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CH. 5: Vying Factions

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by JadedDM »

It is the morning of Autumn Harvest the 19th, two days before Summer's End. Under normal circumstances, the city would be preparing for its annual harvest festival. People from all around Abanasinia would be arriving in droves to set up merchant stalls in the grand market. The city would be setting up decorations and local merchants would be readying their shops for the large influx of customers.

This year was different, though. There is no excitement in the air, only fear and tension. The docks sit empty, no river boats going in or out any more. Nobody arrives from other towns, and even if they did, it's likely they'd be turned away at the gates just like the refugees camped out there now. The city feels strangely cut off from the outside world, as if it existed alone.

The weather is identical to yesterday--a chill, light drizzle and an overcast, gloomy sky. Even the sun itself seems to hide itself away, as if it too feared the city would soon fall.

Haahqae wakes up early that morning after a good night's sleep. He prepares new spells (if applicable), readies his gear, and then heads for the mageware shop, eager to start recruiting for his giant slaying job.

Kendra gets up before Norris, and quietly dresses and changes her bandages before slipping out while it is still dark out. Her wounds are a little better, but it will still be a few days before she is at full health again. She heads to the mageware shop, wanting to inform the others about the job she found. Also, she can catch up on what they've been doing the past day. It can't be all that much, right?

Gregeddin awakens to find that, as usual, his parents have already gone out for the day. After preparing new spells (if applicable), he dresses and heads out to the mageware shop to meet with the others.

Darga wakes up in Kynaston's warm bed and finds it difficult to leave it. He eventually does, though, and discovers that he feels a little better after his recent battles, but still carries some injuries. Bundling up, he heads out into the cold to walk to the mageware shop.

Finally, Tulbas awakens to find that Raetmal is showing improvement, but remains unconscious still. He has been diligently following Marvin's instructions to the last letter, but for whatever reason, Raetmal still has not regained consciousness. He prepares his new spells (if applicable) and (possibly?) sets up breakfast for the group when they arrive.


It is now Autumn Harvest 19, Gateway, in the year 351 AC, at First Watch (7 AM).

Kendra regains 1 HP.
Darga regains 1 HP.

(OOC: I thought I'd start the day with everyone already together at the mageware shop, so we can get down to business. Post at will.)
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by HorizonsDream »

"This place looks about a dreary as it is outside," Kendra says as she looks over the shop while shaking out her cloak. Not that she was any better, despite the fact that she was just recently married. Instead, she seemed about as cheerful as always, which was to say she wasn't cheerful at all.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by djhyland »

Darga looks about the mageware shop and is inclined to agree with the guardswoman. "Could be worse," he mumbles. "'Leastways it's dry in here, an' a bit warmer."

Despite his words to the relative advantages of the shop, Darga fidgets uncomfortably. Even with the rain outside, he finds this place unwelcoming, and he seems eager to get to any tasks at hand which might take him elsewhere.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by BishGada »

Thrilled by the improvement in Raetmal condition Tulbas smiles at the guests. "Well, I can light few candles if you wish." he says almost cheerfully.
"Let's sit in the kitchen, I've made a pot of porridge thanks to Darga supplying me with ingredients." he gives a slight bow with his head to the dwarf, "And some tea."

(OOC: Tulbas learns: Charm Person, Magic Missile, Sleep, Mount
I'm waiting for Raetmal state to be brought up in the breakfast chat, as I believe Tulbas is somewhat in euphoria and didn't notice the weirdness of Raetmal not getting consciousness yet. When the subject will be brought up he will consider going to Mad Marvin and suggest that maybe some magic is influencing his state of mind and keeping him unconsciousness).
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by Haahque »

Accepting a bowl from Tulbas, Haahqae turns his attention towards the lady that he hasn't seen since he found his new quest. "Ah Kendra, good to see you again, how have you been? Has anyone else told you about the giant we're going to go kill today? We got some good help from the cult so it shouldn't be too much of a tall order for us. We should probably get going to the cult soon, make sure we get to pick out our recruits before they go and do something stupid like overthrow the seekers."
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by JadedDM »

The party sits down at the table to enjoy the porridge and tea supplied by Tulbas. Kendra notices that Tulbas' cloak has been torn in several places.


