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BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

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BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

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Vrunar Tadgelein

Please post your character sheet link in this topic as well as filling out the description template:

Physical Description:
Apparent Age (if different):
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Personal Items usually carried:

Personal Information:
*Skills and Abilities:
*Weapons Used:

Background Information:
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

Post by BishGada »

Physical Description:
*Name: Vrunar Tadgelein. Friends calls him Vrunar the Just. Mocking people call him Vrunar the Judge. Vrunar doesn't like any of the nick names.
*Race: Human.
*Age: 23
*Height: 5'10"
*Build/Weight: Broad, 161 lbr
*Hair: Blond, curly, cut around the shoulders, never collected into ponytail or braids. This is the only part about Vrunar which is not neat and ordered. On rare occasions such as important ceremonies, smeared with oil and brushed tightly. Most of the time wearing mustache. Sometimes with goatee too. Always well trimmed.
*Eyes: Bright blue - grayish
Complexion: Fair, somewhat tanned

Not adventuring: White under cloth and under shirt, White/Green/Brown buttoned shirt tucked in, loose sleeves buttoned at the wrist, green-brown vest and pants, black belt, dark gray cloak, brown wide point boots with copper buckles. Sometime fingerless leather gloves. Cloth always clean and neat. Everything in order. Can be seen with backpack. On the backpack sewed a small weaved picture of his parents holding each other, weaved by his father himself.
Adventuring: Same type of under cloth, as clean as possible. Banded mail. Shiny polished. The symbol of Bahamut engraved on the chest plate. Leather leggings and bracers under the armor. Large steel plate with a dragon swirling around it's edge, exceptionally ornamented with gems and gold lines, long sword at his hip. When sword drawn engraved runes of blessing can be seen.
Steel helmet, dragon wings engraved on it's sized. Bahamut dogma on the pherimeter: 'Oppose evil, protect the weak, liberate the oppressed and defend just order.'
Personal Items usually carried: Pendant with the holy symbol of Bahamut.

Vrunar radiates confidence and courage. Only staying near him people feel comfortable and cheered up.


Personal Information:
Vrunar is a friendly person. He always judge people for good until they prove unworthy. He is serious and prefer talking about practical matters or philosophy of religion, but he won't deny the occasional loughs and singing with a good company.
Vrunar will always seek to help where help is needed. Will fight those who abuse others or humiliate them. His top priority actions will be to defend the weak and give them an equal opportunity, his next actions will be to bring justice to the world, fight evil and corruption.
Vrunar is brave. He will never cower from a fight against evil or unjust action, believing his god will give him the strength to do good.
Vrunar is loyal to those who meets his ideals. He will help them, fight at their side and endanger his life protecting them, all in the name of their mutual views and cause in life.

*Occupation: Vrunar has no special occupation. Before taking the path of protecting the weak and bringing order and justice to the world, Vrunar, born in a small village, helped with the other children raising the crops in the fields, but he never become proficient in the subject. Later on moving with his parents to a noble man lands where all their needs where taken care off by the nobleman Vrunar again didn't practice any occupation, but with his attachment to a cleric's apprentice he learned a lot of religion and had a lot of philosophical discussions in these matters.
Later on, changed by the events of life and following Bahamut dogma, Vrunar acts in the service of the church.

*Skills and Abilities: Radiating courage and confidence, Practiced combatant, Healer.
*Weapons Used: Long sword, Long bow

