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CH 8: Elvenhome

The original Dragonlance modules (DL1-DL14), updated to 2E.

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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by JadedDM »

Tika wrote:"Tanis, they have to actually believe that the old Gods did not abandon us before we start to let go of centuries of hatred towards one another. It sounds like we both have to give a little for it to actually work."
"But the gods did cause the Cataclysm, and the elves still blame humans for that," Tanis points out. "Remember, the Cataclysm was generations ago for us, but it wasn't that long ago for the elves. I'm not sure they'll be accepting of the gods, especially since they have sent a human messenger."

Raistlin finds a spot to sit, but takes no food. "Brother, bring me some hot water," he commands. Then to Tanis he adds, "Converting people is not our job. We were charged with finding the 'Leader of the People' and he...or the one who is supposed to convert the unwashed masses," he says.

"Whichever," Tanis says. Listening to what Riverwind has to say, he adds, "But that attitude is just as arrogant as the elves'. I've lived among these people; trust me, they are not going to change their minds just because you tell them to. You can't bludgeon people with your beliefs and expect them to just fall in line. You say you are here as allies and are just trying to show them the error of their ways, but you do so by being antagonistic, insulting, and arrogant. You can't change people by disrespecting them; they'll just tune you out."

"Relax, Tanis," Flint says, offering him an apple. "No sense in getting worked up about it. What's done is done."
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Breila »

"Tanis, Riverwind, could you please stop arguing until we have rested? I am so dizzy my mind is not working right, I can't think yours are so much better." Goldmoon looks for a place to rest and wearily takes off her equipment and armor. "Perhaps in our dreams, and in prayer, we will get a message on how to proceed, what we are able to do to convince all the peoples to work together. It will not work by telling anyone they did wrong."
She picks a few fruit and chews on them, more because she knows she needs food as much as sleep than because of a real desire for them, then lies down to sleep for as long as she can, praying to Mishakal for enlightening dreams before she closes her eyes.
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Jerrard »

"Yes, we have to find this 'Leader' with the views they have I doubt the Leader we are looking for is here." Sturm enters the glade, Magpie in front of him. He sits quietly in a corner, checking his blade.
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Jenara »

"I...I." Laurana stumbles, nearly falling to her feet, "I did not mean to shame my family, our name.." She pulls her head up, looking into her fathers eyes.

"I was foolish to go like I did, a silly little girl, I had these dreams of seeing the world, being like Gilthanas, and making you proud..." She keeps her head high, wiping back the last of the tears. "Tanis is a good man, I love him, I always have, if I could change the way I feel I would, but.... You have loved haven't you? Had that feeling where without them your life has less meaning, less importance.."

"Sorry, that was..." Blushing she coughs. "What I did, I did for love, I did not know the importance, what we faced, If I had known, I would have never left."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by JadedDM »

The Grove

Tanis gives a deep and long sigh, like a balloon suddenly deflating. Uncertain if he's actually getting through to anyone at all, he decides to take Goldmoon's advice and drop it for now. He is fairly tired, too. He accepts the offered apple from Flint, then goes to find a quiet spot to sit alone and eat.

"Harrumph," Flint says to Sturm. "We have no idea what this 'Leader' is even supposed to look like. Man or woman? Human, elf, dwarf? Could be anyone. Maybe we've already met." He shrugs. "You'd think the goddess could be a little more clear."

The Tower

"As I thought," the Speaker says slowly. "You acted selfishly." He stands again and paces a bit, back and forth. "More than that, child. You've done more than just abandon your people and shame your family. You put all Qualinesti in danger. What if you had been captured?" he asks. "What if the enemy had gotten their hands on you? How long could you endure their torture before cracking? What sort of ransom might they demand?"

As he speaks, his tone becomes sharper. His anger slowly envelops him. "But no, you never thought of that, did you, child? All you care about is yourself and your own desires. And by the forgotten gods...why it did it have to be him? It would be one thing to shame yourself, a Qualinesti princess, in such a way over another elf. But all you wish, apparently, is to share the bed of a half-breed bastard like some kind of common human trollop." He turns away from her, as if disgusted. "I never should have agreed to take him in. This--this is the result of my compassion!"

His anger peaking, he continues, "Then so be it! I will give you exactly what you want, child. I might as well, anyway. I realize now, that you will do whatever you wish anyway, without regard for me, your brothers, or your people." He turns back toward her. "Lauralanthalasa Kanan, I relieve you of your duties and obligations to your people. As Speaker of the Sun, I cast you from the light. When you leave our lands with your companions, you will not be allowed back under penalty of death. You are henceforth a dark elf, a Kanan no longer. My daughter, no longer." He sits back in his throne, allowing his proclamation to sink in.

Being 'cast from the light,' of course, was the worst punishment an elf could be given (as they do not believe in the death penalty). As a dark elf, Laurana would never be allowed home again. She is no longer a princess, she is not even considered a true elf any longer. All other elves are to shun her for the rest of her very long life.
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Jenara »

"But..." She begins to argue, then lowers her head, sighing loudly and slowly. "One day... I will make you proud.. You can count on that."

"You cannot live away from these people forever, the Armies are strong, they will win you if you do not listen to others." With that she turns away from her father, from her people and the life she knew.

"What is to be come of me? " She asks, tears streaming down her cheeks, heading to her former quarters, almost to say goodbye.

In the Glade Magpie dives into the food with gusto, a big smile on her dirty face.

"Such is the way of the Gods Flint, ours is not to question." Sturm replies solemnly.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by JadedDM »

"Perhaps you should question," Raistlin rasps. "Only an idiot does whatever they are told without thinking. The old stories say...that when mortals were created, the gods bestowed upon us the gift of free will. So that we could choose between good and evil. If you blindly obey the will of the gods, are you not then taking that gift for granted?" He begins coughing, which prevents him from elaborating any further.

Meanwhile, Laurana finds her room exactly as she had left it. It was immaculate, suggesting the maids continued to keep it clean even while she was gone. It seemed like ages ago, but in truth, was only a couple of weeks past. She will never be allowed to return, even if her people weren't fleeing. So now is the time for her to collect any keepsakes she can't do without.
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tika finds a nice, comfortable place to sit down as she listens to everyone. "What are we to do now?" she asks curiously. "I mean, most everyone has been taken capture," Tika points out.
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Jenara »

Eyes full of tears Laurana throws herself on her bed, didn't he ever love? How could he be so cold? So mean?

Reaching for the Locket her father gave her as a child she grasps it close, sobbing into her pillow, she would collect some more clothes at some point....
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Jerrard »

"For now I choose to follow the path the gods have set me." Sturm replies sitting not to far from Tika. "Well we have to fight, I suppose, helping the Elves, that seems a Noble cause." He looks at Tanis, "In lieu of another plan. We should see what they have in mind at least."
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Kafen »

"Uhhh, I think the elves do not want our help, dear Sturm." He looks at the others and asks. "What if the grumpy old guy throws us out?" Suddenly, he gets an idea. "I could lead them! That would be great..." He starts checking his pockets for things to keep safe. After all, the place is in great danger.
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by JadedDM »

The rest of the day passes, the party resting and eating after such an exhausting night. The rest does them all good. During this time, the elves leave them alone. But anyone sharp-eyed enough will notice more than a couple watching them from a distance, usually hidden.

As twilight descends over Qualinesti, Gilthanas returns and rouses anyone still asleep. "It is time," he says. "Please come with me to the Hall of the Sky."


It is now Twelfth Watch (6:00 PM).

Goldmoon and Raistlin have recovered all their spells.
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Jenara »

"I beg to differ Tas, I believe they need our help more than anything else in the world." Sturm says to the Kender openly, giving him a little wink.

Laurana collects a few spare changes of clothing and some of her personal items, she slips a small doll in her pack before waking before anyone else.

The party find her quietly sitting by herself, dressed in dark clothes. Magpie runs to her quickly.

Sturm wakes and dresses in his armor, waiting for the elves to speak.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Nuke »

Riverwind rises and leaves his armor and weapons lying in the grove. He tries to look a little presentable before saying "I am ready"
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Re: CH 8: Elvenhome

Post by Breila »

When Goldmoon sees Laurana sitting there quitely, in dark clothes, she approaches her and asks: "Has your father been hard on you?"
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