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CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by TristenC »

Thanks for the tip. Grubnick says, sliding two extra copper pieces to Green Tears. I assume you’ve heard about your tribe… I’m very sorry. He says quietly enough for her to hear over the noise, but not so his voice caries.

In the same quiet tone; If you want to talk, just let me know… even if you just need to vent a little.

Grubnick pauses briefly to see if Green Tears wants to talk more. If not he takes his beer and walks in the general direction of either the fireplace or the Khas game; whichever path allows him to pass by the human reading in an unobtrusive manner.

As he passes the man, he lets his casual gaze cross over that area of the bar as he attempts to read any markings or writing on the cover of the book.

Once he reaches either the man with the lute or the Khas game he will: ask what type of songs the musician knows and if he is playing this evening; or quietly observe the Khas game from a respectful distance, studying the moves of the opponents. If his path would take him by both, he pauses at whichever is first, provided it is after the man with the book.

(OOC: Are there any empty seats near the man reading or the Khas game? Given Grubnick’s love of games, would he know the rules to Khas?)
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(Edited for formatting only)
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Sadron," Kendra says breathlessly. She places the knife she was carrying upon the table in the dinning room. ~Why did he have to return?~ she thinks to herself. "W...What are you doing here?" she stammers out softly.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Sadron locks his piercing green eyes with Kendra's with intensity. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I saw you this morning," he admits. He steps closer to her. "I couldn't help myself, I tracked you back here, I had to see you again." He abruptly takes her face into his hands and kisses her passionately on the lips, ignoring the knife in her hand entirely.

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Arulia heads upstairs and into bed, trying to get some sleep. The conversation about the gods with her parents, as well as the money troubles plaguing her family, weigh heavily on her mind.

She isn't entirely sure how long she tossed and turned or when she finally did fall asleep. But at some point, she finds herself in another dream. Once again, she is in the ruined city of Haven. A dark cloud covers the entire city. Above the marketsquare, flying in the air, is the five-headed dragon she saw last time. Its heads swarm about on snake-like necks, attempting to watch every place in the city at once.

Currently, Arulia is on the other side of a building which is blocking the dragon's line of sight. It cannot see her, even with five pairs of eyes. She is safe...for the moment, at least.

However, others are not so lucky. She can hear people groaning in pain nearby. Peeking around the corner of the building she is hiding behind, she sees numerous people lying on the street in the market square in obvious pain. There is no way to reach them without being seen by the dragon, though.

She feels a gentle hand on her shoulder, and turning her head she sees the same platinum knight from before crouching by her side. "Sometimes in order to help others, you must bide your time. If you throw your life away, you won't be able to help anyone. Do you understand?" he asks.

Grubnick (High Hand Inn, Common room)
Green Tears stoically nods her head in thanks to Grubnick, but says nothing in response.

The goblin makes his way toward the man with the book and tries to take a peak at his reading material. The words are not in any language he has seen, and they strangely seem to crawl about on the page, making him a bit dizzy when he stares too long. It occurs to Grubnick that the book is written in magic--most likely it is a spellbook of some kind.

Being closer to the Khas game than the lute, he observes the game instead. Being a game enthusiast of sorts, he has played Khas games many times in the past. Most wouldn't think so, as it's a slow, cerebral game and most goblins can't even read or write. But Grubnick wasn't like his kin, at least in that respect. From what he could tell, the two women were still just starting out, and neither had a big advantage over the other just yet. The game could still go either way.

Looking around, he sees an empty seat by the reading man and an empty seat by the Khas game.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by Haahque »

"That sounds reasonable, although you could just escort Tulbas home, then come back here and then lend the pass to me, in case I need to nip over to the Steel Tankard for any reason during the night."
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas raises his brows in surprise as he was just about to offer the same thing. "I thought to pay a visit to my uncle grave and also pay a visit to the place where Darga's body had been taken. If you want I can come by the Steel Tankard afterwards and see if you need the pass." Tulbas suggests.

Aurila wrote:...and then I'd hide from you for days, remember? I don't know, but maybe it's the same way with the Old Gods...
So in this logic the gods are the children who didn't understand people and now hides from them for 300 years... right? ;)
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by TristenC »

Taking a seat near the game, provided it doesn’t place him next to one of the soldiers, Grubnick quickly counts the number of Draconians and takes mental note of what they are up to (if there is anything more specific going on than general carousing). He also checks to see if there are any other goblins around. Once that is done, he tries to relax in his chair a little. He divides his attention mainly between the man stringing the lute and the game.

Sipping his beer slowly he lets his mind wander… Perhaps there is some way to turn the occupation forces against each other… There are plenty of goblins with them… likely prideful and somewhat foolhardy as most of my former tribe was… If the Draconians were harassing them as a whole that might spark something…

He quietly continues to reflect on things he’s learned since entering town.

