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Tristen (private)

This is a Hackmaster v4 (aka AD&D 2.5E parody) game.

This campaign is currently in developmental/debug stages.

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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by Chris1234 »

Alfred says,"I'm not sure they'll remember me in town. But I can prove the rings are mine. Firstly, they fit my two ring fingers; I have somewhat large fingers. Secondly, the signet ring sports my family's crest: a ship with the symbol of the traveller (the morning Sun and a staff) on the sail. The other, the ruby ring, has an engraving on the inside in elven. I can tell you what it says."
The female's name is Abbie. She thinks it's maybe another half day to the next small town.
Daytime declares that his name is Cane and asks if you were serious about giving him the short sword from the slavers. He asks you if you have any food; he and Alfred haven't eaten for nearly two days. Alfred's stomach rumbles loudly at the mention of food.
What will you do with the club, whip and pair of dead hobgoblins?

You would need the skill sense motive. But if you can roll under a tenth of your gaming ability, you could sense whether he's playing some sort of game.
The shackles will fill a sack; they weigh 50lbs.
As slavery is legal here, the state would now class you as a murderer and thief.
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc: So attacking, killing and enslaving people at random is legal, but my defending the people attacked is not? Would it be illegal to defend myself and my traveling companions if we're attacked? I guess I won't be taking the shackles then. When you said slavery was legal I figured it was punishment from the state for heinous crime, war spoils, or extreme debt or something. I'm getting to the weapons, I just wanted to make sure these people wouldn't start attacking me or each other the second they got their hands on them]

Very well. if the merchant described his rings accurately and they fit his fingers I will certainly give them back. Ruehar removes the weapons and sets them on the ground. Of course, food. Let's get these two off of the road and out of view into the woods a bit please? Then I'll get the food ready. Ruehar will try not to let his ass out of sight so nobody is tempted to rob him, and try not to let ratface and the merchant out of sight together; or anyone if he can help it. He'll remind everyone to keep their eyes sharp and will dump the shackles in the woods with the bodies, keeping his sack. Once done, he'll distribute a meal or two of dried rations to each person who wants one and let them share the waterskin (he has his own canteen), but save enough to get them to town... Presuming nothing changes from the plan, he refills his quiver from the pack saddle and talks as they eat. Yes, Cane, you can have the short sword. Alfred I'd like you to carry the club on our way to the settlement, or the whip if you prefer it. Once we get moving down the road, I'd like Cane a few feey ahead and Alfred watching the rear so we don't get ambushed. I'll keep my bow ready as well.

RK1 gaming check [1d100] = 15
Can I gey any sense if Cane/ratface is a 'professional; or a rogue?
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by Chris1234 »

RV dumps the evidence of the murders in the bush.
The rings fit perfectly. Alfred thanks you and says that he'll see that you're suitably rewarded.
Cane takes up the short sword and its clear when he takes some practise swings and stabs with it that he knows how to use one. He sees you watching him and says something to you quietly.
Cane looks very awkward clutching the club. No one wants to take the whip.
Otherwise they do as you ask.

Oh no, enslaving free people is completely illegal. But selling slaves is very profitable.
Attacking you (as a random traveller) is illegal.
Defending yourself as a free citizen is legal.
Slaves are property. They have about the same rights as a hunting dog.
Murdering slavers is illegal as is stealing their property.
You're absolutely correct as to the theory on how and when slavery should be invoked. Good luck on arguing that though if you're already wearing shackles.
Observation check (45% bonus) to hear what Cane said.
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by TristenC »

So the family was being illegally enslaved and it sounds like the merchant had been as well?

Observation skill: 19% +45% bonus=> need 64 or less
RK1 observation check w/Cane [1d100] = 7: Pass
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by Chris1234 »

Cane says, "Are you a Brother?" in Cant.

