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Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:37 pm
by Breila
Eringard gets up when the elderflower wine is finished.
"I will go and see if I can find my cousin Margary. Her daughters ahve always liked me to sleep in their room and tell them stories. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some information on the disease when talking to her, and hopefully none of her family is touched as yet."

Margary keeps a small shop with haberdashery and household items, not too far from the city walls.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:39 pm
by JadedDM
Gimak wonders how well a priestess of Lathandar can blend in to a Zhent run town, but he decides not to speak up about it.

He does speak up at Traern's comment, though. "Well, it's possible one of us is a spy for the Zhents; haven't really ruled that out entirely, far as I'm concerned," he says, giving Elianna the stink-eye.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:15 pm
by Jenara
"If I were a spy, they would have caught you already master Dwarf." Elianna says with a grin. "I know the Language, I spent time here, a spy that does not make."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:28 pm
by HorizonsDream
Raina decides that it is best not to say anything about Morn, but she doubts that he had anything to do with it. "What do you mean he ain't saying anything to your likes?" she asks curiously. "And I'm sure that you'll get your chance at Morn, one of these days."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:49 am
by NoTrammeling
Gristlemane shrugs, declaring his drink finished by slamming the empty mug on the group's table. Many such mug indentations crater the surface already, obviously it is the orc's preferred table or all mercenaries share his custom. "Hired swords, girl! He says stand there, we stand. He says stab that, we stab. No questions asked, no answers given. Better that way." He grunts, moving to take another drink before realizing he's out.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:53 am
by JadedDM
"I suppose we'll see," Gimak says, not convinced. "In any case, I'm heading up to my room for the night. Let's meet here for breakfast in the morning, and we'll proceed from there." He stands up and steps aside, pushing his chair back under the table. With a nod to the group, he then heads upstairs.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:03 pm
by Jenara
"Sounds good to me." Elianna says with a nod in response, when Gimak leaves she too stands. "Maria, I am going to check on Fleet. Here is the key, would you like to meet me upstairs?"

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:41 pm
by Stik
When Eringard stands and begins to leave, and Gimak does the same, Traern is puzzled. When Elianna offers Maria the room key, his jaw drops. "Is this your idea of looking out for each other? To immediately split up?" Traern says quietly, but with a hard edge to his voice. "This is unwise."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:06 pm
by Jenara
"Then what do you propose?" She asks, standing still, her hand grasping Maria firmly. "Gimak has gone. ."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:34 pm
by Stik
[OOC] I meant for Traern's speech to happen before Gimak actually left the table. Barring that, I propose catching him before he gets to the stairs. Barring that, I propose getting him back down here to wait with Maria and watch out for Raina while Traern and Elianna walk Eringard across town and return. That way the party is split into two groups (Gimak, Raina, Maria and Elianna, Eringard, Traern) rather than five.[/OOC]

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:20 pm
by NoTrammeling
[ooc] Going to wait to post until Jaded weighs in with a potentially altered action for Gimak.[/ooc]

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:31 pm
by JadedDM
(OOC: Nah, Gimak has gone to bed. I'm ready to move things forward.)

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:23 pm
by HorizonsDream
"Right," Raina says with a nod. "Well, it was nice talking with all of you," she says as she stands up. "It's been a long time on the road, so I think I'm going to get some rest," she adds, waving to the three she was talking to before she heads up to her room for the night.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:43 pm
by Jenara
"Well that answers that in a way. I will walk Eringard home, will you come with me?" She asks the two remaining members, "Then we can return safely."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:24 pm
by Stik
Traern finishes his drink, careful not to get the sediment at the bottom of the horn, and stands to leave. "I will accompany you."