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CH. 16 - Resistance

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by BishGada »

Considering his poor position Tulbas casts 'Chill Touch' and uses the 'Spectral hand' to deliver his attacks without exposing himself to the gas.

'Chills goes deep,
down to the bone,
You would wish to sleep,
When your strength will be gone.'

(OOC: The spell doesn't indicate one has to see the subject of the attack although it make sense. Can Tulbas attack Thetys? If not he will use it to attack the closest Baaz (#2). Spectral hand gives bonus to attack and if Thetys can be attacked I assume he is being held means automatic hit?)
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Tulbas and Gobax (Prefect's Mansion)
The fire started by Gobax starts to grow in size, and one of the baaz moves toward it to try and put it out, grabbing some sheets off the bed and trying to use them to beat the fire down, but it doesn't seem to be working. However, one of the baaz is still on fire, and he starts yelling, "Forget that, put ME out!" Before the baaz with the sheet can comply, though, Gobax nails him between the eyes with a rock and he turns to stone, unintentionally solving the problem anyway.

Haahqae, meanwhile, removes the plaster from his hands, sneaks around behind the baaz that saw him and stabs him in the back with Yvette's rapier. The baaz turns to stone, trapping the rapier, and Haahqae becomes visible again. Despite the silence, the other two baaz protecting the prefect can now see him, and both turn toward him with blades drawn. (The third one is busy with the fire, on the left side of the room.)

Looking up through the hole he caused, it looks like some kind of attic area between the roof and the ceiling.

Finally, Tulbas casts Chill Touch and sends his spectral hand toward the only baaz he can still see, the one trying to put out the fire. He wounds and weakens him, but does not kill the baaz.


Miriam (1d10): 1
Tethys (1d10): 2
Pen (1d10): 6
Baaz 02 (1d10+5): 2+5 = 7
Gobax (1d10+3): 4+3 = 7
Fiona (1d10): 8
William (1d10+3): 5+3 = 8
Haahqae (1d10+4): 4+4 = 8
Baaz 04 (1d10+5): 5+5 = 10
Tulbas (1d10+3): 10+1 = 11
Baaz 03 (1d10+5): 9+5 = 14
Baaz 01 (1d10+5): 10+5 = 15

Round 3!

Miriam is still reeling from the stinking cloud.
Tethys is paralyzed.
Pen is still reeling from the stinking cloud.
Baaz 02 moves to put out the fire.
Gobax throws a stone at Baaz 06 with excellent aim (+2 hit) [TH 14] (1d20+2): 16+2 = 18, hit for (1d4): 1 damage. Baaz 06 petrifies.
Fiona is still reeling from the stinking cloud, but then gets better.
William is still reeling from the stinking cloud.
Haahqae makes a backstab attack (+4 hit) with an untrained weapon (-3 hit) against Baaz 03 [TH 14] (1d20+1): 16+1 = 17, hit for (1d6+1): 2+1 = 3x3 = 9 damage. Baaz 03 petrifies trapping the rapier, Haahqae is no longer invisible.
Baaz 04 protects the prefect.
Tulbas moves 5 feet south and casts Chill Touch for 8 rounds through his spectral hand, and attempts to touch Baaz 02 with it [TH 15] (1d20+2): 16+2 = 18, touch. Baaz 02 resists magic [MR 20%] (1d100): 93, fail. Baaz 02 saves vs. spell (1d20): 13, fail. He takes (1d4): 4 damage and suffers -1 to hit.
Baaz 03 is petrified.
Baaz 01 protects the prefect.
Prefect Mansion 2F 13.jpg
Prefect Mansion 2F 13.jpg (94.88 KiB) Viewed 5910 times
(OOC: All spells require you to see your target for them to work. If Tulbas sends the spectral hand where he can't see it, it will just automatically return to him. And yes, Tethys is currently unable to move, so any attack made on him would automatically hit, no roll needed. However, Tulbas would not be able to see Tethys from where he is now. Actions for Round 4?)

Kendra (Hidden Room, Sewers)
Sadron nods, defeated. "Just know, I never stopped loving you."
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra looks up at the ceiling, and takes a shuddering breath as she tries to control her emotions. She bends down and kisses Sadeon before whispering in his ear. "I love you too," she says through tears she can't control. "And I'm sorry," she adds. Using her elven blade, she ends Sadron's life in the quickest and most painless way possible.

