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** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Spike's homebrew 1st edition AD&D world.

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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by SARRMATT »

OoC whisper is unconscious. So no turns for me until told.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

Whisper woke up and is out of the hut, and sees his twin running toward the party.

You also see him throw the glaive, and you took the time to rip the mask off your face, fyi.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by SARRMATT »

Crawling naked on his hands and knees in the dirt out of the tent where he had been drugged and assaulted the near death mage shakily crawled forward. Blood mingled with salivia and it spilled from his mouth through the hole where his teeth had been. Spotting the foul changeling pretending to be him with all of his equipment from his low vantage point on the battle field Whisper's anger swelled. 'Scarab, harry the one who carries you now!' Whisper sent a mental command to the familiar, unsure if it would hear him. Whisper pushed his frail form out of the dirt and into a sprint at the imposter while he gave into his burning anger!

[OoC] DM: I would like to invoke the full remaining power of the pc's alternate ability as he charges the imposter. 80% is remaining I believe - 2 previously used flamethrower attacks(1 in the bed and one just now in the tent) this month per my count to turn into a lesser fire elemental. I don't know the stats or attacks available to me in that form but ideally I'd like to turn the fucker into ashes and those ashes into nothingness.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

The real Whisper aureates with burning flame and rushes at the changeling, you stretched out your palms and out came a torrent of scorching elemental fire, but the changeling seemed to dodge most of the brunt of it (-6 hp fire damage) it rolled back onto its feet, glaring in deep disdain at the mage 'you insignificant fool! You dare?!'

The changeling Whisper began to retract to throw the glaive in its hand but the real Whisper was quicker this time around, and unleashed the last remnant of dormant power in him on the creature. It fell over, half of its body marred by the blast of purifying fire (-13 hp dmg). Now its form altered and assumed a non descript, pale white look with milk white eyes.

Just then two soldiers came out of a nearby hut and seeing Whisper they laugh and sneer 'target practice' taking a bead on him with their crossbows. You wince as a bolt struck you (-4 hp piercing damage) the second soldiers projectile flew harmlessly overhead.

'First blood's mine' soldier #1 said, they begin reloading.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

From the shadows Idrys closes, hopefully silently and unseen, to hack the life from the nearer foes engaging with Whisper.
If successful, he then charges the remaining foe trying to intimidate and panic him, thinking, "See how well he parries an invisible sword."

Karlane tries to end the spear wielder.

aka kills with no frills?

{OOC: 2 attacks this round, THAC0 17}
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

Idrys comes out of the shadowy cleft between huts and slashed the first man across the arm (-12 hp damage) foiling his reloading, he curses angrily 'shit!' he stammered, bleeding from the wound, eying Idrys scornfully he tossed his crossbow aside and withdrew a longsword and dagger 'you filthy swine, you're dog meat!'

Meanwhile the leader leaped into the air and landed next to Garosh. He sprung at the blonde haired fighter who side stepped, the leader tripped on a tent peg and went barreling into a tent instead (fumbled). Garosh retrieves 4 daggers in his offhand, each wedged between a finger.

One of the men entwined in the web had died from emulsification, the webbing filled his mouth, nostrils and ears.

The 7 behind the held soldiers unleash crossbow bolts at the party, only 1 manages to strike Valtor painfully, the elf snarled loudly.

Karlene, after felling her intended target, see's a white portal nearby not of her own creation, behind where the 10 must have come from. She overhears some bantering from it: 'Kill them you overpaid lickspittles!' out of it came a man clad in red robes, looking to be a priest of sorts he wore a metallic glove in the palm which floated several metal spheres.

Valtor casts a spell, cupping his hands he hurls a black bolt of pulsating energy down the line of 10 attackers, the bolt returns and finishes them. It appears to be a darkening bolt, a bolt of lightening wrought from negative energy. None the less effectual in its desired effect.

'Why didn't you just do that before?' Nym asked shaking his head.

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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

Using both swords Idrys concentrates on finishing the wounded crossbowman (before his companion can help him by pulling out a potion, handing it over and the stopper removed and potion quaffed.)

Does Karlane recognize the mage? And how many, if any, unengaged soldiers are there (still upright) within threatening distance of Karlane?
Last edited by Chris1234 on Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by SARRMATT »

Whisper pressed the attack on the changeling that had almost claimed his life wanting nothing more then to turn it into ash and erase its existence from this face of Scarlor.

