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Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

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Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

This is a Private Thread for Dark Omen 67 . It will contain:
-Character sheets (maintained by the DM)
-Character creation details for any/all of Dark Omen 67 's characters
-Experiences separate from the party

Name: Braiden Forgedheart XP/Next lvl: 2000000 /2,250,000 Class: Fighter HP:curr/max 82 / 82
A member of the Royal Tunnel Guard Alignment: Chaotic Good Race: Dwarf Level: 16
Age: 60 Height: 5'4 Weight: 125 Gender: Male Hair; Eyes;
Encumbrance: Movement: 6
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Orc, Goblin, Kobold
AC:reg/rear/no shield: AC 2 /Flank AC; 3/W/O Shield 5:
Armor; Scale Mail Armor+4/AC Bon 5/ 40lbs; Medium Shield +1/AC 3/10 lbs

AC: 0 (Scale Armor +4 (8pt), Shield+1 (2pt))

STR: 15 (0/0 Wt Allowance 55lbs Max 170 OD 8 BB/LG 7% )
INT: 14 (3)
WIS: 14 ()
DEX: 12 (0/0/0)
CON: 16 (HP +2 SS 95% Res 96%)
CHR: 12 (Max Hench 5 Loy 0 Rcn 0)

Death, Paralysis, Poison: Petrification,Polymorph: Rod, Staffor Wand: Breath: Spell:
4 5 6 4 7
Notes: +4 Save vs Poison, Wand, Staff, Rod

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec THAC0 Projectiles Left Notes
Battle Axe 2/1 N/A 7 D8/D8 y 5 N/A +1 Att/+2 Dmg
Warhammer 2/1 N/A 7 D6+1/2D4 n 5 N/A
Shield* 1/1 N/A Last 1D3 y 5 N/A
Fighting One Handed +1/+2 (spec); Fighting Two Handed Style +1 Dmg

[NOTE Within 30' +2/+2 Dble Dmg; Greater than 30' +1Att/+1 Dmg]

Survival GEAR
Weight Limit 70 lbs/Max 195
Gear: [43 lbs], {objects in container}
Inv Wt Item
1 (0.1) Whetstone
1 (5) Wineskin water
1 (2) Backpack
1 (3) Winter blanket
1 (3) Set of Tunic and Breeches
1 (-) Pr Boots
2 (2) Belt Pouches (Large)
10 (-) Sticks of Chalk
1 (-) Set of Flint and Steel
4 (1) Sacks (Large)
1 (4) Grappling Hook
1 (1) Pound of Dried Figs
2 (2) Pound of Nuts
7 (7) Dry Rations
1 (8) 50' Rope Silk
1 (4) Grappling Hook

Total Eq wt: 43 lbs

Magic Items
1 Scale Mail Armor+4 (2,000gp) Worn
1 Shield +1 (500gp) Carried
1 Battle Axe +2 (1,000gp) Carried
1 Warhammer +1 (500gp) Carried
1 Gauntlets of Ogre Power (1,000 gp) Worn
1 Spade of Colossal Excavation (1,000gp) Carried
1 Stone of Controlling Earth El. (1,500gp) Carried
1 Haversack Free Bonus Carried

1 Dire Boar (At Camp)
1 Set bit, bridle, riding saddle, Saddle Bag (Camp)
7 Dry Rations (Camp)
3 sets Breeches, Tunics Camp
1 Set of Boots

Weapon Proficiencies: 9
First, he gets a free Weapon Specialization. He must choose it from the following group:
Free Spec; Battle axe +1 TH/+2 Dmg

1 Warhammer
1 Ambidextrous
2 Weapon Shield Fighting Style (0 Att with weapon/0 Att with Shield) Shield Punch 1D3 Dmg
1 Shield
2 Single Weapon Fighting Style
2 Two-Handed Fighting Style

Weapon-Shield Fighting Style;
If you devote a weapon proficiency slot to specialization in Weapon and Shield Style, you receive one extra attack per round . . . only when using a shield on the shield hand, that is. You can use that extra attack only for the Shield-Punch and Parry maneuvers

when striking with both hands in a single combat round, the character suffers a –2 to attack rolls with his weapon and a –4 to attack rolls with the Shield-Punch or Parry. (If you're ambidextrous, as described above under "Off-Hand Weapons Use," that's a –2 with a weapon and –2 with a shield.) If you devote a second weapon proficiency slot to Weapon and Shield Style Specialization, that penalty drops to with the weapon and –2 with the shield. (If you're ambidextrous, that penalty is 0 with a weapon and 0 with a shield.)

