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CH. 17: Poison Curse

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

Moderator: JadedDM

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CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Enott Harbor/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
Jocelyn and Ouragana step out of the warehouse, the former holding the hand of the slave they just bought. The girl offers no resistance and just stares dreamily into space, unaware of her surroundings. Naishe is right behind them.

The four return to the rendezvous point quickly, but are surprised to find a grisly scene. Baeros, bleeding profusely from multiple wounds, is busy searching through three corpses--two humans (a man and woman) and a male dwarf. Gallath, Drav, and Brock appear fine, as do Baeros' two dogs. Gallath assists the ranger in searching the bodies while Drav just looks annoyed, his arms crossed as he scans the area carefully for trouble. Brock is busy wiping blood from his axe blade.

Baeros' and Gallath's search reveals that the male human is carrying 2 silver coins and some kind of letter. Baeros cannot read it, but it looks like it's in Common. (If Gallath reads it, he learns it is a letter written by some kind of debt collector demanding he turn in a hundred gold coins within a week or he and his family will be enslaved and sold to pay off the debt.) The female human is carrying 4 silver coins and what appears to be a series of pictures that were clearly drawn by children. The dwarf has 7 silver coins, 3 copper coins, and an old silver locket. Inside the locket is a hand painted portrait of himself standing next to a dwarven woman and child--his family, perhaps. The locket itself might be worth a few silver if pawned.

Aside from that, each of them is wearing leather armor and carrying a coat pistol and three spare bullets each.

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
Naras heals up Val a little, and then at the request of the undine, she heals Serenna even less. But it's better than nothing.

"We'll have to be careful from here on out," Serenna says. "Their spellcasters are especially dangerous and we are now out of healing. We'll have to fight smart, when we can."

Cye looks around the large chamber. "No sign of mother here. Let's search the place, and see if we can find any clues."
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by BishGada »

Baeros notices the women had returned and quickly goes to them, "You worried us! Are you OK?" he gives a look at the child and asks again, "Is she OK?"
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn's mouth drops open as she takes in the scene before her. "Wha...What happened here?" she asks as hands off the girl to Ouragana. Once Baeros is close enough, she places her hand upon his shoulder and starts praying to cure his wounds.

OOC: two cure mod and a cure light
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Breila »

Ouragna takes the hand of the slave girl, and listens to Jocelyn and any explanation the men will give.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Chris1234 »

Naras suggests in Merman tongue, "Not wishing to be bossy or anything, this is really just a suggestion, but I'm on a timer til my armour spell runs out, so would one of you mind keeping an eye for anyone entering this cavern and another have a quick look for anything significant in the western alcove.." (she points), "..while Val, who can't understand you folks, have a look over there..", pointing at the apparent treasure. "By all means one of you come too. Hoping to find something that'll allow healing."

"Val, let's see what's there. Hoping for something that's allow healing," says Naras (in common) s she heads towards the table and treasure.
When she gets there, the dwarf poke the table and then the treasure with her spear, half expecting it to be an aquatic trapper or mimic.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Enott Harbor/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
Jocelyn hands off the girl to Ouragana, who does not react in any visible way. Nor does she react to Baeros' question. She just stares off into space dreamily.

Jocelyn lays hands upon the ranger and prays to Octhanus. Each time she does, the bracers she wears glow a bit. She notices that her healing spells seem more potent as a result. When she is done, two of the bullet wounds have healed completely. The other one is still bad, but not life threatening any more.

In answer to the pastor's question, Drav quips, "Just making friends with the locals."

Brock shrugs. "Yeah, but we don't play nice."

"I'll say. You broke all of your toys," Naishe notes.

Jocelyn casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Baeros, restoring (1d10+3): 5+3 = 8 HP.
Jocelyn casts Cure Light Wounds on Baeros, restoring (1d8+2): 6+2 = 8 HP.
Jocelyn casts Cure Light Wounds on Baeros, restoring (1d8+2): 1+2 = 3 HP. Baeros' condition improves from Near Death to Moderately Wounded.

