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SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

The (Original!) Tomb of Horrors!!!
S1 by the great Gygax 1978. Everything adapted to 2e. This is NOT the Return to ToH written for 2e

Labyrinth of Madness!!! Previously Concluded (by TPK)
S6 by Monte Cook from 1995. Designed for 2e. IMHO this one is the tougher of the two, but not by much.

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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

short sword, short bow, you pick the other 3

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Elven (free), Common, Dwarven, Gnomish, Sylvan, Goblin, Halfling, Centaur
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

This guy is a smart pants lol
So presumably he would be using his shield and have a hand free to cast spells.

Dagger - Does that give him Prof in throwing them too?
Are there any one handed polearms or some such long weapon so he can keep the shield on?
Aaaand lol 3rd weapon type.... hrmmm 2e was all about the swords lol.... mace, for when we need bludgeoning.
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

-yes, dagger proficiency is good for both melee and throwing.
-The only 'Large' pole-arm usable with one-hand i'm aware of is the Trident, and it's up to 8 feet long. it can be used either 1 or 2 handed, and does different damage based on which way it is used at the time. Tridents can also be thrown
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

What about a whip? Does that have extra reach?
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

Dagger, Trident, Mace

Endurance-Con Cost-2
Blindfighting - NA Cost-2
Languages, Ancient Int Cost-1
Navigation Int cost -1 Modifier -1
Gaming Cha Cost -1

Draconic, orc, deep speech, celestial, giant, gnoll, abyssal
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

missed this:

[Whip excerpt from Arms and Equipment guide]

The whip or bull whip is a long, heavy, plaited lash usually made of leather or rawhide (untanned hide). The braided leather is thicker toward the handle, narrowing to a slender cord at the end. Some handles are wooden rods attached to the lash, while others are part of the same piece of rawhide. The whip's length varies from 15 to 25 feet. A whip is carried coiled and attached to the user's belt.

Common uses for the whip include leading herd animals and as a tool for punishment.

If a character wishes to knock a weapon out of an opponent's hand, this may be attempted with a whip using a Called Shot with intent to disarm. The attacker gets a -4 penalty on his attack roll. Further details are found in The Complete Fighter's Handbook in the Combat chapter.

A character proficient with the whip can entangle an opponent's limbs or weapon. Before rolling the attack die, the user declares whether or not he intends to entangle. If a hit is scored, some sort of entanglement occurs. If wielded by a non-proficient user, the chance to entangle is only 5%. If wielded by someone proficient, there is a 5% chance per level that entanglement occurs (to a maximum of 95%). Percentile dice are rolled to determine the exact effect. The entanglement chances are 50% (01-50 on 1d100) for one limb, 10% (51-60) for two limbs, 20% (61-80) for the weapon arm and the weapon, and 20% (81-00) for the head.

Hobgoblins are known to carry whips, but this is probably more for keeping prisoners and slaves in line than as a combat weapon. Still, a hobgoblin wielding a whip should be presumed to be skilled at it, and able to make the special attacks with it.

"The whip is another example of something designed for one purpose that gets used for another, much like a pitchfork, pruning hook, or harpoon. As a weapon, the whip is unimpressive if you're talking about raw damage. The whip is great for Called Shots and such, but try using a whip on a troll, and all you'll get is one slightly stung, very mad troll.

"The same holds true for armored targets. A whip is designed for hitting bare skin. Any sort of armor, including leather and padded, will help protect the wearer from the whip's sting.

"No, if someone is looking for a weapon that causes damage and is a good parrying tool, the whip is not it. If you enjoy fancy maneuvers and bizarre trick shots, then the whip is the right thing. The whip is better suited for the city environment, where there are more humans, demi-humans, and other such races which fear the lash, as opposed to the wilderness, where myriad monsters abound who do not shrink from a little pain.

"A whip is a slow weapon. Someone using a whip must have at least 10 feet between himself and the enemy, since a whip will not work too well in close quarters.

"A whip is great for a fighter who wants to disarm an opponent, snare a victim, or even wrap the whip around a beam and use it to swing over a chasm.''

-- Gorin Grimblade, Veteran Warrior
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

Let's replace the mace with whip please.

