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Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

The 2E AD&D Homebrew Sandbox world of Genwald is large, ancient, and magical. There are many undiscovered/untamed places. The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

The scars of ancient battles of titanic proportions mark the land. Wild magic zones, fantastical terrain, grand adventure, political strife, and even artifacts of wonder await. Choose your part and come make your mark on the world. A wide array of unconventional races and classes are available.

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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Styrius »

Feeling lucky Findalsip hurls another rock attempting to help Dillosel.

To hit THAC0=18: [1d20]=2
Damage: [1d4]=1
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
Ruby ring wearing, kiss stealing; Woo!
Praying/healing, beholder riding, griffin flying
Son of a blowgun, and I'm having a hard time holding these Aboleth shoes down! WOO!
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Katten cries out wordlessly upon seeing the recently restored elf struggling to remain standing, and the rest of the group respond with immediate and vicious fervor.

Jordek strolls towards the Worg, hurling his daggers in tandem. Both blades sink deeply into the matted fur of the beast threatening Dillosel. The red-eyed Worg snarls something sinister in its hiddeous tongue to the forest Gnome. Siezing the opportunity, the elven woman drives her spear into the throat of her attacker; bearing it to the ground! The dying canine snaps and claws as the life drains slowly away until it lies still…

Indendien fires at the badly injured worg facing Dellinanth, and he flashes his spear at its face. Both deter the creature from getting close enough to do damage, but do little more. Katten draws her hatchet and slashes a delaying strike at her own opponent and buying time to move to aid her friend; though the stalking worg follows menacingly…

Enraged, the warrior priest runs up behind the badly damaged worg before the male Wild Elf. Bellowing in rage, his sword comes down in the middle of the evil beast's back with a crack like the snapping of a thick branch!

Linar tags the final opponent with his arrow as the minotaur approaches from the opposite side. A sword longer than the other members of the group bisects the final Worg across the shoulders and neck; denying it even a final wheezing breath. The silence of their surroundings descends abuptly as the last opponent dies...

[Combat Ends]
Init: R4

Jordek (6+2 daggers): 8
W6: 8
Dillosel (1+7 Lb): 8
Indendien (2+7 Lb): 9
Dellinanth (2+7 spear): 9
Katten (5+5 Ls): 10
W3: 10
Fin: (6+6 sling): 12
Noct (7+5 Ls): 12
Linar (5+7 Lb): 12
W2: 12
Bull (5+13 G2-H): 18

Morale check for surviving Worgs [half group has fallen]
no enemy slain (-2), outnumbered 3:1 (-4)
Morale score -6:
[1d20] = 1, perfect pass! The Worg morale remains steady!

Jordek moves 25 feet towards W2
Jordek throws his dagger at W2 (AC 6) from behind (+2, AC 8 no dex from behind) with the dagger in his right hand
Thac0 17 vs AC 8(+2): Need 7+
[1d20] = 16
for [1d4] = 4 damage
W2 is Hurt Badly!

Jordek throws his dagger at W2 (AC 6) from behind (+2, AC 8 no dex from behind) with the dagger in his left hand (2 wep style)
Thac0 17 vs AC 8(+2): Need 7+
[1d20] = 15, hit!
For [1d4] = 4 damage

Jordek vs W2 [1d20]=16, [1d4]=4, [1d20]=15, [1d4]=4

W6 bites (+2 piercing vs leather) at Dellinanth (AC 5)
Thac0 17 vs AC 5(+2): need 10+
[1d20] = 3, miss!

Dillosel stabs with her spear at W2 (AC 6)
Thac0 19 vs AC 6: Need 12+
[1d20] = 19, hit!
For [1d20] = 5 damage

Dellinanth stabs with his spear at W6 (AC 6)
Thac0 18 vs AC 6: Need 12+
[1d20] = 3, miss!

Indendien fires her Longbow at W6 (AC 6) in melee with Dillosel (-2)
Thac0 18 vs AC 6(-2): Need 14+
[1d20] = 4, miss!

Katten draws her hand axe
Katten slashes with her hand axe
at W3 (AC 6)
Thac0 17 vs AC 6: Need 11+
[1d20] = 6, miss
Katten withraws (⅓ movement) towards Dillosel!

W3 follows Katten!
W3 bites (+2 piercing vs leather) at Katten (AC 4)
Thac0 17 vs AC 4(+2): need 11+
[1d20] = 3, miss!