Certainly looks like it.
Are you asking Alfred?
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by TristenC »

[Quietly in can't:] "Distant cousin. Is your house nearby? Did you buy the iron bracelet or find it?" (Meaning yes, but not local. Asking if he is part of the local guild and if he was sold-off or captured illegally)

[Normal speech to Alfred] So, where were you when the slavers attacked you? I'd like to avoid an ambush.
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by Chris1234 »

Cane replies through the side of his mouth, "Found. Prompeldia." Adding more loudly, "Want to practise?" as he points at your short sword.
Alfred later tells you that his ship was run onto rocks by a storm. The guards he survived with, washed up on the beach, were ambushed that very night. In the morning when he recovered consciousness, shackled, two of the guards were nearby, dead. Another was nowhere to be seen. You pretty sure he's telling you the truth so far as he knows it.
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar nods at the offer of practice. Thanks. I'm much more handy with a bow so I'll take all the help I can get with swords. Ruehar keeps everyone moving along and maintains a watch between all of them. They will continue on until they reach the settlement or something unusual happens. During that time he will also speak with Abbie. I am sorry for your loss Miss. Can you tell me what brings you and your family along this unfortunate road today?
Loot added to sheet:
24cp,7ep,6g,and a vial with a green wax seal [weight?]
=> 33cp, 14ep, 12gp [1.18 lbs]

-3 more arrows for slaver (total 12 used), refilled quiver to 20 (from pack saddle)
How much food/water do I need to mark off?

40xp for mirror idea
40x1.05 GH = 42 =>21/21x1.1 (dex)=> 21/23
878/619 +21/23 => 899/642
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by Chris1234 »

Cane recognises your lack of proficiency with the short sword and offers to teach you the skill. It would take a whole week of dedicated ("Peer to Peer") training (and a proficiency slot). He would only require you to pay for his board and lodging for that week and to undertake to pay off (in your own time) his debt to the Guild in Propeldia (of 425gp).
Abbie later tells you that they had been going to the local town to investigate the apparent disappearance of her uncle. He was the only surviving member of that generation in her family.

All of the water. 4 days' worth of food.
Vial weighs 1lb. The wax seal has a symbol pressed into it, as if by a signet ring. Religion General (45% bonus) to recognise it.
Note: After char creation it usually takes 1 week of training and 1500gp to learn or improve two skills plus the cost of those 2 courses. I can't remember the cost of weapon prof, basic. Somewhere between 200 and 1000gp. I've guessed 425.
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar thanks Cane, saying I'll take you up on that for certain.

Will I be able to investigate the deed and Avbor's uncle's disappearance while training?
So in-game wep prof training doesn't cost bp just cash and time?

Religion General 50% +45%=> need 95% or below
RK1 religion check [1d100] = 46:Pass
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by Chris1234 »

"Well I can give you the week after we hit town," says Cane. "Then I have to be on my way."
RK recognizes the wax seal on the vial to be one of Nudor.
BP only exist while building (aka creating) the char, hence the term Build Points. :)
No. Training is always pretty much all encompassing. Needs cash, time and a trainer.
Also technically a WP slot from Char gen not used would be lost but as I didn't tell you that, I'm giving you a way forwards with it.
SSw probably less ideal than LS but lots better than just losing the slot.
Essentially I'll put the main campaign plots on hold for a (game) week and we fast forward the same week.. (so just tell me "yes" and I'll make it so..)
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar thanks Cane again and accepts his offer to train him once they reach town. He continues to conduct the group towards the settlement. Once there if Abbie hasn't the means to bury her husband he will offer to give him a proper burial if they can find a suitable place to put him.

Ok, thanks for the clarification.
-can some light prep work/ investigation be done regarding the deed/Abbie's uncle during

So, what should I know about Nudor and the Gawds in general? I found a site that lists names and such but I don't want to overstep character knowledge (although with a 50% Religion General skill I presume he knows Nudor is the NG Gawd of Healing, yes?
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by Chris1234 »

After a few more hours, just as daylight is waning, RK can see the small village of Narmaren standing out from several lines of cultivated trees.
Cane tells you that it’s got a population of maybe 2 or 3 hundred, so barely large enough to appear on most maps. Most of those are ‘pass-throughs’, which is to say, wandering merchants that set up their tents in the shade of the trees and attempt to sell their wares for a few days or weeks before moving on.
As the group get closer, it can be seen that there are only half a dozen or so ‘permanent ‘ structures here, namely a two story stone building proudly signed “Whispering Wind” with adjoining stables, a tile and wood single story structure and a few stone and tile houses. The latter are all new constructions, apparently uninhabited and in various stages of completion.
The majority of the dwellings in the village are tents that have been rimmed at their bases with small walls of what is later discovered to packed clay and straw.

