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Adventurers in Narmaren

This is a Hackmaster v4 (aka AD&D 2.5E parody) game.

This campaign is currently in developmental/debug stages.

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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

[Lol. Arms, legs, same difference right? :lol: kidding ;) ]

Yeah, that's a good idea. he holds the end of the severed leg down with his foot. If that doesn't work he'll make sure there aren't any little buggies or things on the flesh, then hold it so she can get the boot off. At least there's no blood... I wonder if someone killed him and the sheep ate him up? You don't think those sheep we saw could be rabid killers do you? He laughs. Saw a mad camel not long ago.

28(coinage pg8) +80(rp w/vendor)+200 (climb)+117(tic attack) = 425

425 x1.05 => 446.25 =>223/223x1.1 => 223/ 245
Current xp: 1,639/ 1,457 + 223/ 245 => 1,862/ 1,702

temp honor:
8 current +6 (tic fight) = 14
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

With quite a bit of tugging the boot comes off.
There's nothing remarkable about it other than its orange-red color and that it appears to have been re-heeled and re-soled some while ago.

Polly replies, "Apart from these circular wounds made by the leech, the only damage is at the hip where it was severed by teeth marks. Goat or sheep, maybe."
Sheep are starting to appear from over the brow of the small rolling hill and wander towards the pair of you; first the odd one then followed by another two or three.

The halfling continues, "Hey, I know it's not what we came out here for, but I owe someone a favour. They asked me to check out a cave and clear it out if there's anything preying on the sheep. It's just up there." She points upstream, beyond the waterfall. "Would you help me?"

200 xp for climb was for thief only
Make an Animal Lore check
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar readies his bow and half-draws, aiming roughly towards the sheep. Leg chewed off by sheep or goats? he asks, leading her gaze towards the newcomers... Hmmm... I'll consider it... call my daily rate the same as yours? he says with a wink.

Oop, food catch on the theif xp, missed that.

225x1.05 => 236 => 118/[118+(200x1.05)]x1.1 => 118/360
Current xp: 1,639/ 1,457 + 118/ 360 => 1,757/ 1,817

No Animal lore skills... any bonus for being suspicious since the leg was chewed off by a sheep or goat? Or would an observation check apply? (Looking for wild-eyes or bloosy muzzles)
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

"Sure. I'll buy to breakfast after you've bought me mine," chuckles Polly nervously.

"And we split anything found evenly?" she adds.

Ruehar he stares at the sheep looking for wild eyes or bloody teeth.

The usually herbivorous sheep don't attack yet.
As he takes a couple of paces closer to get a better look, the 'lead' sheep does indeed have wild looking eyes!

It's scared witless!! Possibly thinking the elf is a sheep molester, it runs away like a little girl (which it is, really).
The rest of the bunch follow.

Polly leads the way to the cave, upstream and uphill, but no problem for a pair of healthy, fit adventurers.
After some minutes of searching, Polly finds the cave entrance and suggests in a whisper, "Go in quietly? Sling and bow at the ready? You follow me and fire over my head? But aim high!"
She looks at Ruehar for a response..

Polly is +6 to surprise foes in the wild if accompanied by those of a stealthy disposition (and don't clank, mentioning no names, Nocturno.)
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

[Lol. Sheep abusers. simultaneously horrific and hilarious.]

Sounds like a deal to me, he says to her terms.

When they reach the cave he nods and moves as directed, bow at the ready.

[Lol. Nocturno's clanking AC 1 saved his elven butt about 8 times in the last combat, though :lol: ]
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

"Maybe follow 20' behind?" suggests Polly, and heads off into the dark cavern, which opens out to about 8'wide and 8' high.
There's a 'thwop' noise ahead as Ruehar enters the darkness. It takes a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to see that Polly is using her sling to assail a crouching, vaguely avian creature with bony hooks for hands. Its vulture-like head turns towards Polly, eyes wide, though whether in surprise or indignation at having been interrupted during seeing to its bodily functions is impossible to read.
Cave creature.png
Cave creature.png (902.17 KiB) Viewed 10052 times
Polly scores a second hit in the creature's avian eye before Ruehar sticks two arrows into its body and then Polly cracks it with another silver coated war bullet.
The creature collapses, presumably dead. Polly approaches cautiously, pulling out her short sword and pokes it in the eye, confirming it is indeed dead.
With a brief search, Polly recovers all but one of her war bullets, Ruehar recovers one arrow and the cave creature, now can be seen as being about 8' tall {OOC: Large}, has no discernible treasure.

The Halfling Outrider nods, swaps sword for sling and presses on. The cave opens out to 10' wide by 12' high and slopes steadily downwards.
After another 50' travel the cave opens into a roughly off-centre oval, 45'x70'.