On any round when you perform two maneuvers, you do not get the AC bonus for the shield for the rest of the round. If you swing your sword and perform a Shield-Punch in the same round, you do not get your shield's AC bonus if anyone attacks you later in the round.

Single-Weapon Fighting Style
The advantage of single-weapon style in the AD&D® game is that the character keeps a hand free for grappling, for switching weapons, for surprise maneuvers, for whatever comes along in the course of combat

If the character devotes a weapon proficiency to Style Specialization with Single-Weapon Style, he gets a +1 AC bonus when using any one-handed weapon (for which he has proficiency) in Single-Weapon Style. He doesn't get the bonus if he carries a shield or weapon in his off-hand.

Additionally, he can devote an extra proficiency to Single-Weapon Style and have a total +2 AC when fighting in this style. That's the limit, though: He cannot devote more than two proficiencies (for a total of +2 AC) with Single-Weapon Style.

Two-Hander Fighting Style

A second advantage is that, if you are using a two-handed weapon, the Disarm maneuver (see "Melee Maneuvers," below) is only of partial use against you.

A single successful Disarm against a two-handed weapon user won't knock the weapon out of the wielder's hands; it will merely knock his weapon askew and make him take some time to recover, so he automatically loses initiative on his next round.
However, two Disarm maneuvers successfully made against the character in the same round will knock the weapon loose.

Style Specialization with Two-Hander Style gives you a very specific benefit: When you're using a weapon two-handed, that weapon's Speed Factor is reduced by 3.

One-Handed Weapons Used Two-Handed
Some players don't realize that many other one-handed weapons can also be used two-handed. Since these weapons don't do any more damage two-handed, there usually isn't much reason to use them this way; however, with Style Specialization in Two-Hander Style, now there's a reason.
If you specialize in Two-Hander Style and then use a one-handed weapon in two hands, you also get a bonus of +1 to damage. Thus, if you take a Two-Hander Style Specialization when using a long sword two-handed, you do 1d8+1 damage instead of the base 1d8 (or 1d12+1 vs. large targets, instead of the base 1d12).
The one-handed weapons that can be used two-handed in this fashion include Battleaxe, Club, Footman's flail, Footman's pick, Horseman's flail, Horseman's mace, Horseman's pick, Morning star, Long sword, and Warhammer.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: 8
B Ancient Military History 13
B Fire-Building 13
1 Blacksmithing 15
2 Mining 11
1 Direction Sense 15
1 Stonemasonry 13
2 Survival (Tunnels) 14
2 Blindfighting N/A
L Cooking 14
L Animal Handling 13
L Riding (Land) 17

Problem with Magic
All magical items that are not specifically suited to the character's class have a 20% chance to malfunction when used by a dwarf.

If a cursed item malfunctions, the character recognizes its cursed nature and can dispose of the item. Malfunction applies to rods, staves, wands, rings, amulets, potions, horns, jewels, and all other magical items except weapons, shields, armor, gauntlets, and girdles.

Racial Enemies:
dwarves add 1 to their TO HIT rolls orcs, half-orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins.

When ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, or titans attack dwarves, these monsters must subtract 4 from their attack rolls because of the dwarves' small size and combat ability against these much bigger creatures.

Dwarves are miners of great skill. While underground, they can detect the following information when within 10 feet of the particular phenomenon (but they can determine their approximate depth below the surface at any time).
Detect grade or slope in passage 1-5 on 1d6
Detect new tunnel/passage construction 1-5 on 1d6
Detect sliding/shifting walls or rooms 1-4 on 1d6
Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls 1-3 on 1d6
Determine approximate depth underground 1-3 on 1d6
Note that the dwarf must deliberately try to make these determinations; the information does not simply spring to mind unbidden.

Shield Manuevers
The shield-punch:
When your turn to attack comes, simply announce that you're shield-punching and make your attack roll. You get no attack bonus from the shield, regardless of its size or magical enchantment.
A shield-punch does 1–3 damage, plus your Strength bonus. Once you have performed a shield-punch, you lose the AC bonus of the shield for the rest of the combat round from now until your next attack. (If you have an attack later in the round, you regain the AC bonus then; if you don't have an attack until next round, you regain the AC bonus at the very start of the next round.)

