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An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by TristenC »

Jaded has the gist of it. While NWPs were not in the initial materials, they were eventually introduced in the Dungeoneer's Survival guide. Since Spike mentioned the Alertness NWP in his description of the Dhampir i'd presume he uses them at least.
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by spike »

Thanks for the link, JadedDM.

Ad&d is simpler, and it requires more teamwork than newer editions that seek to create more formidable can do anything one man army types IMHO. If you're already familiar with 2e you can get up to speed relatively quickly.

Indeed I use most of the ones outlined in DSG and UA. I've also devised a few custom ones over the years:
  • find secret doors
    high pain threshold
    combat reflexes
    torture resistance
    rapid healing factor
    demonologist (really a secondary skill)
    survival, badlands
    survival, lower planes
I've a few more scrawled down in a notebook somewhere
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by TristenC »

I take it the WSG is also allowed (since it includes Alertness)?
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by Rivi »

ok im in but ill need some time to read up and figure what im going to play
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by TristenC »

That gives us 3, what do you want me to call the game Forum?
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by spike »

@TristenC: 'Scarlor' works, thanks man.

Somehow my previous post got mired in the shuffle.

Here's a list of religion and their factions that will be the powers that preside:

Lor: Greater God of Secrets
Holy Symbol: Mask
Alignment: TN

Lor presides over the secrets of the world and the multiverse, delegating to his Earthly priests the right time, precision, and permission to release certain secrets, suppress others, and nullify some from existence entirely. He is also the power over wisdom, enlightenment, and knowledge of the world.

As such, his acolytes in the world are multi talented, multi faceted, and possess a wide range of skills and abilities that command a deep profound respect in many. They neither promote or deny any of the suppositions, rumors, and guesswork others outside their ancient order conjecture with. Some Lorians are skilled in divination and investigative practices and as such operate along same methodologies as thieves, and many were thieves prior to their inclusion in the secret faith. It's well known among the erudite and intelligentsia that the Lorians also possess the largest, most massive collection of records, rare books, and tomes in existence.

Wrath, Greater of Storms, CG
Holy Symbol: Lightening bolt crossed by a sword

The God of Storms is also the patron deity of Swords. He is a chosen favorite for Paladins and Fighters who fight the good fight. Since ancient times farmers pledge crops unto him for heavy rains and to protect themselves from brigands.

Other cults of forbidden worship do exist, from Demogorgon and Orcus to Tharizdun.
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by spike »

TristenC wrote:I take it the WSG is also allowed (since it includes Alertness)?
Most definitely. I have some other sources too from Dragon Magazine articles. Not closed to introduction of some new ones as well.
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by TristenC »

Groovy. Forum is up, looks like jaded beat me to creating the usergroup and making you the leader. He also added myself and Rivi to it, and I added Chris.

Spike: you should be able to create topics in the forum (it is listed in the Homebrew section). If you have any questions or need help let us know
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by spike »

TristenC wrote:Groovy. Forum is up, looks like jaded beat me to creating the usergroup and making you the leader. He also added myself and Rivi to it, and I added Chris.

Spike: you should be able to create topics in the forum (it is listed in the Homebrew section). If you have any questions or need help let us know
Sweet, thanks for all the help!
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by Chris1234 »

JadedDM wrote:First Edition is basically a simpler form of Second Edition. That is to say, if you find 2E easy to learn, then 1E would be even easier, as it has fewer rules (no proficiencies or kits, for instance).
Ummm Unearthed Arcana might have has some NWPs.. maybe Oriental Adventures (can't remember about Greyhawk Adventures). Really straining my memory here..

OOps I just discoverd page 2. Oh well...

@Spike, thanks for the answers, all good. Will defo go for half vamp race. TBH not sure of class yet, but last night started putting together a char for another campaign. Probably will start on this one in 2-3 days.. Is that ok for you? Or you need something sooner? I can prob do i relatively quickly, maybe 2.5 days.. (less if not a spellcaster)
In passing, a list of what NWPs you allow could be useful...
Last edited by Chris1234 on Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by TristenC »

No problem, happy to help. I'm excited about finally playing 1st ed again (my last experience was as a thief in the original Tomb of Horrors :D)
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by spike »

TristenC wrote:No problem, happy to help. I'm excited about finally playing 1st ed again (my last experience was as a thief in the original Tomb of Horrors :D)
Got to love ToH!

Thieves are one of my favorite classes. Not sure if you read the original Gord the Rogue books (by Gygax), pretty good thief character! I'd highly recommend it if you haven't.

we're going to need a mage, cleric, and thief speaking of which. Not mission critical but it would certainly be nice.

Have you opted for dhampir or elf? Now that I think about it it might be rather interesting if there were two dhampirs in the party.

