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Personal thread: Rheskahn

A 5th edition game set in a Victorian-esque world in the midst of a magi-technological revolution.

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Personal thread: Rheskahn

Post by xelphyn »

Link your character sheet here, as well as physical and personality description.
Also, what circumstances do you want your character to begin in?
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Re: Personal thread: Rheskahn

Post by TristenC »

Link to character sheet for Rheskahn.

Physical description:
Standing an imposing six and a half feet, the creature before you resembles a man in shape only. A body covered with brown-orange copper scales lightly tinged with green, and a head of truly dragonish shape set with azure eyes make the difference obvious. Your eyes follow down the torso covered in thin layers of tan and green and brown fabric, from bemeath a hint of metallic clinking suggests hidden armor. The body itself appears lithe and powerful, even for one of his kind.

A scaly four-fingered hand rests near his left hip upon a throwing axe, his thumb running along the head idly. Beneath the axe-loop at an angle to be cross-drawn rests a scabbarded short sword. His opposite hip is similarly adorned with a bristling quiver, and his right hand carries a quarterstaff for walking long distances. Behind his back, a pack and longbow are secured. Those azure eyes watch with patience and caution, but is there a little inner mirth as well?

Quiet and reserved around most creatures, he is constantly on guard for those that would bring destruction to the Bisbigliando forest, or the peoples of nearby Andantio. He prefers to watch others closely before making decisions about their personalities, and before trusting them too closely.

-enjoys riddles a lot. Almost never the first to bring it up
-likes small pranks, but only plays them on those he is very comfortable with.

Rhaskahn was raised with a clutch of other copper dragonborn, tended and raised by a young adult copper dragon (father?). His guardian trained him and his hatchling siblings the ways of survival, tracking, and fighting. Once trained, the siblings were sent to protect different areas the dragon felt important; hoping the dragonborn would be ambassadors and protectors to the other races. Rhaskahn was directed to the Bisbigliando woods, which he has come to know well. The strongest aspect he internalized from his draconic parentage is the ability to hunt a foe relentlessly.

I'd like to start in the woods on a routine walk/patrol of the area he protects.

[I'll add more bits in soon]