This maneuver is like a combination of the Pull/Trip and Shield-Punch maneuvers.
The attacker must start at least 10 feet away from the victim and must have either a medium or body shield. Basically, he runs at full speed up to his victim, slamming full-tilt into him, hoping to injure him or knock him down.

As with the Shield-Punch, the attacker gets no bonus to attack rolls from the shield, nor does he get the AC bonus of his shield from the time he starts the maneuver until his next attack.
If he hits, he does damage equal to the Shield-Punch, and the target must make a 1d20 roll against Dexterity to stay on his feet. The target applies these modifiers to his Dexterity:
+3 Target Was Moving Toward Attacker; +3 Target Was Not Moving; –3 Target Hit From Behind; –3 Target Was Unaware of Attack

However, the attacker also has a chance to be knocked down. If he misses his roll to attack, he slams into the target anyway, and does no damage to his target. He must make his Dexterity ability check at a –6 penalty; if he makes it, he is still standing, but if he fails it, he is knocked down. Either way, his target remains standing.

Even if he succeeds in his attack roll, he still has a chance to fall down. The attacker rolls 1d20 against his own, unadjusted Dexterity. If he fails it, he falls down, too.
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by Dark Omen 67 »

Name: Li Ming Xua XP/Next lvl: 2000000 / 2,250,000 Class: Fighter HP: curr/max 81 / 81 Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Human Level: 16 Age: 28 Height: 5'4 Weight: 86 Gender: Female Encumbrance: Movement: 12
Languages: (free) Common,(Native) Shou, 2 Languages being used for Non-Weapon Proficiencies
AC; Lamellar Armor 5 NOTE; AC 3 when fighting as one-handed

STR: 15 (Att 0/Dmg 0/Wt Allow 55/Max 170/OD 8/BB 7%)
INT: 14 (Lang 4)
WIS: 14 ()
DEX: 12 (0/0/0)
CON: 15 (HP +1/ss 90/Res 94/+4 to Saving Throws)
CHR: 13 (Max Henchman 5/Loy 0/Rctn +1)


Saves: PPDM (4); RSW (6); PetPoly (5); BW (4); Sp (7). [+4 Saves for High Con]


WP: (2) Long Sword (+1 Att/+2 Dmg), (Bon Spec; Kit) Composite L. Bow, (2) One-Handed Fighting Style, (2) Two-Handed Fighting Style, (1) Unarmed Combat, (1) Glaive, (1) Morning Star;

Thac0: 4


1. One-handed Weapon Style. Characters who specialize in this style gain a special AC bonus of +1 while fighting with a one-handed weapon and no shield or off-hand weapon. By spending an additional proficiency slot, the character can increase his AC bonus to +2, but that’s the maximum benefit for style specialization. Complete Fighters

2. Two Handed Fighting Style:
Style Specialization with Two-Hander Style gives you a very specific benefit: When you're using a weapon two-handed, that weapon's Speed Factor is reduced by 3. Complete Fighters

There are also a variety of weapons that are normally used one-handed but that can be used two-handed. This would allow a specialist in this style to gain the speed benefit mentioned above. In addition, the two-handed style specialist gains a +1 to damage rolls when using a one-handed weapon in two hands.

NWP: 8 Bonus;
Ancient Mil History Bonus 13
Fire-Building 13
Animal Handling 1 slot 13
Riding (Land) 1 slot 17
Blindfighting 2 slots NA
Cooking 1 slot 14
Hunting 1 slot 13
Swimming L slot 15
Direction Sense L slot 15
Tracking (2L slots) 14
Animal Lore (1 slot) 14
Set Snares (1 slot) 13

Class/Kit: Myrmidon


Weapons Att/Rd; Speed Att Bon Damage THAC0 AMMO
Miaodao Long Sword 2/1 1 +3 D8+3/D12+3 5 N/A
Fighting One Handed +1/+2 (spec); Fighting Two Handed Style +1 Dmg
Composite Long Bow 4/1 7 +0 D8/D8 5 20 Sheaf Arrows
[NOTE Within 30' +2/+2 Dble Dmg; Greater than 30' +1Att/+1 Dmg]

AC: Lamellar AC 5 Speed 20/Armor Check Penalty; /Wt 35lbs/ / Fighting Style; [1Handed: AC 3],

