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CH. 1: Haven and Hell

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by NoTrammeling »

Coroccoco keeps her place in the crowd, watching the growing scene half-bemused. She begins to call out against Kendra's actions, but stalls herself realizing that she hasn't seen the entire altercation and thus cannot fully judge the situation.
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by JadedDM »

"My name is Kelryn. Kelryn Darewind," he says as he finishes wrapping up Kendra's hand. "And you know as well as I do that if I go with you, the Seekers will throw me in jail." He raises his voice and addresses all those around him. "The Seekers may have once been devoted to seeking the truth--but now the only thing they 'seek' is the status quo. The same status quo that keeps them in power!" This statement riles up the crowd, particularly among the refugees.
Kelryn Darewind.jpg
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Listening to the exchange between Haahqae and Gregeddin, Kelryn adds, "Fear not. No further blood need be spilled this day." He looks to Kendra. "Yes?"
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra glances over her shoulder to Gregeddin, and she looks about ready to say something but he quickly apologizes to the child like figure next to her. Of course, she didn't think Haahqae was a child. Perhaps some sort of kender, as that made a little more sense considering how he was speaking. "Uh, yes, I'm fine," she states a little dumbly as she takes her hand back from Kelryn.

Now that she has somewhat regained her senses, despite having some odd people around her, she focuses her attention upon the prophet. "Listen, I'm just doing my job," she admits with a sigh. "If I don't do it, then I'm going to be fired. So, please, just come with me. I'll take you directly to Elistan, and maybe this can be sorted out without you being thrown in jail. Since you are being peaceful enough, that works in your favor."
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by Haahque »

"But I really wanted to see a miracle..." Haahqae sighs, "Oh well, how about this, we all go and clear out the demons from the iron mine, then tomorrow Kelryn can perform me a miracle before you take him off to the seekers. Kel can come with us so you'll know he isn't running away. It'll be prefect."
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by NoTrammeling »

Coroccoco takes this chance to move forward, breaking through the crowd into the little clearing where Kendra stands with Kelryn and Haahque. She keeps her gravely voice low so that only those three and the closest onlookers can hear. "You are outnumbered and unsupported here, Holy Guard. Can you not sense the anger here, like a kettle near boiling-over? It is very dangerous to stand where you do at this moment." Her eyes flit around the clearing to the faces of the audience that are within reach, searching for the one who's most likely to throw the first stone. As she moves closer she nearly steps on Haahque, but catches herself just in time, an annoyed grunt coming from deep in her throat.
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by Just_Ice »

Kyne nodded to the smith in apprehension. He picked up a cup of nails to to inspect it- the house could always use repairs. It seemed, however, that not every one of the nails was iron- some were of brass. You had to make due with what you had in this business.

"Six months?" he asked. Kynaston should have remembered that the first smith to take over afterwards had been a woman. "Sorry, I'm a little out of sorts- I thought that... well, it ain't important. I was thinking of buying some nails, but what you said about the iron has me interested. I guess no one can do anything amidst the refugee situation, eh?"

He smiled a wide smile and leaned on the desk. He asked, "If it ain't too much trouble, mind telling me all you know about that?"
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by HorizonsDream »

"What iron mine are you talking about?" Kendra asked what she assumed to be a kender curiously. "I mean, I wouldn't mind helping with this mine, but I can't just abandoned my job. If you can convince my captain that the job is worth while, I don't see how I can help you, and I'm not even sure if Kelryn has any other skills that could possibly help you in your little quest," she adds.

Kendra had a feeling that this was going to be a very long day. She finally puts away the sword she used to cut open her hand, and looks to Coroccoco with wide eyes. Her first instinct is to say, 'woah," but she calms herself. "All the holy guard are outnumbered and in danger constantly. This is nothing new to me, and it doesn't scare me. My family and I have to live here too, so I do what I can to keep the town safe."
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by JadedDM »

Kynaston Trench (Karn's Blacksmith, Blade Street)
The smith shrugs. "Not much, really," he states. "Seems like the whole world is going straight to the Abyss, doesn't it?" He glances out through the window. "Weather sure ain't helping things." He scratches his chin again. "Anyway, I heard there were demons in the mine, killing and scaring off the miners. Guess they delved too greedily and too deep." He chuckles.

"Guess I shouldn't complain, though. Got a roof over my head, and a bit of coin in my pocket. More than what some in the city can claim. Still, things will be better once this refugee business is cleared up, I hope."

Haahqae, Kendra, Gregeddin and Coroccoco (Marketplace Square)
Kelryn tilts his head to the side, as if listening to someone nobody else can hear. He smiles suddenly, and then nods. "Very well," he states. "If you insist, I will come with you to see your Highseekers." He turns toward the crowd. "There shall be another demonstration tomorrow at this time; unless, of course, the Seekers have locked me up for speaking the truth, that is."
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by Haahque »

"Well, guess we're off to see the seekers, then the blacksmith, then the mine. Oh and we can stop back at the inn to pick up the mine owner on the way."
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by NoTrammeling »

The traveling monk takes Kendra's measure again, clearly impressed by the woman's courage. "A noble pursuit, but one must..." She trails off as the holy man gives himself over to her care.

Coroccoco looks considerably relieved that there isn't going to be a full-on riot while she's stuck in the middle of the crowd, though her relief is quickly replaced by confusion when she hear's the little one's plans. "What business is this, your blacksmithing and ore-gathering? Are you also a Holy Guard to be in the middle of these doings?"
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by mgbevan »

Regarding the large figure with some hesitation, Gregeddin listens attentively. In the back of his mind he tries to find some solace at no longer being the centre of attention after his ridiculous entrance and so quietly nods in agreement with the questions of the newest arrivial, looking on at the diminutive figure and the guard expectantly for some kind of explanation.
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by Haahque »

"No no silly. The mine is infested by Demons, which means we need some heroes to go clear it out. And heroes just love to hang out around blacksmiths to get new weapons and armour or to improve their old stuff. Then we go back to the inn to pick up the mine owner, cause he's important for this quest somehow, oh yeah, he'll know where the mine is."

"Am I a holy guard? No... I'm a juggler."
Haahqae pulls out three sling bullets and starts juggling them while doing a little jig.
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by HorizonsDream »

"You're an entertainer," Kendra says though she smiles slightly at the gnome. "All right, so everyone that is coming with me, follow me," she says as she starts to leave the crowd and head back to headquarters. "Oh, uh, my name is Kendra Synclair by the way," she adds to the others.
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by NoTrammeling »

Coroccoco's eyes bulge at the gnomes show, then something strange happens. Her eyes narrow and her whole body starts to shudder, her lips curl upwards to reveal considerable canines, though she quickly turns her head from group of people nearby. After a brief moment it's obvious that she's holding back a gale of laughter, though the strange snorting sounds she's making sound more feral than anything. Quickly she composes herself again, sniffing loudly.

"I am called Coroccoco, messenger of the Plated One, and I do not know of your speak of heroes and demons. Yet you are highly entertaining, little one. Are these tales to be spun with a lute?"

She will follow along with the group for now, if for no other reason than to watch Haahque's antics.
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Re: CH. 1: Haven and Hell

Post by Haahque »

"Wonderful, I'm Haahqae." The dancing gnome says, with a flourish and a bow he catches all three bullets in his right hand and places them back in his pouch, then turns to follow Kendra.
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