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Character Descriptions

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

Moderator: JadedDM

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Character Descriptions

Post by JadedDM »

This thread will be dedicated to posting a character's description and posting a picture, if they have one.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn has long black hair that falls down to her mid back. Her bangs are swept over to the left. More often than not, she has two random braids on the right side of her head.

She has blue eyes. Her eyes seem rather guarded and distant, which is odd coming from a follower of Octhanus.

Clothing wise, Jocelyn doesn’t normally wear the light blue vestments of Octhanus. Instead, she wears a white, light, long sleeved shirt with a light blue vest. A black belt hugs her waist where three belt pouches hang. She wears a pair of white pants with knee high black boots. Her small shield is strapped to her back, while her war hammer and sling rest on either side of her hips. Finally, she wears the holy symbol of Octhanus, a crescent shaped dolphin, around her neck.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jenara »

Areilon Landar

At just under 5 foot Areilon is just above average height for an elf, she is slim and slight, moving with the nimble grace of her people. She looks almost fragile, many have that mistake.

She has long Auburn brown hair, framing her soft face, often tied back with a simple red ribbon to prevent it falling in her blue eyes.

She has soft slightly pale skin, marred only by a slight scar to her left cheek, a sparing wound from a former teacher.

She will often be found dressed in simple brown breeches or a black leather skirt, a white shirt under a plain black leather tunic, and a simple red sash around her waist.

She carries her sabre 'Telsa', the hilt has a Gauntlet of an unknown black metal, won from a pirate she overpowered she now carries it with pride. She also carries a single Stiletto on her belt, a crossbow on her back, and two pistols she 'borrowed' from the now dead Frisno.

She can be quite.. Impulsive, loving, she acts on her feelings and isn't afraid to show how she feels. She is however slowly gaining a slight drinking problem, her slim frame and less than sturdy constitution causes even a few drinks to make her more than tispy. When she is drunk her judgement is impaired, causing her to make somewhat rash choices.

She thinks the half orc is soild, dependable and useful, she had her reservations following the incident on the Island, but that has now been replaced with a sense of trust.

The Storm Sorcerer is young, idealistic, and hitting the real world with a sudden bump, Arei appreciates friendship, and enjoys spending time with her.

She is still making up her mind about the Cleric as Jocelyn is often quick to judge, however she finds her dependable and helpful, and she owes her her life on more than one occasion.

Arei has set her sights on Andar:
JadedDM wrote:Andar - A very large, muscular man that once worked for the crew of the Lucky Mermaid before he was captured with 11 of his crewmates by island tribals. He was the only one not immediately killed, instead kept for 'breeding purposes' until the party freed him. After that, he decided to stay with family in Hashadeth until he could allow the trauma to heal.
Arei plans to meet up with him in a year in the Village of Condeltun on the island of Hashadeth
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" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Breila »

Just looking at her, there is no doubt that Ouragana is a storm sorcerer. She wears the grey clothing of her order. Robes being a hindrance on a ship, the seafaring wizards have instead opted for wide trousers and loose shirts in storm cloud grey, with a cloak in case the weather demands it. Sashes and shawls make sure something can blow in the wind for effect.

Ouragana's skin is so pale it looks almost bluish, the water blue eyes and platinum blonde hair just add to that. Of medium height (5' 7) and very lightly built, she appears ethereal to some.

(sorry, no pic. I'm neither good at drawing nor in finding things on the net)
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by xelphyn »

Dahn stands at 3 feet, exactly, weighing a healthy 65 pounds.
His nose is pretty small for a gnome, about the size of an elves (not proportionately, the actual size... and shape, for that matter)
His snow white hair is cut at the length and angle of his jaw line.
His worried eyes are silver, and his skin is gray as stone.
He dresses himself in padded boots, simple trousers, a skirt cut halfway to his knees, a duster that ends flush with his feet, and a Cordobés, all of which is the same flat gray color.
No, I didn't mention a shirt, because he doesn't wear one.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Nuke »

Val Urgan stands at 5'7" tall, with a slight build of 132#. A swimmers body, with very little body fat.

A pale grey skin color and protruding lower canines make her unmistakably a half-orc. Close cropped hair and grey eyes round out her outward appearance.

However, in the water her presence really shines through. Shark skin armor and a Trident leave no doubt of her upbringing. A bone bow and battle axe round out her weapons.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Noldoli »

Oren Hammerfeld is a dwarf of Clan Hammerfeld, a descendent of one of the noble houses of Farikak of old. He stands 4'1" and weighs 148lbs, a stout dwarf with gruff appearance and manner with red hair and braided beard. His battle axe, the traditional weapon of the dwarven kind, is covered in runes describing his family's heritage in battle.

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by BishGada »

Baeros Axewielder is a tall muscular human ranger.

Once having a first look on him, usually you wouldn't care for a second. Baeros has plain features, his long black greasy uncombed hair, and small black trimmed beard, barely hiding several scars ornamenting his face, and neck.
Clothed with brown pants, long sword buckled on his left side and short on the right, dagger at his boot, brown vest over a dirty once white shirt, his general look will make you reluctant of his company, believing he is an up to no good trouble maker.

Even once getting to know him, his friends and acquaintances will probably get down any time Baeros engages a conversation with them, as he is known to have a little if any tact, and while even trying to compliment you, he will probably just make you sound average if not completely humiliated in front of a crowd. But to their outmost sorrow, Baeros is a talkative guy, and usually doesn't even understand when he hurts the others.

But Baeros has his advantages. Once in the woods you can count on him to guard you and keep you safe, track routes, hunt meals and warn of dangers. Watching around with his piercing black eyes Baeros knows the vegetation very well, will tell you from which to beware and which just makes your scrambled eggs ten folds tastier.
With his strong heavy scarred arms he will help you climbing up cliffs, removing obstacles from your path or just help you carrying your gear.

Baeros is naive, doesn't tend to understand complicated processes, having hot temper and usually doesn't sits back to asses the situation.
On battle he will usually rush forward with his long sword drawn and sooner than later will drop the shield only to draw his short sword and chop around with brute force.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Chris1234 »

Kohen Naras Stonebreaker
Appearance – Naras’s deep blue eyes are set off by her deep tan skin. Her fine black hair is kept under control with a page-cut. For a dwarf, her slight chest, which sports a medallion of a rolled up mole, and narrow hips are almost boyish, but woe betides anyone that points this out. In town, the Priestess of Gonto wears the obligatory green robes with bronze trim. On the road, or in the workhouse, Naras is visibly more comfortable in her mail.