Survival GEAR Weight Limit 70 lbs/Max 195
Gear: [44 lbs], {objects in container}
Inv Wt Item
5 (5) Torches,
1 (0.1) Whetstone
1 (5) Wineskin water
1 (2) Backpack
1 (3) Winter blanket
1 (3) Set of Tunic and Breeches
1 (-) Pr Sandals
2 (2) Belt Pouches (Large)
10 (-) Sticks of Chalk
1 (-) Set of Flint and Steel
4 (1) Sacks (Large)
1 (4) Grappling Hook
1 (1) Pound of Dried Figs
2 (2) Pound of Nuts
7 (7) Dry Rations
1 (8) 50' Rope Silk
1 () Grappling Hook

Total Eq wt: 44 lbs

1 Medium War Horse (At Camp)
1 Set bit, bridle, riding saddle, Saddle Bag (Camp)
7 Dry Rations (Camp)
3 Robes Embroidered Carried Edit Delete
1 Set of Tunic and Breeches
1 Set Sandels
Last edited by Dark Omen 67 on Sat Nov 18, 2023 7:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

Nice, looks like a good build.

Couple of notes: we are only doing basic weapon specialization from the phb for this one, not the PO:C&T version

For this game you get the 2 to both nwp and Lang (non transferable) so you can go ahead and pick 2 more languages :)

Where is the reference to +4 to saves from con bonus coming from? I may be missing something, I have the OA and Kara Tur sets, but not sure of that reference

Also, the hps seem a little low to me for a straight fighter (especially one with a con bonus) unless I am missing something in the build. Max hps for 1st lvl, then rolls for after that so it should be something like...

Fighter: 10(lvl 1 hps)+8d10(lvl 2-9 hps)+21(lvl 10-16 hps)+1*9(con bonus hps)
=>8d10+40 hps total
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

fixed the hp typo in my above post and found your unseen servant roll
so with your 8d10 = 41 roll it would come to 81 hps
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Dark Omen 67
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by Dark Omen 67 »

TristenC wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:53 am Nice, looks like a good build.

Couple of notes: we are only doing basic weapon specialization from the phb for this one, not the PO:C&T version

For this game you get the 2 to both nwp and Lang (non-transferable) so you can go ahead and pick 2 more languages :)

Where is the reference to +4 to saves from con bonus coming from? I may be missing something, I have the OA and Kara Tur sets, but not sure of that reference

Also, the hps seem a little low to me for a straight fighter (especially one with a con bonus) unless I am missing something in the build. Max hps for 1st lvl, then rolls for after that so it should be something like...

Fighter: 10(lvl 1 hps)+8d10(lvl 2-9 hps)+21(lvl 10-16 hps)+1*9(con bonus hps)
=>8d10+40 hps total
Thank you for the compliment. I was trying to 'recreate' a Samurai style character without using kits (It would have been cool had I qualified for Cavalier, they get To Hit bonuses whether mounted or not'

I am scrubbing the sheet and removing the Fighters Handbook and C&T rules.
So let me clarify. With the 2 language slots I gain 2 NWP Proficiencies and 2 Languages?

I didn't use any rules from OA, I was looking at the descriptions and using 2nd edition books to imitate them. The +4 to saves was new to me as well and I should have copied the note. It was a blurb (not the one that claimed warriors could get the +3 or +4 to saves). I removed it because I can't find it now.
Last edited by Dark Omen 67 on Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

The Fighter's handbook 'style specializations' are fine, it's just the advanced Weapon Mastery stuff that we aren't using for this one.

Yep, 2 NWP & 2 Languages

For the con bonus thing... I wonder if you were looking at different races as well? Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings get a bonus to RSW saves based on their con scores. Maybe that?
For 15 Con it would be exactly a +4 bonus

The warrior con bonus thing is only they can benefit from a +3 or +4 con bonus to HPs.

If you were looking at Cavalier, another good fighter kit could be the Myrmidon: essentially a career soldier.
They get free Weapon Specialization slot and some free NWPs (Like Ancient Military History and Fire Building).