Background Information:
Vrunar was an only child, born and raised in a small village. His father was a very talented rug weaver and merchants arrived from all close and distant countries to buy his rugs. Not like the other children around him, Vrunar was well educated, knew how to read and write and had almost nobility manners.
Vrunar's father was humble, and knew to appreciate the people around him. Vrunar learned to respect other people whatever race or religion they had. As a child Vrunar was strong and played with the other children pushing boulders, woodcutting and fighting with wooden swords. Using weapons came natural to him and he became proficient with swords pretty early in his life.
One day, a high nobleman wanted Vrunar's father to weave the rugs for all his palace. That was a lifetime work. After Vrunar's father saw the palace, it's gardens and the surrounding he decided it could be his opportunity to create a master piece that will blend the palace with the nature around, to change the way people perceive his art.
All the family was invited to live in the nobleman lands. Vrunar was detached from his friends and in time became friend with a cleric that lived in the church of the nobleman lands. Being educated it was easy for him to read together with the cleric and then discuss the philosophy of the religion, the conflicts between the gods promises and everyday life, epic stories and shameful ones, god had taken all sort of parts in them.
But even that they became very closed friends, none of it had strengthen Vrunar beliefs as did the accident of his mother. His father was busy from dawn to dust with his master work. Even that Vrunar helped his mother a lot, and that the nobleman willingly took care of their needs, she still had the habit to ride a cart to the nearest market to buy supplies. One day when she returned, the horse was spooked, and start galloping in terror. The cart bumped into a rock and turned over his mother. Vrunar saw it happens. He ran to his mother and helped her out under the wreckage. He took her to the church to a healer. The healer took her inside a chamber and Vruner was left outside. Then it was the first time he had felt a grand force nearby. He felt something calm him down and promising all will be well. He decided to pray for his mother health, and felt appreciative respond from the being filling the church. His mother was healed and he was grateful.
His next discussions with his friend took another meaning for him from this day. His mind was open as much as his heart, and his belief became stronger by the day. Unfortunately spending more time in the church exposed more information. People corruption, exploiting the sick and poor. Not everyone in need got the same treatment as his mother. Vrunar was raged and confused. He wanted to speak with his father, but his father was occupied. On the rare occasions they discussed such matters, his father sympathized with him and told him that all people should be treated equally. Unfortunately this is not the way of the world. His discussions with his cleric friend were similar.
With no one else to speak to, Vrunar turned to his new found god. He prayed and meditated and searched for an answer and finally it was given to him. The god was pleased with Vrunar high morality and decided he shall be the protector of the miserable and the poor. An extension of his justice upon earth. And so Vrunar became a Paladin.
Last edited by BishGada on Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

A most unusual set of events that you have found yourself in. Roused in the middle of the night and summoned to the Temple of Tyr. Within the hour you find yourself standing before the group of four and five story row houses, which serve as the headquarters of the clergy of Tyr within Waterdeep. Two armored guards, left hands covered with red sashes, stand at each of the entryways. Escorted inside, Vrunar is directed into the spacious altar room. Several rows of benches line the floor. The walls are adourned with grand murals of Tyr's feats during the Procession of Justice. The stone altar is decorated with the symbol of the Just God. A large robust man who wears the markings of a high-ranking member of the order enters the altar room. He wastes little time with formalities... Greetings young... Vrunar is it? I must be brief for we are sorely lacking in time. I am Hammerlord Hykros. An agent of my church has discovered troubling information concerning Ag High Priest of Torm. Unfortunately, Thavin will not be able to continue his investigation, or remain in Waterdeep for that matter. As Torm is a member of the Triad with Tyr and Ilmater, I am now pressed to find an impartial investigator, acceptable to all three churches.... He pauses for a moment... I trust you will understand the seriousness of this situation. Evidence points toward Ag having ties to members of Xanthar's thieves guild at the least, if not outright allegiance to the realms infernal. As of now, even Ag's protegee begins to question current events.... I know this is quite unexpected. Will you pick up this investigation and find the hidden truth of this matter?
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

Post by BishGada »

Image Vrunar thinks for a moment before answering. "Forgive my impertinence, but these accusations are grievous. It is difficult to believe the High Priest will be involved in such matters." he lowers and shakes his head as if he had been struck hard by a giant's fist. Thinking again for a long moment he continues, "If these accusations are unjust, there might be another evil force in process here, trying to diminish the power of Torm. However if there is truth to it, a lot of people will suffer." Making up his mind Vrunar straighten up his head and says, "I am obliged to step in, such threat cannot be left unopposed, but I am not taking those accusation for granted. If they found false, I'll fight to restore the High Priest honor." with that resolved Vrunar continues, "Has Thavin already left or can I meet him for a brief of the investigation progress so far?"
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Re: BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