(OOC: Tulbas' spells have been updated.)
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I'm...okay," Kendra says with a small shrug as she settles into a chair to eat. "I got married, but what is this about a giant and the cult helping you with the giant?" she asks curiously. "And why are you having the cult help you take down the giant?"
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by djhyland »

"Married?" Darga asks. "Congratulations, m'lady! I didna know that ya were gettin' married so soon, though."
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Um, thank you," Kendra said politely. Though, she didn't seem all that thrilled. "And I wasn't quite expecting it to be so soon either, but we have been together for awhile so I guess it kind of makes sense."
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by djhyland »

Darga's face falls a bit at Kendra's lack of enthusiasm despite his best efforts. "Yer not happy 'bout it, then?" he asks. But before she can reply, he catches himself. "I'm sorry. That ain't none o' my business." Hurrying to change the topic, he says, "Th' cult says they'll help ta kill th' giant ta help th' townsfolk an' th' refugees. I don' know why they'd do that when they'd sell a girl ta those who'd murder her, but th' elf lad an' th' gnome seem ta trust 'em."
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by Haahque »

"Well we talked to the big head priest guy whazzizname and he said in front of the whole crowd that he'd help us. And then when we went back he had a couple of not-so-big-and-tough mercenary guys finding some fighting talent amongst the cultists to aid us. Besides, we could probably use some extra muscle against something of a giant's size. Say Kendra, does your new husband happen to have any useful inventions for taking out large foes? Perhaps something explosive?"
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Big head priest guy?" Kendra asks. "You mean, he is out of prison?" she asks, clearly confused as to what exactly is going on. "And I would suspect that they are willing to help because it would help bolster their ranks more," she points out. "It is something good that you are doing, killing a giant, I assume, so of course they want to be apart of that as it shows that the cult is more compassionate, even though we know that isn't the case," she explains to Darga before she turns her attention back to the gnome.

"My husband is a jeweler, not an inventor. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have anything that you are looking for."
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by Haahque »

"A jeweler? Hmm, how unusual, oh well, I guess we need to address the problem at hand. Oh and yes, he was in jail for a spell, but he's out again somehow, this being Mr head priest guy, not sure how he got out but at least he was able to finish the demonstration he promised me on the day they took him away. You know, the one where he promised me a demonstration of performing healing. So what traps should we set up for the giant? Or should we find out what recruits we have available first?"
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by mgbevan »

Gregeddin keeps Hypnotism and Mending as his spells.
Inventory management, Gregeddin wears the singed black cloak atop of his normal attire today, feeling confident he won't be identified from the murders. The bard also carries the two long swords, intending to arm Zoya and Mateo to protect him on the Giant trip and from any lynchings.


Gregeddin speaks up for the first time, clearing his throat from a mouthful of porridge, "I suppose Darewind would have used that big lump of cash we sorted by giving them Daxia to trade. Well, if he didn't bribe his way out he sure has a lot of steel banked up somewhere." the bard muses as he twiddles his spoon.

"Oh and speaking of recruits" he continues, "there are two people I need to go see, two people that I can trust have no desire to lynch us for criticising 'The Master' or be easily swayed by cult mentality. The death stares and noose fetching was a minor detail left out of Haahqae's account of our meeting with Darewind, you see." Gregeddin holds up the two swords to illustrate his point about the mercs.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by HorizonsDream »

"You should find out who you can get first to help with the giant. Then we can worry about traps," Kendra says. "I'm a little curious on how Darewind managed to get out, but I suppose he didn't tell all of you that. I had a meeting with the leader of the local thieves guild," she says, glancing to the others. "I figured that they could be useful if what we were told was true and a big change in Haven is coming. He said that there was something killing his men within the sewers, and he would like that checked out."