Take a look and see if it jives with your concept

I see the second set of stat rolls
[4d6k3]=11, [4d6k3]=14, [4d6k3]=15, [4d6k3]=15, [4d6k3]=13, [4d6k3]=12, [4d6k3]=14

so dropping the 11 leaves you with 15,15,14,14,13,12... hmm...
I think a case could be made for a Dwarven Boar-Rider type Cavalier (despite the kit description), if you'd be interested in that. Then you could apply the con Adj to one of the 14s and would have the numbers for it. Just a thought
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by Dark Omen 67 »

Do you use Racial limits on Maximum class levels?
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

For this game no Racial level limits
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by Dark Omen 67 »

I discovered why I had the +4 save bonus. (1) It is the Dwarf bonus, but you get there in two ways (1, A link for the Dwarf description) and (Under Saving Throws. Problem is that it is a chart, but doesn't label it).

Name: Braiden Forgedheart XP/Next lvl: 2000000 /2,250,000 Class: Fighter HP:curr/max 82 / 82
A member of the Royal Tunnel Guard Alignment: Chaotic Good Race: Dwarf Level: 16
Age: 60 Height: 5'4 Weight: 125 Gender: Male Hair; Eyes;
Encumbrance: Movement: 6
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Orc, Goblin, Kobold
AC:reg/rear/no shield: AC 2 /Flank AC; 3/W/O Shield 5:
Armor; Scale Mail Armor+1/AC Bon 5/ 40lbs; Medium Shield +2/AC 3/10 lbs

STR: 15 (0/0 Wt Allowance 55lbs Max 170 OD 8 BB/LG 7% )
INT: 14 (3)
WIS: 14 ()
DEX: 12 (0/0/0)
CON: 16 (HP +2 SS 95% Res 96%)
CHR: 12 (Max Hench 5 Loy 0 Rcn 0)

Death, Paralysis, Poison: Petrification,Polymorph: Rod, Staffor Wand: Breath: Spell:
4 5 6 4 7
Notes: +4 Save vs Poison, Wand, Staff, Rod

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec THAC0 Projectiles Left Notes
Battle Axe 2/1 N/A 7 D8/D8 y 5 N/A +1 Att/+2 Dmg
Warhammer 2/1 N/A 7 D6+1/2D4 n 5 N/A
Shield* 1/1 N/A Last 1D3 y 5 N/A
Fighting One Handed +1/+2 (spec); Fighting Two Handed Style +1 Dmg

[NOTE Within 30' +2/+2 Dble Dmg; Greater than 30' +1Att/+1 Dmg]

Survival GEAR
Weight Limit 70 lbs/Max 195
Gear: [43 lbs], {objects in container}
Inv Wt Item
1 (0.1) Whetstone
1 (5) Wineskin water
1 (2) Backpack
1 (3) Winter blanket
1 (3) Set of Tunic and Breeches
1 (-) Pr Boots
2 (2) Belt Pouches (Large)
10 (-) Sticks of Chalk
1 (-) Set of Flint and Steel
4 (1) Sacks (Large)
1 (4) Grappling Hook
1 (1) Pound of Dried Figs
2 (2) Pound of Nuts
7 (7) Dry Rations
1 (8) 50' Rope Silk
1 (4) Grappling Hook

Total Eq wt: 43 lbs

1 Dire Boar (At Camp)
1 Set bit, bridle, riding saddle, Saddle Bag (Camp)
7 Dry Rations (Camp)
3 sets Breeches, Tunics Camp
1 Set of Boots

Weapon Proficiencies: 9
First, he gets a free Weapon Specialization. He must choose it from the following group:
Free Spec; Battle axe +1 TH/+2 Dmg

1 Warhammer
1 Ambidextrous
2 Weapon Shield Fighting Style (0 Att with weapon/0 Att with Shield) Shield Punch 1D3 Dmg
1 Shield
2 Single Weapon Fighting Style
2 Two-Handed Fighting Style

Weapon-Shield Fighting Style;
If you devote a weapon proficiency slot to specialization in Weapon and Shield Style, you receive one extra attack per round . . . only when using a shield on the shield hand, that is. You can use that extra attack only for the Shield-Punch and Parry maneuvers

when striking with both hands in a single combat round, the character suffers a –2 to attack rolls with his weapon and a –4 to attack rolls with the Shield-Punch or Parry. (If you're ambidextrous, as described above under "Off-Hand Weapons Use," that's a –2 with a weapon and –2 with a shield.) If you devote a second weapon proficiency slot to Weapon and Shield Style Specialization, that penalty drops to with the weapon and –2 with the shield. (If you're ambidextrous, that penalty is 0 with a weapon and 0 with a shield.)

