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Re: Martin and Reller (Stik and Kafen) private thread

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:11 pm
by Breila
[OOC] I don't see gnoll listed as language spoken on Reller's sheet, but since he has ample slots available and lived long enough to learn it, he can choose to know it now. The following is independent of his decision, because Evgeni the entertainer knows gnoll and will be asked by Geraldine to come along if Reller does not.[/OOC]

At dusk the second evening, Geraldine asks Martin and Reller to accompany her to the mansion to check on the gnolls. They find Krtk and Kchk in a very good mood.
"Nice country here, many animals to eat" they tell them. Krtk beckons them closer. "Last night, saw something. Little man come out of cave, little man with large ears and no fur. Little man go to animals in fence of a house and take one. Now, you" he points to Geraldine, "you tell me gnolls not allowed to take animal in fence. Little man not allowed, too, eh? So Krtk take little man and Kchk bring back animal behind fence. Little man tastes good!" He licks his lips.

Geraldine looks taken aback for a split second at Krtk's last remark, but immediately regains her composure. "So there is truth about the rumors that goblins have taken over the old dwarven mines" she murmurs. Aloud, she says: "Yes, when you see them take animals from behind the fences, you should bring the animals back. But it's better if you eat wild animals and not little men."

Back in the constabulary, Geraldine writes her report with a laugh. "You know, these gnolls could be more useful than we thought. If we let people know that they take care of the problem goblins, we might even be able to reveal that they are here. Of course, that will take some time, people need to overcome their fears."

The talking owl is a fun companion, at least at dawn or dusk. It also tells them "I have seen funny men near the old mansion, like a cross between man and dog, yes, yes. Good hunters they are, oh yes! I would think they hunt your cows and sheep outside, they are so easy prey and the right size for them, yes, yes, but, they go to the forest and hunt wild animals, yes yes. Good sports they are, yes yes."

All in all, nothing the two men learn over the next few days suggests that Saltmarsh is anything other than what it appears at first, a sleepy little port town that enjoys the peace that has reigned in the area for the past decades, and that feels shaken up now with the scandal of the weapons smuggling and the averted desaster of the acid rot

[OOC2]I have added 200 XP to each of your accounts, for good roleplay and the quick action (asking the right person) that saved the warehouse[/OOC]

Re: Martin and Reller (Stik and Kafen) private thread

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:29 pm
by Stik
[OOC] Reller doesn't speak gnoll. He was going to use a spell for the purpose.
How do the gnolls feel about employment? (or is that just too much of a headache for the campaign?)[/OOC]

"Sadly, I expect the people won't ever overcome their fears. A person can be smart, but people are stupid, panicky herd animals that learned long ago that they are too weak as individuals to survive against what nature can throw against them. So they built weapons, banded together and proceeded to kill every dangerous animal that they could find, keeping themselves safe by being the most dangerous creature in the area. That's why even a lion will avoid a group of men rather than confront them. They learned long ago that human meat has sharp edges.

"No, the only way these two will be accepted is if the townsfolk are convinced that there is something or someone even more dangerous keeping them from acting up. Best they stay hidden until we can relocate them."

Re: Martin and Reller (Stik and Kafen) private thread

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:42 am
by Breila
[OOC]I thought the whole purpose of keeping the gnolls close was to have some muscle for the confrontation with Sanbalet... so they figure in the campaign, yes. [/OOC]

Please rejoin the main thread once the new topic is open.

Re: Martin and Reller (Stik and Kafen) private thread

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:14 pm
by Kafen
"Perhaps, we can arrange something even if people are uneasy, here." Reller says. "There is plenty of room in the wild for some hunters."

Re: Martin and Reller (Stik and Kafen) private thread

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:27 pm
by Breila
It turns out that the gnolls are perfectly happy with living in the old mansion for the time being, at least until they got their revenge on Sanbalet.

Re: Martin and Reller (Stik and Kafen) private thread

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:30 pm
by Kafen
(( Reller will try to establish a trade in fish with them over the evening after the conversation. ))