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CH. 12: Testing Grounds

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by spyguy1503 »

Ne-Chanz continues attacking rats.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
Demiplane:Cal Lightfoot, Gnome Thief/Illusionist (Improv Kit)- Chilling
AD:LitC: Jacen Terro, Half-Elf fighter- HOLD
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by djhyland »

Arulia shakes her head at Aaron's suggestion. "Don't tell them my name," she requests. She looks around to make sure that nobody is listening, then leans in to whisper. "You're not supposed to tell me about your caretaker or what you do, and I can guess why that is," she explains. "I don't want to get caught up with any...any trouble, even if it's just my name. I'll come and look for you in a few days, and if they're interested, we can figure out a place and time to meet."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Sadron sits up when Kendra enters the room. After removing her gear, she checks his bandages and finds he is bleeding again. "I'm afraid I might have overdone it today," he admits, wincing. "I was just so bored sitting in bed all day, though. I might have accidentally opened one of my wounds while exercising this afternoon."

Tulbas Erogund (Tower of Wayreth)
"That sounds more like a vague outline than a plan," the man responds. "But all right. I suppose it might be safer than waiting it out here." He slowly exits the wardrobe completely and looks at the large gap in the floor. "How am I supposed to get across though?" he asks.


Tulbas makes a CHA check [TN 11] (1d20): 5, pass.

Arulia Seroth (Market Square)
The boy looks uncomfortable but nods in reply. Then the bells begin to ring, warning that it is nearly curfew time. "I gotta go," he says and hurries off quickly, not wanting to be caught outside after hours.

Grubnick (High Hand Inn)
"Yes, actually," Green Tears responds as she brings him his food. The goblin discovers he is famished, as he had not eaten at all today. "A young woman was in here earlier, asking about the same pair. But as I told her, I haven't seen them."

Ne-Chanz and Shima (North Haven Sewers)
The two continue their battle, now one against one, but neither side gets the upper hand. In the distance, up above, they can barely hear the warning bells of curfew about to start.

Ne-Chanz (1d10+5): 7+5 = 12
Shima (1d10+5): 5+5 = 10
Giant Rats (1d10+3): 7+3 = 10

Round 5!

Giant Rat 01 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying his masterwork buckler (-2 hit) [TN 15] (1d20): 10, miss.
Giant Rat 05 bites at Ne-Chanz [TN 14] (1d20): 6, miss.
Shima swings his long sword at Giant Rat 01 [TN 11] (1d20): 6, miss.
Ne-Chanz swings his long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) and strength (+1 dmg) at Giant Rat 04 [TN 10] (1d20+1): 6+1 = 7, miss.

(OOC: Actions for Round 6?)
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Chris1234 »

Try and actually hit the little blighter.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra takes the time to stop the bleeding, and then put fresh bandages over the wound. "I know that resting and waiting for your body to heal is boring," she says. "I hate doing it when I get injured too. I kind of wish I had more stuff around here to keep you entertained."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by TristenC »

Could you describe her?
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by djhyland »

"Take care of yourself, Aaron," Arulia tells the boy as he turns to leave. After she watches him run off, she begins to leave the market as well--it wouldn't do to be caught out after curfew, after all. But instead of heading straight home, she wonders if she has time to first stop at the Steel Tankard. Maybe Haahqae has returned, and she still wishes to talk to him. But if curfew is too close, she can't risk it. She looks to the setting sun and tries to determine just how much time she has left.

(OOC: Would Arulia have time to make it to the Steel Tankard and still get back home before curfew?)
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by spyguy1503 »

Ne-Chanz will kill the rat!
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
Demiplane:Cal Lightfoot, Gnome Thief/Illusionist (Improv Kit)- Chilling
AD:LitC: Jacen Terro, Half-Elf fighter- HOLD
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
"It's my own fault," Sadron admits. "I knew I wasn't ready yet, but I pushed myself anyway." After she finishes changing his bandages, he smiles. "Thanks. How was your day then?"

Arulia Seroth (Market Square)
Arulia considers her options. Haahqae has a way of rambling and getting off topic, which makes even asking him a simple question time consuming. Further, if she does get stuck at the Tankard when curfew hits, she does not have the coin to rent a room for the night.