On any round when you perform two maneuvers, you do not get the AC bonus for the shield for the rest of the round. If you swing your sword and perform a Shield-Punch in the same round, you do not get your shield's AC bonus if anyone attacks you later in the round.

Single-Weapon Fighting Style
The advantage of single-weapon style in the AD&D® game is that the character keeps a hand free for grappling, for switching weapons, for surprise maneuvers, for whatever comes along in the course of combat

If the character devotes a weapon proficiency to Style Specialization with Single-Weapon Style, he gets a +1 AC bonus when using any one-handed weapon (for which he has proficiency) in Single-Weapon Style. He doesn't get the bonus if he carries a shield or weapon in his off-hand.

Additionally, he can devote an extra proficiency to Single-Weapon Style and have a total +2 AC when fighting in this style. That's the limit, though: He cannot devote more than two proficiencies (for a total of +2 AC) with Single-Weapon Style.

Two-Hander Fighting Style

A second advantage is that, if you are using a two-handed weapon, the Disarm maneuver (see "Melee Maneuvers," below) is only of partial use against you.

A single successful Disarm against a two-handed weapon user won't knock the weapon out of the wielder's hands; it will merely knock his weapon askew and make him take some time to recover, so he automatically loses initiative on his next round.
However, two Disarm maneuvers successfully made against the character in the same round will knock the weapon loose.

Style Specialization with Two-Hander Style gives you a very specific benefit: When you're using a weapon two-handed, that weapon's Speed Factor is reduced by 3.

One-Handed Weapons Used Two-Handed
Some players don't realize that many other one-handed weapons can also be used two-handed. Since these weapons don't do any more damage two-handed, there usually isn't much reason to use them this way; however, with Style Specialization in Two-Hander Style, now there's a reason.
If you specialize in Two-Hander Style and then use a one-handed weapon in two hands, you also get a bonus of +1 to damage. Thus, if you take a Two-Hander Style Specialization when using a long sword two-handed, you do 1d8+1 damage instead of the base 1d8 (or 1d12+1 vs. large targets, instead of the base 1d12).
The one-handed weapons that can be used two-handed in this fashion include Battleaxe, Club, Footman's flail, Footman's pick, Horseman's flail, Horseman's mace, Horseman's pick, Morning star, Long sword, and Warhammer.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: 8
B Ancient Military History 13
B Fire-Building 13
1 Blacksmithing 15
2 Mining 11
1 Direction Sense 15
1 Stonemasonry 13
2 Survival (Tunnels) 14
2 Blindfighting N/A
L Cooking 14
L Animal Handling 13
L Riding (Land) 17

Problem with Magic
All magical items that are not specifically suited to the character's class have a 20% chance to malfunction when used by a dwarf.

If a cursed item malfunctions, the character recognizes its cursed nature and can dispose of the item. Malfunction applies to rods, staves, wands, rings, amulets, potions, horns, jewels, and all other magical items except weapons, shields, armor, gauntlets, and girdles.

Racial Enemies:
dwarves add 1 to their TO HIT rolls orcs, half-orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins.

When ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, or titans attack dwarves, these monsters must subtract 4 from their attack rolls because of the dwarves' small size and combat ability against these much bigger creatures.

Dwarves are miners of great skill. While underground, they can detect the following information when within 10 feet of the particular phenomenon (but they can determine their approximate depth below the surface at any time).
Detect grade or slope in passage 1-5 on 1d6
Detect new tunnel/passage construction 1-5 on 1d6
Detect sliding/shifting walls or rooms 1-4 on 1d6
Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls 1-3 on 1d6
Determine approximate depth underground 1-3 on 1d6
Note that the dwarf must deliberately try to make these determinations; the information does not simply spring to mind unbidden.

Shield Manuevers
The shield-punch:
When your turn to attack comes, simply announce that you're shield-punching and make your attack roll. You get no attack bonus from the shield, regardless of its size or magical enchantment.
A shield-punch does 1–3 damage, plus your Strength bonus. Once you have performed a shield-punch, you lose the AC bonus of the shield for the rest of the combat round from now until your next attack. (If you have an attack later in the round, you regain the AC bonus then; if you don't have an attack until next round, you regain the AC bonus at the very start of the next round.)

This maneuver is like a combination of the Pull/Trip and Shield-Punch maneuvers.
The attacker must start at least 10 feet away from the victim and must have either a medium or body shield. Basically, he runs at full speed up to his victim, slamming full-tilt into him, hoping to injure him or knock him down.