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
"Very well," Serenna says. "I will accompany you. Shin, you keep an eye out and Cye, you check the west alcove." The two brothers nod and do as she says. Val and Serenna swim toward the treasure, with Naras tailing behind on foot.

The table doesn't react to being poked by Naras's spear, nor does the treasure. The table is mostly rotting away from the sea water. The dwarf notices some old blood stains on it.

The treasure is mostly coins of silver, gold, electrum and some platinum. There are also three gemstones--two are perfectly round like pearls, but black in color. The third is a clear blue gem. There is a golden goblet like the kind you'd expect to see in a pirate's hoard. There are two bladders that likely contain potions inside them.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Chris1234 »

Naras has a look for any labels or writing on the potions, while saying, to Serenna, "Anything we get away with, we split later, ok?"
If they turn out to have 'healing' written on them in a language she can read, Naras thrusts one to Serenne and one to Val saying "Healing potion" in their respective languages.

Between them Val and Naras can hopefully grab the 3 gems, goblet and maybe some handfuls of platinum, possibly using the goblet to scoop some and fill the little space remaining in Naras's pouch, unless Val has a sack or other spare stowing space.
Any writing on the goblet?
When Cye comes back it's time to move on to inspect the hole to the east.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn stares at Drav and Brock, slightly surprised about how a bunch of suddenly dead people wasn't a big deal to either one of them. "Then all of this was in self defense?" she asked hopefully.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Breila »

Ouragana steps next to Jocelyn, leading the slave girl with her. "Yes, what happened here?" She asks. Normally, she would just have listened in, but she wanted to still give off an air of authority just in case the slavers were watching them. They might notice that Jocelyn did behave as a leader now, and that might give them second thoughts about whom they made their deal with.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Nuke »

Val grabs the goblet and hands it to Naras and turns around so she can put it in her backpack. The gems she stashes in her pouch with the others.

Val then carefully evaluates the potions. Since smell is not an option, she samples a small taste.....
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Enott Harbor/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
"They followed us from the bar," Brock explains. "Think they were gonna rob us. Baeros talked with 'em, and things escalated from there."

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
The bladders have no writing or labels on them. Serenna makes a dismissive gesture at the treasure and looks annoyed when Val and Naras start picking through it. "Leave it be," she says. "It won't help us right now, but it will weigh us down. It will still be here when we are finished, we can always come back for it."

Val tries tasting both potions, but can't identify them at all. They need someone who knows something about magic to try instead.

(OOC: It is possible to identify a potion with a spellcraft check by tasting it, but since neither of you have that proficiency, you can only succeed on a 3 or better.)

Val makes a spellcraft check on the first potion [TN 3] (1d20): 7, fail.
Val makes a spellcraft check on the second potion [TN 3] (1d20): 13, fail.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn's frown deepens as she fixes her eyes on Baeros. "What did you do? Did I not say I wanted to try to do this as peacefully as possible?" she asked. "You can't go around killing people like this!"
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Breila »

"A bodyguard that gets himself into trouble is not very useful, Bearos" Ouragna says loudly. Loudly for her, that is. "Let's get to the ship. It's safer to discuss there. And we need to talk, Jocelyn." The firmness in her voice is new.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Chris1234 »

"They can probably sort out the potions, Val," Naras suggests and then nods to Serenna, and heads towards the east alcove, asking "Anything in the west alcove?"
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Enott Harbor/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
"Wait, back to the ship?" asks Naishe, puzzled. She lowers her voice. "We went through all that trouble to get this slave, shouldn't we return her to Raven so he'll set up that meeting for us?"

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
Cye returns from the west alcove. "Nothing worth noting," he states. In the eastern part of the room is a massive hole in the ground. It appears to lead deeper into the cavern.