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Quirks & Flaws

This is a Hackmaster v4 (aka AD&D 2.5E parody) game.

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Quirks & Flaws

Post by Chris1234 »

Flaw Descriptions (Physical)
Accident Prone: This character has two left feet. He may fall off his horse or trip over a rock. Any character that is accident-prone always fumbles on a 1 or a 2 on his to-hit rolls. (Major: 11 points)
Acute Allergies: This person’s immune system isn’t working quite right A character can be allergic to a myriad of substances. A character who is acutely allergic either will be unable to stop sneezing, or will break out in hives if they are exposed to the proper allergen. Roll ld20 on the following table to determine what substance a character is allergic to. (Major: 11 points)
Allergen Table (*ask GM:
[1-2] food*; [3-4] cloth; [5-6] wood; [7-9] cats; [10] other animals (all); [11-12] gold; [13-14] other metals*; [15-16] pollen; [17-18] dust; [19-20] re-roll twice.

Albino: Characters with this flaw have a lack of melanin in the skin, hair, and eyes giving them an extremely pale complexion, light blue eyes, and on some occasions pink eyes and pure white hair. Some people call albinos “ghost people” because of their somewhat eerie appearance. Persons with this Haw must protect their skin from harsh sun or suffer severe burns. Most albinos also have very dry skin so they use oil to moisturize and protect it. Additionally, the eyes of such a character are very sensitive to sunlight and other bright light. These characters must use wide-brimmed hats or veils to shade their eyes, and protect their heads from harsh sun. (Minor: 5 points)
Amputee, arm: Characters with this flaw are missing an arm. How such an event took place may add a colourful story to a character’s past. Whatever the cause, such a character cannot, of course, wield two weapons at once, or use a weapon and a shield at the same time. They may not wield two-handed weapons, use bows, or juggle. They cannot play stringed instruments. And they must add 25% to the chance of spell mishap when they are casting a spell with somatic components. This character is at somewhat of a disadvantage, many would say. However, most people who lose the use of one limb develop extremely strong muscles in the other. Therefore, amputees missing an arm lose no strength bonuses. Because these characters have had to compensate for the loss of a limb using their minds to figure our new ways of doing things, they get to add 25 points to their fractional Intelligence score. (Major: 15 points)
Amputee, both arms: Such characters have a tough road to travel, to be sure. Double amputees missing both arms cannot be fighters of any sort. They are not able, most of the time, to wield weapons. They can be magic-users, but cannot perform spells that require somatic components and will have trouble getting material components. They also cannot throw Fireballs. However, such characters are very quick on their feet, and have learned to do many things using their feet. Therefore, there is a 10% chance such a character has trained himself to wield a dagger or other small weapon using his feet. He must, of course, be stationary to achieve such a feat. These characters can run faster than most, and gain 3 points to their movement rate. They also have had to use their minds to discover new ways of surviving, and therefore get 1 point added to their Intelligence. (Major: 20 points)
Amputee, leg: Characters who have lost a leg have some additional difficulties that two-legged people do not have. However, such characters may be able to be fitted with a wooden leg, which will enable them to function better. The movement rate for an amputee with a wooden leg is cut by 3 points. I hose with the Peg-Leg proficiency, however, lose no movement points. Because these characters have had to use their arms much more than most people in order to compensate for the loss of a leg, they will gain 25 points to their fractional Strength attribute. (Major: 15 points)
Amputee, both legs: Characters who have lost both legs are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to adventuring. Those with the Peg-Leg proficiency, however, can be fitted with wooden legs and walk at an almost normal rate, losing only 1 point to their movement rates. Such people can also ride horses or carts to get around. Such individuals have extremely strong arms, and gain 1 point of Strength. Those without the Peg-Leg proficiency can still use wooden legs, but will lose 4 movement points. Those without wooden legs will only have a movement rate of 2, being able only to crawl. There have been cases when a double amputee has been carried in another person's backpack. In those instances, the one carrying the amputee has never had to worry about having someone to “watch his back.” (Major: 20 points)
Animal Antipathy: Characters with this flaw have gained the enmity of a specific type of animal. These animals can sense something about the character that disturbs them and arouses primal hatred. They will attack the character on sight. Roll 1d20 on the following table to determine what animal has antipathy for the character. (Minor: 7 points)
Animal Antipathy Table:
[1-2] horse; [3-4] dog; [5-6] cat; [7-8] bird; [9-10] insect; [11-12] fish; [13-14] bat; [15-16] snake; [17-18] ape; [19-20] GM choice

