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Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

"A mighty gem of azure hue, shall cause the dead to pay their due.
So place silver 'pon their eyes, lest the dead, again shall rise."

-Children's Nursery Rhyme, Year 83, Age of Darkness

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Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Ismaels-Legacy »

Wolf's nights are fraught with terrors beyond imagine. He remembers little of the dreams when he awakes, though one thing lingers upon wakening: hunger. Insatiable hunger..........


Carith's body begins to tremble as the figure approaches through the mists. Slowly it makes its way forward, emerging from shadows, though seemingly made from shadows itself. The being is giant, standing nearly head and shoulders above Carith. His features are entirely obscured in blackness, though his eyes glow a bright luminescent blue. Upon his head is a great helm mounted with antlers that spread well beyond his broad frame.

He stands there regarding Carith with hollow eyes for what seems like an eternity. She is slowly overcome with both terror and awe, her knees buckling beneath her.....
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Jenara »

"Who... Who.. Are you?" Carith stumbles over her words, she tries to keep her head up, yet her body betrayed her, cursing her human body she stays on her knees.

"Am I dead? Did I get killed by a tree?" She frowns, those fools, why did they leave her? She paid the ultimate sacrifice for what?
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Breila »

When Hedra wakes in the morning, she first says a prayer, thanking for her survival. She'll ask the first person she meets if the treant could be killed, and how Carith is.

She'll chant the usual morning service and check on Carith. If no one else has done it, she'll go to the scene of the fight and retrieve her war hammer. Hopefully, it is still there, if it was buried under the burning undead treant, likely only the head will be left.

She'll do her best to walk during the day, though she'll probably stay with Carith for some time.

She'll also take a look at Bill's injuries, chanting a plea for divine healing as she had done before.
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Talyn »

Wolf wakes up with a scream upon his lips, the terrors his dreams hold are many but the scream dies almost before it begins. He lets out a groan and holds his head as he sits up. He turns and looks around, trying to get his bearings. But the hunger he feels is almost too much for him, if he can spot any food, he is heading for it.
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Stik »

Callan begins the day like he always does, cursing the gods for their apathy, and with a mocking grin on his face. "Another day, and I live. You have failed again." Then he hefts his gear and begins his rounds in the encampment.
Stopping by Hedra and Carith first, he says to Carith: "Will she recover? If not, kill her now before you devote too much energy to a lost cause." Then, in case Carith is alive enough to heed him, he leans in close (but not too close, lest she rise and attack: "You did a very brave thing last night. And stupid. If you survive this, learn from it."
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Breila »

Hedra looks into Callan's eyes and says firmly: "I, for one, do not kill anyone truly alive, except when I am attacked" and turns away.

[edit: apparently you posted when I was writing the next part. I just changed things to make the flow make more sense. -IL]
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Ismaels-Legacy »

Carith's body may have betrayed her, but she is able to look the entity in the face, as is his want. When she begins asking questions she is met with echoing silence. The being stares at her, it's eyes narrowed to simmering azure slits, energy wafting from them like ethereal steam.

After some time it raises an arm, points at her, and utters the decree "You are unfit." It's voice carries a timbre that shakes your very bones, yet rasps like a millstone.


Hedra realizes upon looking around that they have been traveling for some time now. She's not able to return to the scene of the fight, though she can see a thin plume of smoke rising from where the treant was burned. When she begins to look panicked, Dorir strides up carrying something swaddled in filthy white linen. "I appologise for the appearance, though it's the cleanest cloth I could find." He hands her the hammer, carefully cleaned and oiled with a skilled hand. The handle has had the nicks sanded and the grip has been re-wrapped in fresh leather. "It was not in the best of condition when we found it. It seems the black sap that seeped from the tree was not kind."

When Dorir gives her the warhammer, Hedra is speechless for a moment. Recovering, she says: "Thank you so much. I think it hardly ever was in such a good condition. And please pass on my thanks to the person who did it."

And there is something I need to tell you:

She turns to Dorir remembering the result of her perimeter check last night, which she couldn't talk over with them so far.
"Listen, do you remember the guard that was reported missing yesterday? His neighbour showed me where he disappeared. At first, it seemed he had gone behind a bush to relieve himself. I found this piece of cloth there. So he either has been taken away or wants us to believe he was."

