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Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:26 pm
by Nocturno
Right but traditionally if you use your class you have left behind you either don't get xp in the new class, or get some kind of penalties no?

Now I realize anything we do isn't really all that traditional here... lol

Also the Orc/Elf mentality would be great, I see it being a shaman to some pagan god of the Orcs, but the Elf half pulling him to the steely cleanliness of the Elven gods of the weave.

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:34 pm
by TristenC
That restriction is only until your new class is higher than the old. As ling as the new class is equal, I'll waive the restriction on that and hd. The HD thing wouldn't matter much as you'd have maxed out die at lvl 9 in your first class and would be getting +2 hp/lvl or whatever after that. That's why my example had cleric first, so you'd get 9d8 +4 hps :D

Like I said, I'll research the orc/elf thing

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:11 pm
by Nocturno

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:18 pm
by xelphyn
I feel like a cross between an elf and an orc would make a human lol

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:32 pm
by TristenC
Hah! Except with pointy teeth, ears and an overly angular jaw... *shiver* ... _YViIFSwhQ

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:15 pm
by TristenC
I have added a new forum for the game and given Nocturno, Mltillis and Xelphyn permission to post in it. I also made Jen a leader (since she's an admin and interested in the game anyway :D and thanks for helping me get it set up btw).

If anyone else is interested you can post here or send me a pm.

I also gave pm to Nocturno about the Orc/Elf thing, which I will post details of in the Char creation thread there in case anyone else is interested/curious.

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:15 am
by Rivi
if theirs still room id be interested in playing a ranger of some kind. (still looking at some particulars of what id want to build)

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:23 am
by TristenC
There certainly is. Welcome!

Which site did you hear about the game on?

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:39 pm
by Rivi
i didn't hear from a site. i'm friends with Nocturno were coworkers and play a few games together but normally he gms games so we don't get to play as players together. so far i'm thinking a brastmaster kit

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:40 pm
by TristenC
Awesome! Well you are doubly welcome then. Nocturno has been a fun addition to the PAD&D site here. There is still room in my Ravenloft game as well that's, where his Kender lives :D

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:11 pm
by Namenlos
Welcome, Welcome, all are welcome! Good Luck and Have Fun, Rivi. :wink:

TRISTENC WANTS YOU(to join his Ravenloft game)!

I'm in that one and I can attest to its success! Um... success at being awesomely fun that is. I highly, highly recommend you join because I need an audience! j/k :D

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:27 pm
by TristenC
Dang. And here I was hoping you posted on here to join this game, Namenlos... :p

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:03 pm
by Namenlos
get out of my head!

How did you know I was debating joining, what madness is this?

I'm just trying to decide if I've the time for another O.O

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:25 pm
by TristenC
Lol, first campaign's free, then you pay...

With your SOUL!

Jk :)

I can help with char creation if you like...
C'mon, Nocturno's already in...

[Why do I suddenly feel like a 'pusher'...]

Btw: it's the deadpool thing... I'm the yellow box...

Re: Tomb of Horrors and Labyrinth of Madness!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:42 pm
by Namenlos
I'm prrtty sure I'm in, horror and gore are my bread and butter! Though, you know, not literally... cough, cough.

I've a bunch of character ideas, just trying to think of the best and most interesting sacrificial lamb to offer you.

We all definetly need yellow boxes,.

Spoiler ahead, to anyone reading deadpool comics, lol.

I forget who became one of the voices, the weird guy that got blown up with deadpool but they regenerated into one person(sigh, good times :)) he was like some kinda psychedelic marshmellow person or something lol. And who is the psychologist madman that is like a giant bell? Doctor bong? I forget, pretty sure he's the other voice.
Look what you've gone and done, I encourage you not to mention deadpool to me or I will attack you with fully automatic word salad!
You know... since you DID bring him up, how about that whole thom(spelled correctly) cruz arc. Pretty sure I didn't stop laughing on that one.

Okay, going to go break my fingers now so I can keep my posts shorter. :)