Anosmia: People with anosmia have no sense of taste or smell. This could be an advantage in some cases, depending on the cooking ability and bathing habits of your comrades. However, just because a person can’t smell a poisonous gas doesn’t mean it can’t still kill him. Likewise, a person who is unable to taste may be more vulnerable to poisoning by ingestion, since he would be unable to distinguish the taste of stew from the taste of arsenic, for instance. Characters that have this flaw have been known to use it to their advantage in drinking or eating contests, however. In addition, these characters are able to enter areas with extremely strong odour that would repel others. (Minor: 5 points)
Asthmatic: Asthmatic characters suffer from wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Triggers for asthma attacks, which can be fatal, are inhaled allergens or sometimes, stress or trauma. The GM may require a character who is under stress or exposed to an allergen to make a Constitution check in order to avoid an attack. A character who experiences an asthma attack as a result of an allergen or stress must rest (and do nothing else) for one round each turn, otherwise he will be subject to the suffocation rules in the DMG. Characters who are asthmatic suffer more damage from inhaled toxins, or any airborne substance used for an attack. Damp, dusty dungeons make it difficult for asthmatic individuals, causing them to wheeze and cough. This forces them to rest twice as often as a person without asthma or they risk triggering an attack (Constitution check). (Minor: 10 points)
Blind: Blind characters have lost their vision. I low such a devastating physical loss happened can make for an interesting background story for a character. There are varying levels of blindness. Some, who are considered blind, can see light and colours, as well as movement. However, everything appears as a blur, with little, if any, ability to distinguish detail. Some blind characters can see light, but nothing else. Others are consigned to constant darkness. In either case, blind characters suffer a -4 penalty to all to-hit rolls. Although such a character cannot see, his other senses are heightened, especially hearing and touch. (Characters starting off blind can hear twice as well as a normal person of their race (See Chapter 3: Races). Many who are blind have little difficulty getting around, but their movement, is cut in half because they must venture forth carefully. Some who are blind may be offered the use of a trained guide animal. Such an animal would bring the persons movement rate to normal. This animal can warn of danger, helps navigate, and even afford some physical protection. (Major: 20 points)
Blind, one eye: Those blind in one eye have only a slight disadvantage. Their vision is slightly hindered, giving them -1 to-hit when using ranged weapons. Those with one eye also lose 1 point of Comeliness. Characters blind in one eye automatically pick up the flaw No Depth Perception. (Minor: 5 points)
Blind, colour: Unable to distinguish between colours, these characters live life with little problem. However, there are times when such a condition can be dangerous, or even fatal. For instance, a colour-blind character may have trouble knowing which potion will heal him (drink the red one) and which one is poison (don’t drink the yellow one.) Of course, if the vials are labelled and the character can read, then there’s no problem. Otherwise, drinking potions can be risky. (Minor: 5 points)
Chronic Nosebleeds: People suffering from this flaw need to keep plenty of handkerchiefs handy. For some reason, without warning, these characters will suffer nosebleeds, which are so severe they must apply pressure, put their heads back, and apply packed snow or ice. It is possible for a person to die from an untreated severe nosebleed. If left untreated, a character with a severe nosebleed will lose 1 hit point of damage per turn. However, most of the time no permanent damage is done. Of course, those with such a condition should be careful not to get too near monsters that are attracted by the smell of blood, such as sharks or vampires. (Minor: 8 points)
Deafness: Those who are deaf can live fairly normal lives despite the loss of their hearing. However, life is a bit more difficult. Those who are deaf have trouble communicating with anyone who doesn’t know some sort of sign language. Of course, if the deaf character can write, he can use notes to communicate, provided the person he wishes to communicate with can read. Deafness has its advantages. Deaf characters are unaffected by sonic attacks, and many sound-based spells have no effect. The eyesight tends to be much keener for people who can’t hear (up to 25% better), as well. (Major: 20 points)
Excessive Drooling: This flaw is a mild annoyance for the most part. However, it subtracts 1 point each from Comeliness and Charisma scores. (Minor: 5 points)
Flatulence: Persons with this flaw have the unsavoury habit of constantly producing excessive bodily gasses. Most people will shun a flatulent person, therefore, he will lose I point from his Charisma attribute unless he is dealing with half-orcs. A person with this problem will not rise very high in society. (Minor: 5 points)
Hearing Impairment: This flaw is milder than deafness. Such a person simply has a hard time hearing; but is able to hear some things. People are forced to repeat themselves several times when trying to communicate with a hearing impaired character. The hard of hearing character will have trouble in a crowded, noisy place, being unable to pick out the conversation of a friend from the din of the crowd. In the heat of battle, such impairment might prove fatal. During key times such as this, the GM may require the character to make an Intelligence check to see if he was able to pick up the intended communication. (Minor: 10 points)
Haemophiliac: Those with this condition are known as “bleeders.” This is a dangerous flaw for an adventurer. A haemophiliac’s blood will not clot the way it should, therefore, if such a person is injured in any way, he will suffer additional damage. For every point of damage taken, he will suffer an additional point of damage. Furthermore, the character must make a successful Constitution check in order to avoid losing an additional hit point per wound per round. Healing potions or magic only repairs half the damage as usual. A haemophiliac must rest twice as long after being injured before regaining his health back. (Major: 15 points)
Lisp: The person with a lisp suffers little in the way of damage because of dais flaw. However, a lisping person will lose a point of Charisma due to this speech impediment. Additionally, others may have a hard time understanding the speech of a person who lisps. People often make fun of those who talk funny, so lispers may find themselves in more brawls than usual. (Minor: 5 points)
Loss of ear: This flaw affects only a person’s appearance and his ability to wear certain types of hats. Those who are missing an car suffer no loss to hearing. However, Comeliness is affected. Those missing an ear lose 1 point per ear from Comeliness. (Minor: 6 points)
Loss of eye: Those missing an eye lose some vision, causing them to suffer -1 to all to hit rolls. Comeliness also suffers, with the character in question losing 1 point from this attribute. However, if the person uses an attractive eye patch, this effect is negated and his Comeliness goes back to normal. There is a 10% chance that members of the opposite sex will find the character more appealing than those with two eyes. Characters with this flaw automatically have the No Depth Perception Flaw. (Minor: 7 points)
Low Threshold of Pain (LTP): This flaw can make a character cry like a schoolgirl just from getting a splinter in his finger. A person with LTP is unable to stand even the smallest pain. Those with LTP lose a point of Honour every time they react to pain in public. Therefore, those with LTP who suffer minor wounds will be affected as if they had received major wounds. For every point of damage suffered, the effect will be doubled. However, once the combat is over, a person with this malady will bounce back, suffering only actual damage. Persons with LTP who suffer the loss of half his hit points or more in one blow will pass out for ld20 rounds minus their Constitution. In addition, characters with LTP will be unable to resist torture and will be quick to tell an inquisitor anything he wants to know. (Major: 15 points)
Maimed: A person who is maimed has been disfigured so badly and permanently that they lose 3 points to Comeliness and Charisma. Such a person has some sort of grotesque injury or malady that has decimated their appearance. They may be called “freaks” or “monsters.” Children will run away when they see a maimed person, or they may taunt him. Bullies may pick on the character. There is a 50% chance that public reaction will be fear and a 50% chance that such reaction will be disrespect. Sometimes, fearful crowds can be whipped into a frenzy against such a person and may attack. Players should roll ld6 oil the table below to determine how the character has been maimed. (Major: 11 points)
Maimed Table [Die Roll] Result:
[1] Severe facial burn or scarring; [2] Misshapen head; [3] Fingers webbed or Extra finger; [4] Two missing facial features; [5] Misshapen body; [6] Re-roll twice