Banging on the door of the Whispering Wind tavern summons a burly man wielding a stout cudgel.
When Cane whispers, “Trouble with slavers,” the cudgel disappears and the man, whose name RK later learns is Bruce, bustles you all inside. Bruce sends Dari, his cook, to fetch the town’s priest. Saryf announces that Abbie’s husband is beyond his ability to help, but one of the temples in Prompeldia could possibly assist, for an appropriate ‘donation’, of course. He grimaces. “But we’re a lot let formal out here,” says the priest, “Isn’t that right, Bruce?”
“Damn straight, Saryf!” shoots back Bruce.

After a short discussion between the pair, Saryf offers to tend for all of you for a day, “Best rest, no exceptions!” {OOC: 6-9HP each could be regained}. He refuses to discuss money, “You can make a donation later.” Clearly he is more concerned with the group's well-being than their coinage (or shortage thereof).
However, Bruce points to his chalkboard (per head) indicating 2 days:
• Common room 1sp/day
• Semi-private room 6sp/day
• Stabling (including fodder) 1sp/day
• Stew 5cp
• Seafood 1sp
• Breads 5cp
• Dried meats 3sp
The party all look to RK as the only one with coinage.

Yes, the Religion General success means you can access the one line summary listed under Classes - Cleric - Nudor.
With that level of success, you're aware that:
a) people mis-using Gawdly labels often end up with a turn of bad luck ,
b) a potion so labelled will nearly always some sort of curative.
c) If the potion is green is colour, such as this one, it's most likely a potion of healing.
d) The size of the Gawdly label often used to indicate the strength of the potion, so this is probably a simple potion of healing (2d4+2)

You think that when you get to training with Cane, you can probably do some light investigating in the evenings {Gather Information, albeit possibly at penalties}
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar takes a load off when they get inside, easing himself into his chair surreptitiously. He greets Bruce and Saryf and thanks them for their offer to tend everyone. pauses when the others look to him for coin... Right! Forgot, I'll take care of all of that. I think the common room will be fine for us. I'll need to stable my ass as well. Umm... how far is Prompeldia?

so is the training going to happen in Prompeldia? I presume that is where the deed is to investigate also? Not sure what the two days reference is for.
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Re: Tristen (private)

Post by Chris1234 »

"It's half a day away," replies Bruce.
Saryf tells Ruehar to be quiet and drink some foul smelling concoction. He does, and sleep takes the elf for most of the next day, apart from short spells for consuming seafood and so on.
In the evening of the following day the group all seem to be much recovered.
Saryf seems content with your condition, "You should all rest for the night and be capable of normal, but light, work on the morrow. Now, you'll understand that I've been up for most of the last cycle and need to sleep myself." He wobbles a bit as Bruce sees him to the door, bids him good night and then comments, "Saryf's a rare good healer! Been up all night tending you good folks, so he's not had proper sleep for nearly two days."
Come the morning, Alfred says quietly to Ruehar after breakfast, "Been thinking, in return for your efforts, freeing us and getting everyone patched up and all, maybe I could best pay you back by taking Abbie, the kid and her husband to the temple in Prompeldia. One of them owes me a favour. Good chance they can fix him. But she's worried about her uncle's disappearance. Is that something you could look into for her here?"

A short while later Cane says, "Well, ready? I'll teach you how to hold the thing. You hold it like a butcher's knife. It's not. It's a thing of precision. If you're ready, we'll go outside the village so we don't disturb anyone. Bruce says there's a beach just down the way. That would be fine."
Tonight and tomorrow bed rest, 2 days for all, call it 2gps.
Everyone regains up to 8HP.
You have a moral debt to make a donation in the future to the local shrine of the Traveller (i.e. Saryf ). I'll try and post some pictures tomorrow.
The disappearances are from the village you're in. You are, of course, at liberty to go wherever you wish.
If you're happy for training with Cane here, then 42sps is what it costs you for the pair of you for the week (including the ass).
--- On the 6th day you start to itch. One of the other travelers has been sharing his wildlife it seems.
--- After a full week's training you may have learnt to use the short sword properly. [Roll d100 ≤65% (Int), difficulty +5% to roll, -10% to roll for one-to-one training]