(OOC: Has Grubnick had opportunity to see interactions between the various types of forces in Haven during the short time he has been here? Namely between different groups of the occupation forces and how the occupation and other forces like mercenaries interact?)

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Spell Casting
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by djhyland »

Arulia cries out in her sleep and tosses until her blankets are little more than a knot twisted about her legs, but try as she might she cannot wake from her nightmares. The monstrous five-headed dragon is every bit as terrifying as it was the first time she had dreamed of it, and the death and suffering around her chill her to her bones. But the worst is that she can do nothing to change it, nothing to help those who suffer.

If Arulia can indeed choose her actions in her dreams, she chooses at last to try to help. Let the dragon come for her--better to risk death trying to make things better than to cower amongst the dead! But just as she prepares to brave its ten-eyed gaze, the knight's hand on her shoulder stops her. In his presence, all of her fear falls away. His words are true, she knows, and she blushes at her foolishness...though not the dream foolishness she had just been contemplating. "I understand," she says. "I will wait, even though it is so hard to do so! But what do I wait for?"
BishGada wrote:So in this logic the gods are the children who didn't understand people and now hides from them for 300 years... right?
(OOC: I did write the next sentence to avoid this interpretation! Still, I like that idea. It certainly doesn't fit well with Dragonlance (or any other setting with a gods-driven creation myth), but there's certainly a large hint of it in Planescape's belief=power idea...and I love Planescape. If the gods get their power from the beliefs of their worshippers, then does that not in a way make the gods the children of the people?)
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra's body tensed in the beginning as if she was paralyzed with fear, but it only lasted for a second as she started to lose herself in Sadron's passion and intensity. Before she really knew what was happening, she felt herself returning the elf's kiss. It had been a long time since she had felt such things, as she had spent the last three years cutting herself off. Flashes of images came to her mind as she could easily see herself tangled up in Sadron's arms on the dining room floor. There was no denying the fact that she wanted it.

"Mmm, wait," she managed to say breathlessly as she reluctantly pulled away. The knife was forgotten on the table as she reached up and placed her hands over his. "We can't."
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Gregeddin and Tulbas (300 Market Street, Gregeddin's House)
Gregeddin looks down at the gnome and thinks a minute. He tried to imagine the consequences to leaving such an important document in the absent-minded, rather shortsighted gnome's hands. He clears his throat. "Nonsense, I insist! It's no trouble at all."

To Tulbas, he replies, "You want to visit your uncle's grave in the middle of the night? Couldn't that wait for the morning?"

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Sadron is surprised by her resistance, but immediately backs up a bit, his face flushed. "What is the matter?" he asks. "Do you not feel that way for me anymore? I know it has been a long time by human standards, but..," he trails off.

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
The platinum knight nods. "I am glad to hear you say that. There was another, a young lad who I had hoped would make a good agent of Good. He came across a woman and child being attacked by goblins. Although he had no chance against them, he attacked anyway and was killed. While his death bought the child time to escape, the mother was slain, as well. And now he can help nobody."

He shakes his head. "He meant well and had the best intentions, but he lacked foresight. This city belongs to her forces now," he nods to the dragon, refusing to say her name, "and they will not hesitate to crush you with everything they have if you are discovered to be associated with me. So you must be careful, you must think ahead. This is not a battle that can be won in the broad daylight. Ironically, you must move in the shadows, like her followers do."

He seems to shudder at the very thought but shakes it off. "However, doing so will be very dangerous. You will be at risk, as well your family. But if you agree, I can give you some of my power, the way that she offers her own power to her clerics. You will have to operate in secret, but it may help you in the battle to free this city from her tyranny. Do you accept?"

Grubnick (High Hand Inn, Common room)
Grubnick does a quick head count of the people in the common room. He counts 15 civilians--either locals or visitors, it's not clear at a first glance. Thirteen of them are human and two are dwarves. There are three staff members present, as well. Aside from Green Tears behind the bar, there are also two servers, both human.

There are 14 off duty soldiers, all draconians. Grubnick appears to be the only goblin present. The draconians keep to themselves, drinking and talking with each other, all converged at a few tables near each other close to the entrance.

(OOC: From what Grubnick has seen, there is a stark difference between the draconian and goblinoid troops. The draconians got the better deal, running the merchant and noble districts, while the goblins are stuck with the poorer farmer and harbor districts, as well as guarding the city gates. There are only a handful of humans in the army, but they are all in leadership positions. Mercenaries are often offered jobs in the army. Word on the street is that the army pays very well and offers top quality weapons and armor to their soldiers. The army also sometimes employs mercenaries for freelance work, especially if they are locals and know the city better than the occupying soldiers.)
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick sips his beer letting his mind work it's way around the problem.

