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Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:22 pm
by Chris1234
Great, thanks.
Bare bones:
Erik is a Sage-Researcher focusing on one thing - how to maintain his dark-half abilities without having to feed on humankind blood. He's searched for his whole life trying to answer this question but so far without success. The answer could come from anywhere, and topic, so he's an avid follower of any lines of research, a seeker of any type of knowledge. Unlocking this ancient mystery is worth bringing down a whole civilization.
CN reflects his self-centeredness.

Hows the above?
Need more? If so, in which direction? If you need a plot hook, then any hint or rumour of an arcane manual on how to do 'stuff'. Doesn't have to be able to find it. The search for where knowledge of its whereabouts could be a whole quest..

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:50 pm
by Rivi
OCC ok here we go

Erik arrived on the out skirts of Niblim around 1:00 pm the town was bustling with people mostly students of the large academy in the town. the town looked like any found in the kingdom except for two larger buildings. one a tavern with the image of two huge boars drinking from frothing mugs. he could see even from here, although he couldn't read the sign yet. the other building towered over the others a huge building with a main spire and several attached lower buildings. as he looks over the town with its grand academy he thinks to himself maybe the answers he looking for are in there.

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:00 pm
by Chris1234
Erik looks across the town and tries to get a sense of the place, its size, population, any dock or low class areas?

He then goes into the in to mingle, eavesdrop and get a sense of the place, it clientele any connection to the college, and any particularly interesting people.

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:09 pm
by Rivi
as he walks through the town it looks like it should have about 500 people has three four times that. Its size is smaller than the number of people would suggest, until he notes that most of the people are where uniforms of what he must guess are from the school. Almost ¾ of the people must live at the school. As he walks through the street the main thing he see besides the mass of students are a few normal towns people a smith here a baker here. the only two people standing out are one an armor clad red head female human berating a town guard for not having his armor on straight. The other a blond elf lady in blue with a crystal violin on her back.

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:40 pm
by Chris1234
Erik approaches the blonde elven lady with the violin, "Excuse me, madam, I'm new in town. Please could you tell me something of it?"

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:48 pm
by Rivi
the elf turns bubbly but before she even answers a charm comes off her that is noticeable "oh hi welcome to Niblim! im Finn the blue bard. what would you like to know of our fair town " she leads him to a near by bench siting

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:54 pm
by Chris1234
Erik goes with her, smiles and replies, "Yes, please, I'd love to hear all about it. And, if I might say, without causing offense, what stunningly beautiful hair you have."

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:47 am
by Rivi
the elf laughs a full rich sound "no i take no offence. the town was founded about 10 years ago by a team of adventurers " then leaning in to a conspiratorially wispier "of which i was one" then back in the normal tones "my husband the owner of the hogs ride pub" she points down the road "and the head master of the academy put forward all the funds to build the town" as she its back she pulls out her peculiar violin almost as a habit and starts plucking a bouncy tune

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:04 am
by Chris1234
"So is this an abnormal town then? Is that what you're telling me? Or does it have the usual rich, merchant and poor sectors? Is there any business? Or crafting? Markets? Where does food for all come from? Is there much crime," questions Erik.
"As it was founded by adventurers, does that mean there are many adventuring opportunities? Or just the opposite? Are there many, or any, threats to the town? What are the studying and training opportunities?"

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:39 am
by Rivi
continuing to pluck out her tune "yes it is an odd town. its more of a small support town for the for food and craft most of it comes from inside the academy even farm land in within its walls. they test new spells to try and make farming easier." she shivers for a second "it dose some times mean odd results. we had one week, we needed to chase giant cow shaped tomatoes. we are all retired adventures, so now a days if we need adventures to do something we send out notices" her song switches to something more melodic and the violin glows softly "well we do have the larges magical school in most of the wold, not the largest library that's in Turga to the east"

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:13 pm
by Chris1234
"Thank you. So what would I have to do to be able to study here? Or peruse the library, for that matter? And are there any notices requiring 'jobbing adventurers' in circulations right now? Or where might I find such?" Erik asks.

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:55 am
by Rivi
the elf keeps on with her plucking and answers "to study at the academy you need to meet with the head master,just walk to the front hall and ask the doors and ya i mean talk to the door. as to jobs the tavern is a good place to inquire"

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:46 am
by Chris1234
Erik walks up to the school's doors and says, "hello, I'd like to study here. What do I have to do?"

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:00 pm
by Rivi
erick walks up to the entrance the main spire a tower above him blots out the sun. there are a few doors allover its base but there is clearly a large two door entrance leading into the main spire.
once he gets close he see the doors each have large ornate door nobs one silver, one gold.

Once he gets close he asks his question the nobs come to life animating. the key holes becoming mouths and ornate carvings become eyes (think Alice in wonder lands door nobs) the gold nob sniffts derisively and answers in a bord tone "arre a new student looking to get in. doesn't look like much ...well gota talk to the head master for that. what kind of magic ye be studyin...drudaic clerical acrain? think ill stay closed!" not even waiting for Erick to answer. the silver nob pipes in a clearly female voice but also clearly miffed with its gold counter part "what dose it matter what kind of magic hes studyn? we teach it all here even that ki stuff the monks use. you rusted excuses for a mimics behind!" the gold one shoots back "master cross put us in charge of who gets to meet him and im thinking no!" the silver nob talks back "why you! hes here to learn that's why master cross made this school, so i say yes!" the two nobs shake and shudder trying to get at one another stopping out of breath the gold one asks "how do we even know what he wants to learn?" the silver answers "we ask him!" the gold one looks confused "we didn't ask him well, what are we waiting for?" the silver rebuff "nothing you gilded moron!" then in a calmer motherly tone"sorry deary do you mind indulging me. why do you want to come" the gold one interrupts "ask him already" the silver snipes back "SHHHH...why do you want to come to this" the gold once again "sorry!" the silver rolls her eyes and continues "...shcool?"

Re: Chris1234-(Private Thread)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:46 pm
by Chris1234
"To learn," Erik replies.