As with the Shield-Punch, the attacker gets no bonus to attack rolls from the shield, nor does he get the AC bonus of his shield from the time he starts the maneuver until his next attack.
If he hits, he does damage equal to the Shield-Punch, and the target must make a 1d20 roll against Dexterity to stay on his feet. The target applies these modifiers to his Dexterity:
+3 Target Was Moving Toward Attacker; +3 Target Was Not Moving; –3 Target Hit From Behind; –3 Target Was Unaware of Attack

However, the attacker also has a chance to be knocked down. If he misses his roll to attack, he slams into the target anyway, and does no damage to his target. He must make his Dexterity ability check at a –6 penalty; if he makes it, he is still standing, but if he fails it, he is knocked down. Either way, his target remains standing.

Even if he succeeds in his attack roll, he still has a chance to fall down. The attacker rolls 1d20 against his own, unadjusted Dexterity. If he fails it, he falls down, too.

Scale Mail Armor+4 (2,000gp) Worn
1 Shield +1 (500gp) Carried
1 Battle Axe +2 (1,000gp) Carried
1 Warhammer +1 (500gp) Carried
1 Gauntlets of Ogre Power (1,000 gp) Worn
Haversack Carried

Stone of Controlling Earth El. (1,500gp)

A stone of this nature is typically an oddly shaped bit of roughly polished rock. The possessor of such a stone need but utter a single command word, and an earth elemental of 12-Hit-Dice size will come to the summoner if earth is available, an 8-Hit-Dice elemental if rough, unhewn stone is the summoning medium. (An earth elemental cannot be summoned from worked stone, but one can be from mud, clay, or even sand, although one from sand is an eight-dice monster.) The area of summoning for an earth elemental must be at least 4 feet square and have four cubic yards volume. The elemental will appear in 1d4 rounds. For detailed information about elementals and their control see the Monstrous Compendium. The stone can be used to summon one elemental per day.

Spade of Colossal Excavation (1,000gp)

This digging tool is 8 feet long with a spade-like blade 2 feet wide and 3 feet long. Any fighter with 18 Strength can use this magical shovel to dig great holes. One cubic yard of normal earth can be excavated in one round. After 10 rounds of digging, the user must rest for five rounds. Hard pan clay takes twice as long to dig, as does gravel. Loose soil takes only half as long

Earth Elemental

Earth elementals can be conjured in any area of earth or stone. This type of common elemental appears on the Prime Material plane as a very large humanoid made of whatever types of dirt, stones, precious metals, and gems it was conjured from. It has a cold, expressionless face, and its two eyes sparkle like brilliant, multifaceted gems. Though it has a mouth-like opening in its face, an earth elemental will rarely speak. Their voices can be heard in the silence of deep tunnels, the rumblings of earthquakes, and the grinding of stone on stone.
Though earth elementals travel very slowly, they are relentless in the fulfillment of their appointed tasks. An earth elemental can travel through solid ground or stone with no penalty to movement or dexterity. However, these elementals cannot travel through water: they must either go around the body of water in their path or go under it, traveling in the ground. Earth elementals prefer the latter as it keeps them moving, more or less, in a straight line toward their goal.

Combat: Earth elementals will always try to fight on the ground and will only rarely be tricked into giving up that advantage. Because of their close alliance to the rock and earth, these elementals do 4-32 points of damage (4d8) whenever they strike a creature that rests on the ground.

Against constructions with foundations in earth or stone, earth elementals do great damage, making them extremely useful for armies sieging a fortification. For example, a reinforced door, which might require a few rounds to shatter using conventional methods, can be smashed with ease by an earth elemental. They can even level a small cottage in a few rounds.
An earth elemental's effectiveness against creatures in the air or water is limited; the damage done by the elemental's fists on airborne or waterborne targets is lessened by 2 points per die (to a minimum of 1 point of damage per die).

Earth Elemental (12 HD)
DIET: Earth, metal, or gem
HIT DICE: 8, 12, or 16
THAC0: HD 12: 9
+2 weapon or better to hit
+2 weapon or better to hit
L to H (8' to 16' tall)
MORALE:8-12 Hit Dice:
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

Nice. Shield combat is an under-used option imo.

You could always develop both the human and Dwarf and use the other as the "fall back" pc ;)
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by Dark Omen 67 »

TristenC wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:00 am Nice. Shield combat is an under-used option imo.

