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A 5e D&D campaign starting at 1st level in and around the city of Waterdeep in the Forgotten Realms.

Waterdeep: City of Splendours, seat of many thousand plots. Are they opportunities for success, or for an untimely demise?
Will the adventurers sit safely in their comfort zones? Or will they risk their all to carve out a slice of Realms history with their names on it? Puppet or puppeteer?

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Character Descriptions

Post by TristenC »

Post a quick physical appearance for your PC here.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by TristenC »

Nixthi’vraklos stands an imposing six feet tall; a height further augmented by two thin, spiraling, ivory hued horns that rise at a backward angle from the top of his forehead. Slightly wavy jet black hair falls past his shoulders, framing olive-toned skin and silvery metallic eyes without iris or sclera. Darkly handsome, the force of his presence and personality is undeniable and almost overwhelming (18 cha). A long, black, whip-like tail with a flared but slightly rounded tip weaves back and forth behind him. The folds of his robes hide many small trinkets, bits of bone, bead or metal; the purpose and nature of which are anyone’s guess.

When Nix wishes to keep his half-fiend nature hidden he wears his hood up to cover his horns and uses a Thaumaturgy cantrip to change the color of his eyes. He also wraps his tail about his waist like a belt, tucking it beneath the cloth sash of his robes.

General appearance
Nix.jpg (73.89 KiB) Viewed 21906 times

Horn style (ivory in color)
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Nocturno »

Sue Breadson, enforcer on the Watch. Rumored to have recently slain his Orc father while on a protection detail in his former home town.

You get the feeling there is more than meets the eye when you look at this dour half breed.

He stands 6'2'' 250 lbs. There appears to be an armoury hanging from him. And a look on his face that would not invite a challenge to prove he knows how to use everyone of those weapons. The donation of his father's skin tone just makes him look like he is always under the weather, not really green, but never a healthly glow. His tusks might be able to be hidden, if he ever considered it, but this ears... well no matter how long his hair got, his ears always showed. No one could really tell you the colour of his eyes, except maybe his mother. Most of the time they are the pure black of his father's heritage, but when he is warm, safe, and in a rare pleasant mood the chestnut of his mother's eyes could show.

Always in his armour, his presence is always known to all around him.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jenara »

Rina stands at 5 1/2 feet in height and weighs a respectable 125lbs, she is not slim, rather her body is well proportioned with curves, two of which she often hides under her leather armor.

Her deep brown, almost black eyes sparkle with intelligence within her rounded face framed by her shoulder length dark brown/black hair. Her long fingers move with dexterity, the sign of a former thief. Her whole body is well toned and supple, although she is still finding her feet with her balance, a skill she has yet to practice since her taking on Holy Orders, and her recent body change.

She is usually found dressed in dark leather armour, with a simple cloth undershirt, black skirt and long black boots, her weapons are carried plainly on her person with the strangely out of place knife worn in a scabbard on her belt (a knife she picked up from the bullies that hurt her before Nix helped her)

" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by counterkid »

Evenwood stands 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 155 pounds. He is very slim and not muscular but still fit for a wizard. He is agile and in good health for such a slim man.
He has short blond hair, deep green eyes and tawny skin. He is very young looking and almost boyish in appearance. His cloths are that of a commoner.

When he speaks you can tell that his intelligence shines above all else. He often appears to be in deep thought and doesn`t often speak first. He likes to observe and be calculative before speaking to people he is unfamiliar with.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Squirrellord »

Jim has dull copper colored skin, green eyes and medium length dirty blonde hair with natural sun lightened tints that doesn't quite manage to cover his obviously sylvan ears. He is slight in stature, standing a mere 5 and half feet and appears almost painfully thin. The clothing he wears is common in nature, very well worn and appears to large for him.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Hamlett »

Isaril of Ardeep Forest: Rag-tag Sylvan druid who who finds the city-folk strange. Dressed in a rough thatch-like gown, tanned skin, long, scraggly copper-blonde hair and yellow eyes. His expressionless face makes him seem all the more outlandish to city folk. He holds a gnarly staff, and a even more gnarly bow rests across his back. Pelts of various small animals, and charms made from spindles of twigs hang from his front.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jessi+ »

Amaranth is a happy little halfling, She's just left her home and is still in awe of the grander sights to be seen. Her tanned skin is smooth, she does not have any visible scars. Her basic facial expression is one of eager joy, she is certainly enjoying being an adventurer! The most definite impression you get from her appearance is one of excited curiosity.

Her hair is long and chestnut brown, flowing in complicated braids down to her hips. You can see smaller braids threaded through the larger ones, some of them are in different colors. She has bright eyes, large and brown.

Her clothing is simple, not quite farmer stock but definitely not any type of uniform. She's got wraps around her fists and her sandals are bound to keep them in place. Her shirt is draped loose, but her pants are fitted tight... she never fidgets or picks at her clothing, it's all where it needs to be and it stays there.
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