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Time in Saltmarsh.... (Kim, Searos, Gunter, Echo & Amon)

Desolate and abandoned, the evil alchemist’s mansion stands alone on the cliff, looking out towards the sea. Mysterious lights and ghostly hauntings have kept away the people of Saltmarsh, despite rumours of a fabulous forgotten treasure. What is its sinister secret?

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Re: The Road to Saltmarsh (Kim, Gunter, Searos, Brax)

Post by Robbo »

"You know Kim, cranky as our friend here may be, he does have a point. Word spreads quickly in a village like this."

Gunter takes one last deep breath of fresh air and exhales contentedly before entering the inn and taking a look around.
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Re: The Road to Saltmarsh (Kim, Gunter, Searos, Brax)

Post by Jenara »

"Indeed." Brax comments as they enter the inn, "But the longer it takes, the better on you." She winks, and follows the group inside the inn. Saying nothing about Gunters cheer.

Behind them the Innkeeper turns, greeting the two robed figures openly. "What do we always have Master Amon?" He laughs, "Mistress Echo, rules be rules."

Walking inside, the sunlight fades slightly, appearing only through windows, before them sits a long oak bar, to the left a flight of stairs, a very small stage sits to the right next to an open fireplace.

The party step around numerous tables of different sizes and shapes, ten in total, two of which are occupied by two groups of men, three in each party, nursing half empty drinks, they eye the party suspiciously as they enter.

Everything is faded and worn is apparent their better days are past. Yet the inn seems homely, friendly, and clean.

Stepping inside Brax removes her hood, her bright red eyes and silver skin shining warily in the fading sun, her appearance invokes gasps from the locals, one coughs loudly.

"I see." Tel murmors as he walks inside, "And why should I let one of your kind in my inn? He questions, staring at Brax's eyes.

(Echo and Amon Enter here, guys can you give a description to each other as you post please?)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by JadedDM »

Amon steps inside, but stops dead in his tracks at the sight of Brax's face. He's a handsome lad in his mid-twenties with short, dark brown hair and brown eyes, currently wide in surprise. He stands six feet in height and is lean in build, with the pale complexion of one who spends more time indoors than out. Clean-shaven, he wears white robes with red trim and a blood red cloak with silver runes stitched into the hem. Upon his feet he wears simple sandals, and under his arm he carries a tome with a white cover.


"A drow," he whispers, his voice filled more with fascination than fear. Amon had never seen one before, but he had read about them plenty. They are said to be an evil race of cruel miscreants that were forced underground by their light-loving brethren eons ago. They hate the sunlight and so are rarely seen on the surface, especially during the day. The fact that this drow was in mixed company and not at all hiding her heritage suggests to Amon there is more to her than first meets the eye.
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by Jenara »

Brax cocks her head, considering saying nothing, instead she turns it round, winking. "Half, the Story is long and I am thirsty."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by HorizonsDream »

Echo walks inside after Amon, an annoyed sneer upon her face as she looks to the innkeeper. She is a young woman with light, wavy brown hair that falls down past her shoulders, and seemingly uncaring hazel eyes. Her body is hidden behind red robes with golden trim, and a black cloak with golden runes along the hem. She comes up to about Amon's shoulders as she walks right into him. "Of all the...Amon!" she cries out, giving him a little shove in the process.

With a huff, she brushes off her robes, and finally takes notice of the drow standing in plain sight. Much like Amon, she stares with the wide eyes of surprise. Was that really a drow, and did she really just wink? "From my understanding, normal drow don't wink," she says.
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by JadedDM »

Amon is transfixed by the exotic woman. At her comment, he says, "Well then, allow me to buy you a drink," but is interrupted by Echo walking into him, and then giving him a shove. He clumsily steps forward, gets caught in his cloak, stumbles and falls to his knees. Blushing, he quickly gets back up to his feet and dusts himself off.
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Quite the graceful one you are," Echo says as she sweeps past the fallen mage and drow. A small smile plays at her lips as she tries her hardest not to laugh at what she just witnessed. Still, a snicker escapes as she takes a seat at her usual table.
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by Breila »

Kim brings the group's mounts into the inn's stable.

(ooc: from the desctiption of the inn, I presume that there are no stable boys, so it will be Kim's job now to get the animals unsaddled, unbridled, watered and fed, that takes some time.)
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by Jenara »

Brax grins at the falling mage, offering him a hand getting on his feet. Her cloak falls open revealing a yellow tabard emblazed with the symbol of Pelor. "Water, thank you."

Tel continues to stare at Brax, whilst offering a table to the others. "What i'll it be?" her asks looking to Searos and Gunter.


Kim enters the stables, a simple wooden structure with a sloping roof attached to the outside of the building, as she starts to stable the horses a figure comes running round the corner, white hair flying about his head.

"what... Are... you..." He pauses, clutching his chest, "What are you doing? This stable is for paying customers only! Why I ought to...!" He starts to turn Gunters horse around.. "Damn Outsiders.. Probably just here for the gold..." he mutters.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by JadedDM »

Amon accepts her hand and notices the emblem. " wear the symbol of the sun god, Pelor? How very ironic," he says.

Glancing over partly to Tel, but keeping his eyes on the half-drow, he says, "A water for the lady, please. And a cup of tea for myself. I'm Amon, by the way," he says by way of introduction. "Amon Cousland of the Saltmarsh Couslands," he says with a slight bow.
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by Breila »

"Calm down, old man, we are paying customers." Kim says and swiftly blocks Gunter's horse from being led away. One hand goes into the money pouch and produces two gold pieces. "See? Two gold pieces, for four horses, one night.

And now please tell me what you meant by «Probably just here for the gold»

Kim's voice is quiet and polite, but no-nonsense nevertheless.
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by Jenara »

Brax glances over to Gunter and Searos, aware she has over exposed herself without thinking.. "I am called Brax. And yes, Pelor is my Patron." She removes her red cloak fully placing it on a chair (right next to Echo) before sitting gracefully.

Tel brings over the drinks, then stands behind the bar, looking to the two humans with a curious glance.
"What can I get you Sirs?"

(ooc: Ara Redbow (local priest) Is a Cleric of Pelor, often holding her services outside...)


"Wellllll... That be a different story then." his eyes flash greedly as he takes the coins. "I'm Danal, you need anything call me." He takes the horses reins ready to stable them.

"I umm.. " He flusters, "Don't all you travellers come looking for gold? Well there ain't none here." He turns satisfied he has answered the question.

(ooc: Brax/Amon/Echo conversation can go on.. Just waiting on Searos & Gunter :D)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by Breila »

"Danal!" Kim's voice rises a little, sounding stern. "I am sure your answer is correct most of the time. Why would anyone take the toils of travel, if it were not to make money! But I am just equally sure that there is more behind your words. Tell me."

While the tone of voice isn't menacing yet, there is a hint that the next ones might get so.
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by Jenara »

"Well... I... " The old mans body shakes violently, he nearly drops the reins to Searos's Mare Fleet.

He recovers the reins to the horse and points outside.

"See that house on the hill..?" He points to a deserted old Mansion, resting on the top of a hill, the building appears mostly derilict.

"Well the old Lord lived there, before the council took over.. Young un's like you used to come from miles around to find the Lords treasure.." He grins, reaching out his hand.. "Now what might that information be worth to ya?"
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Time in Saltmarsh....

Post by Robbo »

Gunter tosses a couple of gold on the counter, taking a look around the tavern.

"Two of your finest ales for my thirsty friend and I! Nice place you got here...very...rustic."

His stomach grumbles.

"Any chance of rounding some some food to go with those ales? It's been a long day."