Two more of the cave creatures lay a few feet apart, asleep, on the opposite wall immediate in front of Polly.

The large, prone creatures are obviously surprised. What will you (both) do?

Polly: d10=3+4(Talents)+1(GH)=8
Cave creature (CC): d10=4-6(Halfling racial+kit)=-2
8-(-2)=10 segments of surprise.
Readied missile fire ROF1: segments 1, 4, 7, 10..
Readied missile fire ROF2: segments 1, 3, 5, 7, 9..
Movement by segment is doubled.
Normally 1 round for eyes to adjust (daylight to infravision) so going to say Ruehar loses 5 segments of surprise.
Polly get 4 sling attacks & Ruehar gets 3 arrow attacks
1) Polly hits (7 dam)
4) Polly Mulligans a fumble into a hit (19 dam penetration)
6) Ruehar hits (6 dam)
7) Polly fumbles but her sling makes is saving throw
Have done the housekeeping for arrows.
8 ) Ruehar hits (6 dam)
10) Ruehar misses; Polly hits (6 dam) ==> CC1 dies.

CC2 & CC3 are surprised (asleep and prone). Choices:
Automatic hit with melee weapon IF you both make successful MS rolls to approach.
Missile fire is +5 hit until the end of surprise (already rolled but not stating how long yet) and RoF as above.
Run away like frightened little sheep.
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar readies his swords and goes in for a silent kill.

MS 45%
RK001 MS [1d100] = 58

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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

Deciding not to drop his bow in case it wakes the creatures up, Ruehar carefully stows it away and pulls out his swords, advancing, scuffing a stone as he does, level with Polly as he does so in the same time it takes Polly to fire 3 slingshots. He advances to the nearer foe, not targeted by Polly, and hacks into the poor, suspecting creature like an elf possessed.

Pausing to catch his breath, Ruhar hears a noise to his right. It is a larger cave creature, now sitting up perhaps 35' from Ruehar and out of Polly's field of view.
It makes a clicking noise with its large pincers.

What next?
(If Combat, Init etc please)

Poly Init: 1d10+4(Talents)+1(GH)=8+4+1=13
CC 2&3 Init: 1d10+2(Talents)-6(Polly)=2+2-6=-2
13-(-2)=15 segments of surprise!
Polly slings on 1,4,7,10,13 all hits, dam 9,8,8,9,18= total 52 dam & pummels it to death.
Ruehar 5(put away bow)+5(get out sword)=10
CC chance to hear noise 26% d100=40, fail.
Ruehar has 5 complete attack routines (BS failed as MS failed), one per segment of surprise, all automatic hits (if not fumbled).
LS+SS dam=d12+d8, seg 11=5dam, seg 12=7dam, seg 13=8dam, seg 14=12dam, seg 15=10dam, total 42 dam, putting it on -4HP & dies.
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

[Lol, holy crap.]

Ruehar backs carefully away from the thing towards polly so that if it pursues him it will be in her field of view. If it pursues and attacks he will fight back with his swords in a withdrawing maneuver until it is in Polly's view.
if it doesn't pursue, he will hold where it would have to move into her view to reach him.

if combat happens:

RK001 init LS, ss [1d10-5] = 5-5 = 0, [1d10-5] = 5-5 = 0
LS init [1d10] = 5 -4dex -1gh => 0
Ss init [1d10] = 5 -4dex -1gh => 0 -2 wep spd = -2

RK001 vs Lg creature LS attk, ss attk, LS dmg, ss dmg [1d20] = 6, [1d20] = 2, [1d12] = 12, [1d8] = 5
LS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 6 +1 GH -3 untrained]=> miss
SS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 2 +1 GH ]=> miss bad
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

Round 2:
Ruehar starts to move slowly backwards, feeling his way with his feet, while the large creature lunges to his feet and then charges at the intruding elf.
As before the loudly clicking creature thunders up to Ruehar, Polly whacks it a with solid blow from her war bullet {9dam}.
Holding action, Ruehar swings first but both swords missing wildly, unlike his opponent who strikes a solid blow {9dam}.

Round 3:
Actions & rolls, please.

Ruehar init:
moves on #1 @ 12'/segment, reduced to 4'/seg (backwards), reduced to 2'/seg (terrain)
CC#4 init:
Stood up on 4 segment #4 (overflow from round 1) & charges at 20'/segment, so +3 seg for 60' charge.
35' away+(4x2)=43' distant at start of charge, +3 seg (charge) = ~50'
Polly is not surprised (1d10=9 (mods on top) and makes a called shot (-2 to hit, crit on 19-20) to the body, aiming for the flexible joints (flavour).
total of 17 to hit, success, dam: 1d8+5=6+5=11
CC#4: to hit 1d20+4=10+4=14, AC -2 (success), dam 1d8+4=5+4=9dam, RV is now 16/25HP. (Only 1 strike on a charge.)
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

Chris wrote:RV is now 16/25HP. (Only 1 strike on a charge.)
[Crap. That probably means several more this round ;p Aaaaand elf-burgers :lol:]

Cursing to himself, Ruehar slashes and stabs at the beast, hoping his luck holds.