Male Pattern Baldness: Only men can suffer from this flaw. These men have lost most of their hair. Such a flaw is not much of a hindrance. It does take 1 point away from the characters Comeliness attribute. However, there is a 20% chance that females they meet may react to the character as if he had a Charisma one point higher than it actually is. What can I say? Some women love bald men. (Minor: 5 points)
Migraines: Characters who have this flaw suffer from excruciating headaches on a regular basis. When a migraine strikes a character, he will be unable to function. He must rest for one day before resuming any activity. If he opts to continue while in pain, all to-hit and damage rolls will suffer - I. Anything else they do which causes them to have to roll dice will also incur a point penalty. Once a week during game time, a person with migraines will be out of commission due to migraine pain. (Minor: 8 points)
Missing Finger(s):A person with this flaw is missing at least one finger. The more points a character wants to use on this flw, the more fingers are missing. A character missing a finger fumbles more often. Therefore, a person missing a finger will fumble on 1 and 2 on his to-hit rolls. The possibility for fumbling increases for every finger missing. (Minor: 5 points for first finger, 1 point each for extra fingers)
Mute: Mute characters cannot perform any magic spells that have verbal components. They can communicate only with gestures, or by writing. Sometimes mute characters anger other people because they fail to understand why the character is not answering questions. This may place the character in some danger. Such a person cannot be a bard, unless they want to be a mime. (Major: 11 points)
Narcolepsy: A person with Narcolepsy has no control over when and where his character will fall asleep. This can be quite dangerous. Characters with Narcolepsy may fall asleep while climbing up a wall, fighting a dragon or playing poker. Any of these could be deadly. Players with this flaw may enlist the aid of a trusted person to wake them up, but even the most vigilant of friends cannot be with anyone all of the time. (Major: 15 points)
Nervous Tic: This flaw causes a character to twitch in an uncontrollable way. Usually such twitching is limited to the face or neck. Someone with a tic may have one eye which winks involuntarily, or one side of their neck will pull, causing their head to bob to the side. Most of the time, this condition causes no problems. However, imagine what would happen, say, if a person who has an eye tic is thought to be winking at the wife of some big, burly soldier. Nervous tics can also affect a characters ability to aim ranged weapons, therefore, characters with this flaw suffer -1 to hit with these weapons. (Minor: 5 points)
No Depth Perception: A character with this flaw is unable to distinguish whether objects are far away or near. This character might as well be blind. Ranged weapons are useless to such a character. This character gets -2 to all to-hit rolls. He will walk into walls or walk off cliffs if he isn’t careful. This person needs a really good friend or a guide dog. (Major: 11 points)
Scar, Facial: Something awful happened to this character. He suffers from a hideous scar, which he cannot hide. Such a character suffers -2 to Comeliness and Charisma. Otherwise, it has little effect. (Minor: 8 points)
Seizure Disorder: This character has some type of organic brain disease or damage, which causes him to have seizures. Seizures take many forms, but one of the most common is the Grand Mal seizure, which causes the person to fall to the ground and convulse uncontrollably. The chance of the character having Grand Mal is 60%. If no one is around to help, this person could swallow his tongue and suffocate in three rounds. Some people with seizure disorders simply freeze, or zone out for a few seconds. This could cause a character to offend others without knowing it because it will seem as if he is simply ignoring them if they talk to him while he is having such a seizure. No one is sure what triggers such attacks. These occurrences seem to be completely random. Therefore, it is up to the GM to remember to roll for every day of game time to see if the character suffers a seizure. On a roll of 6 or lower on a ld10, the character suffers a seizure. The next day, the chance for another seizure drops to 5 out of 10. Characters suffering seizures are completely vulnerable. Seizures last 1d12 turns. (Major: 20 points for Grand Mal, 12 points for milder form)
Sleep Chatter: This person talks in his sleep every night. There is a 5 out of 10 chance that the character will reveal things that normally he would not want anyone to know. He may declare his love for the female barbarian in the party, who may promptly kick his ass. Fie may spout the location of his stash of goods, or let it out that he’s the one who swiped the magic-users Ring of Water Walking. The things a character says in his sleep however, are questionable as to accuracy. Those listening will be unable to tell if the character is talking about something real, or something in a dream. (Minor: 6 points)
Sleep Walker: Those who walk in their sleep often find themselves in danger. This flaw can bring a whole new meaning to the phrase “he died in his sleep.” This character may walk out of a high window, into the middle of a campfire or into an ore encampment. Friends of this character may find themselves being asked to tie the character down at night. If they agree, the character will be saved from injuring himself, but will then be vulnerable to night-time attack. (Major: 11 points)
Sound Sleeper: This character wouldn’t wake up if a herd of bullweilers trampled past his bed. Such a character is extremely vulnerable when asleep. They will not wake up unless they are struck with enough force to cause at least 1 point of damage. Once they wake up, however, they are much more refreshed than others are. Therefore, when they rest in order to heal, they heal an extra hit point per day more than others do. (Minor: 6 points)
Strange Body Odor: This character has a distinctive stench about him. A strange odour emanates from his body, causing him to lose 1 point of Charisma. He will be unwelcome in most social gatherings. He will be welcome among ogres, bugbears and similar creatures, however, and may attract unwanted mares. (Minor: 6 points)
Stutter: Characters who stutter have a difficult time communicating. Magic users who stutter take an extra 2-20 segments to prepare any spells that have a verbal component. Stutterers lose 1 point of Charisma and are often taunted. (Minor: 8 points)
Tone Deaf: A character with this flaw is completely tone deaf. He couldn’t sing a proper song to save his life. This flaw is pretty harmless unless you happen to be a bard. (Minor: 5 points)
Trick Knee: A person with a trick knee can be walking along and then suddenly have his knee give way. In most adventuring situations, this is not a good thing. The character with this flaw loses a point of movement because of how careful he has to be not to fall down. Riding a horse is a good option for this character. In a dungeon setting, a trick knee can get a character killed. The GM will keep this flaw in mind whenever a character is crossing a narrow bridge over a high precipice, or just whenever he feels like rolling for it. (Major: 12 points)
Visually Impaired, Farsighted: Farsighted people can see objects far away just fine, but have trouble seeing things that are near. As such, they have trouble with close-up fighting, suffering -1 to hit in hand-to-hand combat. For most other purposes, they suffer very little ill effects, but when ordering from a menu, they might have to strain, and they can only use “large print” versions of spell scrolls. (Minor: 7 points)
Visually Impaired, Nearsighted: Also called myopic, these characters can see objects that are near, but have trouble seeing things that are far away. Therefore, they suffer a -4 penalty on to-hit rolls when using ranged weapons against targets that are at medium range or farther and -2 to hit at short range or lower. Otherwise, there is little impact on a characters life. (Minor: 7 points)

