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AD:LC OOC Thread I

Homebrewed 2e adventure in the land of Arkantos. Arkantos is a very special place, as most activity is not on the ground or in the sea, but in fact in the skies above. Sky-ships are heavily implied, lest you fall into the barren wasteland of a world below the clouds...

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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by BishGada »

I'd guess it's the magical defense adjustment value.
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

I don't use wisdom much xD

Probably that, and I'll keep looking for stuff...
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

Key of Summer? By assumption, you can assume that there are three more.

There are actually four more!

The last one is the Key of the Seasons.

Have fun solving that puzzle.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

Alright, I want you all to see if you understand this.

A = B, B =/= A, C = A = B, and A =/= C =/= B

A can affect B, B cannot affect A.
C can affect A and B, but A and B cannot affect C.
When A changes, B changes. However, C does not change.
When C changes, B and A change.

B cannot affect A or C.

What is it?
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by JadedDM »

Back to the monk thing.

First you need to ask yourself if you even want to allow monks in your game. You can always make your friend pick a different class.

But if you do want to bring in monks, here is what I have so far.

This is, I believe, the 1st Edition monk class. I've never used it or seen it in action, so I can't say off-hand whether it works well or is too weak or overpowered. It should be fairly easy to convert this to 2E, though. First and Second Edition are very similar as it is.

Below is the kit for the Fighting-Monk, from the Complete Priest's Handbook. It's basically a standard cleric but with martial arts.

Description: This priest belongs to an order devoted in large part to the study of fighting styles, especially barehanded martial arts. These monks live and study in monasteries devoted to their orders. If, for example, they are priests of the god of War, these monks do not live and study in ordinary temples of that god; they have their own secluded monastery away from the normal temples.

These monks do not confine their war-training to the monasteries, however. They travel the wide world in order to learn the secrets of life, the world, magic and the gods. As an order, they sometimes volunteer their services to rulers in times of war, and act as elite forces against the enemy.

These monks are most appropriate for an oriental-flavored campaign and the DM may wish to decide that they cannot be used in his campaign. Before you create a Fighting-Monk character, consult your DM and ask if he is allowing the Fighting-Monk kit in his campaign.

In order to be a fighting-monk, the character must have a Dexterity of 12 or more.

If a fighting-monk wants to abandon this kit, he must go through a difficult process in order to do so. He must not use any of his unarmed combat techniques for three whole experience levels' worth of time. Once he's reached that third experience levle, he has forgotten his unarmed combat techniques and may resume the wearing of armor; and, if he renounced some of his spheres of influence when he became a fighting-monk, may now resume those lost spheres.

As an example, a fighting-monk priest at 5th level decides to renounce his allegiance to the fighting-monk order. He adventures normally, still not wearing armor but otherwise performing as a normal priest of his priest-class. He abstains from using his unarmed combat techniques. At 8th level, he has abandoned his fighting techniques and may once again wear the armor appropriate to his priest-class.

If a character forgets himself and uses unarmed combat techniques during this process, he must "start over." It will be three experience levels from his current level, from the time he made the slip, until he can resume his priest-class.

Role: In the campaign, this priest is the philosophical warrior whose principal duty is self-enlightenment. He is less concerned with the ordinary priestly duties (such as guidance, marriage, community service) than those priests, but will still perform them; he just won't go out of his way to look for them, nor will he normally volunteer for them (NPCs must ask his help in these matters). Such characters are usually wanderers, which help make them appropriate for adventuring parties. They do periodically return to their monasteries, to pass on the learning they have acquired on the road, and to brush up on their fighting-skills; the rest of the time they spend out in the world.

Weapon Proficiencies: Required: See under "Special Benefits" below. Otherwise, the priest may take any weapon proficiencies which the class allows.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Tumbling. Recommended: Riding, Artistic Ability, Dancing, Reading/Writing, Religion.

Special Benefits: The principal benefit of being a Fighting-Monk is that the character receives two free weapon proficiency slots which he must use to take Specialization in one of the three styles of Unarmed Combat (Punching, Wrestling or Martial Arts). These were described in greater detail in The Complete Fighter's Handbook. The Fighting-Monk is the only priest who can specialize in an Unarmed Combat style. He can specialize in any or all of the three styles, but he may only specialize in one of them at first level.

As a second benefit, the Fighting-Monk has a nonweapon proficiency group crossover with all five groups (General, Priest, Rogue, Warrior, Wizard). No proficiency costs double the usual slots.

The last of the Fighting Monk's benefits is this: He doesn't have to spend all his starting weapon proficiency slots at first level. He can save unspent slots and they do not "go away." Later, he can spend them at a rate of one slot per level to improve his martial arts or buy new martial arts.

Special Hindrances: This priest cannot wear any sort of armor. Additionally, he must give up all but three Major Accesses in his sphere of influence (one of which must be All) and two Minor Accesses. The player may choose which ones he keeps and gives up.

Additionally, the priest may never own more things (weapons, treasure, money, etc.) than he can carry on his back.

Wealth Options: The Fighting-Monk gets the usual 3d6x10 GP as starting money.
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

He wants to make a character that is like a close combat unarmed AND pyromancer.

I don't know what he wants me to do because he gives me no straight answer at times. I'll chat with him.
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by JadedDM »

Hmm, then maybe take the Fighting-Monk kit, and choose Elemental (Fire) for one of his major spheres?

But yeah, let's get some of his input, as well.
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

You know what's funny? When you read about the positive energy plane and it says this:

"You don't explode from the light, rather you explode from 'explosive cancer of the everything.'"
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by JadedDM »

That is an interesting, albeit technically correct, way of explaining it, yeah.
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

It's on the wiki page as literally that.
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by spyguy1503 »


Overalls, you say?
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by BishGada »

Happy birthday Kithkinin Wheeler.
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

Should probably mention that I usually forget to check over the weekend. Sorry guys.
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

Sorry for the wait, been a bit preoccupied with random shenanigans.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: AD:LC OOC Thread I

Post by chese780 »

I found this great piece of information:

Sign of a great DM: Built contingencies for his contingencies.

Sign of a Batman DM: Built contingencies for his contingent contingencies.

Sign of an unstable DM: the pieces of tape on the end of shoe laces are called aglets, and their true purpose is...sinister.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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