From a roleplay perspective both of them sought eachother out for information, to learn more about who they are and their skills, abilities, general knowleddge. if you think about it if you were a dhampir you would prob wish to do the same in a world of humans and demi-humans.
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by TristenC »

I'm planning to run ToH converted for 2e (not the Return to ToH made for 2e, the original one) after my Labyrinth of Madness game concludes... or hits tpk :satan: but that could be a while.

Still on the fence about the Dhampir, but if I do go for it that'd be a good RP background to me.

Since there is already a certain amount of interest, have you considered posting the Big Sixteen?
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by spike »

Chris1234 wrote:
JadedDM wrote:First Edition is basically a simpler form of Second Edition. That is to say, if you find 2E easy to learn, then 1E would be even easier, as it has fewer rules (no proficiencies or kits, for instance).
Ummm Unearthed Arcana might have has some NWPs.. maybe Oriental Adventures (can't remember about Greyhawk Adventures). Really straining my memory here..

OOps I just discoverd page 2. Oh well...

@Spike, thanks for the answers, all good. Will defo go for half vamp race. TBH not sure of class yet, but last night started putting together a char for another campaign. Probably will start on this one in 2-3 days.. Is that ok for you? Or you need something sooner? I can prob do i relatively quickly, maybe 2.5 days.. (less if not a spellcaster)
In passing, a list of what NWPs you allow could be useful...
Take your time Chris, it'll allow for some additional potential players to trickle in.

For Dhampir, nwp's really hinge on your class you opt for.

Here's one that's quite useful for assassins (in fact all assassins get this starting)

Plans within plans: (vs. INT) : this NWP requires due dilligence on the player to study, learn, and intimately familiarize themselves with a particular persons habits, rituals, behavior. Intelligence gathering works to speed this up quite a bit and enhance plans within plans. What this is useful for is to craft elaborate contingencies, plans, and counter moves more effectively. In game, you create a plan and analyze it, this NWP checks will help isolate painpoints in said plan. E.g. My plan is to assassinate Lord Hergon by infiltrating his guard, slipping into his bed chamber at night disguised as a whore and pour poison in his ear. Plans within plans checks will reveal holes in said plan, such as 'you discovered that Lord Hergon prefers only half elven women for some particular reason'. You can consider this to be a sense motive on crack.

Some others:

voice mimicry (INT) a NWP only available to dhampirs, calling on your dark lineage you're able to perfectly imitate another voice.

inhuman endurance: (CON) you can keep going in intensive, physically demanding operation longer than normal.

seduction (chr/comliness) prereq: etiquette for espionage, this comes in quite handy.

Master lover: (con, chr) you're well endowed or skilled in the art of lovemaking, Your passion can convince many stubborn, resistant minds to do other things you desire.

street sense: (chr) you speak the language of the streets, and can easily identify thieves, prostitutes, and organized crime, able to locate their secret safehouses, places of illicit business, and underground black markets. This is useful to tap into a larger broader network of information that would take much longer to uncover through normal investigating.

animal empathy: (chr) you can calm angry animals or even befriend some.

infiltration: (dex) you don the uniform of a particular group (beggars, soldiers) and perfectly meld in with them, making you invisible in plain sight.

parkour: (dex) thieves and assassins only. using your natural agility you can climb in a constant flowing state roof to roof, nook to nook through any urban environment.

Survival, Lower Planes: (INT) though study and training in demonology and the known planes of the multiverse, you're able to move about and travel, live, and survive in the infernal planes of existence. You understand the denizens of the layers of Infernus (Abyss) and can also speak the common infernal tongue.

Torture resistance: (INT) you're specially conditioned to withstand torture tactics and not break. Only open to government trained assassins.

Torture: (Int, Chr) interrogation tactics to extract information from a person.

Create Assets: (Chr) through bribery or intimidation, blackmail, or simply love you can create spies who become loyal followers. These followers require much TLC. Letters of reassurance, gold, resources, help, protection, and even love. A severe lack in any of these can result in betrayal and false intelligence reports.

Rapid Healing Factor: (CON) a bonus NWP for Dhampir, you heal double in HP for same amount of rest and relaxation as other humans and demi-humans through natural recovery sleep.

Actor: (Chr) adds +5 to diplomacy checks. Through brief character study you can effectively act and pretend to be another. Helps when attempting to impersonate and assume another identity, or to get past tight security.

Contortion: (thieves only) Dex. You're able to bend your body in strange shapes, and also through tight spaces. Helps to escape from bonds with a +10 bonus to escape artist checks.

sleight of hand: (dex) +5% to pick pockets

second sight: (mage only) - INT: you see things, signs and portends in nature, in your surroundings that tell a story or point you in a certain path in life. You see things others don't, and can unravel mysteries that went cold quicker than most.
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Re: An Ad&d 1st edition campaign

Post by Nocturno »

I will be in.

Just posting at this point to show the interest.

Is there Multiclass in 1st edition? - NM answered my own question.