[OoC] DM- Am I correct in assuming that the transformation to fire elemental was successful and thus a HP and AC buff for the character? Otherwise the PC is at 2 hp, so please do keep that in mind for resolving the next bit of action. For future turns the PC will continue to follow and attack the changeling until it is beyond dead before seeking other foes.

Edit Whisper attacks the nearest foe then if the changeling is dead leaving the items in its ashes alone.
Last edited by SARRMATT on Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

You destroyed the changeling.

Yes, your form's AC and hitpoints are increased, and it requires a +1 to hit/damage you.

Since Whisper incinerated the changeling several items fall out of its body:

platinum ring depicting a rune that represents beguilement and charisma
a cube: there's a glass window on top depicting a piece of parchment inside of it, with small sharp blades attached to gears within poised to shred the document the cube contains.
a small book of portraits of different faces, drawn real small the book itself can fit into the palm of your hand.

Idrys's second crossbowman shouts 'you're bleeding, drink this' to his friend, handing his friend a flask of some elixir.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

Not a mage, but a priest.

photo mem: Looks like a ex communicated Lorian priest who was ousted from the order the same day you were anointed as an acolyte, Ariarkriss was his name he was ousted for selling miracles.

The crossbowman quickdraws his sword and parries aside Idrys's invisible blade, countering with a precise strike of his own (-8 hp dmg) still clutching the flask in his left hand he prepares to hand it over to his buddy 'take this you idiot!' he hissed angrily.

The priest chants loudly in a horrible corrupt language, the tongue of devils and four of the fallen soldiers got up and began advancing forward and he seems to hide behind them, they form a sort of protective wall around him.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

Idrys calls out to Whisper without looking at him, "Use your acid blob then grab the potion."

Idrys concentrates on the foe that just parried his invisi8ble sword - either very skilled or very lucky - and plans one attack with the invisible sword to the right and then a roll to the left {OOC: Assuming Parkour works like this} under the foe's guard or attack to try and strike him on the left flank.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

IDRYS: (22, 55% critical) sunk his invisible blade into the second soldier, piercing him through the left lung he collapsed gasping for breath (-24 hp damage, assassination) his companion grabbed the flask out of his hand before he died and drained it with relish, laughing in triumph and shattering the flask on his fallen friends helm covered head 'never did like you much, Urik, may you rot in the nine hells'
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

{OOC: Will wait for Matt}
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by SARRMATT »

Whisper turns from the ashen remains of the changeling and unleashes his burning anger at the nearest foe.

[OoC] Items are left behind in the ashes as Whisper moves to engage the closest foe.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

Whisper flung himself forward toward the grinning crossbowman, grabbed him by the tunic and thrust his dagger hilt deep into his throat (natural 20: 99% critical) the incredulous fighter fell to his knee's stunned that he was dying and the means of his death, 'you bloody sod!' he managed to gasp and fell over dead.

Meanwhile, Garosh and the leader nearby squared off against eachother. The leader charged the blonde haired fighter then tripped suddenly over a fallen comrade's prone form, giving Garosh a free attack which he gladly accepted. With brutal efficiency he swung his bastard sword across the enemy leader's backside, and he howled in a mixture of agony and rage. 'Bloody swine!' he managed to curse leaning on his two handed sword for support.

The cleric in crimson robes advances, and the wall of animated corpses moved with him like a raised shield. He could be heard from Karlene's vantage point: 'Guldomoth nelfane duriak ogmalthar!'

*TWIPPPTTTT* a crossbow bolt flew out from one of the windows and thudded into the wall next to Karlene. She looks up and saw a crossbowman there dropping his spent crossbow and picking up another that was fully loaded already.

Two fighters burst out of a nearby hut and ran toward the priest in red, but Zym intercepts them and fends them off. Meanwhile Azonia dispatches the crossbowman sniper with a superb arrow shot from her composite shortbow, and Sarancen finishes off two more with unflinching swordsmanship, gaining the admiration of Azonia. Some of the soldiers to the rear were unnerved by the Elsmyrian's prowess and backed away or dropped their blades and sauntered off.

Valtor casts a spell at the crimson robed cleric, who is struck by whatever spell it was and immediately collapsed, screaming 'No! Away! You're not even real! You can't be, it's impossible! Master no, have mercy!' the cleric is struggling against something invisible, an unseen terror and after a few moments of this epic inward battle, dies, having suffered a tremendous heart attack.

The big bellied elf smirked 'so much for that bugger, eh Turd?'' his runt Goblin companion excitedly cheered 'boss is best, boss is best! He can destroy the stupid hummies!'