You could always develop both the human and Dwarf and use the other as the "fall back" pc ;)
That is cool. I was thinking about it last night. Dwarf would probably be a better option in dungeons.

So, I'll go with the Dwarf first.
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

Looks like you're almost ready, now just the magic items :)

He gets a bag of holding, Haversack or Girdle of Many pouches free.
Each individual player can choose which of these three items they would like.
If the Bag of holding is chosen then they will roll for for which type (1d4)

Each PC gets 7,500 xp worth of magic items, but no more than One with xp value over 2,000, and nothing over 3,000.

Here is a link to a free flip-through of The Complete Book of Magical Items
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by Dark Omen 67 »

Braiden Forgedheart 5' Heavy Build with muscular arms. He has long curly dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes, his beard is wavy and long. His face and forehead are covered in multiple scars that healed naturally. He wears Scale Mail Armor, carries a shield, and has a battle axe with a rope that allows the axe to hang over his shoulder. On the outside of his backpack, he has a Warhammer, spade, and mining pick attached with loops of leather straps.

M'ror Holds

What in the Curses of Zhakar
Cold Forges of Kal-Thax
Holy Knights of Solamni

But do not disregard the opposite sense of freedom and flexibility embodied in the homelands of the Neidar, the "hill dwarves." They are also a people ofpurpose and destiny. Because that destiny is neither defined nor limited by grandiose excavations and surrounding walls, these outsiders are sometimes dismissed as historically frivolous.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. When one needs a new solution to a problem, or a different route to negotiate a challenge or obstacle, no dwarf but the Neidar can exhibit the freedom of choice to devise a truly unique solution.

From the Observations of Chisel Loremaster


The dwarven realms and kingdoms described within are organized chronologically, in the order of their founding. Dates are provided in both the standard reckoning reflected by Astinus in the River of Time, and also by the specific dating of the dwarves, which is predicated on a unique System of counting years, decades, and centuries.

The map sheets included in this product are generally keyed to locations described in this book. Refer to these maps for a complete understanding of the locales as they are presented.

THE DWARVEN CALENDAR: The dwarven people worked out a precise counting of years, decades, and centuries. Dwarves have 10 fingers, so they naturally used a base of 10 to count. The calendar ensures that any date in history can be individually named. Although the names for decades and years are repeated on a scale of 10, the centuries are each granted a unique name.

YEARS: The annual cycle equals a total of 10 years. The years are counted as follows.

First: Zinc Second: Tin Third: Bronze Fourth: Gold Fifth: Silver
Sixth: Nickel Seventh: Iron Eighth: Steel Ninth: Brass Tenth: Copper

Decades; First: Cherry Second: Hickory Third: Pine Fourth: Ash Fifth: Elm
Sixth: Maple Seventh: Vallenwood Eighth: Willow Ninth: Walnut Tenth: Oak


CENTURIES: The cycle of the calendar begins with dwarves arriving on the shores of Ansalon following the Second Migration. This is roughly equal to 3200 PC by the human reckoning and the records of Astinus as shown in the River of Time.

3200 PC Century of Tide 3100 Century of Coral 3000 Century of Smoke 2900 Century of Cloud 2800 Century of Magma
2700 Century of Truth 2600 Century of Snow 2500 Century of Stars 2400 Century of Stone 2300 Century of the Anvil
2200 Century of Ember 2100 Century of Wind 2000 Century of Sun 1900 Century of White Moon 1800 Century of Red Moon
1700 Century of Thunder 1600 Century of Rain 1500 Century of Echoes 1400 Century of Shadow 1300 Century of Song
1200 Century of Fire 1100 Century of Emerald 1000 Century of Diamond 900 Century of Garnet 800 Century of Ruby
700 Century of Ogres 600 Century of Birds 500 Century of Swords 400 Century of Coin 300 Century of Books
200 Century of Priests 100 Century of Hate 0 Century of Despair 100 AC Century of Night 200 Century of Dawn
300 Century of Dragon
Last edited by Dark Omen 67 on Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:28 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

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Re: Dark Omen 67 (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by Dark Omen 67 »

TristenC wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 1:59 pmNice
I was forced to get the Gauntlets of Ogre Power because I really wanted the Spade of Excavation. My new goal is the Pick of Earth Dividing (something like that)
Demon inside a teddy bear
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