The goblins' natural jealousy would work well for him. With the goblin and draconian forces mostly segregated, however, it would be tough to force a conflict. Unless... I get involved directly...

Shaking his head sharply, he dismissed the idea. That would be extremely foolhardy... at best!

Watching the gamepieces move back and forth, he knew he was in a similar position. He had to wait. Prepare his options and hold... until the appropriate opening. There, he thought as a light piece took a dark. That piece was taken in turn. Nothing without sacrifice he thought, bleakly.

He would not let his own piece be taken so simply... If he was to be sacrificed, he would make certain it was for a worthy play... perhaps only for the final victory.

Taking a long pull from his beer he stood and moved back to the bar. Taking a seat near the human reading he motioned Green Tears over and ordered another beer. Where could I find a good leather cap? You know, one with flaps? he asks, waving one hand by the side of his head. My ears have been getting cold out there! He pays for his beer and thanks her.

After she walks off a bit, he downs the rest of his first beer. Setting his mug down firmly, he lets out a long but qiet belch. With a satisfied sigh he turns to the human, Whatcha' readin?
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by Haahque »

"If you insist, then I guess there's no dissuading you. After all, that's what insisting is all about. If I could dissuade you and have you give me the pass overnight, then you wouldn't be insisting on walking me now would you?"

"Well of course he does, graves just lose all their charm during the daytime, it's no fun at all. I might even decide to join him to see the grave, but I think I have more important things to do tonight. You know, with the whole meeting Ismene and getting sleep which improves your ability to think and reason and walk and... wow sleep is actually really important and stuff."
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by HorizonsDream »

"No, no, its not that," Kendra says with a sigh. She rubs her face with her hand for a moment before she crosses her arms very lightly over her chest. "Part of me was hoping that you would find me tonight, and I want nothing more than to play out the little fantasy I have going through my head right now," she admitted. She blushes lightly at the very thought, but shakes it off quickly. "But I'm married now." Not that she really seems all that happy about it.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by mgbevan »

"Exactly! You're right once again Haahqae. I will however suggest one other course of action: I can forge copies of the pass so we can all have one, I've always thought my forgeries were excellent but I can't guarantee how well the regular footmen on the street will recognise signatures and seals of the high priestess." Gregeddin begins going through his possessions to find the requisite materials while continuing, "Now, I can do these tonight for us if you'd want them... candle, wax... after a wait... let's see, paper, ink... not sure exactly how long they will take, or I can do them in the morning, or we can stick together." the bard concludes quite satisfied, having assembled the equipment on part of the table. "I leave the choice with each of you."
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by djhyland »

Arulia's heart leaps at the knight's offer--though she hasn't known it until now, she knows for certain that this is what she is meant to do. But his words about the risk to her family temper her enthusiasm and remind her that she has greater concerns than just about herself. "I do accept," she says, "and I will be as careful as I can be. I wish to serve the greater Good and protect my family, and if I must stay hidden to do so, I will. But yes, I accept!"
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Sadron staggers back a step, as if Kendra had actually struck him. His face pales, which is impressive as Qualinesti are already rather pale as it is. "I...I see," he says, straightening out his clothes a bit. "Of course. I should have realized. There was no reason for you to wait...around for me, I was gone." He turns away from her, clearing his throat. "I shouldn't have come here. This was...foolish of me. I should go."

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
The platinum knight nods. "I'm glad to hear it," he says. "I will teach you what you need to know. But first, remember this. Never speak her name aloud. She will know. Second, be wary of who you trust. She has spies all over the city. Intrigue is a specialty of hers and she's quite good at it. Third, you are outnumbered and outpowered, for the moment. So you'll need to act cautiously. Pick your battles wisely. You cannot take on her army and her dragons, but perhaps you can do little things to hurt them, slow them down, weaken them. Your victories will be small, but they can add up over time. And as you continue, your ability to wield my power will grow, as well. Do you understand?"

Grubnick (High Hand Inn, Common room)
"Best bet is market square," Green Tears replies before accepting Grubnick's copper coin and going to bring him a new beer.

The human next to Grubnick who is so engrossed in his book is a young adult with black hair and skin but bright blue eyes. When Grubnick speaks to him, he looks to the goblin with some surprise, and his eyes widen further at seeing the goblin. "Who are you? What do you want?" he demands. He looks over his shoulder in a paranoid fashion, as if afraid others are listening in, then turns back to the goblin. "Just leave me alone. I don't have any spare change on me!"

(OOC: Grubnick spends 1 CP on another beer.

Here's where Grubnick's CHA of 6 really shines.)