(OOC: You can risk it, but it largely depends on what you have to say and how timely Haahqae is in responding. If you aren't home by page 28, you'll be in trouble.)

Grubnick (High Hand Inn)
"She didn't pay me not to, so I can," Green Tears responds. "A young woman, blonde hair and fair features. She may have carried some elven blood."

Ne-Chanz and Shima (North Haven Sewers)
Shima swings his blade once more, but he loses his grip and the weapon clatters to the ground instead. The rat then nips at his now empty hand.

Ne-Chanz, however, ends the fifth rat's life with a single blow. Then, perhaps showing off a bit, the minotaur goes ahead and finishes off Shima's opponent, as well. The sewers go quiet again, save for the panting of the duo and the creaking of the pipes around them.

Ne-Chanz (1d10+5): 9+5 = 14
Shima (1d10+5): 4+5 = 9
Giant Rats (1d10+3): 8+3 = 11

Round 6!

Shima swings his long sword at Giant Rat 01 [TN 11] (1d20): 1, critical fumble! Shima drops his sword.
Giant Rat 01 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying his masterwork buckler (-2 hit) [TN 15] (1d20): 19, hit for (1d3): 1 damage.
Giant Rat 05 bites at Ne-Chanz [TN 14] (1d20): 6, miss.
Ne-Chanz swings his long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) and strength (+1 dmg) at Giant Rat 05 [TN 10] (1d20+1): 18+1 = 19, hit for (1d8+3): 1+3 = 4 damage. Giant Rat 05 dies.
Ne-Chanz swings his long sword with great skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) and strength (+1 dmg) at Giant Rat 01 [TN 10] (1d20+1): 10+1 = 11, hit for (1d8+3): 2+3 = 5 damage. Giant Rat 01 dies.

(OOC: End combat.)
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Chris1234 »

"Well done," says Shima, as he picks up the longsword. "I couldn't seem to hit the bloody thing. Anyway, that was the curfew bell. Do you want to run back up? Or stay down here? If down, where? Could try with the gullies? Might strike some sort of bond."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Well," Kendra says as she sits down next to him. "Apparently, there is going to be a parade in my honor," she explains. She looks a little put off by the whole idea. "But it is meant to be a trap to find the person or people that caused that attack with the fire elemental. I'm also charged with learning the opinions of the army from the people."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by djhyland »

On one hand, Arulia certainly doesn't want to be caught out after curfew, so going home would be the wisest course of action. But to return home empty-handed, especially the very day she decided to stop opening the smithy to go and find a better way to make money, doesn't sound promising either. And if she thought that her mother had disapproved of that suggestion, she can only imagine her disappointment should she not even try. Determined to inquire after Haahqae and get back home as soon as she can, she hurries off towards the Steel Tankard.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
"So the prefect is using you as bait? What a monster," Sadron comments. "Do you think there will be another attack? Or that there are actual rebels? That fire elemental was no accident, surely."

Arulia Seroth (Steel Tankard Inn)
Deciding to risk it all, Arulia makes her way to the Tankard. There's quite a crowd of people, all of them patrons that will be staying the night and are having dinner before heading to bed. She searches the crowd for any sign of Haahqae.

(OOC: Note that Haahque has not posted since Monday, so I'm not sure if his character is still in the common room or if he will post before we hit page 28. So if he posts, Haahqae is still there. If not, we can assume he already went up to his room.)
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Yeah, I'm bait," Kendra says. "But he also knows I can handle myself, so he isn't too worried about me." Kendra lays back, and looks up at the ceiling. "As for rebels, if there are any, they aren't organized. Whoever summoned that fire elemental didn't care about harming innocent people, and I have a problem with that."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by djhyland »

Rather than look through the crowd for an easy-to-miss diminutive gnome, Arulia pushes her way through the crowd as politely as she can so that she can reach the innkeeper. Once she reaches the plainswoman, she asks, "Has the gnome Haahqae returned tonight? I came looking for him earlier, but he wasn't in."