BishGada wrote:"Has Thavin already left or can I meet him for a brief of the investigation progress so far?"
The Hammerlord's stern facade gives pause at Vrunar's question, showing the weariness of one bearing the weight and worries of the masses upon his shoulders... "Alas, I fear that will not be possible. It appears Thavin has fallen victim to the hidden forces which struck down his family and framed him for the vile act. Worse yet, the "Mark of Justice" placed upon him cares not for death. In two years time his soul will be forever cursed by Tyr, for failing to clear his name of his family's murder in Neverwinter." Hykros pauses for a time while lighting a candle and offering a silent prayer for the souls of Thavin and his family... " But we have more pressing matters at hand than the fate of one man... I have always questioned Highpriest Ag, since his arrival to Waterdeep, and I have found him lacking. Like many of the younger faithful these days, Ag foolishly thinks that the orders of priest, paladin, and monks can be intertwined. The truly dedicated and faithful would not stand for such a farce...A priest/ monk is a one who lacks true conviction and is not worthy of either order....Still he is a priest of the Triad and at least his people should be trustworthy and perhaps even reliable.... But in that lies perhaps a bigger problem. Torm, with Tyr and Ilmatter make up the Triad. Hugh and Ag, along with the mage, were part of an adventuring group years ago. If Hugh has some hold over the current leader of the church of Torm in Waterdeep, we must break that hold.... However if he has partaken in the deeds that have been suggested at? Well then, Ag has fallen from his faith, and he must be exposed and dealt with.... That is all the information that I have at my disposal, Thavin fell before he could bring back the proof that I would need to move against such a high ranking member of the Church of Torm. His companions were to meet in the morning at the Wandering Wemic Inn. You should seek out any proof that they may be in possession of. Considering their current predicament, they may not care to trust any newcomers. You should inform them of Thavin's demise and offer assistance in their current plight to rescue a set of maidens from the theives guild in Skullport."

OOC: I editted my last post. It was a little brief. Getting back in the swing of things here.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

Post by BishGada »

"This is indeed troubling. I hurt for Thavin's fate. I hope that one outcome of the investigation would be clearing his name." Vrunar says. "Well, I'll go to that inn and meet Thavin's companions. Anything else?" he asks respectfully.
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Re: BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

"My assistant will provide you with funds to ensure that Thavin's room is paid for the next two weeks, as you will most likely continue utilizing it as a meeting place for the time being. As for Thavin's "companions", he spoke briefly of them:

Kadrian the wild elf from Chult knows nothing of civility or even clothing for that matter. He is rude and troublesome, but also appears quite loyal to his allies and seems to lack desire for things such as power or wealth. Kadrian arrived to Waterdeep with Kata a follower of Sharess, both in search of Vestele Ealoeth who is supposedly missing as well....

Kata Amblecrown a Healer of Sharess has taken vows of povert and non-violence, which is why she relies on the wild elf. Thavin discerned nothing at fauly with her save the impression that she is a bit of a harlot....

Kean Artair is a bit of a mystery and his being hired directly by either Vestele or Sinistra is a concern. Though he has not displayed an indications of being untrustworthy, Thavin felt he is hiding something from the group....

Turic Redstone an acolyte of Torm and Ag's right hand man in these events appears uncorrupted by these events and hopefully will be able to put aside any loyalties to Ag if duty and honor so demands...

Sally Windborn a peasant monk is relatively new to Waterdeep. Friends with Turic, she has shown herself quite capable perhaps more so than should be expected for one of such meager upbringing. Thavin trusted her as well as Turic...

Navi. Thavin had little time to mention her as she just arrived. A cousin of Vestele Ealoeth with her own agenda, and unfortunately another potential target for abduction if the stories about members of House Ealoeth are true...

Vestele Ealoeth... Which one I wonder? Vestele arrived recently to Waterdeep and took possession of her missing child's manor and belongings. Now it appears that may have been a ruse. Sinistra the wild mage, who was originally Sinistrad, was on the verge of being banished from Waterdeep at the time of her disappearance. Use the utmost caution while in her presence. I can not stress the havoc she may be capable of if she is truly Sinistra using an alias. If you discern her a threat to the populace, send me word immediately...
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: BishGada ((Vrunar Tadgelein)) Private Thread

Post by BishGada »

Vrunar memorizes the details, takes the key to Thavin's room and then leaves. "I will persue the matter until eliminating evil and restoring these elves safety." he says at the door and bows gracefuly hounoring the high priest.