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CH. 12: Testing Grounds

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra pauses in her steps, and waves back to Arulia. "How are you? What are you doing here?" she asks as she closes the distance between them.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by TristenC »

Impostors? he says, surprised. There is no chance they are trappers from somewhere else? Strange. If someone were impersonating a trapper, what do you think would be the best way for a common person to tell? After he answers, Grubnick asks, Who else was asking about them earlier?
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Haahque »

(OoC: OMG, forgot to finalize my spells, meant to do that last Saturday, anyways...
Level 1: Spider climb, Audible Glamour, Change Self,
Level 2: Summon Swarm, Invisibility)

With his items picked up, he places the cloths into his backpack and makes his way to the old keep. The plan is that he's going to try plan distraction via washroom. If that doesn't work he can assess the damage and possibly try either plan invisible gnome or plan: the great goblin robbery, whichever seems more appropriate. Plan Spidergnome sounds really enticing, but even Haahqae knows it's risky, only to be used as an act of desperation.

So, to set the first plan in action, once Haahqae gets his escort for inside the keep, he'll declare that he has to go to the latrine.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by djhyland »

Arulia returns the wave and closes the distance between her and Kendra. "I am...well, well as can be expected. I closed down the smithy today--I don't make enough money working there, anyway, not enough to make a difference. I'm hoping to find another way that pays better." She frowns worriedly. "But how are you faring? I know that I spoke to you a few days back when I brought Camilla over, but we were all in a rush then."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Old Keep, Latrine)
After Haahqae arrives at the keep, his escort takes him to the latrine.

The latrine is a large room with numerous stone toilets, all lined up next to each other. These toilets line all four walls of the place and there is no privacy whatsoever for those using them. At any given time, there are three or four draconians or goblins in here, sitting on one of them. Put off by the smell, the escort waits for him outside the entrance. The odor is fairly bad, but the communal latrine at the Tankard is, if anything, worse so he's fairly used to such things by now.
Latrine.jpg (135.52 KiB) Viewed 7080 times
Tulbas Erogund (Tower of Wayreth, Waiting Room)
All three of the mentors seem to know Magnus, as they all stand upon his entering. "Magnus," says the white robed elf. "It's been awhile. I didn't know you had an apprentice."

"Didn't think you'd have the patience," adds the woman in red adds with a smirk.

The hooded man in black does not speak, but simply nods in greeting.

"A recent acquisition," Magnus says, shaking their hands. "This is Tulbas Erogund, the nephew of Raetmal. I took him in after his uncle's death."

"I see," the white robed elf says. He turns his gaze to Tulbas. "I am sorry for your loss. Raetmal was a good man. His death is a great loss to the Tower."

"Raetmal dead?" repeats the woman in red. "What a pity. But I suppose that is one of the risks of operating outside of the Tower. No wonder so many of us stay locked up in here all of our lives, considering how dangerous the world is out there. And how hostile people are to our kind."

Again, the man in the black hood does not speak. But he does seem to be listening.

"If you'll excuse me," Daxia says, "I'll inform the Master of the Tower that the last student has arrived." With that, she pardons herself and steps out of the room.

Grubnick (Trade Guild)
"The city has been under lock down since that terrorist attack in the square," the trapper replies. "Nobody is allowed to enter or leave, so they cannot have arrived recently. And if they arrived earlier than that, why have they not registered or even come by the guild hall? Especially since, as I mentioned, we're currently out of work. We can't leave the city to check our traps or set up new ones. If they were real trappers, they'd be as worried about it as I am, and would be here discussing it." He shrugs. "I suppose the best way to find out if they are imposters would be to ask them questions only a trapper would know."

He adds, "A dwarf was here before, asking about them. Described them exactly as you did, wanting to find out who they were. I told the dwarf the same thing I'm telling you now. There are no other trappers in this city. I'm certain of that."

Shima Longfoot (Temple of Takhisis)
The high priestess sighs. "You aren't exactly filling me with confidence at your competency with all of these questions. I will not be holding your hand throughout this. Figure it out yourself. You're the local, use your own connections within the city to acquire what you need. That's why you were chosen. If we intended to use our own poison, our own suppliers, then we'd just use our own people, as well."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas nods to the white robed mage in thanks, his heart races as he hears the misunderstanding of the red robed mage but he keeps quiet.
When Daxia speaks he thinks to himself, 'Four? Well, I wonder if we all survive.' he then waits to the see what will happen after the Head of the Tower will be notified. Under the assumption that he have some time to prepare his souls he tried to clear his mind and repeat all that Magnus has thought him recently and Raetmal even before that through games and riddles. Then he tries to relax a bit and steel his mind. It's been very difficult morning so far...
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by TristenC »

What did this dwarf look like and can you give me an example of a question I could ask the women? perhaps something obscure about catching a crafty animal?
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I'm about as well as I was the last time I saw you," Kendra admits. "I'm being advertised as a hero to help with army recruitment, which seems to be helping." Considering that they were out on the streets, it wasn't a bright idea to talk about how Kendra had only joined the army to try and undermine it. "I'm a little curious as to what the prefect has in store for me today."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Chris1234 »

"Thanks," says Shima. ""Anything else? If not, I'll be off."
When the Preistess dismisses him, the dwarf will head back to see if Ne-Chanz and Felran are ready to finish the job.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Haahque »

Haahqae makes his way over to one of the toilets farthest from the draconians and pretends to take a big dump, sitting on the toilet with plenty of cursing under his breath in common and a few savory words in gnomish. After half a minute of this, he changes his string of unsavory words to the incantation needed for summon swarm, which he aims at a toilet across the room from himself, so that the spiders, rats, beetles or whatever he ends up summoning climbs out of the toilet bowl into the room.