Does this finish off the follower?
Capture.JPG (29.86 KiB) Viewed 22741 times
WP: 6 slots
Two Weapon Style
Broad Group Blades - 3

str 7 6 13
dex 11 7 18
con 9 6 16
int 8 3 11 (Lowered by 3)
wis 6 6 12 (Increased by 3)
cha 5 0 4

NWP: 11 slots
Alertness* 1 WISDOM +1(+4) Instinctively notice signs of trouble in an area (4)
Awareness* 2 WISDOM 0 Light sleeper, easily roused, attuned to surroundings
Observation* 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 Exceptionally acute powers of observance
Locksmithing* 1 DEXTERITY 0 Can make and repair various locks
Weapon Sharpening 1 INTELLIGENCE -1(+2) Sharpen weapons to receive +1 to hit and damage for first 3 attacks(3)
Does this work with Magical Weapons?


Looks like he was looking at dagger of returning and a longtooth.

And looks like you agreed he was small, so I think that puts out the longbow yes?
Last edited by Nocturno on Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

-longtooth looks good, would use dagger weapon speed -magic bonus (so like speed 0, lol)
-dagger of throwing he can buy whichever version he wants (250/350/450/550 xp for +1/+2/+3/+4) or can 'pay' 400 xp and roll 1d100 for it

yes, 'small' size is 4' or lower. keep in mind, small size means NO L size weapons, not just longbows but polearms, L sized weapons, etc.

where did you find weapon sharpening, and you have it listed twice so cost +1 slot (2pts)
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

Holy Shyte!
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

I found this doc on the internets. It seemed legit. ... t.doc?dl=0

Alertness - 4 pts
Awareness - 1 pt
Observation - 1 pt
Locksmithing - 1 pt
Weapon Sharpening - 3 pts

If that won't work on magic weapons, Danger sense for 3 pts.

5000 xp to spend on Magic:

Dagger +2, Longtooth - 300
Dagger of Throwing +4 - 550 (The potential to save 150 is not worth the chance of getting only +1)
Armour of Blending +4(Leather Does this affect Thief Skills?) 500 (Blending) 2000(+4) = 2500
3350 so far
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

That's an interesting document, it looks like a compiled list from a Forgotten Realms sourcebooks and somewhat incomplete in regard to descriptions or charts. I couldnt find the duplicate right off but it did find something... took a bit of searching but i found a full description of that nwp in an old dragon Mag issue. it doesnt say anything about magic weapons. I would say you need a much finer whetstone for magical weapons, but at the group's current level it certainly won't be prohibitive (maybe 1gp for a +1 wep, 1pp for a +2, 10 pp for a +3 etc) so it's really a non-issue cost wise. However the nwp description below mentions the sharpening ability being part of weaponsmithing nwp as well (which is the same cost but int-3 not int -1). I'll allow either. By the way the chart is laid out i takke it the Alertness and Awareness nwps are from the Complete Rogue

"Weapon Sharpening:
A character with this proficiency is adept at honing a blade to its finest possible edge. This works on any type S or P weapon. The character must spend half an hour sharpening the edged weapon with a fine quality whetstone (1 sp). At the end of this time, the character must make a proficiency check. Failure means that the character hasn't done it quite right and must devote another half-hour followed by another check. Success means that the blade is at its sharpest and functions with a +1 bonus to hit and damage for the next three attacks, after which time it loses its fine edge and needs resharpening. A character with the weaponsmithing non-weapon proficiency may also sharpen weapons and is capable of achieving this same effect without having to make a proficiency check. "
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

So it looks like if you were a weapon Smith and took this you get to skip the check.

I'm kinda wondering though, with the weapons he has, is another +1 worth it.

Danger sense is so good.
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

Ok, replace the 3 points in Weapon Sharpening with 3 points in Danger Sense.

Also thinking about swapping Int and Wis with each other. maybe also dropping Observation for another rank in Danger Sense.
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

So the danger sense nwp in Complete Humanoid is normally reserved for non demihumans (like dwarves). It represents their kind of more animalistic/instinctive way of living. Now if he has some reason in his backstory that might explain that (aside from normal adventurig) we might be able to work something out
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Re: SquirrelLord (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by Nocturno »

The only thing I can think that would lend itself is the Troubleshooter kit.
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