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The Sarcophagus Legion I

A group of 'Unlikely Heroes.'
Based in the world of Krynn.

Moderator: JadedDM

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The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by JadedDM »

The journey from Shrentak to Ak-Tubal is a long and treacherous one. There is no direct route, so they are forced to travel through the mountains. Luckily, Thuskar spent much of his youth traversing mountains, so he makes for an excellent guide. All ready, the party is glad to have him and Ulster along with them.

Eventually, the mountains give way to sand and dunes. The scorching summer heat is nearly unbearable here in the desert, as if the sun itself is somehow offended by their presence and is trying to drive them away. Locky and Jerrard aren't so bad off, in their white robes, but the others build up quite a sweat. All of them wind up with sand in all sorts of unpleasant places, and must spend each night at camp just trying to get it all out.


It is the morning of the 20th of Holmswelt that they finally arrive in the small town of Ak-Tubal. Although small, it is well-defended. Ak-Tubal is protected by a stone wall that completely encircles it. There are also quite a few guards, men with scimitars wearing loose clothing and turbans. The merchant the party is escorting here, a silver-tongued half-elf named Faendal, easily convinces the guards to let the party pass (thanks in large part to the small bag of steel he bribes them with). Although hesitant, especially with a kender, the guards let them pass.


The people of the town are not like any the party has encountered before. Most of the people they see are human, although there are a handful of ogres and other races running around. However, the humans all have deeply tanned skin and wear loose-fitting clothes of light tones. The women keep their bodies completely covered, save their eyes and hands. Their faces are largely masked by veils.

They don't seem particularly friendly, either. More than a few glare darkly at the party. A couple even spat at the ground as they pass by.

Faendal tells them he has business at the palace of the Khan, the leader of this town. He points out an inn to them, a rustic looking place called the Severed Ear. "There's no need to wait for me," he says. "I can easily find transportation back home when the time comes. Thank you for escorting me, though. You were excellent guards, and even better company." He bows politely, then heads off.

The inn doesn't seem any friendlier, unfortunately. It is dark, but stuffy, despite the fact that one of the window panes has been broken. It kind of looks like someone may have been thrown through the pane at some point, judging by the dried blood around the jagged edges of the glass. The inn is also rather smoky, due to a few Khurs sitting around a large hookah, smoking. A draconian, a kapak from the looks of him, sits at the bar alone, nursing a drink. He glances over his shoulder at the party as they enter, but seems uninterested and goes back to staring at the bottom of his glass.

The innkeeper, a scraggly looking fellow with shifty eyes, stares unblinking at the party as they enter. A large knife sits near him, embedded into the bar. He offers no greeting, only watches them as a serpent might watch its prey just before striking.

Thuskar murmurs. "I've seen goblin lairs more inviting," he comments quietly.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Breila »

Babushka stays close to Locky, taking her arm as if she needed support. She does, in a way. A friendly town was bad enough, but a hostile one... and she wants to make sure Locky stays out of trouble. She tries to keep the two of them somehow in the middle of the three men.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Jerrard »

"Indeed" Jerrard comments, giving Babuskha a sly smile, she was doing the right thing, Locky wasn't the average Kender, but in a Hostile City, a Kender was a Kender.

"It is somewhere to stay, better than the road, I still have sand in places I would rather not mention." He comments, striding forwards, keeping Locky and Babuskha covered.

"Well met, my good man." He says to the Innkeeper with a smile. "I wonder if you might have any accommodation for the Evening, and perhaps longer?" He keeps his hands where the man can see them.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Jenara »

"Hi!" Locky goes to move forward, yet she feels Babuskha holding her arm, her concern overcame her curiosity, the journey had been one of the most enjoyable experiences she had encountered, it was until she realized the sand went on and on and on...

(Being stuck in the desert with a Kender would probably be one of the worst experiences ever, beaten only by being stuck in an empty room with one.)

Locky goes quiet, her eyes fixed on the Draconian, she hadn't met many, and this one looked a little out of place.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by JadedDM »

The shifty-eyed innkeeper eyes each of the party members in turn before slowly nodding. "There are two rooms available," he says in a thick, Khurish accent.

"We have a horse and a donkey that needs stabling, too," Thuskar adds, standing protectively by Jerrard, keeping a close eye on the innkeeper.

"There is room in the stables," he responds. "One steel per head a night for stabling, and five steel per head a night for rooms."

These prices are outrageous, especially for such a dump. It seems clear that the innkeeper is overcharging them for the heinous crime of being a foreigner.