Quirk Descriptions (Mental)
Absent Minded: Characters with this quirk have a hard time remembering things. An absent-minded character may get to a dungeon and realize that he has forgotten to bring his coil of rope or his torches. (Minor: 9 points)
Acrophobia: Characters who have this quirk are afraid of heights. They may be fine inside a tall tower or on a higher floor of a building, but will freeze if they find themselves on a high rocky cliff or mountain. These characters will generally refuse to climb anything higher than their heads. (Minor: 10 points)
Agoraphobia: Characters who are agoraphobic have an irrational fear of wide, open spaces. They will generally avoid large rooms or open plains. (Minor: 10 points)
Alcoholic: Characters with this quirk are addicted to alcoholic beverages. They are never seen without a drink in their hands and have trouble functioning when sober. They spend much of their lives inebriated, losing coordination and blacking out. They may blank out for hours, days or even weeks. Every time this character has an alcoholic beverage he must roll a d20. If he rolls an 8 or higher he is compelled to order/secure another drink. Fie must make a check after EACH drink and cannot stop drinking till he succeeds. The only way to make him stop is if he is forcibly prevented from doing so by his friends. (Minor: 8 points)
Animal Phobia: A person with this quirk has an irrational fear of a certain animal. When encountering a feared animal, the character will attempt to flee, or he will freeze. Player should roll ld20 on the following table to determine what animal the character is afraid of. (Minor 9 points)
Animal Phobia Table:
[1-2] horse; [3-4] dog; [5-6] cat; [7-8] insect; [9-10] rodent; [11-12] snake; [13-14] birds; [15-16] fish; [17-18] worms; [19-20] cattle

Chronic Nightmares: Character suffers from Chronic Nightmares he can’t shake. The dreams visit him in his sleep nightly preventing him from getting the rest he needs. (Wounds heal at the rate of 1 every two days). There is also a 20% chance that on any given night he’ll wake up screaming and in a cold sweat. (Minor: 6 points)
Claustrophobia: People with this quirk have an irrational fear of confined or enclosed spaces. Every time the character wants to enter or finds himself in a confining space, such as hiding in a box, crawling through a runnel or possibly even entering a dungeon he must roll a saving throw against paralysation. If the save is failed the character either refuses to enter, or panics if he is already in a tight space. If the save is successful the character may act as normal, but still takes a -10% on all skill rolls and a -2 on all to hit rolls and saves while in the enclosed area. The GM may force the character to make additional saving throws if he comes under heavy stress while he is in tight quarters, even if his initial save was successful (Minor: 8 points)
Delusional: This person doesn’t quite know what’s real and what isn’t. Depending on the severity of the disorder, this quirk can be only a minor annoyance or “far-out” belief or it can be a major problem. Players should roll ld10 on the following table to determine character’s delusion, and a further d6 to determine severity, with a 1-4 meaning the delusion is minor and a 5-6 meaning the delusion is major. If the quirk is from a roll from Table 6G then the delusion is automatically major. (Minor: 10 points or Major: 15 points)
Delusion Table:
[1] (Major) Character thinks he is an animal and behaves like one. Check with your GM. (Minor) Character thinks animals are people and talks to them
[2] (Major) Character thinks he can fly, and often tries. (Minor) Character thinks other people can fly and often asks them to
[3] (Major) Character thinks he is royalty and acts like it, ordering people around, perhaps trying to walk into a castle as if it were his own. (Minor) Thinks one of the party members is royalty and treats him as such
[4] (Major) Character thinks he is in the middle of a battle when he is not. He attacks anyone that makes a quick movement or looks at him funny. (Minor) Character thinks he is a war hero and brags about accomplishments that aren't his.
[5] (Major) Character thinks his party members are monsters, screams and runs away, or tries to attack them. (Minor) Character thinks bugs are crawling on himself and those around him so he swats at them and stomps on them
[6] (Major) Thinks scaled monsters are his friends and treats them as such. (Minor) Character talks co an imaginary friend
[7] (Major) Character thinks screaming will scare away monsters, so when he’s in a dungeon, he screams loudly (Minor) Character thinks a monster is following him and keeps whirling around to catch it.
[8] (Major) Character thinks he is invisible. He tries to pick pockets and do other things he thinks no one can see (Minor) Character thinks his eyes are tricking him so he is constantly asking others what they see.
[9] (Major) Character thinks he can walk on water, and often tries (Minor) Character thinks water is poisonous so he never bathes or drinks water.
[10] (Major) Character thinks he can tame monsters, and tries. (Minor) Character thinks he has a tame monster for a pet and acts as if his pet is real and present.