If he can do so discretely, he will then direct them to attack the nearest draconian. Regardless of if he can or not, he’ll point at the swarm and start screaming, hastily getting up and attempting to pull up his breeches, but purposely fumbling it a couple times so that he’s quite slow. (He’s appearing to be attempting to leave quickly, but is actually waiting for the others to flee first).

Frantically he looks around to find any windows or other exits to the outside of the keep.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Old Keep, Latrine)
None of the current occupants seem terribly keen on closely watching a gnome take a dump, so luckily nobody is really paying much attention when he starts moving his hands for the spell. And the arcane words spoken are easily mistaken for gnomish curses.

A few breaths later, the sound of squeaking can be heard below and getting closer. The occupants notice and start looking around, confused. Hundreds of rats start erupting from the toilets, writhing about in a massive swarm. At once, the goblin shrieks and runs for it, barrelling out the door. The two baaz and the kapak, however, start trying to fight the vermin off with their blades, hacking wildly at them.

While they are distracted, Haahqae looks around. There are a couple of windows, but they are fairly small. Maybe even too small for someone like him. But then again, if he sucked in his stomach, he might squeeze through (if he can pass a DEX check).

(Haahqae casts Summon Swarm.)

Tulbas Erogund (Tower of Wayreth, Waiting Room)
Magnus begins speaking with the other masters while the three students approach Tulbas. "You're taking your test?" asks the older man. "You seem so...young."

The elven woman shakes her head. "They are bringing them in younger and younger, I hear. Recently, someone as young as 20 took his Test. I think it's due to the war."

"More than that," adds the half-elven woman. "The old gods have returned. Dragons have returned. Things are changing very quickly. It's all coming to a head. Something big is on the horizon."

The elven woman shrugs. "At least we don't have to worry about any of that nonsense in here. As soon as my Test is over, I don't plan to ever leave the Tower again. Why would I? My homeland's gone anyway. Better to be here than as a refugee out in Ergoth."

Grubnick (Trade Guild)
"The dwarf? Dark hair, dark eyes...actually, just kind of dark and shady looking in general," the trapper says. At Grubnick's second question, he chuckles. "Sure, ask them the best time of year to wear sparg pelts. If they answer in any way other than pointing out there's no such thing as a sparg, you'll know they're faking."

Shima Longfoot (Temple of Takhisis)
"There more thing," the priestess says just as Shima begins to stand. "The first spell I cast on you...before the healing spell? It was a bit of insurance to make sure the job gets done. Think of it a bit like a curse, of sorts. If you complete the job in a timely manner, the curse will break and you'll never even notice it was there. On the other hand, if you dally about and take too long, decide not to go through with it or try and betray me in any way, the curse will be triggered. It will slowly drain all of your luck until there is none left. You will know nothing but despair and misfortune. The Dragon Queen's fury will follow you wherever you go, for the rest of time...until the job is done. Is that understood?"
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by djhyland »

"I've seen the postings," Arulia says. "With them and what you did to that fire monster, I'm not surprised that people are eager to join. That, and it seems to be the only way to make a living." After a long pause, she looks around nervously a bit before continuing. "I...I want to ask you about the brothel," she says. "Have you heard anything about it? One of the Dragon Queen's priestesses...uh, confronted my sister and I about it."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Chris1234 »

"Takes as long as it takes. Got to find her first. And get to know her. Or not. And find some poison. Or do yet another job to earn it. If you want to give me some coin it certainly could speed stuff up. But maybe you're not in a rush. Or just don't want to. Not asking. Just saying," replies the Shima, refusing to let the unholy bitch get a rise out of him.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Haahque »

Haahqae gets up on the toilets to slowly inch towards the window, slowly. As he does this he keeps a spooked expression and watches the swarm warily, as if ready to bolt for it if any of the rats happens to notice him.

The weapons the baaz and kapak are using aren’t anything effective against the swarm, so they’ll have to figure this out and flee as well, or else Haahqae will keep concentrating on the swarm until it nibbles them into unconsciousness (or death).

If Haahqae happens to get to the window before the rat battle is done, he’ll pretend to try and exit through it, but not actually make much progress, maintaining concentration on the swarm. If the soldiers figure out its hopeless and flee, Haahqae will have the swarm chase them outside the bathroom.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick's mind immediately goes to that Shima fellow he met recently. The goblin had been suspicious from the start... now the dwarf was trying to find Delharn? Either he suspected Delarn in the attack and wanted a reward, had seen Grubnick talking to him and was trying to dig up background on the goblin, or he was just trying to find a fellow dwarf... it could be something else, but he couldn't see what. Frankly two of the three options left him a little cold.

The burly trapper's joke brought him back to the present, and he almost laughed in spite of himself. Thanks, that sounds perfect. I appreciate the help and I hope things turn around for you soon. Grubnick steps out and decides to walk by the structure he and Delharn had torched what seemed a month ago. Maybe the dwarf had decided to lie low there...