The draconian does not appear to be paying any attention to this whatsoever. He is wearing studded leather armor, the rivets made of copper the same color as his shiny scales. A pair of wicked looking daggers are buckled to his belt and an intricate hand-crossbow is holstered across his back. He keeps his wings wrapped around his body, almost like a cloak, to keep them out of the way. His tail dangles limply from the stool he sits on.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Jerrard »

"Five steel, a head?" He glances back at Thurskar, "I will give you three for the rooms, and 5 silver for the stables." and even then it was a rip off. "Unless you do not want our business at all, I am sure your establishment is doing just fine." He shrugs, "It is a shame, we were possibly planning on staying for an extended duration."

Smoothing his white robes, he adjusts his sword belt slightly.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Jenara »

"That much? Really? Do you have really nice soft beds and is the food really nice? I haven't been to somewhere like that before, and what is it with all the sand?" she rambles, discreetly moving Babs towards the Dracionian, "DO you have a bath, because I really need to wash the sand out of my hair...."

She rambles on, apparently unaware of the serious discussions going on.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by JadedDM »

The innkeeper wraps his fingers around the hilt of the knife and wrenches it free of the bar. He then begins wiping the blade casually with an old cloth. "If you do not like my prices, Solamnic," he says, practically spitting that last word out as if it were venom, "feel free to sleep elsewhere tonight. Perhaps you can camp out under the stars. The hyenas and jackals are sure to be quite...welcoming."

The draconian, perhaps sensing a possible confrontation, throws back the rest of his drink in one gulp, then slams the glass to the bar. His other hand makes its way to the hilt of one of his blades and rests there easily, just in case.

The Khurs smoking at the table don't seem to pay the scene any mind. They return to their conversation, discussing local events and gossip.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Jerrard »

"I am not here for an argument. Just a place to stay the night." Placing 27 steel pieces on the counter, counting them one by one he steps back, making no aggressive moves. "I am sure your hospitality will be just fine."
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani was all ready getting stares just from walking down the street to get to the inn. It was obvious just from the look of her clothing that she wasn't meant to be walking the streets alone. Her clothes were dark red in color, and looked to be made of the finest materials one could afford. Like many of the woman in Khur, she also wore a veil that covered most of her face except for her eyes. Though, even though she dressed like many of the woman in Khur, she still stood out.

After taking a deep breath, Imani walks into the inn. Putting up with a few stares was well worth it if she was to find what she was looking for.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Jenara »

Locky, bored with the discussion starts checking the rest of the room, her blonde hair bobbing as she squirms to look around, her keen eyes taking everything in.

"Ooo" she mutters as the covered woman walks in "What pretty eyes." She comments to Babushka, tapping her on the shoulder.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by JadedDM »

The innkeeper gathers up the coins and after biting a couple to ensure they are real, places them into a lockbox under the bar. He then hands the wizard two keys. "The rooms are upstairs," he says simply.

Thuskar, seeing things are in order, says, "I'll go bring the animals into the stable then." He steps outside.

The strange woman steps in just moments later. As soon as she does, the entire inn goes quiet. The smoking men stop talking and stare. The innkeeper's eyes bug out a bit at the sight of her. Even the draconian looks over his shoulder to see what everyone else is looking at. Ulster stares dumbly at her, a slight flush coming to his cheeks. "Wow," he mutters softly.


Jerrard pays 5 pp and 2 stp.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Breila »

Arms still locked with Locky, Babushka follows her friend's gaze. Even in the moderate light of the inn, she can tell that the woman's clothes are of the finest material available. "Yes, pretty eyes." she confirms quietly. "And very fine clothes. Locky, please don't borrow anything from her without asking first. This could mean serious trouble for us all." She watches the woman intently, like probably everybody else in the room.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani studies the room, taking note of the people inside mentally. ~No, not going to work,~ she thought to herself as she looked at those native to the region. She wasn't going to ask the draconian either. That was simply out of the question. Though, there did seem to be strangers within the inn. Her eyes settled upon the kender and gnome, who also seemed to be watching her intently. Her eyes glazed over the male Solmanics as well. ~Why are his cheeks so red?~ she asked herself.

Pushing such thoughts aside, she approaches the kender and gnome. "Ah, greetings," she says, her voice thick with an accent of that of her people. "I need a moment of your time," she says directly. Though, in all honesty, she wasn't sure how to approach this subject.
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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Post by Breila »

"Greetings to you as well" the gnome answers, slowly, so she will be easily understood. "You can have more than a moment of our time. Nobody else here seems to want to talk to us. Do you think we can sit down, or would that be wrong?"
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