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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:29 pm
by Chris1234
"Here, can you figure out what these potions do, please?" Naras asks, and hands them to Cye.
" Serenna, want to go down the hole? Or sweep round to try and leave nothing behind us?" Naras asks, and then heads accordingly. ""Sorry but you guys might have to help me get down there..."

{OOC: Does RoFree Action negate buoyancy? i.e. would it be like falling off a cliff for Naras?}

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:34 pm
by Nuke
"We better just go down, we don't have the strength to clear everything out" Val says.

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:10 pm
by HorizonsDream
"I do need to go back to the ship to get the money I apparently owe Raven," Jocelyn says to Naishe. She gives a nod to Oura to let her know that she heard her, and leads the group back to the ship.

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:50 pm
by Breila
Ouragana goes last of the group, looking as if she was supervising them.
On the ship, she asks a crew member to see that the slave girl does not come to harm and then follows Jocelyn to the storage. She asks her: "Forgive me, I have not been attentive all the time you spoke with Raven. Why exactly have we just spent 550 gold for a slave girl, and what is going to happen with her?"

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 12:16 pm
by JadedDM
Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (The Bullring/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
The party heads back to the docks and get into the rowboat they left there. After untying it and paddling back, they climb aboard the Bullring which is still out at sea, anchored.

Baeros, Gallath, Drav, Naishe and Brock stay on deck with the slave girl while Ouragana and Jocelyn head downstairs, to the cargo hold where their treasure is being stored. They find a handful of marines down there guarding it, as well as Penta, who is still occasionally banging on the door of her cell and yelling.

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
Cye accepts the potions and confers with Shin as the two investigate them. After a few minutes, they seem to reach a conclusion. "This one," says Cye, holding out the first one, "is a potent healing potion. While the other one seems to be a potion that heightens a warrior's abilities for a short time."

"It looks fairly deep," Serenna notes. "Not even sure if down there is where mother is. But our only other option is to backtrack and try the other paths we didn't take. Either way, we risk wasting time as we don't know which way is the right way."

(OOC: A Potion of Extra Healing and a Potion of Super Heroism.

And yes, there is no buoyancy with free action, so if Naras jumps into the hole, she'll fall at the same rate as if she were on the surface, surrounded by air.)

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:42 pm
by Chris1234
Naras nods, "Good work, Cye. Serenna, what do you think of you having the healing potion and Val having the superheroism? Or other way round?"
While Serenna is considering that, the dward turns to the spell casters to ask "Do either you have anything that can point us the right way? Like an Augury? Else we recurse round I think."
She then says to Val, "A Strong Healing potion and one of Superheroism. I said Serenna should have one and you the other. Thoughts on that? And which way to go - back round or down? We're on the timer here, when my armour spell goes down I'm screwed."

If by some chance the group reach a decision to go down the hole then after briefly discussing it Naras will remove the ring to have some buoyancy and rely on help to get down and back later.

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:38 pm
by HorizonsDream
Jocelyn turns to look at Oura. "Why would you go along with trying to save this slave girl if you didn't have a clue as to what it was all about?" she asks. "The slave girl is one of his orphans," she explains. "That slave group stole her from Raven, so he sent us to get her back for him."

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:35 pm
by Nuke
"Share the healing potion now, at least a swig. And the other won't help iffin we don't go the right way." Val states. She reaches for the healing potion, she takes a slug. "Pick a route, just point me."

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:26 pm
by Breila
"That much I understand. And I am happy in principle to have freed her, but paying my money and then handing her back to Raven doesn't seem exactly fair. And I doubt he will pay us something" Ouragana states. "What I would like to do now is train her as a handmaiden, so she will be able to make a living for herself in an honest manner. And if she turns out to be telanted, I might even take her on as apprentice. What do you think?"

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:53 am
by spyguy1503
Gallath looks over at Baeros. "You were over the line." He looks at the slave girl with curiosity.

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:42 pm
by JadedDM
Baeros, Gallath and Drav (The Bullring's deck/Sardonx 15th 10 PM)
While the others stand around waiting, Gallath examines the slave girl. She's human, probably around 15 years old or so. She has brown skin and black hair that is tied up with a bow. Her clothes are simple and inexpensive, but well cared for. She has a strange, dreamy look on her face like she is spaced out. She doesn't seem aware of where she is or anyone around her.

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
Val takes a swig of the potion, and one of her wounds heals completely while a second one heals almost so. She then hands it to Serenna, who seems to get the gist of what the half-orc is trying to say and drinks a bit herself. Her wounds only heal slightly, though. This leaves one swig left in the bottle.

"I'm afraid I don't have any spells like that," Cye admits. Shin nods in agreement with his brother.

"Alright," Serenna states. "We'll go back then. Unless there are any objections?"

Val drinks 1/3 of the Extra Healing Potion, restoring (1d8): 8 HP. Val's condition improves to moderately wounded.
Serenna drinks 1/3 of the Extra Healing Potion, restoring (1d8): 2 HP.

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:52 pm
by Chris1234
"Maybe keep the last bit in case your mother needs it?" Naras suggests to Serenna. ""OK, back then. Right hand wall?"
Switching languages, "Val, we go back and sweep the rest of this area; righ hand wall," and starts to head back as the others can swim a bit faster than she can walk!
She plans to follow the RH wall in the absence of any better indications.

{OOC: I keep forgetting that Val has difficulty speaking underwater. Oops.}

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:06 pm
by Nuke
Val moves along the right hand wall, looking for action....

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:24 pm
by HorizonsDream
"So, then, do you have another way to set up a meeting with Sable?" Jocelyn asks. "If so, I'm willing to listen. If not, then we have to return this girl to Raven. I'm not against the idea of you taking the girl, but you might need to buy her again."

Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:54 pm
by Breila
"So, in fact, I have just given 400 Gold to you" Ouragana states matter-of-factly, waiting for a reaction.