About that time, Callan approaches and asks if Carith will live. Before Hedra can answer, he leans forward and begins talking to Carith. In reply to his words, Dorir says gravely, "Aye, what she did was stupid, but also brave. She may not gain much honor in a death like this, but her renown will be great."


Wolf's hunger is ravenous, though since the caravan is moving, he is unable to get anything truly substantial. When he approaches the quartermaster's wagon he is intercepted by Carson. "There will be no food until we camp." Glancing around subtly, he takes Wolf by the arm and says, "Come with me. We must talk." Leading him away from the caravan, but maintaining pace with the group, he begins. "You have been unconscious." he says matter-of-factly. "Therefore, I know that you cannot be the source of our troubles. While you may have joined us on the road, you have more than proved your worth. Everyone that we had join us in town has also proven their steadfastness." He considers his next words carefully. "What do you know of your two companions, though?" There is an edge to his voice that is unmistakable. He clearly suspects something sinister.

[Edit: fixing flow to maintain timing with Breila's post]
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Jenara »

Carith wobbles her whole body failing as she struggles to stay upright. "Unfit?" She laughs, despite the situation, she wants to say: "I was just crushed and stabbed by a damn tree!.", yet all she can muster is. "Tell me what I need to do."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Stik »

Ismaels-Legacy wrote:About that time, Callan approaches and asks if Carith will live. Before Hedra can answer, he leans forward and begins talking to Carith. In reply to his words, Dorir says gravely, "Aye, what she did was stupid, but also brave. She may not gain much honor in a death like this, but her renown will be great."
"You talk of honor and renown as if they are things of value. They are baubles. Ornaments that we hang on the truth to make it look important.

"Last night we almost died because we were stupid. That's what happened. Nothing more."
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Breila »

Hedra turns back to Callan, her face grave.

"Your judgement is harsh, Callan. But what you say is not wrong.
What do you suggest we can do to avoid such stupidity in the future?"
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Ismaels-Legacy »

Carith's flippance is met with a gravely "Hrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm." that seems to seem from the figure. He reaches forward and touches one of her tattoos, causing it to glow blue itself and sear her skin as if it were being branded into her skin. "You bear my mark." It says simply, it's dire voice level and without inflection. It presses its finger harder against her skin, twisting a bit. The radiance that eminates from the one tatto (A swirling triskelion) seems into the surrounding ones, bleeding along the lines until each one glows with its own light. "You bear my mark but you did. Not. Earn. It!" Each word is louder, the figure's anger rising. It's eyes now glow a bright white as it you are staring at the sun. With an animalistic growl, he lifts his leg and kicks Carith square in the chest, sending her flying back through the mists.


With that shock, Carith suddenly awakes from her coma, eyes wide with fear and pain. For a brief moment, the back of the covered wagon flashes bright blue as her tattoos glow, only to fade before anyone else notices.


While Hedra and Callan have their debate Dorir examines the cloth. Without raising his eyes, he absentmindedly says "When you die, who will remember your name? Many here do not have family and when they die it is as if they never existed."

He lifts his eyes and looks to Hedra. "You said you found this near where a missing guard was last night? I haven't checked the muster recently, but I don't recall anyone being missing. Perhaps it's someone without friends or family?" Dorir's last comment was clearly directed toward Callan. He turns and walks toward a small knot of off duty guards who are whiling away the time telling stories as they march.

As soon as he's out of earshot, there is a sharp gasp from within the wagon where Carith is recovering.
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Breila »

Frowning, Hedra looks at Dorir's back. They had been standing together when one young man had reported a missing comrade first, or had that been Carson? She is in half a mind to follow Dorir when she hears Carith's gasp and goes to see if the other woman needs her help.
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Jenara »

Screaming in pain, Carith gasps quickly gasping for breath, the image stayed fresh in her mind.

She sits bolt upright, staring into space. "The horns, the horns.." she mutters over and over almost like one of Hedra's chants.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Breila »

Hedra approaches cautiously, gently touching Carith's arm. "Carith?" she asks, trying to get her into the present. "You should lie down, you were severely wounded."
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Re: Chapter 3: a Wolf in the Fold

Post by Jenara »

Carith just stares blankly, shaking violently. She says nothing, even ignoring her obvious state of undress..
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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