Kendra stands there for a moment afterwards so she can regain control over herself. She wipes away her tears quickly while she mentally tells herself that she doesn't deserve forgiveness or love at this point. Once she is in control again, she rejoins Magus. "Let's go."
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by TristenC »

gobax hurls yet another stone, this time at Baaz 2
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by Haahque »

Haahqae had hoped they wouldn't notice; but the brickheads that still try to protect the prefect as their friends are getting picked off one by one actually manage to notice Haahqae as he removes their dull companion. Which means it's high time for Haahqae to make a hasty retreat and reposition before making his next strike.

(Action: Climb up the wall and through the hole in the ceiling and check out the little attic.)
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas attacks the Baaz he can see once again.

(OOC: Is it apparent that Tulbas controls the spectral hand and attacking the creatures?)
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Tulbas and Gobax (Prefect's Mansion)
The fire only grows in size, spreading further into the room. The one baaz trying to put it out doesn't seem to be doing too well with it, but it becomes a moot point for him after Gobax throws a rock at him and then Tulbas finishes him off, leaving yet another statue behind.

Meanwhile, Haahqae climbs up the wall and into the hole in the ceiling he left. There's not much up here, aside from a ton of dust, cobwebs and darkness. There are support beams crisscrossed throughout the area, and if he uses them, he should be alright. But if he steps on any other part of the area, he'll likely fall through again. More pressing, though, is one of the baaz starts climbing up after him, using his claws to help him.


Miriam (1d10): 1
Tethys (1d10): 2
Pen (1d10): 6
Baaz 02 (1d10+5): 2+5 = 7
Gobax (1d10+3): 4+3 = 7
Haahqae (1d10+3): 4+3 = 7
Fiona (1d10): 8
William (1d10+3): 5+3 = 8
Baaz 04 (1d10+5): 5+5 = 10
Tulbas (1d10+3): 10+1 = 11
Baaz 01 (1d10+5): 10+5 = 15

Round 4!

Miriam is still reeling from the stinking cloud.
Tethys is paralyzed.
Pen is still reeling from the stinking cloud.
Baaz 02 tries put out the fire.
Gobax throws a stone at Baaz 02 with excellent aim (+2 hit) [TH 14] (1d20+2): 16+2 = 18, hit for (1d4): 2 damage. Baaz 02 becomes critically wounded.
Haahqae climbs up the wall and into the hole in the attic.
Fiona fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow with great aim (+1 hit) at Baaz 01 [TH 14] (1d20+1): 4+1 = 5, miss.
William is still reeling from the stinking cloud.
Baaz 04 protects the prefect.
Tulbas attempts to touch Baaz 02 with his chilled spectral hand [TH 15] (1d20+2): 15+2 = 17, touch. Baaz 02 resists magic [MR 20%] (1d100): 92, fail. Baaz 02 saves vs. spell (1d20): 6, fail. He takes (1d4): 2 damage and suffers -1 to hit. Baaz 02 petrifies.
Baaz 01 climbs up after Haahqae.
Fiona fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow with great aim (+1 hit) at Baaz 01 [TH 14] (1d20+1): 6+1 = 7, miss.
Prefect Mansion 2F 14.jpg
Prefect Mansion 2F 14.jpg (95.01 KiB) Viewed 5877 times
(OOC: To anyone paying attention, yes, it's apparent that Tulbas is directing the hand to attack. Actions for Round 5?)

Kendra (Hidden Room, Sewers)
Once the deed is done, one of the baaz turns to Magnus. "You want us to dispose of the body?" he asks.

"No. Leave it for the rats. It's a better end than he would have otherwise received," Magnus replies. He gestures to Kendra. "Let's get back to the mansion."

As the others begin heading back, Kendra notes that her sword is still wet with fresh blood.
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by Haahque »

Pretty good for someone so stupid. Haahqae mouths at the baaz, not that anyone could hear him even if he did talk out loud. But Haahqae gets to work climbing across the support beams to the east. It'll take some guesswork, but the baaz has offered him the best opportunity yet this fight.

