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CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by BishGada »

"We should also sniff out at the Vale. See if anyone has a collection of poisonous snakes, and many friends that show the same interest." When they reach Gregeddin house Tulbas gets into a dark mood once again. 'This man lives for money and only for money. I can't trust him. Uncle warned me about humans. Now he is dead and this man, whom uncle introduced to the old ways, dances on his grave.' Tulbas thinks to himself and avoids any eye contact with his companions.

(OOC: I thought adding 'baths in a blood money' but that would going too far eh? ;) I know Gregeddin did nothing to Tulbas, but Tulbas is frustrated and eaten by guilt and he tries to throw it at someone. Gregeddin getting rich after Raetmal helped him and murdered seemed like a good target.)
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Gregeddin and Tulbas (300 Market Street, Gregeddin's House)
Gregeddin whips them all up a quick meal for dinner. The bard takes a second helping in fact, since he missed breakfast and lunch.

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
While Kendra has only had a couple of bites of her food, Norris has finished his meal entirely. "Is something wrong with it?" he asks, noting how little she's eaten.

"As for our options, whatever they may be...I hope you will at least consult with me before doing anything rash, like delving into the sewers to kill monsters or whatever," he adds.

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Vera frowns. "I pray every night, but nobody ever answers. The only old god I've seen is the one that incinerated that cult in the market square. I tried to visit her temple once, but I felt sick to my stomach getting anywhere near it." She shudders at the memory.

"She's fully recovered, all ready?" asks Thoron in surprise. "I guess she wasn't as bad off as I heard then. Or maybe you're just a better healer than I thought."

(OOC: Actually, Kendra is only at 75% HP still. It will be another few days before she's back to full health)
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I guess I'm just not that hungry," Kendra said with a shrug. She was still going over that meeting she had earlier with her old ex-lover. "Listen, I'll clean things up here. And don't worry. I'm not going into the sewers again," she added.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by BishGada »

After dinner Tulbas looks around and says, "Nice place you found here. Have you considered how to decorate it yet?"
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Gregeddin and Tulbas (300 Market Street, Gregeddin's House)
Gregeddin talks a bit about his house--how much it cost, how he plans to decorate it, and so forth. It's clear he's rather proud of it.

"So shall we head back to that deserted building or call it a night here?" he asks the other two when he's finished.

(OOC: The reason I offer this choice is because mgbevan is in the process of moving, and we might not see much of him until September. And since this is Gregeddin's quest--he started it, he has the most invested in it--it might be awkward trying to move it forward without him. So it may well be better to put this quest on hold until he fully returns, freeing you two up for something else until then.)

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Norris nods, wipes his mouth with his napkin, then stands up, leaving the napkin on his empty plate. "Thanks. I think I'll go up to bed now." He offers her a kiss then walks upstairs, leaving her to clean things up as she volunteered to do.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra finishes up what she can of her dinner, before she stands and starts to clean things up. Now she was alone with her thoughts. ~So he's back,~ she thinks to herself as she slowly washes the dishes.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by djhyland »

"Oh, no, she's still got some cuts and scrapes, but they'll heal on their own whether or not I'm there," Arulia replies to her father's statement. "I suppose I can ask Mr. Greylock to pay for a few more days of checking Kendra's bandages, but I hardly feel like I'm doing much that won't be done o its own."

Arulia takes her mother's hand in her own. "We've all seen what the Dragonarmy's goddess can do, and we are right to be afraid of her power. But I believe that the other old gods are here as well; we just have to trust in them."

Yawning, Arulia rises to go to bed. "Don't worry," she says, "I don't plan to do anything rash, yet. But if worse comes to worse, we'll all have to do things that seem rash to us right now."
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Kendra cleans the dishes alone, lost in her own thoughts. She had never expected to see Sadron again and now she was working with him to save his people. It was a lot to take in.

As she works, she suddenly hears the sound of wood creaking back in the dining room. There's one spot on the floor that always creaks when someone steps on it; she and Norris had become used to it long ago. But didn't Norris go up to bed?

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
"Other old gods?" Vera repeats. "I'm afraid I don't know anything about them, but if they were going to help us, wouldn't they have by now?"

Thoron frowns. "Don't forget that the old gods were the ones who caused the Cataclysm--they murdered millions of people, including children, destroyed entire cities, and then up and left us on our own. Anyone that evil doesn't deserve to be worshiped."
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by Haahque »

"Well I thought we had a letter to deliver to someone important or other. We should probably do that sooner rather then later, you know. Cause if we get eaten then we won't have to worry much about taxes or Belzorites."
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by BishGada »

"Haaque, you are correct. But if the prefect is not the kill the messenger type, he might turn to be one if we annoy him at the middle of the night. I think it can wait for tomorrow... Don't you want to spend time with your Gnome lady friend? Where is she anyway? I sure have some things to do at home." Tulbas says.
For the first time in days he thinks beyond the immediate persons around him. He considers the possibility to keep in touch with the few Silvanesti his uncle kept in touch with. They would probably want to know what happened in the city, and Tulbas should report about his uncle murder.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by Haahque »

"Hmm, you do make a good point. I do want to spend time with Ismene, I think she was at the Masked Dragon. I probably figured that out from my amazing detective skills, but I can't quite recall when I did such. Anywho, it was nice running around with you two again today. Great to be not nearly dead anymore, and I got a girl who probably has forgot about me since we last met to meet. Catch you again tomorrow."