W3 vs Katten [1d20]=3, [2d4]=6

Nocturno moves 50 feet to engage W6 in melee
Nocturno, enraged (+2) slashes at W6 (AC 6)
Thac0 17 vs AC 6 (+2): Need 9+
[1d20] = 9, hit! (barely!)
For [1d8+3] = 11 damage!

Noct vs W6 [1d20]=9, [1d8+3]=8+3=11

Fin fires his sling at W3 (AC 6) (-2 in melee with Katten)
Thac0 18 vs AC 6(-2): Need 14+
[1d20]= 2, miss!

Linar fires his Longbow (+2 pierce vs hide) at W3 (AC 6) (-4 in melee with Katten)
Thac0 18 vs AC 6(-2): Need 14+
[1d20] = 6, hit!
For [1d8] = 1 damage
W3 is Barely Scratched

Bullock slashes at W3 (AC 6) with his Giant 2-h
Thac0 16 vs AC 6: Need 10+
[1d20] = 15, hit!
For [1d10]=9x2+7 = 25 dmg!

[Combat Ends]
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Chris1234 »

Sliding to the ground Linar says, "Hold on, Dillosel, I'll try and help with those wounds!" His eyes widen as he moves past Bullock and the bisected worg. "Wow! Massive hit, Beefy!"
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

Katten doesn't collect her weapons, she doesn't break her stride , instead she is fixed totally on the almost fallen Elf.

"Dammit, I nearly lost you again! Please help her." Wrapping her arms around the elf she attempts to stem the tide of blood.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Dargon Lonewolf »


Tries to remove his blade from the dirt where it is lodged. After several see-sawing attempts it finally comes free.

Giant Slayer kills Worgs good too. Want to try it?
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

With the heavy breath of his rage continuing, Nocturno walks over to the injured elf in Kattens arms.

Without meaning to shout.
"Corellon heal this faithful combatant!"
CLW: [1d8]=8

He will then walk away, slowing his breath.
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Styrius »

Findalsip remarks, "Whomever needs healing come over here and I pray to Calladuran for your healing"
Cure Light Wounds: [1d8]=5
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
Ruby ring wearing, kiss stealing; Woo!
Praying/healing, beholder riding, griffin flying
Son of a blowgun, and I'm having a hard time holding these Aboleth shoes down! WOO!
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Linar moves to help Katten and Dillosel stop the bleeding. A step behind, Noocturno grips his holy symbol tightly, all but shouting a healing prayer. The force of his conviction is great, and all of the wild elf's wounds close immediately; leaving only bloody smears over unbroken skin.

Fin calls out his own offer of healing and Dellinanth moves to accept. Speaking in the deep-gnome tongue, unknown to all except the Drow, he calls upon Callarduran Smooth hands to restore the elven man. All of Dellinanth's injuries heal as well. My thanks to you, stone-friend.

Indendien checks on her companions after the healings. It seems these Worgs are not beyond you, as a group. But I fear they may be too much for us. I am not eager to lose those we have fought so hard to restore. We must rejoin our tribe soon. What of you? What will your path be? she asks the party.

Nocturno casts Cure Light Wounds on Dillosel for [1d8] = 8 hp.
Dillosel is fully healed!

Findalsip casts Cure Light Wounds on Dellinanth for [1d8] = 5 hp.
Dellinanth is fully healed!

Katten, Bullock and Nocturno have also taken some damage
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

Making a loop around the group, slowing himself down.

"Well we know if we do anything like that again. We need to be in force. We should probably make our way to the next cave so we can try to assemble this artifact. Or at least make sure they cannot."
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Styrius »

Findalsip heartily agrees with the advancing to the next cave. “I agree we should make our way to the next cave but first we should search the goblins and worgs for useful items or clues.” Findalsip makes his way to the nearest goblin and searches it.
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
Ruby ring wearing, kiss stealing; Woo!
Praying/healing, beholder riding, griffin flying
Son of a blowgun, and I'm having a hard time holding these Aboleth shoes down! WOO!
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

Nocturno will stand guard while other search.
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Search of the goblins reveals little more than trinkets, trash, a few paltry coins and food not quite fit for humanoid consumption
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

While licking the bite on her arm Katten collects her sword and bow, sliding them home before taking position neat the two elves. "So lets go to the next cave?" She agrees doing her best to ignore the blood that caked her fur.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

Watching Katten lick her would, Nocturno will come up to her.

"May I?" He nods to her wound and extends his hands.

Assuming she allows.
CLW: [1d8]=8
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Re: Act 2, Scene 1: "A Flicker of Hope" (Main Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

Katten reaches out her hand aprehensively, extending the fingers slightly.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi