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CH. 2: Bear in Mine

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by NoTrammeling »

Coroccoco snorts at Haahque's suggestion, instead turning to question Bear. "Where did those tunnels lead? No creature capable of creating such calamities would crop their course so unduly," she rasps half-distractedly as she thinks, "It must be that these demons are down the western tunnel, lest they risk triggering their own traps or blocking themselves in." Coco takes a few tentative steps down the unblocked tunnel, listening and sniffing at the air.
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Instead of digging through the debris," Kendra says. "Let's follow the path that is currently open to us," she suggests, following after Coro. "I don't want to be down here longer than I have to be."
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by djhyland »

Darga nods in agreement with the Seeker and the hobgoblin. "We should leave those fer last, if'n at all. It'll take a long time ta dig through those, longer than we kin spare." Joining Coroccoco, he pads cautiously down the remaining tunnel, his knuckles white on his walking stick and hiskeeping eyes sharp for more trouble.
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by Haahque »

"Ah well ok." Haahqae concedes, reluctantly following the others down the open path. On more then one occasion he glances back at the ruined tunnels wondering just what might be berried in those tunnels.

The harder it is to find, the more likely no-one else has found it before, thus the more likely it's worth finding. But these mines are new, I'm not going to find anything useful here.
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by JadedDM »

The remaining tunnel takes the party west about 30 feet, before turning northward for another 45 feet, and then it turns back east another 20 feet before opening up into a small chamber with another four-way intersection.

Looking to the south, it's clear this is one of the tunnels that caved-in a few minutes ago. The northern tunnel appears to open into a wider cavern.

Distantly, the party hears a high-pitched, maniacal laughter. It's impossible to pinpoint where it's coming from, as the echo is bouncing all over the cave walls.
Key:<br />A - Entrance<br />B - Old tools<br />C - Maniacal laughter<br />Red P - Party's location<br />X - Caved in tunnel
A - Entrance
B - Old tools
C - Maniacal laughter
Red P - Party's location
X - Caved in tunnel
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by mgbevan »

When Gregeddin enters the crossroads and his ears pick up the feint squeaks of laughter from the walls, his feet scuffle to a stop.

In a whisper he says "If sound travels that well down here, our entrance has probably been noted from those cave-ins." He gestures Southward with his sword, flicking the tip into the murk.

"Ready-up in case we're jumped" he adds motinonig to his drawn sword, his whisper turning into more of a hiss.
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by Haahque »

"Oh my, I wonder what's so funny. I always love a good joke, especially over a pint. But then again there are supposed to be demons around, I hear their jokes aren't very funny. That's rather a pity, because I like hearing a good joke before supper. Oh well, I guess the best way to find out if it's a demon-bad-joke is by getting closer."

Haahqae quiets down and begins searching around for shadows he can hide in and pulls out his sling.
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by Just_Ice »

Kynaston had been waiting quietly before, letting the others flex their expertise. Now that the game was afoot, he drew his battle-axe; he was ready to show his own specialty.
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by JadedDM »

Bear grasps his axe tightly, looking in all directions, trying to figure out where the laughter is coming from. "The demons?" he asks, slightly unnerved.

After a few moments, the laughter finally dies away and there is only silence.
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by Just_Ice »

"Such a laugh is an earthly tone. I'd guess it to be a madman, cackling at our deaths," Kyne whispers, his voice bitter.

He continues, "In case someone checks their handiwork, I wager we should set an ambush."
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I'm inclined to believe that they know that we are here," Kendra says. "Those cave ins weren't exactly quiet. Those of you that can use the shadows to your benefit should scout ahead, check for anymore traps, and things like that before we continue on."
Last edited by HorizonsDream on Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by Haahque »

"But we're not dead why would he be laughing at... oh! You mean he... I see, devious. I like that."
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by mgbevan »

"Haahqae, you check that tunnel over there", Gregeddin motions eastwards, "Darga have a look in that other one for traps and stuff. Then I reckon we pick one and go look down it."
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by djhyland »

Darga nods in agreement and sets off down the tunnel that Gregeddin indicated, walking stick in hand. As he walks, he pokes at the floor in front of him with his stick, especially in shadowy crevices and uneven patches. In addition, he looks about in all directions, intent on finding anything unusual before he's on top of it.

(OOC: Darga's using his find traps thief ability and his detect stonework traps dwarven ability. I'd roll for them, but Invisible Castle's domain seems to have lapsed, and it's unavailable to use. Feel free to roll physical dice for me, or direct me to another random number generator online!)
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Re: CH. 2: Bear in Mine

Post by JadedDM »

Darga searches the northern tunnel carefully, but finds no evidence of traps of any kind


(OOC: Yes, every 6-8 months, Invisible Castle goes down, usually for a few days, up to a week, before returning. Until then, I'll roll all dice.)

Darga searches for traps [20] (1d100): 72, fail. He finds no traps.
Darga detects stonework traps/pits/deadfalls (1d6): 2, pass. He finds no traps.