Depression: This quirk can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain of a player character, or by a traumatic event. Characters with this problem can function normally most of the time, but will usually have episodes where they will be unable to do anything at all. Some will have suicidal tendencies. Others will take insane risks, feeling-as if it doesn’t matter if they live or die. (Minor: 8 points or Major: 16 points)
Enmity Toward Class: A character with this quirk has a deep hatred toward all people of a certain class, regardless of any other factor. This character will automatically attack any person of the hated class. This person will never willingly adventure with a person belonging to the enemy class. Re-roll if same class as character. (Major: 13 points)
Class Enmity Table:
[1] Barbarian; [2] Bard; [3] Cleric; [4] Druid; [5] Fighter; [6] HackMaster; [7] Cavalier; [8] Paladin; [9] Ranger; [10] Magic User; [11] BattleMage; [12] Dark Knight;
[13] Illusionist; [14] Thief; [15] Assassin; [16] Monk; [17] Berserker; [18] Knight Errant; [19] Blood Mage; [20] Roll twice, ignoring this result

Enmity toward Monster: A person with this quirk has an unreasoning hatred for a particular monster, or monster type. If the character’s party is in a battle with several monsters, he will ignore all other opponents if a hated monster is involved and attack that monster first. He will attack any monster that is his enemy on sight, without thought for his own, or his party’s, safety. Your DM will tell you what type of monster your character has enmity with. He can choose any from the Hacklopedia of Beasts. You might also want to choose one and offer tip some reasons for your hatred based on your background. Your DM may not buy it, but it’s worth a try. Beats the heck out of him rolling Dragons, All on his tables. (Major: 13 points)
Enmity toward Race: This quirk causes a character to have an unyielding hatred for any member of a certain race. No other factor will matter in such cases. This character will attack or endlessly harass with intent to instigate physical confrontation with members of the hated race on sight. This person will never willingly adventure with a person belonging to the enemy race. The DM should roll a 1 cl 10 on the following table to determine what race the character has enmity with. If the race rolled is the same as that of the character, reroll. (Major: 13 points)
Racial Enmity Table:
[1] Dwarf; [2] Elf; [3] Gnome; [4] Gnomeling; [5] Half elf; [6] Halfling; [7] Half-orc; [8] Half-ogre; [9] Pixie Fairy; [10] Human

