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Tulbas' Vignette

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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"Of course, she will be thoroughly questioned," Nora says. "But first, we need to prepare you for your initiation ceremony. A deal is a deal, after all." She holds out her hand to take the woman's backpack that he is still carrying.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

"Emmm... here you are." Tulbas hands the backbpack to Nora. "I promised her we will give her back her belongings when we return her to her father. I admit I'm curious about it's contents, but after all we are no thieves. Do you think I could speak with her later?"
Tulbas looks at Biggs and Wedge and smiles, "So, what should I do to prepare for the initation?"
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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"We are initiating some new members very soon, in fact. Come, let's get you fitted for a grey robe and cloak," Nora says, handing the backpack over to Biggs and then leading him to another room where they have stored some supplies, including grey clothes.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas acts excited and follows, looks for robes at his size and tries to judge the other people who are going to be initiated. His mind starts to fill again with his prior plans. 'I need to understand Darewind's source of power... Nora seems quiet honest woman, if she believes in him, maybe there is something to it... After the initiation I might go and check on the woman we caught...' He looks around and asks Nora, "Nora, how did you come to join Darewind's followers if you don't mind me asking?"
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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There are a score of people in the group being initiated. They seem to come from all walks of life, although most of their are fairly young, like Tulbas.

"I was a highwayman," Nora says. "Desperate and starving, I attacked travelers and caravans with a group of others like me. I did what I had to in order to survive. One day, a caravan we attacked had Kelryn on it. He showed no fear at all, even when we started putting people to the sword. Instead, he told us of the Master."

She gets a faraway look as she remembers. "I remember thinking he was a madman. Standing there, talking about some god, while we were murdering his companions. I didn't believe in any gods; or if I did, I think I hated them. I decided I'd show him how great his god was, and stabbed him right in the gut. I expected him to see his eyes widen with fear, as death came to him. But his expression never changed. He prayed to the Master, and the wound healed completely." She shakes her head.

"We all decided then and there that this guy was for real, and should listen to what we had to say. By the time he finished speaking, we had all converted. And we've followed him ever since."
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas looks at Nora seriously. "The land is in bad shape. People are forced to act desperately. The Master appeared in the right time and I hope our actions will help to free Darewind so he can lead us to a better situation."
Then he continues, "After you attacked him and he healed himself, did he also heal his wounded or dead companions, which you attacked earlier? How long ago this event happened anyway?"
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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"It was about a year ago, I think," says Nora. "And no, the dead remain that way. The Master does not bring them back without very good reason."
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

"And all of them just died so quickly he couldn't reach them?" Tulbas asks thoughtfully... "In that year did Darewind healed someone else besides himself? I heard that he demonstrated The Master abilities by cutting his on hands and grow them back, but there are a lot of handicaps beggars in the street, and other sick people, why not demonstrate The Master powers by healing those who actually need it?
I'm sure Darewind has his own reasons but since healing powers haven't been seen here for so long, I'm just curious, have you ever felt his healing powers yourself or saw someone you know is actually injured or sick, being cured?"
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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"It's not my place to question Darewind and his methods; the Master speaks directly to him and nobody else," Nora says. "The will of the Master may seem strange to us, but only because we cannot see the whole picture. Perhaps when we free Darewind from his unjust imprisonment, you can ask him yourself. You'll be a full initiate by then." Nora smiles. "Come, the ceremony will begin soon."
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas comes after Nora with the robes he picked up from the pile, but his mind is full of doubts. In a year the man has healed no one but himself and no one suspects its a fraud... He must be very charismatic. I must speak to Raetmal as soon as possible...
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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Nora escorts Tulbas to a large room where about a score of other people all in grey robes wait. There's a statue in here of a man in robes, holding a staff in one hand and some kind of amulet in the other, both arms raised into the air.

Nora, who has now donned her own grey robe, steps before the statue and bows, then turns toward the others. "Now that we have all arrived, it is time to begin the ceremony."
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas donnes his own robes and waits with the other initiatives.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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Nora raises her hands into the air, not unlike the statue behind her. "You are here because you are tired of living under the thumb of the Seekers," she starts. "You are here because you search for the enlightenment that they cannot offer with their fake gods. Our god is a real god--with real power. He has foreseen the fall of the Seekers. He has foreseen the dawning of a new age!"

The crowd starts to get worked up, cheering and applauding Nora's speech.

"You have all proven yourselves worthy to be one of us. History will remember when the Seekers fell, and you can tell your grandchildren how you brought about the upcoming utopia," Nora continues. "To the non-believers, our god is simply called the Master. But you shall know his true name and rejoice. And it will give you power--the power to change the world!"

The crowd cheers further, almost frenzy with excitement.

Nora turns to the statue. "Once he was a man; a mortal like you or me. But he filled the vacuum left by the old gods, becoming a god himself. He knew this day would come, and that when it did, we would need him. He is the Dark One. He is the Master of Past and Present. He is...Fistandantilus!"

"Fistandantilus! Fistandantilus! Fistandantilus!" the other initiates cry.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas looks at the new initiatives, checking if they join the cround cheering and calling 'Fistandantilus' name with the others and follows their example, but he tries to remember if he heard this name before in his studies. Raetmal spoke of Belzor the Scaled one as a fake god, Fistandantilus... hmm... I'm not sure but it rings a bell...'
Another thing bothers Tulbas a lot, 'The Dark One??? In the name of the Abyss I thought we would do good... I really must discuss matters with Raetmal as soon as possible.'

(OOC: Does Tulbas heard of Fistandantilus in his study? I know about Fistandantilus in the Dragonlance chronicles.)
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

The initiates cheer along with everyone else, clearly excited. Nora then leads them all in a prayer to the Master--to Fistandantilus. Once it is finished, Nora says, "I urge each of you to go out into the city and find more potential converts. Soon, our members will outnumber the Seekers. Then we will be able to enact real change here." There's more applause, and then the initiates begin thinning out as many leave.


(OOC: Tulbus is a student of history; but only of the Age of Creation. Fistandantilus comes much later. It is likely he's at least heard the name, before, though. His uncle will probably know more.)