a place some way south west of here. If you'd be more comfortable leading, be my guest."