(Action: Haahqae wants to climb to 1 square to the east of Tethas, then sling a bullet at the baaz in the attic)
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra looks down at the blood on her sword, and then turns her head to look at the fallen body of Sadron. A mixture of emotions runs over her such as guilt, disappointment, depression, regret, and many other emotions she cannot describe. Though, she also knows she can't linger any longer than she has, so she turns away and wipes the blood away before following after Magnus and the group.
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by TristenC »

grubnick readies his mace and tries to hold his breath before passing through the cloud to attack baaz 4.

if he fails his gas save he'll retreat back into the hall not the room
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas decides to wait for the gas to vaporize. Suddenly, not seeing any current threat, he becomes aware of their surrounding again. He takes a step back (one square south in the map) and looks around.
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Tulbas and Gobax (Prefect's Mansion)
Haahqae crawls along the support beams to the east, but stops short of his destination (5 feet east of Tethys), as doing so would cause him to tumble right down the chimney and into the kitchen below. Turning he hurls a bullet at the baaz pursuing him, smacking him in the snout. Outraged, the baaz crawls after him, then tries to gut the gnome with his blade, but misses him.

Meanwhile, down below, most of the group is waiting for the cloud of gas to clear, with a few exceptions. Gobax just charges in and takes a silent swing at the last standing baaz in the room, but his blow is deflected by the creature's blade. Fiona shoots arrows, to no avail. Tulbas looks around the room, but sees nothing out of the ordinary. At the same time, the fire grows larger, almost entirely consuming the west side of the room.


Miriam (1d10): 1
Tethys (1d10): 2
Pen (1d10): 6
Haahqae (1d10+3): 4+3 = 7
Fiona (1d10): 8
William (1d10+3): 5+3 = 8
Baaz 04 (1d10+5): 5+5 = 10
Gobax (1d10+7): 4+7 = 11
Tulbas (1d10+3): 10+1 = 11
Baaz 01 (1d10+5): 10+5 = 15

Round 5!

Miriam holds.
Tethys is paralyzed.
Pen is still reeling from the stinking cloud.
Haahqae moves 10 feet east and then throws a bullet with excellent aim (+2 hit) at Baaz 01 [TH 14] (1d20+2): 12+2 = 14, hit for (1d4+1): 4+1 = 5 damage. Baaz 01 becomes moderately wounded.
Fiona fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow with great aim (+1 hit) at Baaz 04 [TH 14] (1d20+1): 2+1 = 3, miss.
William holds.
Baaz 04 protects the prefect.
Gobax steps into the gas cloud and makes a saving throw vs poison (1d20): 15, pass. He moves through it, into the burning room and the circle of silence and swings his mace at Baaz 04 in bright light (-1 hit) [TH 14] (1d20-1): 10-1 = 9, miss.
Tulbas steps back 5 feet and looks around.
Baaz 01 moves 10 feet east and stabs at Haahqae with his long sword [TH 14] (1d20): 10, miss.
Fiona fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow with great aim (+1 hit) at Baaz 01 [TH 14] (1d20+1): 11+1 = 12, miss.
Prefect Mansion 2F 15.jpg
Prefect Mansion 2F 15.jpg (95.79 KiB) Viewed 5838 times
(OOC: Actions for Round 6?)

Kendra (Merchant District)
Following Magnus, the group emerges from a sewer opening in the merchant district. From there, they can easily see a large plume of black smoke rising into the night sky, coming from the prefect's mansion on the hill in the noble district. "Damn, could that be dragonfire?" Magnus wonders aloud. "Come on, men. Let's get to that mansion, double time."
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by Haahque »

While he can’t quite put his full plan in action yet while avoiding the pitfalls; Haahqae does seem to have the upper hand against the one stupid baaz stupid enough to chase him up here; where he obviously has the advantage.

So climbing up the support beam a bit further; Haaqae slings another bullet at the creature, hoping to turn it into another statue like its compatriots.

(I’m a little unsure of the layout of support beams/celling/walls up here, but what I’m trying to do is essentially goad the baaz into the square above the prefect; then kill it, turn it to stone and drop it through the ceiling onto the prefect.

To this end; Haahqae is trying to climb up without moving left/right, so the baaz has room to go below him as it continues to try and gut him. )
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick attacks the bazz again [#MaceToTheFace] (normal attack, not a called shot)
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra runs after Magnus towards the prefect's mansion. ~Is he actually going to make an attempt to save the prefect?~ she wonders to herself as she follows after the mage. ~Or is he going to use the chaos to attack the prefect?~