Gambling Addiction: Characters with this quirk can’t seem to hang onto money for long. If they are in the vicinity of any sort of gambling activity, they will participate. If they run out of money, they may put up their horse, borrow from comrades or even steal. They may make deals, which they will regret later. They will bet on anything from a cock fight to whether or not ir will rain before noon. (Minor: 8 points)
HackFrenzy: This quirk makes the character susceptible to fits of violent rage. A character suffering from HackFrenzy has a short fuse and can be pushed over the edge with little provocation. This quirk manifests itself when the character takes an amount of damage in a single combat round that is equal to or above twenty percent of his current hit-point level. Whenever this happens, the character must immediately make a saving throw (vs. HackFrenzy). Failure means he immediately goes into HackFrenzy mode. A character who is HackFrenzied must immediately roll Id8 per level of experience. The resulting sum represents the number of hit points the character must inflict on others before his HackFrenzy is satiated. For example Tom, the 3rd level Fighter, has 20 hit points left. While exploring a dungeon he is attacked and hit for 5 points of damage in a single round. He fails his save vs. HackFrenzy and immediately rolls 3d8 with a result of 17. He must now inflict 17 points of damage before his rage subsides. If there are enemy targets in range he can choose to inflict damage on them. If, however, there are NO enemy targets within range and Tom still hasn’t met his HackFrenzy quota that round, he must attack friendly targets. A frenzied character can perform no other action except attacking in melee (and moving to engage the nearest target), as long as he has an unfulfilled quota. If there are no hit points to be obtained within sight he will immediately run in a random direction in search of targets. A frenzied character is extremely difficult to kill or drop while running amok. He takes only half damage from any attacks dealt to him while frenzied. Once he’s met his quota and the frenzy ends, however, he immediately takes on the full effect of any damage he sustained while in such a state. Thus, it is possible for the character to fight on even after death and literally die after the fact. If character is unable to fulfil his damage quota and satiate .his HackFrenzy he will eventually come down (ld4 turns) and collapse from exhaustion. (Major: 15 points)
HackLust: This quirk is similar to HackFrenzy except it is triggered nor by raking damage but by dealing ir out. If a player rolls a critical hit he must immediately roll a save vs. HackLust. Failure means he must press on the attack to inflict damage on others equal to three times the amount of damage he dealt with the critical hit. Like HackFrenzy, characters with HackLust will attack even friendly targets if their quota has not been met. (Major: 15 points)
Inappropriate Sense of Humour: A person with this quirk is apt to double over with laughter at the most inopportune moments. For instance, if this character’s buddy ends up suddenly falling down a 50 foot mine shaft and breaks his leg, the person with the inappropriate sense of humour might begin laughing and say something like, “Look at the funny way your leg bends to the side!” This quirk is apt to get the character punched out frequently. Characters with this disability like to tell jokes that aren’t funny and wait smiling for his ‘audience’ to laugh. Fie may even repeat the punchline after an awkward silence. Additionally, this quirk makes a character prone to playing practical jokes on people they shouldn’t, such as pious clerics, nobles or Ore chieftains. Those that suffer from an Inappropriate Sense of Humour are liable to blurt out insults at the wrong moments. (Minor: 7 points)
Kleptomaniac: Characters with this quirk have an unquenchable urge to steal. It doesn’t matter how valuable an item is, a character who is a kleptomaniac will attempt to steal anything. He will even steal while the person he’s stealing from is watching. (Minor: 10 points)
Nagging Conscience: A person with this quirk is plagued by a conscience that won’t allow him peace of mind if he’s committed certain crimes or acts of dishonour. His conscience is a silent witness to his shame and accuses him constantly. There’s a chance his conscience might begin to nag him, preventing his honour from rising or even causing loss of honour until the character has made amends or paid some sort of penance lo ease his conscience. (Minor: 5 points)
Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder: This person has a (cranial) chemical imbalance, causing him to believe that the world is out of control - too chaotic. This forces him to obsess about certain things, and/or compulsively perform certain repetitive acts (in order to regain some measure of control). For instance, a character may be obsessed with not stepping on any cracks in the road and will ignore all other dangers to keep from doing so. A character may have the compulsion to comb his hair every 10 minutes. Often the two disorders go hand in hand, with the result that a character may be obsessed with cleanliness and will therefore feel a compulsion to scrub his surroundings or himself constantly. Players should roll ld20 on the following table to determine what obsession/compulsion the character has. Then roll ld2 to determine if it is an obsession or a compulsion. (Minor: 10 points)
Obsession/Compulsion Table:
[1] Obsessed with members of opposite sex OR Compulsion to kiss members of opposite sex
[2] Obsession with numbers OR Compulsion to count everything
[3] Obsession with clothing OR Compulsion to buy clothing
[4] Obsession with gold OR Compulsion to gather as much gold as possible
[5] Obsession with horses OR Compulsion to scrub and brush horses
[6] Obsession with weapons OR Compulsion to own as many weapons as possible
[7] Obsession with armour OR Compulsion to own as much armour as possible
[8] Obsession with magic OR Compulsion to accumulate as many magical items as possible
[9] Obsession with cleanliness OR Compulsion to clean
[10] Obsession with body image OR Compulsion to exercise
[11] Obsession with hair OR Compulsion to comb hair
[12] Obsession with the sun OR Compulsion to stare at the sun
[13] Obsession with bugs OR Compulsion to eat bugs
[14] Obsession with food OR Compulsion to cook/eat
[15] Obsession with sounds OR Compulsion to discover source of unusual or unknown sounds
[16] Obsession with books or scrolls or Compulsion to accumulate as many books or scrolls as possible
[17] Obsession with jewels OR Compulsion to accumulate as many jewels as possible
[18] Obsession with rocks OR Compulsion to collect rocks
[19] Obsession with smells OR Compulsion to discover source of any odd odours
[20] Roll again. If character already has an obsession, when you roll again, select a compulsion, and vice versa.

Paranoid: Paranoid characters think everyone is out to get them. They trust no one. They certainly do not trust those with whom they adventure. They may think there is a conspiracy against them. They will closely guard themselves and their goods, perhaps finding it hard to sleep for fear of being screwed over. (Minor: 10 points)
Psychotic Aversion to Class: A character with this quirk will do anything to avoid contact with members of a certain class. He will not adventure or socialize with anyone who is a member of this class. The GM should roll ld20 on the following table to determine the class the character wants to avoid. If you roll the same class as the character, roll again. (Major: 11 points)
Class Aversion Table:
[1] Barbarian; [2] Bard; [3] Cleric; [4] Druid; [5] Fighter; [6] HackMaster; [7] Cavalier; [8] Paladin; [9] Ranger; [10] Magic User; [11] Battle Mage;
[12] Dark Knight; [13] Illusionist; [14] Thief; [15] Assassin; [16] Monk; [17] Berserker; [18] Knight Errant; [19] Blood Mage; [20] Reroll twice

Psychotic Aversion to Monster: This quirk causes characters to avoid contact with a certain type of monster at all costs. If a character with this quirk encounters the monster against which he has this aversion, he will do whatever he can to escape the area. GMs should use the Hacklopedia of Beasts to determine what creature the character psychotically avoids. (Major: 11 points)
Psychotic Aversion to Race: People with this quirk will avoid contact with members of a certain race whatever the cost. Characters will never adventure or socialize with a member of this race. The GM should roll a ldl0 on the following table to determine what race the character avoids. If the race rolled is the same as that of the character, re-roll. (Major: 11 points)
Racial Enmity Table:
[1] Dwarf; [2] Elf; [3] Gnome; [4] Gnomeling; [5] Half elf; [6] Halfling; [7] Half-orc; [8] Half-ogre; [9] Pixie Fairy; [10] Human