RK001 init LS, ss [1d10-5] = 8-5 = 3, [1d10-5] = 5-5 = 0
hmm... i'm beginning to suspect unseen ssrvant won't report a negative result to a roll. 3 out of 4 d10s resulted in exactly 0... seems more than coincidence
LS init [1d10] = 8 -4dex -1gh => 3
Ss init [1d10] = 5 -4dex -1gh => 0 -2 wep spd = -2

RK001 vs Lg creature LS attk, ss attk, LS dmg, ss dmg [1d20] = 8, [1d20] = 7, [1d12] = 6, [1d8] = 2
LS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 8 +1 GH -3 untrained]=> miss
SS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 7 +1 GH ]=> 8. Hits AC 11 ;p
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

Round 3:
Ruehar makes an enthusiastic but ineffectual thrust with his short sword and then Polly's warbullet thuds in and finds a thin spot in the foe's exoskeleton.
The hulking creature's left claw goes limp and dangles at its side but it still makes a reckless swing at the elf {+2 to hit & dam, AC penalty of 2} inflicting a nasty gash across the chest.
Staggered by the blow {flavour} Ruehar's LS swing narrowly misses the large creature.

Round 4:
Actions & rolls, please.

You could test US with [1d3-4]..
CC#4 init: 1d10=2: 4-2=2
Polly sling init 1 (missiles):
Polly called shot lower arm (-4 to hit, crit on 19-20), d20=15, hits. Firing into melee 66% hits CC4: TN<9,d12=7, so war bullet hits CC#4. Dam: 1d8+5=8+5+(5-1+1, penetration)=18 dam, and this is more than 25% of CC#4's max HP, so this arm is disabled during this fight.
CC#4 to hit: 1d20+4=7=11, AC1 hits, Dam 1d8+4=6+4=10 dam, RV is now 6/25HP.
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar grunts in pain and frustration, but calls out to the ranger; Nice shot, keep it up!

Ruehar grimly weighs his options. If he tried to avoid the beast with acrobatics he might fail and would miss the chance to end the injured thing and be no more difficult to hit... if he tried to put it to sleep he wouldn't know until too late if it even could be knocked out... but if lsdy luck smiled on gim and he or Polly connected... maybe he had a chance. C'mon, you big ugly sheep-lover, he growls at the creature, Time to get more iron in your diet! He says, attacking with everythimg he has.

in for a penny and all that...

RK001 init LS, ss [1d10] = 2, [1d10] = 10
LS init [1d10] = 2 -4dex -1gh => -3
Ss init [1d10] = 10 -4dex -1gh => 5 -2 wep spd = 3

Lol. At lesst he's fast sometimes :p

RK001 vs Lg creature LS attk, ss attk, LS dmg, ss dmg [1d20] = 9, [1d20] = 7, [1d12] = 11, [1d8] = 1
LS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 9 +1 GH -3 untrained]=> 7. AC 12 miss
SS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 7 +1 GH ]=> 8. Hits AC 11 miss

Weeeell fek.
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

Polly decides she's pushed her luck already with the sling and switches to melee weapon while RV shows how good he is at slicing air.
The cave creature clicks a lot more, whether from distress or laughter at the elf's display of martial ineptitude is unclear, {but -1Temp Hon anyway}. It clicks so much that it, too, misses {Nat 1} but thumps the wall, spraying its head with stone fragments {-3 penalty on init and to hit next round}

Polly nearly hits the creature but not quite.

Actions and rolls for round 5, please.

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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

[Fekit, why not]

Bolstered by his companion's aid, Ruehar tries to find the gooey center to this rock-candy monster with his pointy metal sticks.

RK001 init LS, ss [1d10] = 1, [1d10] = 8
LS init [1d10] = 1 -4dex -1gh => -4
Ss init [1d10] = 8 -4dex -1gh => 3 -2 wep spd = 1

RK001 vs Lg creature LS attk, ss attk, LS dmg, ss dmg [1d20] = 6, [1d20] = 15, [1d12] = 4, [1d8] = 4
LS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 6 +1 GH -3 untrained]=> 4. miss
SS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 15 +1 GH ]=> 16. Hits AC 3 for a whopping 4 dmg!

lol. Does GH add to damage? It's been so long since i actually hit something i forgot :lol:
presuming AC3 hits, which it probably doesn't vs this hard-shelled thing