And thus Haahqae got up to find his way to the Masked Dragon.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra stops what she is doing, clearly a little tense upon hearing the creak in the floor board. She knew Norris went to bed. Gripping a knife, as her swords weren't around, she cautiously walks back to the dinning room to check out the noise.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick sat in his bed at the High Hand mulling over the terrible situation in the city. Leaning back against the wall his bed was pushed too, he pondered the events of which he had heard.

Desperation. Plain as a black goat in the mountain snow. The refugees, fanatics misled by a charlatan, even the seekers casting about for anything; like a drowning man grasping at floating twigs knowing they can't hold him. And now... Takhisis...

Delarn, his mentor, had taught him of Takhisis. Indeed, he taught him of all of the old gods; though less of most than his own patron diety Sirrion.

Renewal. Rebirth. The city had been brought to it's knees, it's people to the brink. Now was the time to plant the seeds. The people Knew now, beyond any doubt, that the old gods were real. Now he just had to show them that Takhisis wasn't the only one...

His belly burned with anger but he calmed himself with slow breaths. Carefully now. He chided himself. You can't rush off headlong into foolery. Still he hated those who hid the truth, those who misled others for their own gain, those who held an iron claw and prevented the sharing of knowledge or freedom of peaceful worship.


Takhisis had paved the way for Sirrion, perhaps. Unknowingly. Perhaps now the people would listen, with proof of the old gods on their doorstep. With proof of a cleansing fire and hope of renewal. He would plant the seeds of hope, but it would not be easy. He would have to be very careful...

Grubnick had hidden his true nature most of his life. Other goblins never questioned why kill, why burn; they just did. He was not satisfied. He sought knowledge, wisdom, he cherished learning... And Sirrion had sent a gift, a friend.. Delarn, what should I do?

Shaking his head in frustration Grubnick left and locked his room. Still wearing his hide armor against the cold, he headed downstairs. With his belt knife tucked into his large pouch, he left his other weapons and pack in his room.

Perhaps there will be a game I can join or watch. He always thought better when half his mind was on something else. It was as if the distraction allowed him to work a problem around differently; to see new angles.

Entering the common area he orders a beer and glances around the room slowly looking for a game or any entertainment, always keeping a careful eye out for troublemakers.

(OOC: sorry, first-post-flood :) )
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae, Gregeddin and Tulbas (300 Market Street, Gregeddin's House)
Gregeddin quickly hurries after Haahqae before he gets outside, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Whoa, whoa, aren't you forgetting something?" he asks, showing the permit the church gave them. "It's after curfew. I don't think you'd get far without this." He looks between Tulbas and Haahqae. "Since there is only one permit and three of us, I'll have to escort you both home."

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Clutching a kitchen knife, Kendra steps into the dinning room. Nothing looks amiss at first glance, but then she notices the window is open and a cold breeze is fluttering the curtains.

Before she can respond to this, a figure in a cloak steps out of a shadowy corner of the room. "This is much nicer than your old place," Sadron comments, lowering his hood. "You must be doing well for yourself."

Grubnick (High Hand Inn, Common room)
The High Hand Inn was a decent enough inn. It wasn't the fanciest by far, but it was several tiers above some of the dives that can be found in the city. It was relatively clean, the rooms were warm and dry, and the food and drink wasn't too bad. Grubnick couldn't complain. After sleeping in fetid straw and eating whatever rats he could hit with his sling, the High Hand was like a palace in comparison.

The common room was fairly packed, as it was after curfew so the visiting patrons couldn't leave until morning. In addition to the regulars and the staff, there were also a number of off-duty draconian soldiers. Their presence was something of a mood dampener, and so the room was fairly quiet, considering.

Grubnick went to the bar and ordered a beer from the innkeeper, an elderly Plainswoman named Green Tears. She was once part of the Que-Teh tribe that lived in the nearby Abanansinian plains along with the Que-Shu and the Que-Kiri. Nobody knows what caused her to up and leave her people to run an inn in a 'civilized' city, but maybe it was for the best. Recent rumors state that all three tribes were wiped out by the Dragonarmy not too long ago.

Green Tears brings Grubnick a beer for a copper coin. "Keep clear of the soldiers," she offers in a quiet warning. "They've been drinking a lot, and are getting cranky."

The goblin looks around the room. No troublemakers; indeed, most people are doing their best to keep clear of the draconians. The dragon-like creatures are given a wide berth.

Other sights worth mentioning include a pair of human women playing Khas, a strategic game played on a board with several little wooden carved pieces; a human woman playing darts, a human male sitting at the bar, nose buried deep in a thick book, and a human male who is stringing a lute over by the fireplace.

(OOC: Grubnick buys a beer for 1 CP.)
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by djhyland »

Troubled by her father's words, Arulia pauses as she ascends the stairs. "Maybe...maybe they were always there, and the people just turned their backs on them," she finally says. "Maybe it's like when I misbehaved as a child. I know now why you punished me, but then, I thought you were just being mean to me unfairly. I didn't understand, and then I'd hide from you for days, remember? I don't know, but maybe it's the same way with the Old Gods--if we're their children, we don't know why they act as they do and then we flee from them when we don't understand."

With a sigh, she shakes her head. "I don't know," she says again. "But I think there has to be more out there than the Dragonarmy's goddess."