Pyromaniac: Most people call those with this quirk “firebugs.” Characters with this quirk are obsessed by fire. When the urge hits, they will burn down structures just to watch the flames. Seeing fire, such as a campfire, lit torch or fireplace fire, tends to spark this destructive urge in pyromaniacs. (Major: 12 points)
Sadistic: A person with this quirk is not a nice person, as he enjoys performing cruel acts against others. This aberration may take the form of animal cruelty or it may become even darker and nastier. Those adventuring with a sadistic character in the party may find themselves the victim of cruel jokes or painful “accidents.” Sadistic people are sometimes able to hide this tendency, but those who act on it usually find themselves unwelcome in many parts of society. (Major: 12 points)
Short Term Memory Loss: People with this quirk may be able to remember things that happened to them as children, but will be unable to tell anyone what they had for dinner. They may forget things like the fact that they checked a room for traps and they may check the room over again. They may forget how they got into a particular room in the dungeon, and may forget their way out. There are many possibilities for error when a character has short-term memory loss. (Minor: 8 points)
Superstitious: Characters who are superstitious feel they can control what happens to them by avoiding certain actions, or performing certain rituals. These people put a lot of faith in luck. They may have a lucky runic that they never take off, or never wash for fear of washing the luck away. They may avoid doing any adventuring on certain days of the month, feeling as if those days are unlucky for them. Roll ld20 on the following table to determine what superstition the character has. (Minor: 10 points)
Superstitions Table:
[1] Believes a certain colour is unlucky (your GM will choose). Will not wear clothing of this colour or enter structures painted this colour. Will avoid animals of this colour and those who wear this colour.
[2] Believes a certain colour is lucky (your GM will choose). Will only wear clothing of this colour. Prefers animals of this colour, those who wear this colour and items of this colour.
[3] Thinks the Wurld is flat. He will avoid travelling in ocean-going vessels for fear of falling off.
[4] Thinks being near dead things is unlucky. Will avoid anything reminding him of death: cemeteries, graves, coffins, etc. Gets -2 to hit when encountering any undead.
[5] Believes haggling or price-shopping is unlucky. If this character buys something that has a reduced price for any reason, he will constantly worry about it breaking or being of inferior quality. Eventually, he will discard the item in favour of one bought at full price or found.
[6] Has a lucky number (roll a d20 to determine the number). He will take insane risks on his lucky day. Performs "rituals" using his number to gain luck.
[7] Believes he's lucky and anyone touching him will steal his luck. He will not lend or share items with others (such as rope, torches, weapons, etc.). The character will go ballistic if anyone touches any of his stuff.
[8] Believes a (GM-chosen) common animal is unlucky. This character will avoid contact with such an animal and will go so far as to leave the room or cross the street to get away from the animal's proximity.
[9] Believes going left is unlucky. Will only take routes where it is assured he will not have to turn left. Believes left-handed people are evil. He will avoid taking a left turn in a dungeon.
[10] Doesn’t believe in ghosts or undead of any type. If he sees one, he will attempt to disbelieve or ignore incorporeal spirits entirely. After defeating a corporeal undead, he will attempt to defraud it by pulling of its ‘mask’ or wiping away its ‘makeup’.
[11] Believes Pixie Fairies are lucky, so he attempts to capture them to gain favours, refusing to release them unless they “bless” him.
[12] Believes harm will befall him, his friends or his relatives if he steps on a crack. He will not step on a crack for any reason. His movement rate is cut in half if he is travelling over extremely cracked surfaces.
[13] Has an unlucky number (roll a d20 to determine the number). He will not venture forth on this day. He will avoid anyone with this number of letters in their name. Will avoid being in a room with this number of people.
[14] Believes he must make a donation to any cleric or church he passes. Failure will surely bring ill-luck down upon him and bring the particular gawd against him.
[15] Believes those in authority were chosen by the gawds to be in their position. Will attempt to please and pander to anyone in authority he sees.
[16] Believes every time he hears a bell tinkling an angel gets his wings. Roll again.
[17] Believes adventuring with members of the opposite sex is bad luck. Will avoid this at all costs.
[18] Has a magic charm that he believes helps protect him. He will not do anything until he kisses the charm for good luck. If he loses it he will not be able to function until he finds a new lucky charm.
[19] Believes it’s bad luck not to tip a beggar. Will always tip beggars in town.
[20] Has two superstitions. Roll again and ignore this result.

Temper Tantrum: This quirk causes characters to be unable to control their tempers. A character with this quirk will throw a fir if they are frustrated in any way. Such a person may trash a room at an inn because his bed was lumpy or the person in the next room made too much noise. He may turn over a table and storm off is he loses at a game of cards. (Minor 7 points)
Wuss-of-Heart: A character with this quirk doesn’t have a single brave bone in his body. This character’s companions cannot count on him in extreme situations. He will hang back to the rear of the party in combat situations, and may sneak away if he can. Such a character is not suited to be any type of fighter. (Major: 11 points)

