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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 4:41 pm
by BishGada
Ke'Sha looks at the firbolg with increasing interest as well as disappointed, "Leaving so soon?" he asks the now shrinking creature. A moment later Landro jumps to the opening and Jack follows and Ke'Sha just holds his head... He looks at Allakhain and asks, "Did no one heard me asking if they can fly or levitate to avoid pressure traps?" but since they had gone he walks to the passage edge and calls out, "Err.. guys... tie a rope to yourself, in case we need to pull you up. Just pull two times and we will pull back." he throws a rope at them and hopes they will obey. Even if they will die he will be able to retrieve their body.

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:14 pm
by Styrius
After looking at the shaft to nothing, Axid moves over and opens the hatch in the SE corner (Hatch D).

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:40 am
by TristenC
Axid pulls the lid off of another hatch (d) nearby to reveal a cylindrical shaft fully 10 feet wide with a metal ladder attached to one side descending into darkness beyond the range of his infravision.

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:51 am
by chris107
Holding his lantern high in one hand he scrapes away some of the bones beneath his booted feet, trying to gauge the depth and see what lays beneath. Are the bones pretty much intact skeletons? Are there any hints as to how they died? The humanoids in the wall paintings, are they of a recognisable species?

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:26 am
by TristenC
Jack roots around a little in the bones and discovers they are nearly a foot deep. They have been heavily gnawed upon, so any cause of death is difficult to determine. there are no complete skeletons, the pile reminding him somewhat of a discarded collection of pieces; most of which are broken.

The figures on the wall are distorted in an artistically menacing way. They seem to mostly be human

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:13 pm
by Styrius
Axid walks over to the other hatch where folks are wading around in bones and such. "Find anything of note down there?"

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:28 am
by BishGada
"Hey dwarf! Err.. hey... Axid? How about you check the hand mark on the snake until they come up from their research?" Ke'Sha suggests politely.

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:50 pm
by Styrius
Axid quips back "Are you too short to reach the hand print? Perhaps one of your helpers can lift you up or maybe even you could use one as a foot stool to step on." He returns his gaze at the hole below amazed that the fellows below aren't getting hurt stomping around on bones. "By the way, it looks like you'd have a 'lifetime' supply of minions at the bottom here".

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:49 am
by BishGada
"Indeed." Ke'Sha gives an observant look down, as if failing to see the mockery, but then he slowly lifts his gaze and check Axid head to toes, "Although I find out that fresh meet can be more useful. More powerful minions to create. Hmmm... it will be nice to get acquaintance with you, before and after, and to compare the quality of conversation..." Ke'Sha gives a sour expression, obviously biased to the quality of conversations he has with the dead, "So... if you agree to cooperate I can help you easily get up there, two little short creatures, and we can check that mark TOGETHER." Ke'Sha spits the last word, gives the end of the rope he hopes the Landro and Jack were smart enough to tie to themselves to Rror, knowing he could easily pull them up upon command, quickly grabs Axid arm and then just easily steps up on air as if it were solid stairs to closely look at the mark. "So, new friend, what do you see?" he asks in educative tone, while giving half a smile to Allakhain, pretty sure she had similar education in anatomy lessons.
(OOC: I plan to have about a "round" checking the mark with Axid. Looking for details and if the danger sense tingle. If Axid has better abilities to test it, please take over the posting.
If that time passes and there is no sign from Landro and Jack, Ke'Sha will command the skeleton with the Dead Senses to tie itself to a rope and go down to check what is going on with them.)

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:08 pm
by chris107
Jack, hearing the others still crashing about above, worries that the party is splintering before we’ve even started. This place is dangerous from what he was told. OOC - Maybe we should all focus in one direction?

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:32 pm
by TristenC
Ke'Sha considers the handprint but nothing triggers his innate 'Danger Sense'

Allikhain sighs at the scattering attentions and begins reciting a spell, taking a small egg from her pouch. Weaving the spell through it she walks about the room. This will do you no harm and some benefit, I swear it. she says, congenially. First she taps the egg against her own forehead, then Jagrinder, Ke'Sha, Braiden, then slides down the rope to 'anoint' Jack and Landro in a similar manner. This way we will all be able to communicate telepathically to each other indivdually or all together. Please don't make me regret this. Climbing back up she regards Axid. Apologies, dear, but since you have a natural talent for the same I figured you would have no trouble joining our mental relay at-will.

And to the rest of you... she adds, her voice echoing in their minds, Perhaps we should refrain from splitting up in the most dangerous situation most of us have ever faced in our experienced lives... she finishes, sparing a wink for Jack as if having read his mind.

[If any member refuses the connection, she will extend the last slot to Axid. The undead are inelligible.]
Allikhain casts Rary's Telepathic Bond on Herself, Jack, Lando, Ke'Sha, Jagrinder and Braiden (of all willing) if not she will add Axid.

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:40 pm
by Nocturno
With a polite nod Jag thinks. "Appreciated.". Jag is still hanging back around the ladder.

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:13 pm
by BishGada
Ke'Sha is used to sharing senses and thoughts with creatures, but usually he focuses on one. Suddenly, all thoughts rush between them simultaneously, Ke'Sha find it hard to hide his line of thoughts and in a flash triggers a sequence of images were each of the group members become a new lich, then as resurrected from the dead, then lying on his operation table naked, but as he projects Allakhain image, he quickly switch it to zombies, bears, deers, images from war carnages, whatever can set of his mind. Then he projects the thought, "Gur! Play nice! Your fantasies are really appealing, but keep them to yourself!" and he give one uncharacteristic sheepish grin to Allakhain, but then looks away and tries to avoid any eye contact.
"We are not splitting. Just making good use of time while we wait to the others." He concentrate a moment, "What do you see down there?" he broadcasts his thoughts but aims to Landro and Jack.

Since the hand mark didn't trigger danger sense, Ke'Sha also asks Gur to give it a look so he can understand if it radiate magical aura. "I guess I'll do it myself then." He carefully put touches the hand mark with any item he has ready, and if nothing happens will try to touch it.

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:04 pm
by Styrius
Axid replies to Allakhain's reasoning: "Thank you, should the need arise I will communicate that way. Experience has taught me that most do not like others wandering around in the deep recesses of their mind. Skeletons in closets and such. Venturing in another's mind tends to find the innate fears, trauma, sins... desires... machinations..." He looks around "I find it much more peaceful communicating by other means. It saves much turmoil on part of the other person." He allows the necromancer to steady himself as he examines the handprint.

Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:25 pm
by Nocturno
"Are the fellows down the hole tied off?" Jag mentally communicates.