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CH 7: The Slave Caravan

The original Dragonlance modules (DL1-DL14), updated to 2E.

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CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by JadedDM »

A short time later, three more prisoners were added to the party's cage. They included two young men in Seeker Guard uniforms and an older gentleman wearing the robes of a Seeker priest. They keep to themselves for the most part, not saying much as the guards are still trying to listen in on anything that is said among the prisoners.

"Looks like we're waiting for morning," the party overhears Toede saying to one of his men. "We got word there's a traitor in town, and we want to smoke him out before leaving."

The temperature drops alarmingly during the night, causing some uncomfortable and sleepless hours. Many hobgoblins and draconians walk around the stationary caravan, keeping an eye and ear out for anything suspicious.

The night passes...

As dawn colors the sky, the autumn chill makes another onslaught. Heavy mists obscure the nearby ruins of Solace, and ghostly figures flit among the wagons. Several of these figures approach, and it becomes clear that they are draconians. They pour a foul-smelling slop into buckets in the nearby wagons.

A fierce clatter of swords disrupts the morning calm. Dry screams and yelps of the dragonmen rise above the crash of metal. Somewhere, a deep human voice rings out in challenge, and the sounds of fighting move toward the voice.

Gilthanas starts at the sound of the voice. A look of alarm clouds his face. "That is Theros Ironfeld, elf-friend. The evil ones must have learned of the aid he has given my people. I fear that he will pay with his life." He shakes his head sadly. "The dragonmen would have taken me days ago, had it not been for the courage of that smith. He has smuggled elves out of Solace since it fell, with no regard for his own safety."

The sounds of combat cease. A large band of dragonmen hobble from the mist, carrying the bleeding figure of a huge man with dark skin. Under the watchful eyes of thirty archers, the cage door is opened and the man is thrown inside.

Blood from the stump of his right arm pools on the dirty floor. Moaning softly, but apparently unconscious, Theors Ironfeld slips toward death.

The Seeker priest kneels by the armless man just as the draconains slam shut the gate and relock both padlocks. "You monsters!" he shouts to them. "He'll die in this condition!"

But the draconians don't seem terribly concerned with the smith's well-being. They shrug it off, and one says, "That's what he gets for helping elves."
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Jenara »

"Goldmoon, please... If he helped my Brother, we need to help him." Laurara lifts her head, looking first at the injured smith, then her brother. "Brother, why are you here?" She asks in Elven, the pretty language flowing off her tongue. "What are you doing?"
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Breila »

"Of course" Goldmoon had already begun to move over to the man. "Please let me help him" she tells the seeker priest. Kneeling down beside the man, she takes the bleeding stump into her hands and implores Mishakal's help.


Feeling the divine energy flow through her fingertips, she announces: "This should ensure his survival, for the time being."
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by JadedDM »

"I am a scout and messenger for Father. As Porthios is now in charge of our defenses, I wanted to make myself useful in some way," Gilthanas explains in Elvish.

The divine energy flows through Goldmoon and into the dying man. Although regrowing the severed arm is beyond her power, she can at least mend the wound. Sure enough, the bleeding stops and the flesh of the stump stretches over the wound. He remains unconscious and will likely never work a forge again, but at least he will live.

Gilthanas watches on with raised eyebrows, unsure what to make of this miracle. The Seeker priest, however, stares with mouth agape at the sight. "H-How? How is this possible?" he asks, rubbing at his eyes. He double-checks the now cauterized wound, confirming it has somehow been healed. "By the gods..."


Goldmoon casts Cure Light Wounds on Theros Ironfeld, restoring (1d8): 4 HP.

It is currently Morning Watch (6:00 AM).
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Breila »

"Yes, by the Gods" Goldmoon says quietly. "A Godess named Mishakal has chosen me to be her servant. She grants me some powers in return for devotion."
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tika stares with wide eyes at what Goldmoon just did. "Unbelievable," she says. "When...when you did it back in the Inn when we first met, I thought I was just seeing things," she admits.
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Kafen »

"Well, you were seeing things, of course." Tas beems brightly. He looks at the smith and helps the man into a comfortible position. "At least we are together."
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Breila »

Goldmoon cannot help laughing at Tas's remark. "Tika meant seeing things that aren't real" she tells him. "But I guess you knew that." She sits by the smith and watches over him. Though he's no longer in danger of immediate death, he's still seriously hurt and needs attention.
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Jenara »

"Then I was right, they did plan to attack us, one of those creatures said Qualinesti would burn... They have Dragons Brother, lots of Dragons." She responds in Elvish, "I saw Goldmoon defeat one, she is chosen by the Gods Brother."

Switching to Common she continues, "Do you find it strange? She has been chosen but one of our people was not?" She tries to show her elder brother she has grown, she is not the same little girl.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Nuke »

Riverwind's face get even more resolute as the critically injured is deposited in the cage. This is not going to end well based on the draconian behavior. They must find a means of escape.

He sits by Goldmoon as she tends to the dwarf, taking her hand after she is finished. "Save your strength, we are going to need it."
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by JadedDM »

"Mishakal?" the old man breathes, almost silently. Out loud he says, "That is one of the Istarian gods, yes? But they abandoned man after the Cataclysm." Shaking his head, he adds, "Forgive me, I have been rude. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Elistan, Highseeker of Haven."

Gilthanas snorts. "I am well aware of the dragons, sister. They decimated this town and many others. I have seen them with my own eyes. And yes...they turn their sights to our homeland next." He turns away from her, looking out into the wilds. "Likely, our people would have already evacuated and be somewhere safe, had you not disappeared when you did. Father became frantic, believing you had been kidnapped. This distracted our people for too long, taking up valuable time that could have been spent better."

The elf does not comment on Goldmoon's miracle, but does keep one ear open to listen in on her conversation with Elistan and the others, clearly curious as to what is going on there.
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Breila »

Goldmoon nods to Riverwind's remark and says quietly, in their own tongue: "I know, Beloved, I did only as much as was necessary to keep him alive."

Turning to Elistan, she reverts to Common. "I am not going to argue if the Gods abandoned man or men abandoned the Gods, because it is pointless. The fact is that Mishakal called us to a lost city called Tsak Xaroth. Her temple is there. She helped us defeat a dragon, and she grants me powers if I am serving her faithfully."


OOC: Do the disks of Mishakal contain instructions on how to recruit more clerics, or is that something I have to invent?
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by JadedDM »

Elistan seems a bit taken back by Goldmoon's sharp response. "I...apologize. I meant no offense," he says. "I was only asking out of curiosity. That is what led me to become a Seeker in the first place--to 'seek' the truth. When Lord Verminaard came to Haven, he was able to perform miracles, as well. He also claimed to be doing the bidding of a goddess...but we thought he was the only one with this power."


(OOC: Clerics can be converted by reading the Disks of Mishakal. This converts them from a 'heathen' cleric to a 'true' cleric, able to cast spells and such. This is true for druids, rangers, and paladins, as well. Once a conversion has been made, Goldmoon can then 'duplicate' her medallion of faith, creating a new one for the convert.)
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Jerrard »

Sturm says nothing, he had allowed himself to be captured, the more he thought about it, the worse it got.
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Re: CH 7: The Slave Caravan

Post by Jenara »

Laurana slumps into a corner, he face downcast, "I did not know..." she says openly in common. "I am sorry... I should never have come."

"She big Cleric, she heal people." Magpie grins, "I heal people, only they take Magpie's bag." The Dwarf pushes out her chest to make herself look important, before moving close to Laurana, resting herself in the princesses arm.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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