Quirk Descriptions (Personality)
Chronic Liar: This character cannot tell the truth from a lie. He lies about everything, even things that don’t matter. Many of his lies will be so outrageous that no one would believe them,. He insists they are the truth, even if presented with overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This quirk could prevent the character from making lasting, meaningful friendships. As the Lizard Mage said to Sturm Pyre in the book This Sword’s Retired, "A lie, albeit it small, driveth a wedge between friends. ” A character with this quirk might want to think about investing in the skill: Liar, Skilled. He may still be a liar but at least no one will know it. (Minor: 6 points)
Clingy: This personality quirk makes a person feel extremely needy. The character attempts to have all need filled by one person. Your GM will determine to whom the character clings. The clingy character will try to keep his chosen one in sight at all times. He will attempt to please the person, and will ask the person questions constantly about how he feels about this or that. (Minor: 5 points)
Glutton: This character never met a Grevan stew he didn’t like. He has an insatiable appetite and can be bribed with food. Dinners last for hours for this character. He must buy twice as many rations as other characters. He may steal other characters’ rations while they sleep for a little midnight snack. (Minor: 5 points)
Greedy: Although most characters in HackMaster live to obtain wealth, characters with this quirk can never have enough. They will do anything to accumulate more and more riches, including lying to friends, stealing from them or deceiving them. He may take insane risks in order to feed his appetite for wealth. (Minor: 8 points)
Gullible: This character is the guy P.T. Barnum was talking about when he said a sucker is born every minute. He is the perfect patsy. He will fall for anything. He will almost always pay the highest price for any item or buy inferior items passed-off as quality. (Minor: 7 points)
Jerk: This character doesn’t work or play well with others. He insults people, bullies them and generally orders them around. He feels as if he is the centre of the universe and everybody should know it. He has no patience for people who don’t cater to him, but he isn’t really nice to those who do. He feels as if life owes him and he’s bound and determined to collect. This character loses a point of Charisma. (Minor: 8 points)
Loud Boor: Similar to a jerk, a loud boor has a personality that annoys others. He wants to be the centre of attention at any social gathering. He will do whatever he can to get that attention. He will talk loudly, and tell long, bragging stories about himself. He will drop names of important people he has known or met. He will always drink too much. He may perform some type of outrageous behaviour to gain attention, such as stripping to his skivvies and jumping into a keg of ale. He loses a point of Charisma because of his annoying behaviour. (Minor: 7 points)
Misguided: This person has good intentions, but isn’t always able to keep out of trouble even so. He means well, but can never keep from making mistakes. Any character with this personality quirk is allowed a greater number of alignment infractions than other characters, before being punished for them. GMs must consider this quirk whenever your character does something against his alignment. If you can make a good excuse, the infraction may not count against him. (Minor: 5 points)
Multiple Personality Disorder: A character with this personality quirk has at least < le extra unique personality. He may be a rugged fighter, but his other personality is a winy schoolgirl. During stressful events, this characters extra personality might kick-in. Roll 1d100 on the table below for each personality. Duplicate results simply means a different personality of the same class/race/age. There is a 75% chance that each personality is not initially aware of the others; roll for each personality, as some may be aware of the others, but not vice-versa. (Major: 11 for first extra personality, 5 points for each additional personality)
[Die Roll] Extra Personality:
[01-04] Young member of the opposite sex
[05-08] Elderly member of the opposite sex
[09-12] Young adult or middle-aged member of the opposite sex
[13-16] Young member of the same sex
[17-20] Elderly member of the same sex
[21-24] Young adult or middle-aged member of the same sex
[25-28] Extremely violent person
[29-32] Extremely cowardly person
[33-36] Extremely nasty person
[37-40] Noble
[41-44] Slave
[45-48] Beggar
[49-52] Royalty
[53-56] Dwarf
[57-60] Pixie Fairy
[61-64] Gnome Titan
[65-68] Elf
[69-72] Assassin
[73-76] Thief
[77-80] Extremely pious person
[81-100] Adds another personality, roll twice more on this chart

Obnoxious: This character is similar to a jerk or a loud boor, but he tends to act in annoying and disgusting ways on a frequent basis. He picks his nose in public, scratches his private parts, burps, and tells obscene jokes. Often this person thinks he is the world’s friendliest guy and generally, he is friendly. However, his behaviour makes him extremely unpopular. He loses a point of Charisma. (Minor: 6 points)
Pack Rat: A character with this quirk cannot throw anything away. Nor only that, but he cannot keep himself from gathering up just about everything he sees in a dungeon setting. Because many monsters are notorious pack rats, this quirk can present a serious problem. The main difficulty is encumbrance. When a character with this quirk comes across a pile of treasure, which may include many items of junk, such as towels, wads of used gum, etc. he cannot seem to pass these items up. He will gather up everything,*whether he can carry it all or not. This can be somewhat annoying and troublesome to the other members of this character’s adventuring party. (Minor: 5 points)
Self-Absorbed: Similar to a jerk, the character who is self-absorbed thinks about no one else. When he talks, he always talks about himself. He has no idea how anyone else feels, nor does he care. He assumes everyone feels cither attracted to him, or jealous of him. He loses a point of Charisma because of his attitude. (Minor: 8 points)
Socially Awkward: A character with this personality quirk is clueless when it comes to social interaction. He avoids social situations if possible because he feels uncomfortable. If he finds himself in a gathering of some sort, he will make many mistakes. He will spill his drink, say stupid things and perhaps step on someone’s feet while dancing. This person loses 1 point of Charisma because of his lack of social grace. (Minor: 7 points)
Truthful: At first glance, this personality quirk might seem like a good thing. And, for the most part, it is. However, in the gaming arena, sometimes being able to lie can save your life. The character who is truthful cannot lie, even to save his life. (Major: 11 points)
Value Privacy (Reclusive): This person finds other people to be at best annoying and at worst, abominable. He prefers his own company to that of others. He believes that “hell is other people.” He will avoid all social engagements whenever possible, even offending important people to do so. He loses 1 point of Charisma because of this attitude. (Minor: 9 points)