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CH 2: Trials and Diversions

Dragonlance Game, 3-6 PCs at levels 1-3, set in 375 AC, using DLQ1 (Knight's Sword) and DLQ2 (Flint's Axe)

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by JadedDM »

The red-haired boy was watching Erastin closely, and notices him look at Galeneye. Casting a glance at her himself, he whistles lowly and slaps Erastin on the back. "You dog, you!"

After a bit more ribbing, they all sit down to eat quickly while they still could. Conversation drifted between them, first about what an ass McKennen was (with quick glances around first to make sure he was out of earshot), to the girls they had back home, as well as wild speculation on what the rest of the trials might look like. Erastin learned the redheaded boy's name was Erik and he was from a small town in Palanthas that Erastin had never heard of. Erik's companion, whom he was talking to earlier, was a big guy with long, messy brown hair named Farkas. He was from Ironrock, which wasn't too far from Erastin's own hometown of Witdel.

Before long, some servants arrived with some heavy warhorses wearing full armor, as well as some heavy lances. The lances were padded, but still looked rather painful. The servants then begin setting up some targets all over the courtyard.

"All right, ladies. Lunch time is over. Time to get back at it. Saddle up, because the next portion of our little trial involves riding," McKennen announces.
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Breila »

Karathos frowns at McKennen's words and turns to Targin. "This is the second time the sergeant has called the candidates »ladies«. I thought this was a title reserved to noble women? Why do you think he uses it for the young men?"
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Nuke »

"Karathos, my friend, the word is about noble women. However, he continues to put a burr under the saddle as it were. Note how none of the candidates even notices now, they have not let it affect their actions. Wait a bit, McKennen will resort to more direct tactics to generate a foolish response from some of these boys. Remember when that Erik boy got so flustered he challenged McKennen, that is what he is trying to do. The point is to determine true character, it shows through best under times of duress."

He sits back and admires the beautiful barding on the massive steels for a bit. Then adds "I may have not used such language, but I have done things to provoke Erastin during his training. Early on he took the bait and paid dearly for it. As his training neared it's completion, he rarely lost his composure."
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by LittleLuna »

"I think to be named 'Lady' is no reason to be provoked. There are very strong and braves Ladys too! I think men should renember somitimes that they wouldn't be in live without woman." Jinali adds to the konversation.
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Breila »

"Indeed, my young lady" Karathos nods forcefully, then takes Jinali's hand and bows over it, not quite touching it with his muzzle. "nobody who knows you can doubt that."
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Jerrard »

"Jousting." Erastlin similes as he takes a lance in one hand, pulling himself onto the horse. "Good luck." He says smiling at the others, "May I know the name of my mount?" He asks as he adjusts the reins, the salutes his friends.

Where they ok? This had to be boring for them, and he never got to talk to them a great deal, tonight they would talk.
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Breila »

Karathos turns his attention back to the trials and returns Erastin's salute, giving him the thumbs-up.
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by JadedDM »

Erik and Farkas shrug, they have no idea the names of any of these horses.

Once everyone is mounted, the exercises begin. For three hours, McKennen has the trainees ride in circles around the courtyard, demonstrating their mastery of a horse from a saddle, as well as showing their skills with a lance. Erastin may well begin to feel nauseous from the constant circles.

When this is over McKennen warns, "This is a dangerous exercise, and you can expect to get hurt. Anyone who does not want to participate in this event may excuse themselves. Of course, you'll likely not be accepted to the knighthood if you do so. After all, everyone else went through this, and if you can’t stand a little pain, you're not fit to join their ranks!" One blonde-haired fellow, face aflame with embarrassment, flees the field. McKennen gazes after him in smug satisfaction.

"All right, pair up. It's time to joust!" McKennen announces. Quickly, the candidates begin pairing off, and Erastin finds himself paired up with the taciturn Farkas, who looks fairly impressive on his steed. He's a big guy, and knocking him off that horse may prove difficult.


It is now Tenth Watch (4 PM).

The lances inflict 1d8 +1 points of damage, doubled for the charge (but only 1/4 is real, due to padding). In addition, if the lancer is struck for more than 8 points (after doubling), he must make a Riding check or be unhorsed, suffering an additional 1d2 points of damage.
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Well, now this is starting to little more promising than what they were doing earlier," Galenye says with a small yawn.
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Breila »

"Yes, I have been told that there are courts where this kind of fight is done as entertainment for the ladies" Karathos says, nodding at both Galeyne and Jinali. "The ladies there knot a scarf on the lance of their beloved, to proclaim their affection." he says with a wink at Galeyne.
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Jerrard »

(OOC: He was asking the servants to be fair).

"I look forward to Jousting with you Farkas." Erastlin raises his lance slightly, maneuvering himself into position, waiting for the Joust to begin.
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by JadedDM »

Farkas nods and salutes and gets into position. When the joust begins, he spurs his horse forward, leveling his lance.


(OOC: Should I go over the rules for mounted combat, or are you already familiar with them?)
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Jerrard »

(ooc: A brief reminder in OCC would be useful, if you don't mind.??)
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by JadedDM »

(OOC: Basically, not to different from regular attacks. A mounted character gets a +1 to hit against unmounted characters, but since you are both on horseback, that won't apply. Both of you do get a +2 to hit from charging, though--and for a lance to work at all, you basically must charge. Lances do double damage when charging.

After charging, the rider must break off, most likely by continuing past his opponent, turn his mount, and gallop back again. This series of actions takes one round. Thus, at best, a rider can attack with a lance every other round.

Lances sometimes break, too, but as this is just practice and the lances are padded, you won't have to worry about that here.

There's more to it than that, but this is all you need to know for this trial, at least. Your character is built to be good at mounted combat, though, so this also proves as a decent tutorial in how it works. Strange as it sounds, very few fighters in my games ever seem to take that route.

Anyway, whenever you're ready, state your first actions for Round 1.)
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Re: Day Two (Trials and Diversions)

Post by Jerrard »

Erastlin turns and starts to charge, lowering his lance he aims and grits his teeth.

1d10, 1d20+3, 2d8 +3=[9], [15, 3], [4, 7, 3]

Init:9, Hit AC 2, 14 damage.
(I think that's right!)